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- -*-Text-*-
- % This file, README.AMIGA, is part of CWEB-p.
- % The CWEB programs by Silvio Levy are based on programs by D. E. Knuth.
- % Copyright (C) 1987,1990,1993 Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth
- % Copyright (C) 1991,1992,1993 Hans-Hermann Bode
- % Copyright (C) 1992 Klaus Guntermann
- % Copyright (C) 1991,1993 Carsten Steger
- % Copyright (C) 1993 Andreas Scherer
- % Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- % document provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice
- % are preserved on all copies.
- % Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- % document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
- % entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- % permission notice identical to this one.
- % Please send comments, suggestions, etc. to levy@geom.umn.edu.
- % If related to changes specific for MSDOS, however,
- % send them to Hans-Hermann Bode,
- % hhbode@@dosuni1.rz.uni-osnabrueck.de or HHBODE@@DOSUNI1.BITNET.
- % If related to changes specific for AMIGA, however,
- % send them to Andreas Scherer,
- % Abt-Wolf-Straße 17, 96215 Lichtenfels, Germany.
- This is the ANSI-C/C++ implementation of Silvio Levy's and Donald E.
- Knuth's CWEB system, compiled and provided with changefiles for ANSI C and
- Turbo C++ and a makefile for Turbo Make by Hans-Hermann Bode, including
- additional changes to improve support of ANSI-C compilers and a makefile
- for c89 by Klaus Guntermann, and including additional changes for full
- support of ANSI-C compilers and to support the SAS/C 6.0 compiler on the
- AMIGA by Andreas Scherer.
- Note that the changes for the Turbo-C++ compiler are made conditional
- (they will become effective only if the symbol __TURBOC__ is defined,
- which automatically is the case when compiled with Turbo C++), so users
- of other systems with ANSI-C compilers might be able to compile the
- sources without editing.
- Note that the changes for the AMIGA and SAS/C 6.0 compiler support are
- made conditional (they will become effective only if the symbol _AMIGA
- is defined, which automatically is the case when compiled with the SAS/C
- compiler). AMIGA patch 2.8 [p7] was recently evaluated on a HP Apollo
- workstation and absolutely no change to the AMIGA source had to be made,
- only the makefile for the C89 compiler proved to include to few dependencies.
- This directory contains the following files from the original CWEB
- distribution (`.' denotes the local directory):
- ./makefile.org makefile from the original distribution
- ./readme.org readme file from the original distribution
- ./common.h header file to be included in ctangle.w and cweave.w
- ./common.w common code for ctangle and cweave
- ./common-man.ch change file for the complete documentation
- ./common-vms.ch example change file for VAX/VMS (not incorporated)
- ./ctangle.w the tangle processor
- ./ctangle-man.ch change file for the complete documentation
- ./ctangle-vms.ch example change file for VAX/VMS (not icorporated)
- ./cweave.w the weave processor
- ./cweave-man.ch change file for the complete documentation
- ./cweave-vms.ch example change file for VAX/VMS (not incorporated)
- ./cweb.1 manual page (nroff format)
- ./cweb.el elisp file for GNU Emacs
- ./cwebmac.tex macros for formatting
- ./cwebman.tex the user manual
- ./prod.w production rules to be included in cweave.w
- ./examples directory containing examples of CWEB programming
- ./examples/extex.w - spellchecking filter for TeX and CWEB by Don Knuth
- ./examples/kspell.el - Emacs interface to extex/wordtest
- ./examples/makefile - generic makefile for CWEB applications
- ./examples/oemacs.el - Emacs interface to oemacs
- ./examples/oemacs.w - non-portable example program for OpenWindows
- ./examples/readme - readme file from the examples directory
- ./examples/treeprint.w - tree-structured directory lister by Norman Ramsey
- ./examples/wc.w - UNIX word-count utility
- ./examples/wmerge.w - WEB-like file merger by Silvio Levy
- ./examples/wordtest.w - spellchecker by Don Knuth
- ./examples/xlib_types.w - include file for XView programs
- ./examples/xview_types.w- ditto
- The following files are added in this distribution by various contributors:
- general:
- ./cweb.man manual page (ASCII format)
- ./common-p.hch change file for common.h
- ./common-p.ch change file for common.w
- ./ctangle-p.ch change file for ctangle.w
- ./cweave-p.ch change file for cweave.w
- ./prod-p.ch change file for prod.w
- ./cwebmang.ch change file for cwebman.tex
- ./macros/ccwebmac.tex beautifications for cwebmac.tex
- ./macros/gcwebmac.tex German version of cwebmac.tex
- ./common.c CTANGLEd product of common.w and common-p.ch
- ./ctangle.c CTANGLEd product of ctangle.w and ctangl-p.ch
- ./examples/commonwords.w program to count word frequencies in text files
- ./examples/extex-p.ch change file for extex.w
- ./examples/primes.w program to print the first 1000 prime numbers
- ./examples/sample.w program to produce random numbers
- ./examples/treeprint-p.ch change file for treeprint.w (doesn't work for Amiga!)
- ./examples/wc-p.ch change file for wc.w
- ./examples/wordtest-p.ch change file for wordtest.w
- ./examples/wmerge.c CTANGLEd product of wmerge.w and wmerge-p.ch
- ./examples/wmerge-p.ch change file for wmerge.w
- special for users of c89 or other ANSI C compilers by Klaus Guntermann:
- ./makefile.c89 makefile for c89
- ./readme.c89 this file for users of c89
- special for PC users by Hans-Hermann Bode:
- ./makefile.pc makefile for Turbo C++
- ./readme.pc informations for PC users
- special for AMIGA users by Andreas Scherer:
- ./readme.amiga informations for AMIGA users (this file)
- ./makefile.amiga makefile for SAS/C compiler 6.0 and up
- ./bin/ctangle executable tangle processor, Amiga version
- ./bin/cweave executable weave processor, Amiga version
- ./bin/wmerge executable WEB merge program, Amiga version
- ./examples/smakefile MAKEFILE for SAS/C compiler 6.0 and up
- ./ARexx/Start_Web.ced ARexx script to start cweave and ctangle from CED
- ./ARexx/Catalogs/cweb.cd Catalog description for German defaults
- ./ARexx/Catalogs/cweb.e.ct Catalog translation for English users
- ./ARexx/Catalogs/english/cweb.catalog Message catalog for English users
- ./ARexx/Compile.ced ARexx script to start SAS/C 6.3 from CED (V3.5+)
- The additional files with extensions .h, .w, .tex, and .c are
- reproducable from the other sources by means of an executable WMERGE,
- CTANGLE, CWEAVE, and an ANSI-C compiler.
- Before starting, you should run cwebmang.tex (needs ccwebmac.tex and
- gcwebmac.tex!) through TeX and print out the manual. If you are not
- going to use this distribution on an AMIGA, you can reclaim some disk
- space by removing all AMIGA related files. You will have to compile
- the binaries using your ANSI-C compiler.
- Make sure, that the files you got are in proper format (if you took
- them from a ZIP archive, line ends might still contain carriage return
- and linefeed characters, which may not be appropriate for your
- operating system). Make sure, that you do *not* use one of those stupid
- operating systems with only eight+three (ridiculous) significant characters
- in file names, because there are several files in this distribution with
- longer names (see the list above). You will have to rename some files,
- when you use DOS.
- How to create the binaries:
- 1. Rename the makefile.amiga to Makefile or SMakefile, for use with
- SMake. Note that makefile.org is lacking some dependencies, so you
- better start from makefile.c89 when on a Un*x system. And even this
- proved to be no good: When recompiling the AMIGA source on a HP Apollo
- workstation with C89, absolutely *no* change had to be made to the
- common.c and ctangle.c source files, but the makefile included to few
- dependencies.
- 2. If your compiler is not named SC, you have to change the CC
- definition to the proper call in the Makefile, e.g., for the ANSI-C
- version of gcc use
- CC = gcc -ansi
- Check also the other lines in Makefile so that all directory
- definitions are set properly for your local system and configuration.
- 3. Touch common.c, ctangle.c, and examples/wmerge.c to make them
- up-to-date. To make ctangle, cweave and the wmerge processor say
- `make programs'; this should produce actions similar to the following,
- possibly with harmless warning messages from the compiler (there won't
- be any if you use SAS/C 6.3!), and e.g. the options and the name of the
- compiler may be as modified in Makefile:
- sc nolink ctangle.c
- sc nolink common.c
- slink FROM $(OBJS) ctangle.o TO ctangle LIB $(LIBS)
- ./ctangle cweave cweave-p.ch
- sc code=FAR nolink cweave.c
- slink FROM $(OBJS) cweave.o TO cweave LIB $(LIBS)
- (cd examples; sc link wmerge.c)
- To get some reassurance that things are OK, you can say `make
- cautiously', which ensures that CTANGLE will reproduce itself.
- (Otherwise the source files common.w and ctangle.w won't actually
- have been used.)
- To install cweave, ctangle, wmerge, ccwebmac.tex and gcwebmac.tex,
- the manual page, an emacs macro file, and the ARexx script files,
- say `make install'. You may also decide to move the files manually
- to their proper places. See the Makefile for details, what to move,
- and for suggestions, where to move it.
- Incidentally, if you try the recompilation with another compiler, you
- may have no luck without changing the sources. In this case, it is
- necessary to do all the required changes in the .c file first, until
- you can compile ctangle.c and common.c. But it is necessary then, to
- add the same modifications to the change file (never make any changes
- to the .w files!). Finally processing ctangle.w and the extended
- change file for ctangle with the modified ctangle will create the same
- contents as the manual modifications. If such changes are needed for
- a common compiler, please notify the authors about this and send the
- extended changes.
- 4. Do not edit one of the .w files under any circumstances. Do all
- modifications in the associated .ch files, but keep in mind that
- you'll need a working ctangle processor to generate the updated .c
- files. And beware: CWEB version 3.0 needs a CTANGLE and CWEAVE with
- `longest_name==1000', so any older version with `longest_name==400' will
- fail! Furthermore, do not edit common.h, prod.w, or cwebmac.tex.
- Make your modifications to common-p.hch or prod-p.ch. To incorporate the
- changes you will need a working wmerge program. This will be prepared
- when ctangle and cweave are created. There is a tangled wmerge.c also
- in case you don't have a working ctangle processor so far. However, you
- are allowed to make changes to ccwebmac.tex and gcwebmac.tex in the
- ./macros subdirectory.
- 5. If you want a full documentation of the tangle and weave programs,
- type `make docs'. The documentation created will include the changes
- needed for the ANSI-C/C++ and the AMIGA extensions.
- 6. To delete all intermediate files created in the make processes say
- `make clean'. You will be left with the files in this distribution.
- 7. The weave and tangle processors as well as wmerge in the example
- directory now recognize a CWEBINPUTS environment variable. When an
- include file name (argument to the @i command) can not be found in the
- current directory or in the absolute path, a multi-path search is
- performed. CWEBINPUTS---if not empty---may contain a list of search
- path names, delimited by PATH_SEPARATORs. The current directory is
- represented by an empty path entry, but it is search first anyway.
- Device names must end in an DEVICE_SEPARATOR. Example for AmigaOS:
- setenv CWEBINPUTS "RAM:,CWEB:includes"
- If CWEBINPUTS is not set, some sensible defaults are searched (honest!).
- 8. The tangle and weave processors of this implementation are able to
- process traditional C, ANSI C, and C++. Note that CTANGLE always uses
- a default extension .c for its output file; this may not be appropriate
- for C++ compilers, but you can work around this by supplying a third
- argument in the command line (see cwebman).
- 9. You can define a font for comments in the C part of the modules by means
- of the \cmntfont macro. It defaults to \tenrm, i.e., ten-point roman;
- if you don't like this, say, e.g.,
- \let\cmntfont=\tenss
- to get a ten-point sans-serif comment font or whatever. This command
- should be placed in the limbo section of your sources or in your own
- version of cwebmac.tex, e.g., like in ccwebmac.tex.