home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /************************************************************************/
- /* IntuiDsp.c --- Intuition Interface for GNU Chess */
- /************************************************************************/
- static const char *Version = "$VER: IGNUChess 1.51 (17.8.1993)";
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <libraries/diskfont.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/diskfont.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/gadtools.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "Global.h"
- #include "gfx.h"
- #include "Proto.h"
- #include "Interface.h"
- #include "gnuchess.h"
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Minimal library version for SAS/C auto open library feature */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int __oslibversion = 37;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* static function prototypes */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void Die(int);
- static void TerminateSearch(int);
- static void UpdateClocks(void);
- static int parse(BPTR, unsigned short *, short);
- static void GetGame(void);
- static void SaveGame(void);
- static void ListGame(void);
- static void Undo(void);
- static void ChangeAlphaWindow(void);
- static void ChangeBetaWindow(void);
- static void GiveHint(void);
- static void ChangeSearchDepth(void);
- static void SetContempt(void);
- static void ChangeXwindow(void);
- static void DoDebug(void);
- static void ShowPostnValues(void);
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- unsigned int tmbuf1[2],
- tmbuf2[2];
- long time1,
- time2;
- struct Screen *s;
- struct ViewPort *vp;
- APTR vi;
- struct Window *w;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- struct FileRequester *freq;
- struct Remember *rk;
- static ULONG NewLook[] = { ~0 };
- static struct ColorSpec ColorSpec[] = {
- { COLOR_BCK , 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x08 },
- { COLOR_RAHMEN , 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
- { COLOR_WFIG , 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F },
- { COLOR_REQBAR , 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0A },
- { COLOR_EMPTY , 0x0C, 0x0B, 0x08 },
- { COLOR_SFIG , 0x06, 0x05, 0x02 },
- { COLOR_WFELD , 0x0A, 0x08, 0x01 },
- { COLOR_SFELD , 0x0E, 0x0D, 0x0A },
- { COLOR_MENUBCK, 0x00, 0x05, 0x08 },
- { COLOR_BLOCK , 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0B },
- { COLOR_TXTBCK , 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x0C },
- { COLOR_TXTFGR , 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
- { COLOR_REQBCK , 0x08, 0x08, 0x01 },
- { COLOR_MARK , 0x0C, 0x04, 0x00 },
- { COLOR_FMARK , 0x0C, 0x04, 0x00 },
- { -1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
- };
- static struct TextFont *TF_Times15,
- *TF_Times18,
- *TF_Courier15;
- struct TextAttr TA_Times15 = { "times.font" , 15, FS_NORMAL, FONTFLAGS },
- TA_Times18 = { "times.font" , 18, FS_NORMAL, FONTFLAGS },
- TA_Courier15 = { "courier.font", 15, FSF_BOLD , FONTFLAGS };
- // Graphic-offsets for texts
- int off_comp_left, // "Computer"
- off_comp_right,
- off_human_left, // "Human"
- off_human_right, // *** smile ***
- off_clock_left, // clocks
- off_clock_right,
- off_algbr_left, // notation
- off_algbr_right;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Fit texts into text boxes, parameter `where` is for placement into */
- /* left or right column */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define LEFT 0
- #define RIGHT 1
- static int CalcTextFit(char *s, int where)
- {
- ULONG enable;
- SetFont(rp, TF_Courier15);
- enable = AskSoftStyle(rp);
- SetSoftStyle(rp, FSF_BOLD, enable);
- if ( where == LEFT )
- return ( NX2 - NX1 ) / 4 - TextLength(rp, s, strlen(s)) / 2;
- else
- return ( 3 * ( NX2 - NX1 ) ) / 4 - TextLength(rp, s, strlen(s)) / 2;
- }
- static void Fit_All_Text(void)
- {
- off_comp_left = CalcTextFit("Computer" , LEFT );
- off_comp_right = CalcTextFit("Computer" , RIGHT);
- off_human_left = CalcTextFit(" Human ", LEFT );
- off_human_right = CalcTextFit(" Human ", RIGHT);
- off_clock_left = CalcTextFit("000:00:00", LEFT );
- off_clock_right = CalcTextFit("000:00:00", RIGHT);
- off_algbr_left = CalcTextFit("a1h8" , LEFT );
- off_algbr_right = CalcTextFit("a1h8" , RIGHT);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Print text string s at coordinates (x, y) */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void MyText(char *s, int x, int y)
- {
- ULONG enable;
- SetAPen(rp, COLOR_TXTFGR);
- SetBPen(rp, COLOR_TXTBCK);
- SetDrMd(rp, JAM2);
- SetFont(rp, TF_Courier15);
- enable = AskSoftStyle(rp);
- SetSoftStyle(rp, FSF_BOLD, enable);
- Move(rp, x, y);
- Text(rp, s, strlen(s));
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Reset game variables to their default values */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #ifndef true
- # define true 1
- #endif
- #ifndef false
- # define false 0
- #endif
- static void ResetVars(void)
- {
- beep =
- hashflag = true;
- reverse =
- bothsides =
- post = false;
- Awindow =
- Bwindow =
- xwndw = 90;
- MaxSearchDepth = 29;
- opponent = white;
- computer = black;
- ResetGfx();
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This is called once at program start to initialize graphics */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void Initialize(void)
- {
- int x, y;
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Open Fonts */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- if ( ! (TF_Times15 = OpenDiskFont(&TA_Times15 )) ) ExitChess();
- if ( ! (TF_Times18 = OpenDiskFont(&TA_Times18 )) ) ExitChess();
- if ( ! (TF_Courier15 = OpenDiskFont(&TA_Courier15)) ) ExitChess();
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Open custom screen, assign ViewPort and VisualInfo vars */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- s = OpenScreenTags(
- SA_Depth, 4,
- SA_Colors, ColorSpec,
- SA_Font, &TA_Courier15,
- SA_Title, "Intuition GNU Chess interface",
- SA_Overscan, OSCAN_TEXT,
- SA_Pens, NewLook,
- SA_FullPalette, TRUE,
- );
- if ( ! s ) ExitChess();
- vp = &(s->ViewPort);
- vi = GetVisualInfo(s, TAG_DONE);
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Open main window */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- w = OpenWindowTags(
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_Top, 0,
- WA_CustomScreen, s,
- WA_AutoAdjust, TRUE,
- );
- if ( ! w ) ExitChess();
- rp = w->RPort;
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Allocate ASL file requester */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- freq = (struct FileRequester *) AllocAslRequestTags(
- ASL_FileRequest,
- ASLFR_Window, w,
- ASLFR_InitialLeftEdge, 0,
- ASLFR_InitialTopEdge, 24,
- ASLFR_InitialWidth, 421,
- ASLFR_InitialHeight, 421,
- ASLFR_SleepWindow, TRUE,
- ASLFR_TextAttr, &TA_Courier15,
- ASLFR_RejectIcons, TRUE,
- );
- if ( ! freq ) ExitChess();
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Create and install menus */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- Menu = CreateMenus(
- NM,
- GTMN_FullMenu, TRUE,
- );
- if ( ! Menu ) ExitChess();
- if ( ! LayoutMenus(Menu, vi, GTMN_TextAttr, &TA_Courier15, TAG_DONE ) )
- ExitChess();
- if ( ! SetMenuStrip(w, Menu) ) ExitChess();
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Initialize Gadgets */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- InitGads();
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Render basic graphics */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- SetRast(rp, COLOR_BCK);
- DrawBevelBox(
- rp,
- NX1 - 2, NY1 - 2,
- NX2 - NX1 + 5, NY2 - NY1 + 5,
- GT_VisualInfo, vi,
- );
- DrawBevelBox(
- rp,
- NX1 - 1, NY1 - 1,
- NX2 - NX1 + 3, NY2 - NY1 + 3,
- GT_VisualInfo, vi,
- );
- DrawBevelBox(
- rp,
- TX1 - 2, TY1 - 2,
- TX2 - TX1 + 5, TY2 - TY1 + 5,
- GT_VisualInfo, vi,
- );
- DrawBevelBox(
- rp,
- TX1 - 1, TY1 - 1,
- TX2 - TX1 + 3, TY2 - TY1 + 3,
- GT_VisualInfo, vi,
- );
- SetAPen(rp, COLOR_TXTBCK);
- RectFill(rp, NX1, NY1, NX2, NY2);
- RectFill(rp, TX1, TY1, TX2, TY2);
- SetAPen(rp, COLOR_RAHMEN);
- for ( y = -1; y <= 7; y++ ) {
- Move(rp, XPOS(0)-2, YPOS(y)-1);
- Draw(rp, XPOS(8)-1, YPOS(y)-1);
- Move(rp, XPOS(0)-2, YPOS(y)-2);
- Draw(rp, XPOS(8)-1, YPOS(y)-2);
- }
- for ( x = 0; x <= 8; x++ ) {
- Move(rp, XPOS(x)-2, YPOS(-1)-1);
- Draw(rp, XPOS(x)-2, YPOS( 7)-1);
- Move(rp, XPOS(x)-1, YPOS(-1)-1);
- Draw(rp, XPOS(x)-1, YPOS( 7)-1);
- }
- Fit_All_Text();
- ResetVars();
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Clean up, de-allocate everything opened at runtime, exit gracefully */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void ExitChess(void)
- {
- if ( w ) { ClearMenuStrip(w); CloseWindow(w); }
- if ( Menu ) FreeMenus(Menu);
- FreeGads();
- if ( vi ) FreeVisualInfo(vi);
- if ( s ) CloseScreen(s);
- if ( freq ) FreeAslRequest((APTR) freq);
- if ( TF_Courier15 ) CloseFont(TF_Courier15);
- if ( TF_Times15 ) CloseFont(TF_Times15);
- if ( TF_Times18 ) CloseFont(TF_Times18);
- if ( rk ) FreeRemember(&rk, TRUE);
- exit(0);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This function is called every time the user is prompted for a move. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void InputCommand(void)
- {
- short ok,
- i;
- long cnt,
- rate,
- t1,
- t2;
- unsigned short mv;
- char s[5] = "a1a1",
- line[40];
- struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- int selected = FALSE,
- toggle = TRUE,
- sq1 = 0,
- sq2,
- mustredraw = FALSE;
- ok =
- quit = false;
- player = opponent;
- ft = 0;
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Main input event selector loop */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
- while ( ! ( ok || quit ) ) {
- WaitPort(IDCMPORT);
- msg = GT_GetIMsg(IDCMPORT);
- switch ( CLASS(msg) ) {
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Refresh window event, required for GadTools */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- GT_BeginRefresh(w);
- GT_EndRefresh(w, TRUE);
- break;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Intuiticks, used for blinking selected square */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- if ( selected ) {
- if ( toggle )
- SetRGB4(
- vp,
- ColorSpec[COLOR_RAHMEN].Red,
- ColorSpec[COLOR_RAHMEN].Green,
- ColorSpec[COLOR_RAHMEN].Blue
- );
- else
- SetRGB4(
- vp,
- ColorSpec[COLOR_FMARK].Red,
- ColorSpec[COLOR_FMARK].Green,
- ColorSpec[COLOR_FMARK].Blue
- );
- toggle = ! toggle;
- }
- chkabort();
- break;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Mousebuttons, select start and end square for moves */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- if ( mustredraw ) {
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- mustredraw = FALSE;
- }
- if ( ! selected ) {
- if ( ( CODE(msg) & IECODE_UP_PREFIX ) && MFeld(msg, &sq1) ) {
- if ( color[sq1] == opponent ) {
- selected = TRUE;
- MarkField(sq1);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( ( CODE(msg) & IECODE_UP_PREFIX ) && MFeld(msg, &sq2) ) {
- if ( color[sq2] != opponent ) {
- s[0] = 'a' + (sq1 & 7);
- s[1] = '1' + (sq1 / 8);
- s[2] = 'a' + (sq2 & 7);
- s[3] = '1' + (sq2 / 8);
- player = opponent;
- ok = VerifyMove(s, 0, &mv);
- if ( ok && mv != hint )
- Sdepth =
- ft = 0;
- UnMarkField(sq1);
- selected = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Gadget selection, currently none defined */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- break;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Menu selection */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
- if ( mustredraw ) {
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- mustredraw = FALSE;
- }
- if ( selected ) {
- UnMarkField(sq1);
- selected = FALSE;
- }
- switch( CODE(msg) ) {
- About();
- break;
- NewGame();
- break;
- GetGame();
- break;
- SaveGame();
- break;
- SaveGame();
- break;
- ListGame();
- break;
- quit = true;
- break;
- EditBoard();
- break;
- PartieData();
- break;
- case EDIT_FORCE:
- force = ! force;
- break;
- case GAME_UNDO:
- if ( GameCnt >= 0 )
- Undo();
- break;
- if ( GameCnt >= 1 ) {
- Undo();
- Undo();
- }
- break;
- case GAME_HINT:
- GiveHint();
- break;
- computer = otherside[computer];
- opponent = otherside[opponent];
- force = false;
- Sdepth = 0;
- ok = true;
- break;
- computer = white;
- opponent = black;
- ok = true;
- force = false;
- Sdepth = 0;
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- computer = black;
- opponent = white;
- ok = true;
- force = false;
- Sdepth = 0;
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- bothsides = !bothsides;
- Sdepth = 0;
- SelectMove(opponent, 1);
- ok = true;
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- ResetVars();
- break;
- case LEVEL_60_IN_005:
- TCmoves = 60;
- TCminutes = 5;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_60_IN_015:
- TCmoves = 60;
- TCminutes = 15;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_60_IN_030:
- TCmoves = 60;
- TCminutes = 30;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_40_IN_030:
- TCmoves = 40;
- TCminutes = 30;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_40_IN_060:
- TCmoves = 40;
- TCminutes = 60;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_40_IN_120:
- TCmoves = 40;
- TCminutes = 120;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_40_IN_240:
- TCmoves = 40;
- TCminutes = 240;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_01_IN_015:
- TCmoves = 1;
- TCminutes = 15;
- TCflag = false;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_01_IN_060:
- TCmoves = 1;
- TCminutes = 60;
- TCflag = false;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- case LEVEL_01_IN_600:
- TCmoves = 1;
- TCminutes = 600;
- TCflag = false;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- hashflag = ! hashflag;
- break;
- Book = NULL;
- break;
- beep = ! beep;
- break;
- post = ! post;
- break;
- reverse = ! reverse;
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- break;
- dither = 6;
- break;
- ChangeAlphaWindow();
- break;
- ChangeBetaWindow();
- break;
- ChangeSearchDepth();
- break;
- SetContempt();
- break;
- ChangeXwindow();
- break;
- case DEBUG_TEST:
- t1 = time(0);
- cnt = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ ) {
- MoveList(opponent, 2);
- cnt += TrPnt[3] - TrPnt[2];
- }
- t2 = time(0);
- rate = cnt / (t2-t1);
- sprintf(line, "cnt = %ld rate = %ld", cnt, rate);
- ShowMessage(line);
- break;
- ShowPostnValues();
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- break;
- DoDebug();
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- GT_ReplyIMsg(msg);
- }
- ClearMessage();
- ElapsedTime(1);
- if ( force ) {
- computer = opponent;
- opponent = otherside[computer];
- }
- timer(tmbuf1);
- time1 = 60 * tmbuf1[0] + tmbuf1[1] / 16667;
- signal(SIGINT, TerminateSearch);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This is called if two successive breaks (CTRL-C) are sent */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void Die(int dummy)
- {
- static struct EasyStruct es = {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "Please select",
- "Abort?",
- "Yes|No"
- };
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- if ( EasyRequestArgs(w, &es, NULL, NULL) == 1 ) ExitChess();
- signal(SIGINT, Die);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This is called if a break (CTRL-C) is sent while GNUChess thinks */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void TerminateSearch(int dummy)
- {
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- timeout = true;
- bothsides = false;
- signal(SIGINT, Die);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Display current search depth */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void ShowDepth(char ch)
- {
- char buf[40];
- sprintf(buf, "Depth = %2ld%lc", Sdepth, ch);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 6, NY1 + 13);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Display evaluated position score and best line found */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void ShowResults(short score, unsigned short *bstline, char ch)
- {
- short ply;
- char buf[40];
- int x, y;
- if ( post && player == computer ) {
- sprintf(buf, "Score = %5ld", score);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 125, NY1 + 13);
- SetAPen(rp, COLOR_TXTBCK);
- RectFill(rp,
- NX1 + 6, NY1 + 20,
- NX1 + 231, NY1 + 100
- );
- for ( ply = 0; bstline[ply+1] > 0; ply++ ) {
- x = NX1 + 45 * ( ply % 5 ) + 6;
- y = NY1 + 17 * ( ply / 5 ) + 33;
- algbr(bstline[ply+1] >> 8, bstline[ply+1] & 0xFF, false);
- MyText(mvstr1, x, y);
- }
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This is called every time GNUChess calculation is started */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void SearchStartStuff(short side)
- {
- signal(SIGINT, TerminateSearch);
- if ( player == computer ) {
- SetAPen(rp, COLOR_TXTBCK);
- RectFill(rp, NX1, NY1, NX2, NY2);
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Display move GNUChess did */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void OutputMove(void)
- {
- char buf[40];
- if ( root->flags & epmask )
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- else
- UpdateDisplay(root->f, root->t, 0, root->flags & cstlmask);
- strcpy(buf, "My move is: ");
- strcat(buf, mvstr1);
- MyText(" ", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 27);
- MyText(buf, TX1 + 6, TY2 - 27);
- if ( beep ) DisplayBeep(NULL);
- if ( root->flags & draw ) MyText("Draw game! ", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 26);
- else if ( root->score == -9999 ) MyText("opponent mates! ", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 26);
- else if ( root->score == 9998 ) MyText("computer mates! ", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 26);
- else if ( root->score < -9000 ) MyText("opponent will soon mate!", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 26);
- else if ( root->score > 9000 ) MyText("computer will soon mate!", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 26);
- if ( post ) {
- sprintf(buf, "Nodes = %8ld", NodeCnt);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 6, NY1 + 132);
- sprintf(buf, "Nodes/Sec = %8ld", evrate);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 6, NY1 + 144);
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Determine the time that has passed since the search was started. If */
- /* the elapsed time exceeds the target (ResponseTime+ExtraTime) then */
- /* set timeout to true which will terminate the search. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void ElapsedTime(short iop)
- {
- et = time(NULL) - time0;
- if ( et < 0 )
- et = 0;
- ETnodes += 50;
- if ( et > et0 || iop == 1 ) {
- if ( et > ResponseTime + ExtraTime && Sdepth > 1 )
- timeout = true;
- et0 = et;
- if ( iop == 1 ) {
- time0 = time(NULL);
- et0 = 0;
- }
- timer(tmbuf2);
- time2 = 60 * tmbuf2[0] + tmbuf1[1] / 16667;
- cputimer = 100 * (time2 - time1) / HZ;
- evrate = ( cputimer > 0 ) ? (100 * NodeCnt) / (cputimer + 100 * ft) : 0;
- ETnodes = NodeCnt + 50;
- UpdateClocks();
- }
- }
- static void UpdateClocks(void)
- {
- int m, s;
- char buf[40];
- chkabort();
- m = et / 60;
- s = et % 60;
- if ( TCflag ) {
- m = (TimeControl.clock[player] - et) / 60;
- s = (TimeControl.clock[player] - et) % 60;
- }
- if ( m < 0 )
- m = 0;
- if ( s < 0 )
- s = 0;
- sprintf(buf, "%03ld:%02ld:%02ld", m / 60, m % 60, s);
- if ( player == white )
- MyText(buf, TX1 + off_clock_left , TY1 + 30);
- else
- MyText(buf, TX1 + off_clock_right, TY1 + 30);
- if ( post ) {
- sprintf(buf, "Nodes = %8ld", NodeCnt);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 6, NY1 + 132);
- sprintf(buf, "Nodes/Sec = %8ld", evrate);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 6, NY1 + 144);
- }
- }
- void SetTimeControl(void)
- {
- if ( TCflag ) {
- TimeControl.moves[white] =
- TimeControl.moves[black] = TCmoves;
- TimeControl.clock[white] =
- TimeControl.clock[black] = 60 * TCminutes;
- }
- else {
- TimeControl.moves[white] =
- TimeControl.moves[black] =
- TimeControl.clock[white] =
- TimeControl.clock[black] = 0;
- Level = 60 * TCminutes;
- }
- et = 0;
- ElapsedTime(1);
- }
- void DrawPiece(short sq)
- {
- int piece;
- piece = ( color[sq] == black ) ? qxx[board[sq]] : pxx[board[sq]];
- if ( reverse )
- DrawFeld(piece, 7 - column[sq], 7 - row[sq]);
- else
- DrawFeld(piece, column[sq], row[sq]);
- }
- void UpdateDisplay(short f, short t, short flag, short iscastle)
- {
- short l;
- if ( flag ) {
- ResetGfx();
- if ( bothsides ) {
- MyText("Computer" , TX1 + off_comp_left , TY1 + 13);
- MyText("Computer" , TX1 + off_comp_right , TY1 + 13);
- }
- else
- if ( computer == white ) {
- MyText("Computer" , TX1 + off_comp_left , TY1 + 13);
- MyText(" Human ", TX1 + off_human_right, TY1 + 13);
- }
- else {
- MyText(" Human ", TX1 + off_human_left , TY1 + 13);
- MyText("Computer" , TX1 + off_comp_right , TY1 + 13);
- }
- for (l = 0; l < 64; l++)
- DrawPiece(l);
- }
- else {
- DrawPiece(f);
- DrawPiece(t);
- if ( iscastle )
- if (t > f) {
- DrawPiece(f+3);
- DrawPiece(t-1);
- }
- else {
- DrawPiece(f-4);
- DrawPiece(t+1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Read in the Opening Book file and parse the algebraic notation for a */
- /* move into an unsigned integer format indicating the from and to */
- /* square. Create a linked list of opening lines of play, with */
- /* entry->next pointing to the next line and entry->move pointing to a */
- /* chunk of memory containing the moves. More Opening lines of up to */
- /* 256 half moves may be added to gnuchess.book. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void GetOpenings(void)
- {
- BPTR fd;
- int c, i, j, side;
- struct BookEntry *entry;
- unsigned short mv, *mp, tmp[100];
- if ( fd = Open("gnuchess.book", MODE_OLDFILE) ) {
- Book = NULL;
- i = 0;
- side = white;
- while ( (c = parse(fd, &mv, side)) >= 0 )
- if ( c == 1 ) {
- tmp[++i] = mv;
- side = otherside[side];
- }
- else
- if ( c == 0 && i > 0 ) {
- entry = (struct BookEntry *)
- AllocRemember(&rk, sizeof(struct BookEntry), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- mp = (unsigned short *)
- AllocRemember(&rk, (i+1) * sizeof(unsigned short), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- entry->mv = mp;
- entry->next = Book;
- Book = entry;
- for ( j = 1; j <= i; j++ )
- *(mp++) = tmp[j];
- *mp =
- i = 0;
- side = white;
- }
- Close(fd);
- }
- }
- static int parse(BPTR fd, unsigned short *mv, short side)
- {
- int c, i, r1, r2, c1, c2;
- char s[100];
- while ( ( c = FGetC(fd) ) == ' ' ) { ; }
- i = 0;
- s[0] = c;
- while ( c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != EOF )
- s[++i] =
- c = FGetC(fd);
- s[++i] = '\0';
- if ( c == EOF )
- return -1;
- if ( s[0] == '!' || i < 3 ) {
- while ( c != '\n' && c != EOF )
- c = FGetC(fd);
- return 0;
- }
- if ( s[4] == 'o' )
- *mv = ( side == black ) ? 0x3C3A : 0x0402;
- else
- if ( s[0] == 'o' )
- *mv = ( side == black ) ? 0x3C3E : 0x0406;
- else {
- c1 = s[0] - 'a';
- r1 = s[1] - '1';
- c2 = s[2] - 'a';
- r2 = s[3] - '1';
- *mv = ( locn[r1][c1] << 8 ) + locn[r2][c2];
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static void GetGame(void)
- {
- FILE *fd;
- char fname[FMSIZE];
- int c;
- BOOL success;
- short sq;
- unsigned short m;
- success = AslRequestTags(
- freq,
- ASLFR_TitleText, "Load Game File",
- ASLFR_InitialFile, "chess.000",
- );
- if ( success ) {
- strmfp(fname, freq->rf_Dir, freq->rf_File);
- if ( fd = fopen(fname, "r") ) {
- fscanf(
- fd,
- "%hd%hd%hd" "%hd%hd%hd%hd" "%hd%hd" "%ld%ld%hd%hd",
- &computer,
- &opponent,
- &Game50,
- &castld[white],
- &castld[black],
- &kingmoved[white],
- &kingmoved[black],
- &TCflag,
- &OperatorTime,
- &TimeControl.clock[white],
- &TimeControl.clock[black],
- &TimeControl.moves[white],
- &TimeControl.moves[black]
- );
- for ( sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++ ) {
- fscanf(fd, "%hd", &m);
- board[sq] = (m >> 8);
- color[sq] = (m & 0xFF);
- if ( color[sq] == 0 )
- color[sq] = neutral;
- else
- --color[sq];
- }
- GameCnt = -1;
- c = '?';
- while ( c != EOF ) {
- ++GameCnt;
- c = fscanf(fd, "%hd%hd%hd%ld%hd%hd%hd",
- &GameList[GameCnt].gmove,
- &GameList[GameCnt].score,
- &GameList[GameCnt].depth,
- &GameList[GameCnt].nodes,
- &GameList[GameCnt].time,
- &GameList[GameCnt].piece,
- &GameList[GameCnt].color
- );
- if ( GameList[GameCnt].color == 0 )
- GameList[GameCnt].color = neutral;
- else
- --GameList[GameCnt].color;
- }
- GameCnt--;
- if ( TimeControl.clock[white] > 0 )
- TCflag = true;
- computer--;
- opponent--;
- }
- fclose(fd);
- InitializeStats();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- Sdepth = 0;
- }
- }
- static void SaveGame(void)
- {
- BPTR fd;
- char fname[FMSIZE];
- short sq, i, c;
- BOOL success;
- success = AslRequestTags(
- freq,
- ASLFR_TitleText, "Save Game File",
- ASLFR_InitialFile, "chess.000",
- ASLFR_DoSaveMode, TRUE,
- );
- if ( success ) {
- strmfp(fname, freq->rf_Dir, freq->rf_File);
- if ( fd = Open(fname, MODE_NEWFILE) ) {
- fprintf(
- (FILE *) fd,
- "%ld %ld %ld\n" "%ld %ld %ld %ld\n" "%ld %ld\n" "%ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
- computer+1,
- opponent+1,
- Game50,
- castld[white],
- castld[black],
- kingmoved[white],
- kingmoved[black],
- TCflag,
- OperatorTime,
- TimeControl.clock[white],
- TimeControl.clock[black],
- TimeControl.moves[white],
- TimeControl.moves[black]
- );
- for ( sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++ ) {
- c = (color[sq] == neutral) ? 0 : color[sq]+1;
- fprintf((FILE *) fd,"%ld\n",256*board[sq] + c);
- }
- for ( i = 0; i <= GameCnt; i++ ) {
- c = (GameList[i].color == neutral) ? 0 : GameList[i].color + 1;
- fprintf(
- (FILE *) fd,
- "%ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
- GameList[i].gmove,
- GameList[i].score,
- GameList[i].depth,
- GameList[i].nodes,
- GameList[i].time,
- GameList[i].piece,
- c
- );
- }
- Close(fd);
- }
- }
- }
- static void ListGame(void)
- {
- BPTR fd;
- short i, f, t;
- BOOL success;
- char name[FMSIZE];
- success = AslRequestTags(
- freq,
- ASLFR_TitleText, "List Game",
- ASLFR_InitialFile, "chess.lst",
- ASLFR_DoSaveMode, TRUE,
- );
- if ( success ) {
- strmfp(name, freq->rf_Dir, freq->rf_File);
- if ( fd = Open(name, MODE_NEWFILE) ) {
- fprintf(
- (FILE *) fd,
- "\n"
- " score depth nodes time "
- " score depth nodes time\n"
- );
- for ( i = 0; i <= GameCnt; i++ ) {
- f = GameList[i].gmove >> 8;
- t = (GameList[i].gmove & 0xFF);
- algbr(f, t, false);
- fprintf(
- (FILE *) fd,
- (i % 2) ? " " : "\n"
- );
- fprintf(
- (FILE *) fd,
- "%5s %5ld %2ld %6ld %5ld",
- mvstr1,
- GameList[i].score,
- GameList[i].depth,
- GameList[i].nodes,
- GameList[i].time
- );
- }
- fprintf(
- (FILE *) fd,
- "\n\n"
- );
- Close(fd);
- }
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Undo the most recent half-move. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void Undo(void)
- {
- short f, t;
- f = GameList[GameCnt].gmove >> 8;
- t = GameList[GameCnt].gmove & 0xFF;
- if ( board[t] == king && distance(t, f) > 1 )
- castle(GameList[GameCnt].color, f, t, 2);
- else {
- board[f] = board[t];
- color[f] = color[t];
- board[t] = GameList[GameCnt].piece;
- color[t] = GameList[GameCnt].color;
- if ( board[f] == king )
- --kingmoved[color[f]];
- }
- if ( TCflag )
- ++TimeControl.moves[color[f]];
- GameCnt--;
- mate = false;
- Sdepth = 0;
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- InitializeStats();
- }
- void ShowMessage(char *s)
- {
- ClearMessage();
- MyText(s, TX1 + 6, TY2 - 10);
- }
- void ClearMessage(void)
- {
- MyText(" ", TX1 + 6, TY2 - 10);
- }
- void ClrScreen(void)
- {
- ClearMessage();
- }
- void ShowCurrentMove(short pnt, short f, short t)
- {
- char buf[40];
- algbr(f, t, false);
- sprintf(buf, "(%2ld) %4s", pnt, mvstr1);
- MyText(buf, NX1 + 6, NY1 + 114);
- }
- void ShowSidetomove(void)
- {
- }
- static void ChangeAlphaWindow(void)
- {
- Awindow = NumberRequest("Alpha window size:", Awindow);
- }
- static void ChangeBetaWindow(void)
- {
- Bwindow = NumberRequest("Beta window size:", Bwindow);
- }
- static void GiveHint(void)
- {
- char s[40];
- algbr((short) (hint >> 8), (short) (hint & 0xFF), false);
- strcpy(s, "try ");
- strcat(s, mvstr1);
- ShowMessage(s);
- }
- static void ChangeSearchDepth(void)
- {
- MaxSearchDepth = NumberRequest("Search depth:", MaxSearchDepth);
- }
- static void SetContempt(void)
- {
- contempt = NumberRequest("Contempt value:", contempt);
- }
- static void ChangeXwindow(void)
- {
- xwndw = NumberRequest("X window size:", xwndw);
- }
- void SelectLevel(void)
- {
- OperatorTime = 0;
- TCmoves = 60;
- TCminutes = 30;
- TCflag = true;
- SetTimeControl();
- UpdateDisplay(0, 0, 1, 0);
- }
- static void ShowPostnValues(void)
- {
- short i, r, c;
- char line[40];
- ExaminePosition();
- for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) {
- if ( reverse ) {
- r = 7-row[i];
- c = 7-column[i];
- }
- else {
- r = row[i];
- c = column[i];
- }
- c1 = color[i];
- c2 = otherside[c1];
- PC1 = PawnCnt[c1];
- PC2 = PawnCnt[c2];
- atk1 = atak[c1];
- atk2 = atak[c2];
- if ( color[i] != neutral ) {
- sprintf(line, "%3ld", SqValue(i,opponent));
- MyText(line, XPOS(c)+FELDBREITE/2-15, YPOS(r)+FELDHOEHE/2+10);
- }
- }
- ScorePosition(opponent, &i);
- sprintf(line, "Score = %ld", i);
- ShowMessage(line);
- }
- static void DoDebug(void)
- {
- short k, p, i, r, c, tp, tc;
- char s[40];
- ExaminePosition();
- strcpy(s, StringRequest("Enter piece:", ""));
- k = (s[0] == 'w') ? white : black;
- switch ( s[1] ) {
- case 'p':
- p = pawn;
- break;
- case 'n':
- p = knight;
- break;
- case 'b':
- p = bishop;
- break;
- case 'r':
- p = rook;
- break;
- case 'q':
- p = queen;
- break;
- case 'k':
- p = king;
- break;
- default:
- p = no_piece;
- break;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) {
- if ( reverse ) {
- r = 7-row[i];
- c = 7-column[i];
- }
- else {
- r = row[i];
- c = column[i];
- }
- tp = board[i];
- tc = color[i];
- board[i] = p;
- color[i] = k;
- c1 = k;
- c2 = otherside[c1];
- PC1 = PawnCnt[c1];
- PC2 = PawnCnt[c2];
- atk1 = atak[c1];
- atk2 = atak[c2];
- sprintf(s, "%3ld", SqValue(i,opponent));
- MyText(s, XPOS(c)+FELDBREITE/2-15, YPOS(r)+FELDHOEHE/2+10);
- board[i] = tp;
- color[i] = tc;
- }
- ScorePosition(opponent, &i);
- sprintf(s, "Score = %ld", i);
- ShowMessage(s);
- }