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- cP Ver 3.0 by Chris Conger
- cP is a data viewing program capable of plotting
- two dimensional data in both linear or log space
- with or without symbols. The program only runs
- from the CLI. It requires Kickstart 37 or higher
- to run. There is no limit to the number of points
- that the program can load except the amount of ram
- on your system. There is also no limit to the
- number of sets, however the title boxes on the edge
- will scroll off the screen after about ten(use NOFN).
- cP does create a public screen, so you can use it for
- other applications. Its' name is cP. If there is already
- a cP screen in the public screen list cP will append
- a number to the screen name ( cp1 ).
- cP reads an environmental variable at startup
- which can be used to change the default values of
- the settings. The name of the var is CPCONFIG. Any
- options given on the command line will override the
- environmental variable.
- EX:
- > setenv cpconfig "ID=32768 FONT helvetica SIZE 9 GRID SETDEF W=1000"
- The template is:
- FILES - This can be multiple args and includes
- Wildcard patterns. The files must be
- ascii numbers delimited by whitespace
- or commas. cP will ignore numbers after
- the first two colums. cP will also ignore
- text lines so that you can place a header
- in the file. See file sam.dat to see the
- format. Also remember that cP stores its'
- values as 4 byte floats, so don't have any
- values outside of 1e-38 to 1e38.
- LOGX - Switch to turn log XAxis on. If any values are LESS
- THAN or = to ZERO, sets back to LINX.
- ( Can't do log negative ).
- LOGY - Switch to turn log YAxis on. If any values are LESS
- THAN or = to ZERO, sets back to LINY.
- ( Can't do log negative ).
- GRID - Switch to turn on the grid.
- SYM - Draw x symbol at each point.
- ID=DISPLAYID - ID number of the type display you
- wish to create. Default is HIRES LACE.
- EX:
- ID=4 -> LORES LACE 320x400
- ID=32768 -> HIRES 640x200
- ID=0 -> LORES 320x200
- I don't have the includes for 2.1 or 3.0, so
- can't tell you what the others are. cP needs
- 16 colors, so SuperHires won't be any good.
- Super72 should be good I think ( I don't know
- the ID number though ).
- FONT - Name of the font to use for the display. The
- default is topaz. cP adds '.font' to the string.
- EX:
- FONT helvetica SIZE 12
- SIZE - Size of the font. Default 8. Max size 18.
- LORES - Lores screen
- HIRES - Hires screen
- LACE - combine with either LORES or HIRES this function OR's
- the LACE key over DISPLAYID and LORES/HIRES.
- SETDEF - Makes the new screen the default public screen.
- W=WIDTH - Set screen width in pixels. cP will open a virtual
- autoscroll screen if WIDTH is wider than display.
- EX. W=1800
- H=HEIGHT - Set screen height in pixels. cP will open a virtual
- autoscroll screen if HEIGHT is taller than display.
- EX. H=800
- C=BINARY - load binary data. Must be the last arg on the command line
- for more info on the binary format see rhp.c or contact me.
- The format works pretty well but I can't recommend it, except
- for its ability to include lots of data in small files.
- P=POINTS - Max Points to load in each set
- T=THIN - depopulate set by number
- EX. THIN=3 plots every third point
- D=DEPTH - Screen depth in bitplanes.
- DEPTH=1 mono, DEPTH=2 four colors, DEPTH=3 eight colors,
- DEPTH=4 16 colors. If you have two sets use DEPTH=3 more
- than two use DEPTH=4. One data set looks good either D=1 or D=2
- MONO - black and white display. Great for big virtual screens.
- CPANEL - toggles control panel on or off. default on.
- NOFN=NOFNBOXES - dont place name boxes on side of screen
- > cp sam.#? font ZapfChancery size 12 DEPTH=2 ID=32804 SYM LOGX W=1800
- IDENTIFY - cP will write the x and y values cooresponding to mousex and
- mousey when select down. If the mouse is not within three pixels
- when selectup then cP erases the text, otherwise it makes the text
- white.
- The archive contains both IEEE and 030/68881 compiled
- versions. I find about 25% improvement in draw speed for the
- 030/881 version on my A3000. Also included is source code
- and makefiles for both versions. There arn't many comments
- in the source, and I don't really consider them to
- be great example code. Anyhow feel free to use any
- of the functions in your own programs.
- The original source for the GUI was created with
- GadToolsBox 37.273
- by
- Jan van den Baard
- Jaba Development
- Much thanks since I'd never have gotten anywhere without
- it. The current version of the GUI has been modified
- so that GadToolsBox can't edit the source anymore.
- This code is freely distributable by any means, however
- I retain all rights to it.
- I take no responsibility for any damage which it may
- cause to your system, use at your own risk.
- Comments, Suggestions, Ideas, BUGS contact
- Chris Conger
- BIX - cconger
- NET - congerc@abqa.saic.com
- c/o SAIC
- 2109 AirPark Rd. SE
- Albuquerque, NM 87106