home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * search.c - C source for GNU CHESS
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 John Stanback Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software
- * Foundation
- *
- * This file is part of GNU CHESS.
- *
- * GNU Chess is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- * Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- * version.
- *
- * GNU Chess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * GNU Chess; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "gnuchess.h"
- short background = 0;
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- static short int DepthBeyond;
- unsigned short int PrVar[MAXDEPTH];
- extern short int ISZERO;
- extern char mvstr[4][6];
- extern short int recycle;
- extern int trying_again;
- #ifdef NULLMOVE
- short int null; /* Null-move already made or not */
- short int PVari; /* Is this the PV */
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG40
- extern int whichway;
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- unsigned short DBLINE[MAXDEPTH];
- struct leaf *dbptr;
- #endif
- short int zwndw;
- #include "ataks3.h"
- #define __USE_SYSBASE
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- extern int global_tmp_score;
- extern int previous_score;
- int Sdepth2=0;
- extern int MoveNowOK;
- extern int procpri;
- extern struct Process *myproc;
- int Castled[2]={0,0};
- int myEnPassant[2]={0,0};
- inline short int repetition (void);
- #include "debug41.h"
- /* ............ MOVE GENERATION & SEARCH ROUTINES .............. */
- inline
- short int
- repetition ()
- /* Check for draw by threefold repetition. */
- {
- register short i, c,cnt;
- register unsigned short m;
- short b[64];
- cnt = c = 0;
- /* try to avoid work */
- if (GameCnt > Game50 + 2)
- {
- #if defined(NOMEMSET) || defined(MSDOS)
- for (i = 0; i < 64; b[i++] = 0);
- #else
- memset ((char *) b, 0, (unsigned long)sizeof (b));
- #endif /* NOMEMSET */
- for (i = GameCnt; i >= Game50; i--)
- {
- m = GameList[i].gmove;
- /* does piece exist on diff board? */
- if (b[m & 0xff])
- {
- /* does diffs cancel out, piece back? */
- if ((b[m >> 8] += b[m & 0xff]) == 0)
- --c;
- b[m & 0xff] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* create diff */
- ++c;
- /* does diff cancel out another diff? */
- if (!(b[m >> 8] -= (b[m & 0xff] = board[m & 0xff] +
- (color[m & 0xff] << 8))))
- --c;;
- }
- /* if diff count is 0 we have a repetition */
- if (c == 0)
- if ((i ^ GameCnt) & 1)
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- return cnt;
- }
- int plyscore, globalscore;
- int
- pick (short int p1, short int p2)
- /*
- * Find the best move in the tree between indexes p1 and p2. Swap the best
- * move into the p1 element.
- *
- */
- {
- register struct leaf *p, *q, *r, *k;
- register s0;
- struct leaf temp;
- k = p = &Tree[p1];
- q = &Tree[p2];
- s0 = p->score;
- for (r = p + 1; r <= q; r++)
- if ((r->score) > s0)
- {
- s0 = (r->score);
- p = r;
- }
- if (p != k)
- {
- temp = *p;
- *p = *k;
- *k = temp;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- unsigned short trace[MAXDEPTH];
- char traceline[256];
- unsigned short tracelog[MAXDEPTH];
- int tracen = 0;
- int traceflag = 0;
- int traceply = 0;
- #endif
- int bookflag = false;
- static int TCcount, TCleft;
- void
- SelectMove (short int side, short int iop)
- /*
- * Select a move by calling function search() at progressively deeper ply
- * until time is up or a mate or draw is reached. An alpha-beta window of
- * -Awindow to +Bwindow points is set around the score returned from the
- * previous iteration. If Sdepth != 0 then the program has correctly
- * predicted the opponents move and the search will start at a depth of
- * Sdepth+1 rather than a depth of 1.
- */
- {
- static short int i, tempb, tempc, tempsf, tempst, xside, rpt;
- static short int alpha, beta, score;
- static struct GameRec *g;
- int Jscore = 0;
- int earlyflag;
- char mystr[16];
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(debuglevel & (512|1024)){
- char b[32];
- short c1,c2,r1,r2;
- tracen=0;
- traceflag = false;
- traceply = 0;
- tracelog[0]=0;
- while(true){
- printf("debug?");
- gets(b);
- if(b[0] == 'p')traceply = atoi(&b[1]);
- else
- if(b[0] == '\0')break;
- else{
- c1 = b[0] - 'a';
- r1 = b[1] - '1';
- c2 = b[2] - 'a';
- r2 = b[3] - '1';
- trace[++tracen] = (locn (r1, c1) << 8) | locn (r2, c2);
- }
- if(tracen == 0 && traceply >0)traceflag = true;
- }
- }
- #endif
- flag.timeout = false;
- flag.back = flag.musttimeout = false;
- xside = side ^ 1;
- recycle = (GameCnt % rehash) - rehash;
- /* if background mode set to infinite */
- if (iop == 2)
- {
- (void)SetTaskPri((struct Task *)myproc,0);
- ResponseTime = 9999999;
- background = true;
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- }
- else
- {
- player = side;
- if (TCflag)
- {
- TCcount = 0;
- background = false;
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- if (TimeControl.moves[side] < 1)
- TimeControl.moves[side] = 1;
- /* special case time per move specified */
- if (flag.onemove)
- {
- ResponseTime = TimeControl.clock[side] - 100;
- TCleft = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* calculate avg time per move remaining */
- TimeControl.clock[side] += TCadd;
- ResponseTime = (TimeControl.clock[side]) / (((TimeControl.moves[side]) * 2) + 1);
- TCleft = (int)ResponseTime / 3;
- ResponseTime += TCadd/2;
- if (TimeControl.moves[side] < 5)
- TCcount = MAXTCCOUNTX - 1;
- }
- if (ResponseTime < 100)
- {
- ResponseTime = 100;
- }
- else if (ResponseTime < 200)
- {
- TCcount = MAXTCCOUNTX - 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- background = false;
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ResponseTime = MaxResponseTime;
- }
- if (TCleft)
- {
- TCcount = ((int)((TimeControl.clock[side] - ResponseTime)) / 2) / TCleft;
- if (TCcount > MAXTCCOUNTX)
- TCcount = 0;
- else
- TCcount = MAXTCCOUNTX - TCcount;
- }
- else
- }
- if (MoveNowOK)
- {
- thinking2 = 1; /* allow move now menu item to work */
- }
- else
- {
- thinking2 = 0; /* do not allow move now menu item to work */
- }
- ExtraTime = 0;
- ExaminePosition ();
- score = ScorePosition (side);
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ShowSidetoMove ();
- #ifdef notdef
- if (TCflag && TCcount < MAXTCCOUNT)
- if (score < SCORETIME)
- {
- ExtraTime += TCleft;
- TCcount++;
- }
- #endif
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- SearchStartStuff (side);
- #ifdef HISTORY
- #if defined(NOMEMSET) || defined(MSDOS)
- for (i = 0; i < 32768; i++)
- history[i] = 0;
- #else
- memset ((unsigned char *) history, 0, (unsigned long)sizeof (history));
- #endif /* NOMEMSET */
- #endif
- FROMsquare = TOsquare = -1;
- PV = 0;
- if (iop == 1)
- hint = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXDEPTH; i++)
- PrVar[i] = killr0[i] = killr1[i] = killr2[i] = killr3[i] = 0;
- /* set initial window for search */
- alpha = score - ((computer == black) ? BAwindow : WAwindow);
- beta = score + ((computer == black) ? BBwindow : WBwindow);
- rpt = 0;
- TrPnt[1] = 0;
- root = &Tree[0];
- MoveList (side, 1);
- for (i = TrPnt[1]; i < TrPnt[2]; i++)
- if (!pick (i, TrPnt[2] - 1))
- break;
- /* can I get a book move? */
- if (flag.regularstart && Book)
- {
- flag.timeout = bookflag = OpeningBook (&hint, side);
- if (TCflag)
- ResponseTime += ResponseTime;
- }
- /* zero stats for hash table */
- reminus = replus = 0;
- GenCnt = NodeCnt = ETnodes = EvalNodes = HashCnt = FHashAdd = HashAdd = FHashCnt = THashCol = HashCol = 0;
- globalscore = plyscore = score;
- zwndw = 20;
- trying_again = global_tmp_score = previous_score = 0;
- #include "debug4.h"
- /********************* main loop ********************************/
- Sdepth = (MaxSearchDepth<(MINDEPTH-1))?MaxSearchDepth:(MINDEPTH-1);
- /*printf("\n\n");*/
- while (!flag.timeout)
- {
- /*printf("time0 = %d et = %d SDepth = %d GameCnt = %d\n",time0, et,Sdepth,GameCnt);*/
- /*printf("ThinkAheadWorked = %d ThinkAheadDepth = %d\n",ThinkAheadWorked,ThinkAheadDepth);*/
- /* go down a level at a time */
- Sdepth++;
- #ifdef NULLMOVE
- null = 0;
- PVari = 1;
- #endif
- DepthBeyond = Sdepth + ((Sdepth == 1) ? 7 : 11);
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ShowDepth (' ');
- #endif
- /* search at this level returns score of PV */
- score = search (side, 1, Sdepth, alpha, beta, PrVar, &rpt);
- /* save PV as killer */
- for (i = 1; i <= Sdepth; i++)
- killr0[i] = PrVar[i];
- /* low search failure re-search with (-inf,score) limits */
- if (score < alpha)
- {
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- reminus++;
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ShowDepth ('-');
- #endif
- if (TCflag && TCcount < MAXTCCOUNTR)
- {
- TCcount = MAXTCCOUNTR - 1;
- ExtraTime += (8 * TCleft);
- }
- score = search (side, 1, Sdepth, -9999, score, PrVar, &rpt);
- }
- /* high search failure re-search with (score, +inf) limits */
- if (score > beta && !(root->flags & exact))
- {
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- replus++;
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ShowDepth ('+');
- #endif
- score = search (side, 1, Sdepth, score, 9999, PrVar, &rpt);
- }
- /**************** out of search ********************************************/
- if ((flag.timeout)||(flag.musttimeout)||(flag.back))
- earlyflag = true;
- else
- earlyflag = false;
- if (flag.musttimeout || Sdepth >= MaxSearchDepth)
- {
- flag.timeout = true;
- }
- else if (TCflag && (Sdepth > (MINDEPTH - 1)) && (TCcount < MAXTCCOUNTR))
- {
- if (killr0[1] != PrVar[1] /* || Killr0[2] != PrVar[2] */ )
- {
- TCcount++;
- ExtraTime += TCleft;
- }
- if ((abs (score - globalscore) / Sdepth) > ZDELTA)
- {
- TCcount++;
- ExtraTime += TCleft;
- }
- }
- if (score > (Jscore - zwndw) && score > (Tree[1].score + 250)) ExtraTime = 0;
- /*printf("sdepth = %d mindepth = %d TCflag = %d \n4*et = %d respt = %d extra = %d\n",Sdepth,MINDEPTH,TCflag,4*et,ResponseTime,ExtraTime);*/
- if (root->flags & exact) flag.timeout = true;
- /*else if (Tree[1].score < -9000) flag.timeout = true;*/
- else if (!(Sdepth < MINDEPTH) && TCflag && ((4 * et) > (2*ResponseTime + ExtraTime))) flag.timeout = true;
- /************************ time control ***********************************/
- /* save PV as killer */
- for (i = 1; i <= Sdepth + 1; i++) killr0[i] = PrVar[i];
- if (!flag.timeout) Tscore[0] = score;
- /* if (!flag.timeout) */
- for (i = TrPnt[1]+1; i < TrPnt[2]; i++) if (!pick (i, TrPnt[2] - 1)) break;
- /* if done or nothing good to look at quit */
- if ((root->flags & exact) || (score < -9000)) flag.timeout = true;
- /* find the next best move put below root */
- #include "debug13.h"
- if (!flag.timeout)
- {
- /* */
- #if !defined NODYNALPHA
- Jscore = (plyscore + score) >> 1;
- #endif
- zwndw = 20 + abs (Jscore / 12);
- plyscore = score;
- /* recompute search window */
- beta = score + ((computer == black) ? BBwindow : WBwindow);
- #if !defined NODYNALPHA
- alpha = ((Jscore < score) ? Jscore : score) - ((computer == black) ? BAwindow : WAwindow) - zwndw;
- #else
- alpha = score - ((computer == black) ? BAwindow : WAwindow);
- #endif
- }
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ShowResults (score, PrVar, '.');
- #ifdef DEBUG41
- debug41 (score, PrVar, '.');
- #endif
- #endif
- #include "debug16.h"
- if (((!PrVar[1])||(!PrVar[2]))&&(!(root->flags & exact))&&(iop != 2)&&(abs(score) < 9000)) /* do not trust this move! */
- {
- if (Sdepth > 2)
- {
- if (earlyflag)
- {
- Sdepth--;
- }
- if (!trying_again)
- { /* this is first bogus move we have seen */
- ResponseTime = ResponseTime << 1;
- ExtraTime += 251;
- }
- else
- { /* this is not 1st bogus move we have seen */
- ExtraTime += 201;
- }
- trying_again = 1;
- flag.timeout = false;
- flag.back = false;
- flag.musttimeout = false;
- }
- }
- else if (trying_again) /* this move is trustworthy, to an extent */
- {
- if ((TCflag && ((4 * et) > (ResponseTime + ExtraTime - 251)))||(root->flags & exact))
- flag.timeout = true;
- }
- previous_score = score;
- } /* while !flag.timeout */
- /******************************* end of main loop ***********************************/
- /* background mode */
- if (iop == 2)
- {
- if (!flag.easy)
- {
- Sdepth2 = Sdepth;
- if (Sdepth2 > (GlobalTgtDepth+1))
- Sdepth2--;
- }
- return;
- }
- #include "debug4.h"
- if (rpt >= 2)
- {
- root->flags |= draw;
- DRAW = CP[101]; /* Repetition */
- }
- else
- /* if no moves and not in check then draw */
- if ((score == -9999) && !(SqAtakd3 (PieceList[side][0], xside)))
- {
- root->flags |= draw;
- DRAW = CP[87]; /* No moves */
- }
- else if (GameCnt == MAXMOVES)
- {
- root->flags |= draw;
- DRAW = CP[80]; /* Max Moves */
- }
- /* not in book so set hint to guessed move for other side */
- if (!bookflag)
- hint = ((PrVar[1]) ? PrVar[2] : 0);
- /* if not mate or draw make move and output it */
- if (((score > -9999) && (rpt <= 2)) || (root->flags & draw))
- {
- MakeMove (side, &Tree[0], &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst, &INCscore);
- #if !defined NOMATERIAL
- if (flag.material && !pmtl[black] && !pmtl[white] && (mtl[white] < (valueR + valueK)) && (mtl[black] < (valueR + valueK)))
- {
- root->flags |= draw;
- DRAW = CP[224]; /* No pieces */
- }
- else
- #endif
- if (!PieceCnt[black] && !PieceCnt[white])
- {
- root->flags |= draw;
- DRAW = CP[88]; /* No pieces */
- }
- algbr (root->f, root->t, (short) root->flags);
- }
- else
- {
- algbr (0, 0, 0); /* Zero move string when mate. */
- root->score = score; /* When mate, ignore distinctions!
- * --SMC */
- }
- g = &GameList[GameCnt];
- if (g->flags & capture && g->piece == king)
- {
- flag.mate = flag.illegal = true;
- }
- /* If Time Control get the elapsed time */
- if (TCflag)
- ElapsedTime (1);
- OutputMove (mystr);
- /* if mate set flag */
- if ((score == -9999 || score == 9998))
- flag.mate = true;
- /* if mate clear hint */
- if (flag.mate)
- hint = 0;
- /* if pawn move or capture or castle or promote zero repitition array */
- if ((board[root->t] == pawn) || (root->flags & (capture | cstlmask | promote)))
- {
- Game50 = GameCnt;
- ZeroRPT ();
- }
- /* add move to game list */
- g->score = score;
- g->nodes = NodeCnt;
- g->time = (et +50)/100;
- g->depth = Sdepth;
- #include "debug40.h"
- /* update time comtrol info */
- if (TCflag)
- {
- #if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
- TimeControl.clock[side] -= (et + OperatorTime + 45);
- timecomp[compptr] = (et + OperatorTime + 45);
- #else
- TimeControl.clock[side] -= (et + OperatorTime);
- timecomp[compptr] = (et + OperatorTime);
- #endif
- /* finished our required moves - setup the next set */
- --TimeControl.moves[side];
- }
- /* check for end conditions */
- if ((root->flags & draw) /* && flag.bothsides */ )
- #if !defined CLIENT
- flag.mate = true;
- #else
- ;
- #endif
- else if (GameCnt == MAXMOVES)
- {
- flag.mate = true;
- }
- /* out of move store, you loose */
- else
- /* switch to other side */
- player = xside;
- Sdepth = 0;
- }
- int
- search (short int side,
- register short int ply,
- register short int depth,
- short int alpha,
- short int beta,
- short unsigned int *bstline,
- short int *rpt)
- /*
- * Perform an alpha-beta search to determine the score for the current board
- * position. If depth <= 0 only capturing moves, pawn promotions and
- * responses to check are generated and searched, otherwise all moves are
- * processed. The search depth is modified for check evasions, certain
- * re-captures and threats. Extensions may continue for up to 11 ply beyond
- * the nominal search depth.
- */
- {
- register short j, pnt;
- short tempb, tempc, tempsf, tempst;
- short xside, pbst, score, rcnt, InChk;
- unsigned short mv, nxtline[MAXDEPTH];
- struct leaf *node, tmp;
- short best = -12000;
- short bestwidth = 0;
- #ifdef NULLMOVE
- #ifndef AMIGA
- short int PVsave;
- #endif
- short int PVarisave;
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int xxxtmp;
- int tracetmp;
- #endif
- NodeCnt++;
- /* look every ZNODE nodes for a timeout */
- if (!null && NodeCnt > ETnodes )
- {
- ElapsedTime (2);
- if (flag.back)
- {
- flag.back = false;
- flag.timeout = true;
- flag.musttimeout = false;
- }
- else if (TCflag || MaxResponseTime)
- {
- if ((et >= (ResponseTime + ExtraTime)) && Sdepth > MINDEPTH && abs(best) < 10000)
- { /* try to extend to finish ply */
- #define TRYEXTEND 1
- #ifdef TRYEXTEND
- if ((TCflag && TCcount < MAXTCCOUNTX)&&(GameCnt > 29))
- {
- flag.musttimeout = true;
- TCcount += 1;
- ExtraTime += TCleft;
- }
- else
- {
- flag.timeout = true;
- flag.musttimeout = false;
- }
- #else
- if ((TCflag && TCcount < MAXTCCOUNTX)&&(flag.easy))
- {
- flag.musttimeout = true;
- TCcount += 1;
- ExtraTime += TCleft;
- }
- else
- {
- flag.timeout = true;
- flag.musttimeout = false;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- else if (!TCflag && flag.musttimeout && Sdepth > MINDEPTH)
- {
- flag.timeout = true;
- flag.musttimeout = false;
- }
- xside = side ^ 1;
- /* slk is lone king indicator for either side */
- score = evaluate (side, ply, alpha, beta, INCscore, &InChk);
- /*
- * check for possible repitition if so call repitition - rpt is
- * repeat count
- */
- if ((ply <= Sdepth + 3) && rpthash[side][hashkey & 0xFF] > 0)
- {
- *rpt = repetition ();
- /*
- * repeat position >2 don't need to return score it's taken
- * care of above
- */
- if (*rpt == 1) score /= 2;
- }
- else
- *rpt = 0;
- /* score > 9000 its a draw or mate */
- if (score > 9000)
- {
- bstline[ply] = 0;
- return (score);
- }
- /* Do we need to add depth because of special conditions */
- /* if in check or pawn threat or in capture sequence search deeper */
- /*************************************** depth extensions ***********************************/
- if (depth > 0)
- {
- /* Allow opponent a chance to check again */
- if (InChk)
- depth = (depth < 2) ? 2 : depth;
- else if (PawnThreat[ply - 1] ||
- (flag.rcptr && (score > alpha) &&
- (score < beta) && (ply > 2) && CptrFlag[ply - 1] && CptrFlag[ply - 2]))
- ++depth;
- }
- else
- {
- if (score >= alpha &&
- (InChk || PawnThreat[ply - 1] || (hung[side] > 1 && ply == Sdepth + 1)))
- depth = 1;
- else if (score <= beta &&
- ((ply < Sdepth + 4) && (ply > 4) &&
- ChkFlag[ply - 2] && ChkFlag[ply - 4] &&
- ChkFlag[ply - 2] != ChkFlag[ply - 4]))
- depth = 1;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************************/
- /* try the local transition table if it's there */
- #if ttblsz
- if (/*depth > 0 &&*/ flag.hash && ply > 1)
- {
- if (ProbeTTable (side, depth, ply, &alpha, &beta, &score) == true)
- {
- bstline[ply] = PV;
- bstline[ply + 1] = 0;
- #include "debug64.h"
- if (beta == -20000)
- return (score);
- if (alpha > beta)
- return (alpha);
- }
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- /* ok try the transition file if its there */
- else if (hashfile && (depth > HashDepth) && (GameCnt < HashMoveLimit)
- && (ProbeFTable (side, depth, ply, &alpha, &beta, &score) == true))
- {
- #ifdef notdef
- int hgood = false;
- int f = PV >> 8;
- int t = PV & 0x3f;
- register int i;
- /*
- * if you find something put it in the local table
- * for future reference
- */
- hgood = false;
- for (i = TrPnt[ply]; i < TrPnt[ply + 1]; i++)
- {
- if (Tree[i].f == f && Tree[i].t == t)
- {
- hgood = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (hgood)
- {
- #endif
- PutInTTable (side, score, depth, ply, alpha, beta, PV);
- bstline[ply] = PV;
- bstline[ply + 1] = 0;
- if (beta == -20000)
- return (score);
- if (alpha > beta)
- return (alpha);
- #ifdef notdef
- }
- #endif
- #include "debug10.h"
- }
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- }
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- /*
- * if more then DepthBeyond ply past goal depth or at goal depth and
- * score > beta quit - means we are out of the window
- */
- if (ply > DepthBeyond || (depth < 1 && score > beta))
- {
- return (score);
- }
- /*
- * if below first ply and not at goal depth generate all moves else
- * only capture moves
- */
- if (ply > 1)
- if (depth > 0 || ply<(SDEPTHLIM)||
- (background && ply<Sdepth + 2))
- {
- MoveList (side, ply);
- }
- else{
- CaptureList (side, ply);
- }
- /* no moves return what we have */
- /*
- * normally a search will continue til past goal and no more capture
- * moves exist
- */
- /* unless it hits DepthBeyond */
- if (TrPnt[ply] == TrPnt[ply + 1])
- {
- return (score);
- }
- /* if not at goal set best = -inf else current score */
- best = (depth >0)?-12000:score;
- #ifdef NULLMOVE
- PVarisave = PVari;
- if (!null && /* no previous null-move */
- !PVari && /* no null-move during the PV */
- (ply > 1) & /* not at ply 1 */
- (depth > 1) && /* not during the quienscesearch */
- !InChk && /* no check */
- ((mtl[side] + mtl[xside]) > 4000))
- /* enough material such that zugzwang is unlike but who knows which value
- is suitable? */
- {
- /* ok, we make a null move, i.e. this means we have nothing to do
- but we have to keep the some arrays up to date otherwise gnuchess
- gets confused. Maybe somebody knows exactly which informations are
- important and which not.
- Another idea is that we try the null-move first and generate the
- moves later. This may save time but we have to take care that
- PV and other variables contain the right value so that the move
- ordering works right.
- */
- register struct GameRec *g;
- nxtline[ply + 1] = 0;
- CptrFlag[ply] = 0;
- PawnThreat[ply] = 0;
- Tscore[ply] = score;
- /*PVsave = PV;
- PV = 0;*/
- null = 1;
- g = &GameList[++GameCnt];
- g->hashkey = hashkey;
- g->hashbd = hashbd;
- epsquare = -1;
- TOsquare = -1;
- g->Game50 = Game50;
- #ifdef LONGINTS
- g->gmove = 0xffffffff;
- #else
- g->gmove = 0xffff;
- #endif
- g->flags = 0;
- g->piece = 0;
- g->color = neutral;
- best = -search(xside, ply+1, depth - 2, -beta-1, -beta, nxtline,&rcnt);
- null = 0;
- /*PV = PVsave;*/
- GameCnt--;
- if (best > beta)
- return (best);
- else
- best = -12000;
- }
- #endif
- /* if best so far is better than alpha set alpha to best */
- if(best>alpha)alpha=best;
- /********************** main loop ************************************************************************/
- /* look at each move until no more or beta cutoff */
- for (pnt = pbst = TrPnt[ply]; pnt < TrPnt[ply + 1] && best <= beta; pnt++)
- {
- /* find the most interesting looking of the remaining moves */
- if (ply > 1)
- pick (pnt, TrPnt[ply + 1] - 1);
- #ifdef NULLMOVE
- PVari = PVarisave && (pnt == TrPnt[ply]); /* Is this the PV? */
- #endif
- node = &Tree[pnt];
- /* is this a forbidden move */
- if (ply == 1 && node->score == -32768)
- continue;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(debuglevel & (512 | 1024)){
- if(!tracen)traceflag = ((ply >traceply)?false:true);
- else
- if(ply <= tracen && (ply ==1 || traceflag))
- {
- if(trace[ply] == (Tree[pnt].t |(Tree[pnt].f<<8))) traceflag = true; else traceflag = false; }
- tracelog[ply] = (Tree[pnt].t |(Tree[pnt].f<<8));
- tracelog[ply+1] = 0;
- }
- #endif
- nxtline[ply + 1] = 0;
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- /* if at top level */
- if (ply == 1)
- { /* at the top update search status */
- if (flag.post)
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- ShowCurrentMove (pnt, node->f, node->t);
- }
- #endif
- if (!(node->flags & exact))
- {
- /* make the move and go deeper */
- MakeMove (side, node, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst, &INCscore);
- CptrFlag[ply] = (node->flags & capture);
- PawnThreat[ply] = (node->flags & pwnthrt);
- Tscore[ply] = node->score;
- PV = node->reply;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- xxxtmp = node->score;
- tracetmp = traceflag;
- #endif
- node->score = -search (xside, ply + 1,
- (depth > 0)?depth-1:0,
- -beta, -alpha,
- nxtline, &rcnt);
- node->width = (ply % 2 == 1) ? (TrPnt[ply + 2] - TrPnt[ply + 1]) : 0;
- if (abs (node->score) > 9000) node->flags |= exact;
- else if (rcnt == 1) node->score /= 2;
- #include "debug256.h"
- if ((rcnt >= 2 || GameCnt - Game50 > 99 || (node->score == 9999 - ply && !ChkFlag[ply])))
- {
- node->flags |= (draw | exact);
- DRAW = CP[58]; /* Draw */
- node->score = ((side == computer) ? contempt : -contempt);
- }
- node->reply = nxtline[ply + 1];
- /* reset to try next move */
- UnmakeMove (side, node, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst);
- }
- /* if best move so far */
- if (!flag.timeout && ((node->score > best) || ((node->score == best) && (node->width > bestwidth))))
- {
- /*
- * all things being equal pick the denser part of the
- * tree
- */
- bestwidth = node->width;
- /*
- * if not at goal depth and better than alpha and not
- * an exact score increment by depth
- */
- if (depth > 0 && node->score > alpha && !(node->flags & exact))
- node->score += depth;
- best = node->score;
- pbst = pnt;
- if (best > alpha) { alpha = best; }
- /* update best line */
- for (j = ply + 1; nxtline[j] > 0; j++) bstline[j] = nxtline[j];
- bstline[j] = 0;
- bstline[ply] = (node->f << 8) | node->t;
- /* if at the top */
- if (ply == 1)
- {
- /*
- * if its better than the root score make it
- * the root
- */
- if ((best > root->score) || ((best == root->score) && (bestwidth > root->width)))
- {
- tmp = Tree[pnt];
- for (j = pnt - 1; j >= 0; j--) Tree[j + 1] = Tree[j];
- Tree[0] = tmp;
- pbst = 0;
- }
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- if (!background)
- #endif /* QUIETBACKGROUND */
- if (Sdepth > 2)
- if (best > beta)
- {
- global_tmp_score = best;
- ShowResults (best, bstline, '+');
- #ifdef DEBUG41
- debug41 (best, bstline, '+');
- #endif
- }
- else if (best < alpha)
- {
- global_tmp_score = best;
- ShowResults (best, bstline, '-');
- #ifdef DEBUG41
- debug41 (best, bstline, '-');
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- global_tmp_score = best;
- ShowResults (best, bstline, '&');
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG41
- debug41 (best, bstline, '&');
- #endif
- #else
- if(!background && Sdepth >2 && best < alpha){
- ExtraTime=8*TCleft;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- if (flag.timeout)
- {
- return (Tscore[ply - 1]);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************************/
- node = &Tree[pbst];
- mv = (node->f << 8) | node->t;
- #ifdef NULLMOVE
- PVari = PVarisave;
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #include "debug512.h"
- #endif
- /*
- * we have a move so put it in local table - if it's already there
- * done else if not there or needs to be updated also put it in
- * hashfile
- */
- #if ttblsz
- if (flag.hash && ply <= Sdepth && *rpt == 0 && best == alpha)
- {
- #ifdef notdef
- algbr(node->f,node->t,0);
- printf("IN-> %lx %lx %d %d %s\n",hashkey,hashbd,depth,side,mvstr[0]);
- #endif
- if (PutInTTable (side, best, depth, ply, alpha, beta, mv)
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- && hashfile && (depth > HashDepth) && (GameCnt < HashMoveLimit))
- {
- #ifdef notdef
- printf("FT %d %d %d %x\n",side,best,depth,mv);
- #endif
- PutInFTable (side, best, depth, ply, alpha, beta, node->f, node->t);
- }
- #else
- );
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- }
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- if (depth > 0)
- {
- #ifdef HISTORY
- j = (node->f << 6) | node->t;
- if (side == black)
- j |= 0x4000;
- /*TMPif (j > 32767) { printf("\nBAD HISTORY GUY BAD BAD BAD!!\n");getchar(); }*/
- if (history[j] < HISTORYLIM)
- history[j] += (unsigned short) 1<<depth;
- #endif
- if (node->t != (short)(GameList[GameCnt].gmove & 0xFF))
- if (best <= beta)
- killr3[ply] = mv;
- else if (mv != killr1[ply])
- {
- killr2[ply] = killr1[ply];
- killr1[ply] = mv;
- }
- killr0[ply] = ((best > 9000) ? mv : 0);
- }
- return (best);
- }
- int
- castle (short int side, short int kf, short int kt, short int iop)
- /* Make or Unmake a castling move. */
- {
- register short rf, rt, t0, xside;
- xside = side ^ 1;
- if (kt > kf)
- {
- rf = kf + 3;
- rt = kt - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- rf = kf - 4;
- rt = kt + 1;
- }
- if (iop == 0)
- {
- if (kf != kingP[side] ||
- board[kf] != king ||
- board[rf] != rook ||
- color[kf] != side ||
- color[rf] != side ||
- Mvboard[kf] != 0 ||
- Mvboard[rf] != 0 ||
- color[kt] != neutral ||
- color[rt] != neutral ||
- color[kt - 1] != neutral ||
- SqAtakd3 (kf, xside) ||
- SqAtakd3 (kt, xside) ||
- SqAtakd3 (rt, xside))
- return (false);
- }
- else
- {
- if (iop == 1)
- {
- Castled[side] = 1;
- castld[side] = true;
- Mvboard[kf]++;
- Mvboard[rf]++;
- }
- else
- {
- Castled[side] = 0;
- castld[side] = false;
- Mvboard[kf]--;
- Mvboard[rf]--;
- t0 = kt;
- kt = kf;
- kf = t0;
- t0 = rt;
- rt = rf;
- rf = t0;
- }
- board[kt] = king;
- color[rt] = color[kt] = side;
- Pindex[kt] = 0;
- board[kf] = no_piece;
- color[rf] = color[kf] = neutral;
- board[rt] = rook;
- Pindex[rt] = Pindex[rf];
- board[rf] = no_piece;
- PieceList[side][Pindex[kt]] = kt;
- PieceList[side][Pindex[rt]] = rt;
- UpdateHashbd (side, king, kf, kt);
- UpdateHashbd (side, rook, rf, rt);
- }
- return (true);
- }
- void
- EnPassant (short int xside, short int f, short int t, short int iop)
- /*
- * Make or unmake an en passant move.
- */
- {
- register short l;
- l = t + ((t > f) ? -8 : 8);
- if (iop == 1)
- {
- myEnPassant[xside] = 1;
- board[l] = no_piece;
- color[l] = neutral;
- }
- else
- {
- board[l] = pawn;
- color[l] = xside;
- myEnPassant[xside] = 0;
- }
- InitializeStats ();
- }
- void
- UpdatePieceList (short int side, short int sq, short int iop)
- /*
- * Update the PieceList and Pindex arrays when a piece is captured or when a
- * capture is unmade.
- */
- {
- register short i;
- if (iop == 1)
- {
- PieceCnt[side]--;
- for (i = Pindex[sq]; i <= PieceCnt[side]; i++)
- {
- PieceList[side][i] = PieceList[side][i + 1];
- Pindex[PieceList[side][i]] = i;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PieceCnt[side]++;
- PieceList[side][PieceCnt[side]] = sq;
- Pindex[sq] = PieceCnt[side];
- }
- }
- void
- MakeMove (short int side,
- struct leaf *node,
- short int *tempb, /* color of to square */
- short int *tempc, /* piece at to square */
- short int *tempsf, /* static value of piece on from */
- short int *tempst, /* static value of piece on to */
- short int *INCscore) /* score increment for pawn structure change */
- /*
- * Update Arrays board[], color[], and Pindex[] to reflect the new board
- * position obtained after making the move pointed to by node. Also update
- * miscellaneous stuff that changes when a move is made.
- */
- {
- register short f, t, xside, ct, cf;
- register struct GameRec *g;
- xside = side ^ 1;
- g = &GameList[++GameCnt];
- g->hashkey = hashkey;
- g->hashbd = hashbd;
- g->epssq = epsquare;
- f = node->f;
- t = node->t;
- epsquare = -1;
- /* FROMsquare = f;*/
- TOsquare = t;
- *INCscore = 0;
- g->Game50 = Game50;
- g->gmove = (f << 8) | t;
- g->flags = node->flags;
- if (node->flags & cstlmask)
- {
- g->piece = no_piece;
- g->color = side;
- (void) castle (side, f, t, 1);
- Game50 = GameCnt;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(node->flags & capture) && (board[f] != pawn))
- {rpthash[side][hashkey & 0xFF]++;ISZERO++;}
- else
- Game50 = GameCnt;
- *tempsf = svalue[f];
- *tempst = svalue[t];
- g->piece = *tempb = board[t];
- g->color = *tempc = color[t];
- if (*tempc != neutral)
- {
- UpdatePieceList (*tempc, t, 1);
- /* if capture decrement pawn count */
- if (*tempb == pawn)
- {
- --PawnCnt[*tempc][column (t)];
- }
- if (board[f] == pawn)
- {
- cf = column (f);
- ct = column (t);
- /* move count from from to to */
- --PawnCnt[side][cf];
- ++PawnCnt[side][ct];
- /*
- * calculate increment for pawn structure
- * changes
- */
- /* doubled or more - */
- if (PawnCnt[side][ct] > (1 + PawnCnt[side][cf]))
- *INCscore -= 15;
- /* went to empty column + */
- else if (PawnCnt[side][ct] < 1 + PawnCnt[side][cf])
- *INCscore += 15;
- /*
- * went to outside col or empty col on one
- * side ????????
- */
- else if (ct == 0 || ct == 7 || PawnCnt[side][ct + ct - cf] == 0)
- *INCscore -= 15;
- }
- mtl[xside] -= value[*tempb];
- if (*tempb == pawn)
- pmtl[xside] -= valueP;
- UpdateHashbd (xside, *tempb, -1, t);
- *INCscore += *tempst;
- Mvboard[t]++;
- }
- color[t] = color[f];
- board[t] = board[f];
- svalue[t] = svalue[f];
- Pindex[t] = Pindex[f];
- PieceList[side][Pindex[t]] = t;
- color[f] = neutral;
- board[f] = no_piece;
- if (board[t] == pawn)
- if (t - f == 16)
- epsquare = f + 8;
- else if (f - t == 16)
- epsquare = f - 8;
- if (node->flags & promote)
- {
- board[t] = node->flags & pmask;
- if (board[t] == queen)
- HasQueen[side]++;
- else if (board[t] == rook)
- HasRook[side]++;
- else if (board[t] == bishop)
- HasBishop[side]++;
- else if (board[t] == knight)
- HasKnight[side]++;
- --PawnCnt[side][column (t)];
- mtl[side] += value[board[t]] - valueP;
- pmtl[side] -= valueP;
- UpdateHashbd (side, pawn, f, -1);
- UpdateHashbd (side, board[t], f, -1);
- *INCscore -= *tempsf;
- }
- if (node->flags & epmask)
- EnPassant (xside, f, t, 1);
- else
- UpdateHashbd (side, board[t], f, t);
- Mvboard[f]++;
- }
- }
- void
- UnmakeMove (short int side,
- struct leaf *node,
- short int *tempb,
- short int *tempc,
- short int *tempsf,
- short int *tempst)
- /*
- * Take back a move.
- */
- {
- register short f, t, xside;
- xside = side ^ 1;
- f = node->f;
- t = node->t;
- Game50 = GameList[GameCnt].Game50;
- if (node->flags & cstlmask)
- (void) castle (side, f, t, 2);
- else
- {
- color[f] = color[t];
- board[f] = board[t];
- svalue[f] = *tempsf;
- Pindex[f] = Pindex[t];
- PieceList[side][Pindex[f]] = f;
- color[t] = *tempc;
- board[t] = *tempb;
- svalue[t] = *tempst;
- if (node->flags & promote)
- {
- board[f] = pawn;
- ++PawnCnt[side][column (t)];
- mtl[side] += valueP - value[node->flags & pmask];
- pmtl[side] += valueP;
- UpdateHashbd (side, (short) node->flags & pmask, -1, t);
- UpdateHashbd (side, pawn, -1, t);
- }
- if (*tempc != neutral)
- {
- UpdatePieceList (*tempc, t, 2);
- if (*tempb == pawn)
- {
- ++PawnCnt[*tempc][column (t)];
- }
- if (board[f] == pawn)
- {
- --PawnCnt[side][column (t)];
- ++PawnCnt[side][column (f)];
- }
- mtl[xside] += value[*tempb];
- if (*tempb == pawn)
- pmtl[xside] += valueP;
- UpdateHashbd (xside, *tempb, -1, t);
- Mvboard[t]--;
- }
- if (node->flags & epmask)
- {
- EnPassant (xside, f, t, 2);
- }
- else
- UpdateHashbd (side, board[f], f, t);
- Mvboard[f]--;
- if (!(node->flags & capture) && (board[f] != pawn))
- {rpthash[side][hashkey & 0xFF]--;ISZERO--;}
- }
- epsquare = GameList[GameCnt--].epssq;
- }
- void
- InitializeStats (void)
- /*
- * Scan thru the board seeing what's on each square. If a piece is found,
- * update the variables PieceCnt, PawnCnt, Pindex and PieceList. Also
- * determine the material for each side and set the hashkey and hashbd
- * variables to represent the current board position. Array
- * PieceList[side][indx] contains the location of all the pieces of either
- * side. Array Pindex[sq] contains the indx into PieceList for a given
- * square.
- */
- {
- register short i, sq;
- epsquare = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- PawnCnt[white][i] = PawnCnt[black][i] = 0;
- }
- mtl[white] = mtl[black] = pmtl[white] = pmtl[black] = 0;
- PieceCnt[white] = PieceCnt[black] = 0;
- hashbd = hashkey = 0;
- for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++)
- if (color[sq] != neutral)
- {
- mtl[color[sq]] += value[board[sq]];
- if (board[sq] == pawn)
- {
- pmtl[color[sq]] += valueP;
- ++PawnCnt[color[sq]][column (sq)];
- }
- Pindex[sq] = ((board[sq] == king) ? 0 : ++PieceCnt[color[sq]]);
- PieceList[color[sq]][Pindex[sq]] = sq;
- hashbd ^= hashcode[color[sq]][board[sq]][sq].bd;
- hashkey ^= hashcode[color[sq]][board[sq]][sq].key;
- }
- }