home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- .k ""
- FailAt 20
- set bcol0 "*E[40m"
- set bcol2 "*E[42m"
- set bold "*E[1m"
- set nbold "*E[22m"
- set font1 "Card"
- set font1t "$bold$font1.font$nbold"
- Echo "*n $bcol2 Fonts Installation Script $bcol0*n"
- if not exists FONTS:$font1.font
- echo "$Font1t ..." NOLINE
- copy fonts/$Font1#? FONTS: ALL QUIET
- echo "Done*n"
- else
- echo "$Font1t already exists in FONTS:*n"
- endif
- Echo "Installation complete.*n"
- unset font1
- unset bcol0
- unset bcol2
- Echo "*E[3mClick the close gadget to continue! *E[23m*n"
- Wait 2
- EndCLI >NIL: