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- IGNUChess
- Michael Böhnisch,
- Löher Str. 2,
- 33102 Paderborn,
- Federal Republic of Germany
- EMail: billy@uni-paderborn.de
- IGNUChess.000 - Intuition GNUChess Interface for MC68000 based Amigas
- IGNUChess.030 - Intuition GNUChess Interface for MC68020+ based Amigas
- This software is distributed under the rules of the GNU Chess General
- Public License. Please refer to the file DOCUMENTATION/COPYING for
- details.
- Machine:
- Should run on any Amiga model
- OS:
- Requires KickStart 2.04
- Non-ROM Libraries:
- diskfont.library V37
- gadtools.library V37
- asl.library V37
- Fonts:
- Times/15
- Times/18
- Courier/15
- (from original Commodore Workbench 2.04 distribution)
- Misc:
- Overscan preferences for NTSC monitor should be set to wider and
- taller area than the default ones. The GUI tries to adopt to
- your overscan settings, but due to the chess piece size at least
- 680x480 should be set (this only an estimation, I run NTSC at
- 720x482).
- IGNUChess offers an intuition driven interface to the GNUChess chess
- program, version 1.51. I know, this is an old one.
- There are a few advantages, though:
- * IGNUChess is freely distributable. (Refer to "LEGAL STUFF" section).
- * Full source (SAS/C 6.3) is included. Also the images of the chess
- pieces are provided as an IFF ILBM file (Figuren.ilbm) for free use.
- * Needs only ~200K memory (+some chip mem for the graphic) and thus runs
- on small machines (A500) without memory extension.
- * Special version optimized for 68020/30 + 68881/2 included.
- * The program runs in NTSC Interlaced mode. The graphics are designed to
- minimize noticable flicker, so this might be the first interlaced GUI
- most 1084 Monitor users like.
- Program start:
- Simply click on the icon labelled IGNUChess.000 or IGNUChess.030,
- according to your CPU.
- Select your preferred level of gameplay from the "Level" menu. Default
- is 60 moves in 30 minutes.
- Moves are entered by clicking once on the piece of choice. The square
- boundaries should start to blink. Now click on the target square. Your
- move will be executed if it was legal and GNUChess takes over it's turn.
- Menus:
- Project
- About Author information
- New game Start a new game
- Get game Load a previously saved game
- Save game Save the current game (original
- format)
- Save extended Save the current game (include
- game information)
- List game Save or print the game in a
- human readable format
- Quit Quit program
- Edit
- Edit board Change board position. Detailed
- documentation to the editor may
- follow in the next release.
- (Shouldn't be too difficult
- anyway)
- Game data Edit match data (Who played
- where and when etc.)
- Force Move Enter moves without computer
- interaction
- Game
- Undo Undo the least recent ply
- Remove Undo the two least recent plies
- (shortcut)
- Hint Ask GNUChess for a hint
- Switch sides White becomes black, and vice
- versa
- Computer white GNUChess plays the white stones
- Computer black GNUChess plays the black stones
- Computer both GNUChess plays both sides
- Reset Vars Reset all settings to their
- defaults
- Level
- 60 moves in 5 minutes Select level of game play
- :
- :
- 1 move in 60 minutes
- Properties
- Hash Use hashing to avoid double-
- calculations of positions
- Book Use opening book
- Beep Beep when moved
- Post Show information on GNUChess'
- calculation process
- Reverse Flip the board 180 degrees
- Random Introduce some random element
- into GNUChess' choice of moves
- Debug
- This menus allow to view and change internal settings of the
- GNUChess algorithm. It is of little use for the "normal" user
- and might be documented in a future release.
- Lots of. Please report any Bugs you find to my EMail address and I
- will do my best to correct them. Note, I'm not a full time programmer
- and updates make take a while.
- Same applies to features you miss.
- Also note, I'm not responsible for GNUChess bugs (e.g. the inability to
- make pawn promotions other than to queen).
- I'm very interested in comparisons to other chess programs. I you have
- access to other (commercial) chess programs why dont't you set up a
- match and EMail me the record (commented or not)?
- If you send me a nice game record, played by you or by another program
- against IGNUChess, I will include it into my next distribution.
- The Icons in the dircetory are designed to look nice with MagicWB, but
- there is no special IGNUChess icon yet.
- If you feel the ability to create a nice icon for IGNUChess, don't
- hesitate, DO IT AND SEND IT TO ME!
- I will include all icons I get into the next distribution.
- The source uses a tabulator size of 4 characters.
- Depends on YOU.
- 10.11.1993 Initial release