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EGSDVI - DVI Previewer for the EGS window system
egsdvi shrink/k/n, density/k/n, dpi/k/n, side/k, top/k, paper/k,
altfont/k, listfonts/s, hush/s, hushspecials/s, hushlostchars/s,
copy/s, thorough/s, version/s, mgs/k/n, page/k, width/k/n,
height/k/n, dvifile/f/a
This program is public domain. It may be distributed as long as the
program and this manual file are always distributed together with the
following copyright notice and are not modified in any way:
EGSDVI Copyright in 1993 by Dietmar Heidrich
EGSDVI is a program which runs under the EGS window system. It is used to
preview DVI files, such as are produced by TeX. EGSDVI needs EGS version 6
or higher.
This program has the capability of showing the file shrunken by various
(integer) factors, and also has a `magnifying glass' which allows one to
see a small part of the unshrunk image momentarily.
Before displaying any page or part thereof, it checks to see if the dvi
file has changed since the last time it was displayed. If this is the
case, then EGSDVI will reinitialize itself for the new dvi file. For this
reason, exposing parts of the EGSDVI window while TeX is running should be
avoided. This feature allows you to preview many versions of the same
file while running EGSDVI only once.
In addition to using keystrokes to move within the file, EGSDVI provides
buttons on the right side of the window, which are synonymous with vari-
ous sequences of keystrokes.
In addition to specifying the .dvi file (with or without the .dvi suffix),
EGSDVI supports the following command line options. The corresponding name
for the environment file (see below) is given in parantheses.
Specifies the first page to show; the first page is the default.
(shrinkFactor) Defines the initial shrink factor. The default value
is 3.
(densityPercent) Determines the density used when shrinking bitmaps
for fonts. A higher value produces a lighter font. The default
value is 40.
(pixelsPerInch) Defines the size of the fonts to use, in pixels
per inch. The default value is 300.
(altFont) Declares a default font to use when the font in the dvi
file cannot be found. This is useful, for example, with PostScript
<tm> fonts.
(listFonts) Causes the names of the fonts used to be listed.
(hushSpecials) Causes EGSDVI to suppress warnings about \special
strings which it cannot process.
(hushLostChars) Causes EGSDVI to suppress warnings about references
to characters which are not defined in the font.
(hush) Causes EGSDVI to suppress all suppressable warnings.
(thorough) EGSDVI will usually try to ensure that overstrike charac-
ters (e.g. \notin) are printed correctly. On monochrome displays,
this is always possible with one logical operation, either and or
or. On color displays, however, this may take two operations, one
to set the appropriate bits and one to clear other bits. If this
is the case, then by default EGSDVI will instead use the copy opera-
tion, which does not handle overstriking correctly. The
`thorough' option chooses the slower but more correct choice.
See also copy, below.
(copy) Always use the copy operation when writing characters to
the display. This option may be necessary for correct operation on
a color display, but overstrike characters will be incorrect.
(version) Print information on the version of EGSDVI.
(sideMargin) Specifies the side margin.
This should be a decimal number optionally followed by "cm",
e.g., 1.5 or 3cm, giving a measurement in inches or centimeters.
It determines the `home' position of the page within the window
as follows. If the entire page fits in the window, then the margin
settings are ignored. If, even after removing the margins from the
left, right, top, and bottom, the page still cannot fit in the win-
dow, then the page is put in the window such that the top and left
margins are hidden, and presumably the upper left-hand corner of
the text on the page will be in the upper left-hand corner of the
window. Otherwise, the text is centered in the window. See also
`M' under the KEYSTROKES section.
(topMargin) Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
(paper) Specifies the size of the printed page. This may be of
the form wxh (or wxhcm), where w is the width in inches (or cm) and
h is the height in inches (or cm), respectively. There are also
synonyms which may be used: us (8.5x11), usr (11x8.5), legal
(8.5x14), foolscap (13.5x17), as well as the ISO sizes a1-a7, b1-
b7, c1-c7, a1r-a7r (a1-a7 rotated), etc. The default size is 8.5 x
11 inches.
(magnifierSize[n]) Specifies the size of the window to be used for
the `magnifying glass' for button n. See the MOUSE ACTIONS sec-
tion. Defaults are 200, 350, 600, 900, and 1200. The shell option
lets you only specify the size for button 1.
(width) Specifies the initial window width.
(height) Specifies the initial window height.
For the workbench, you will need to click the icon of the dvi file to
display and then double-click the EGSDVI icon while pressing a shift key.
EGSDVI recognizes the following keystrokes when typed in its window.
q Quits the program. 'x' will do this, too.
n Moves to the next page. Synonyms are Space, Control-M (Carriage
Return) and Control-J (Line Feed). If you press shift
simultaneously, the top part of that page will be displayed.
p Moves to the previous page. Synonym is `b'. If you press shift
simultaneously, the bottom part of that page will be displayed.
Moves into the specified direction. Pressing an alternate key
simultaneously moves a bigger portion, pressing a shift key
moves to the appropriate border.
R Forces the dvi file to be reread. This allows you to preview many
versions of the same file while running EGSDVI only once.
If the shrink factor is set to any number other than one, then clicking
any mouse button will pop up a `magnifying glass' which shows the
unshrunk image in the vicinity of the mouse click. This subwindow
disappears when the mouse button is released. Different mouse buttons
produce different sized windows, as indicated by the mgs option. Mov-
ing the cursor while holding the button down will move the magnifying
Also, the scrollbars behave in the standard way. The buttons work the
expected way. The page gadget lets you enter a direct page number.
For access to persistent defaults, EGSDVI reads an environment file named
"TEX:.egsdvidefaults". This file contains the options listed above. Each
line of the file consists of a keyword and its arguments, separated by
spaces or tabs. Comment lines start with a semicolon as the first
character. Additionally, there can be the environment variables explained
in the following paragraph.
The environment variable `DVIFONTS' determines the path(s) searched for
fonts in the following manner. The string consists of one or more stri