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- Short: UChess233.lha is an AGA/ECS Chess Pgm KS 2.04, 5M+ RAM, 68020+ needed.
- Recent: v2.33 is latest release
- Change History:
- v2.33
- Same as v 2.32 but fixes some problems that prevented 2.32
- from running on machines without AmigaDOS 3.0 or later.
- This version runs on AmigaDOS 2.04 or later.
- v2.32 (recompiled using SAS/C 6.50)
- New Display Option for AGA machines, at startup you can
- specify FASTAGA (or 64) at the CLI or you can use the FASTAGA=1
- or COLORS=64 arguments in the Workbench ICON, this opens UCHess on
- a 640X480 or 640X512 64 Color Screen, for additional speed.
- Especially helps display speed in the MultiScan Productivity mode.
- It looks almost as good the 256 color screen and is much faster.
- Rewrote some routines in 68020+ Assembly language, and
- re-aligned many data items for more nodes/sec eval speed.
- Redid the entire opening book code, uchess will now
- look for uchess:uchesswhite.book when playing as
- white and uchess:uchessblack.book when playing as
- black, if it cannot find these it reverts to uchess:uchess.book.
- Sample white/black/neutral books enclosed, but much
- improvement/tuning of these books is needed.
- In general the white/black should work best for now.
- In the future I hope to come up with really optimal
- white/black openings and include these, at least for
- now the pgm will avoid openings that are real detrimental
- to it by splitting the book into 2 parts.
- Also made the edit request autoactivate the edit string gadget,
- for more convenient edit game entry.
- Also added a resign feature, if you have started the game
- in a regular manner at advanced level, and you get over
- 9.5 pts ahead of UChess, it will offer to resign (once).
- If you load a saved game, or edit the board, it will
- not offer to resign. It will only offer to resign the game
- one time.
- v2.31
- Re-Arranged the new game feature so it now pays
- attention to the skill level when setting up a new board.
- All new games came up as Advanced before, regardless
- of skill level chosen
- v2.30
- Added a Level feature for play vs the computer.
- 3 levels are available, Advanced (same as before)
- Intermediate (Knight Odds), and Easy (Knight + Queen Odds)
- Choosing these options will force a new game, with you
- are white and UChess as black, UChess will have its
- Knights removed on Intermediate, and its Knights+Queen
- removed on Easy. Advanced is an equal game, like
- past versions
- v2.28
- fixed a bug in the initialization and re-initialization
- of the cache and transposition tables.
- Makes for more consistent play and a better start for
- the computer when using the new game option.
- v2.27
- Just recompiled using __USE_SYSBASE for a bit more perfomance
- of system exec routines.
- v2.26
- Fixed many bugs in the transposition table routines, which
- would cause crashes during overnight analysis with 2.25, also
- affected play somewhat, this version can handle overnight
- analysis, long games with no problems. 2.25 and some
- earlier versions could corrupt memory if they computed
- too long (for hours).
- Redid the compute rating equation, for a bit more realistic
- rating. With the major speed improvements of 2.25, the old
- rating equation was a bit off, giving an inflated rating of the
- pgm. This new equation is somewhat better.
- v2.25
- Major speed enhancements, this version should play FAR stronger
- thanks to rearrangement of Cache Tables.
- Major endgame changes as in gnuchess 4 pl 61, for lone
- king endings.
- v2.18
- Attempted to reduce the number of "wild" moves that
- the program makes. Under rare circumstances, the
- pgm would make wild moves based on poorly considering
- the users response move. This should not happen much
- any longer. May take more time to come up with a move
- in these cases though. Should prevent it from throwing
- games away.
- v2.17
- Fixed a minor bug in thinkahead move choice.
- v2.16
- Finally found a longstanding bug screwing up move selection with
- thinking on. Thinking on now helps a lot, it also does not
- screw up judicious use of the clock by the program.
- v2.15
- Further refined conditions when thinkahead move is taken, or additional
- thinking beyond the current ply is warranted. Refined for more likely
- choice of the thinkahead move in very short (<10secs/move) games
- v2.14
- Fiddled with timing when thinkahead move is guessed correctly,
- it was taking its thinkahead move immediately if it was as deep,
- or deeper, than the previous move it pondered, it now only takes the
- move immediately if it is as deep or deeper and at least 4 plys in
- depth.
- v2.12
- Added a rating feature, based on fact that the gnuchess 4pl60
- core plays at about 2300 on an IBM/RS6000, and that each
- doubling of processor speed results in a 75 pt ratings improvement,
- the pgm will estimate its USCF strength on your machine.
- On an A4000 the L version is about 2200 USCF or so.
- v2.11
- Fixed a bug in dialog window for depth control.
- v2.10
- Redid time control so that on long matches, it will not
- try and search too far ahead, if it guessed right.
- It was trying for real deep searches when it would
- result in massive overtime for the last level, on some
- occasions, hurting play later by forcing the pgm to
- rush too much.
- Also load/save game now updates clock display when it loads,
- and sets move now accordingly.
- v2.09
- Fixed bug when depth mode was on, thinking was on, and show
- thinking was on, it was disabling show thinking in those cases.
- Cleaned up timing a bit.
- I am testing this, it may be that with thinking mode off, it
- plays more consistent chess, I am not sure though.
- v2.07
- Added Depth Control, and Book Control Options
- To use Depth Control, just set it to # of plys you
- want the pgm to look ahead, it will then finish its move
- when it finishes that ply, regardless of time.
- Book Control just allows you to enable/disable opening book
- v2.06
- Fixes a problem with mem alloc which showed up under Mungwall, it is
- now 100% enforcer and Mungwall clean. Guards against loading improper
- game files. Other Minor fixes.
- V2.05
- Redoes the time control routine for thinking mode on.
- In earlier 2.0x versions, the forced timeout mode when
- thinking is on could result in poor move selection
- in some circumstances, this fix should allow fewer mistakes
- in move selection with thinking on, when computer is forced
- to stop searching a ply earlier than it would like.
- V2.04
- Fixes a display bug that occurs occasionally when castling with a mouse,
- asks for a pal screen specifically on 15Khz 256 color systems.
- V2.03
- Fixes a bug in Load game which caused a crash on some machines when
- pgm is run at pri >0.
- Move now command is now more immediate.
- V2.02
- Bugs in v2.01 and 2.00 disallowed Move Now, and Underpromotion
- of pawns. This is now fixed. Move now is enabled for
- Move times avg 1min or more.
- V2.01
- Added an additional CLI arg and tooltype, from CLI
- type "UChess 15Khz" if you have an AGA machine and want
- to force a 640X480X256 color 15Khz screen, may not be enough
- overscan for whole screen to be visible on monitor.
- From WB you can use the MONITOR=15KHZ tooltype to force this.
- Pgm will auto default to 15Khz 256 color screen if you have
- and AGA machine with no multiscan monitor in devs:monitors,
- to force 16 colors use 16 color arg. The 16 color screen
- will fit easily on a 640X400 display, the 256 color
- screen will not fit on a 640X400 display. People with
- PAL machines should have no problems fitting it all on
- a 640X512 15Khz screen.
- This version fixes MAJOR time control bugs present in v2.0
- V2.0
- I widened the search for this version and it has defeated
- version 1.01 head to head 10 out of 10 times.
- I belive this version plays MUCH stronger chess than
- version 1.01!
- -Roger
- V1.01
- This is version 1.01, it cleans up the 16 color graphics and
- makes them look much better than in version 1.0
- That is the onluy change.
- See Uchess.doc for details
- -Roger
- UChess versions which end in L are optimized for the 68040 processor,
- require 10M or MORE of FAST RAM, and play stronger than the non L
- versions.
- Versions which do not end in L require 4M of FAST RAM, and are
- optimized for 68030 processors, and play slightly weaker than the
- L versions.
- Source code for Gnuchess 4p58 which is what this pgm is based on
- is available from valkyries.andrew.cmu.edu via ftp.
- This code rearranges some of the function arguments, data structures,
- and adds an additional level of transposition table caching to Gnuchess
- 4p58, but uses the same logic as gnuchess 4p58 otherwise.
- This program is freely distributable.
- UChess is a powerful version of the program GnuChess version 4 for
- the Amiga, code has been re-written and data structures re-organized
- for optimal efficiency on 32 bit 68020 and better Amiga systems.
- The program fully multitasks, automatically detects and supports
- 640X480X256 color AGA mode machines, and does not at any
- time BUSY wait.
- In head to head competition with Checkmate, on the same
- machine, UChess has a record of 9 wins, 0 losses, 1 draw.
- Program requires:
- A 68020/030/040 based Amiga computer system
- AmigaDOS version 37 (2.04) or later
- 4 Megabytes or more of RAM, 3.5M of FREE FAST RAM.
- (L version requires 8.5M of FREE fast RAM)
- Program auto-detects AGA capable machines, and will try and use
- a 640X480X256 color VGA_PRODUCTIVITY screen, if not it defaults
- to using a 16 color 640X400 HIRES LACE screen.
- The 16 color screen is not very attractive, the pgm is designed
- to be run on a 31Khz monitor (multisync or VGA) on an AGA machine.
- Use of the 640X480X256 color mode (best mode) requires AGA Based Amiga
- MultiSync Monitor/or Monitor capable of displaying VGA_PRODUCTIVITY mode
- The Correct monitor type in devs:Monitors on your WB disk
- To Install UCHESS:
- Copy the library lh.library to your libs: directory.
- If you are using an AGA machine, you should make sure that
- the MULTISYNC monitor is in your devs:monitors directory,
- if you have a multisync or VGA monitor.
- In your startup sequence, you should put an ASSIGN UCHESS: <yourdir>,
- but you do not have to. The program will do the Assign for
- you as the default directory when you boot up.
- Make a directory and copy all files (except lh.library, which goes
- in libs:) to this new directory, using the CLI copy command.
- You can run this program from the CLI or WorkBench, if run from
- the workbench. The only CLI argument you can use is "16", this
- will force the program to open a 16 color screen, regardless
- of hardware.
- Using the Program.
- Startup Options:
- You can run UChess from the CLI or workbench, from the
- CLI you can enter 2 optional arguments, one is the priority
- you want foreground thinking to run at (0-4) the other
- is if you want to force a 16 color display, you type in 16.
- So you can type UChess 16 0 to force a 16 color display
- and a priority of 0. You can also enter 2 TOOLTYPES into
- the UChess icon, one is PRI=<pnum> and other is COLORS=16|256
- They are the same as the CLI equivalents.
- <<NOTE: The program writes a MoveList text file for each game
- to the t: directory., you need to have t: assigned somewhere,
- or the pgm will ask for it. The default workbench Startup-
- Sequence assigns t: for you >>
- You can enter moves in algebraic or reduced algebraic notation using
- the keyboard, or you can use the Mouse to click and HOLD onto the
- piece you want, let go of the mouse button after you have moved
- the piece over the square you want it to occupy.
- The following is a brief of the menus and choices in the program,
- File Menu -
- About - shows a brief description of the program
- New Game - Starts a new game from scratch
- Load Game - Load a previously saved game
- Save Game - Save the current game to disk
- List Game - List the moves of current game to a file
- Quit - return to AmigaDOS
- View Menu -
- 2-D - Only View Available
- Edit Board - Edit current board. To edit the board you enter
- the piece character, followed by the square you want it on.
- Valid piece chars are ' ' for none, 'p', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'r'.
- For example pa8 puts a pawn at a8, <space>a8 clears square a8.
- You can clear the entire board, and color of the piece is determined
- by the WHITE/BLACK Boolean Gadget.
- Reverse - Not Implemented
- Control Menu -
- Swap Sides - Change Sides with Computer (black <=> white)
- AutoPlay - Computer Plays Itself
- Move Now - Implemented when computers avg move is 1 min or more.
- forces computer to make its move immediately.
- Undo - Undo Last 1/2 move
- Thinking - Toggle computer thinking on your time,
- With this mode on, (checked), the computer will think about
- its next move while it is your turn, like a person would.
- When this is on, you will find the computer may be sluggish
- to respond to your first mouse/keypress, but it will interrupt
- itself and respond within a second. Be aware of this fact,
- when you type a key, or press the mouse button, you stop
- the computers thinking on your time, and it will not
- resume until next turn. IT MAY TAKE A SECOND OR SO TO
- ShwThnk - Shows computers thinking process, in Depth, Score and move.
- 100 pts = 1 pawn in this thinking process.
- Supervisor mode - Allows 2 humans to play each other with computer
- as sort of a supervisor.
- Special Menu -
- Hint - Computer gives advise as to your next move.
- Test - Test processor speed. This speed of lookup depends
- on currect board config, so for comparison
- purposes between machines, test the speed with
- the exact same board layout, for black and white!
- An Amiga 4000 gets about 80,000 movelist nodes/sec
- and 3700 eval nodes/sec on a new board. Sometimes
- a bit more.
- Set Time - Brings up a window for you to set time constraints
- for the computer. It is in the form XX moves in XX minutes.
- For Tournament conditions people often use 40 moves/120 mins
- Default is 60 moves in 10 minutes (approx 10 secs/move)
- Notes on running vs other chess PGMS on the same machine:
- 1) Make sure thinking on opponents time is DISABLED for each pgm.
- 2) make sure UChess is at a high priority, UChess DOES NOT BUSY WAIT
- so it will always make 100% of the processor available to the
- opposing pgm when it is not UChess's turn. Other chess pgms
- are not as well written, and will hog 100% of the CPU even
- when it is NOT their turn and thinking is off. For this
- reason you should always have UChess running at a higher
- priority than its opponent, Uchess WILL NEVER steal CPU
- cycles from an opposing pgm if thinking in UChess is off.
- 3) Make sure both pgms have suffucient FAST RAM available to them!
- Please report any problems to me, Roger Uzun
- at
- uzun@crash.cts.com
- or
- uzun@netcom.netcom.com
- or on bix as ruzun.