home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "cp.h"
- #define SIZETIC 5 /* size major tik in pixels */
- #define BOXOFF 9 /* add to filename box size */
- #define TIKCOLOR 2 /* color for tiks */
- #define BORDER 20 /* size between filename boxes */
- struct RastPort *rp;
- struct ViewPort *vp;
- struct World wd;
- struct CurView cv;
- WORD xoff;
- WORD yoff;
- /* Draw everything if full is TRUE autoscale */
- void DrawView ( BOOL full )
- {
- WORD w;
- if( SetList-> lh_TailPred != (struct Node *)SetList )
- {
- vp = &(Scr-> ViewPort);
- rp = PlotWindowWnd-> RPort;
- SetAPen(rp,1);
- OFFSET = rp-> Font-> tf_YSize + 2 * BORDER + Scr-> BarHeight;
- HEIGHT = PlotWindowWnd-> Height - OFFSET - ( CPANEL ? 4 : 3 ) * GADHEIGHT;
- yoff = OFFSET + HEIGHT;
- xoff = rp-> Font-> tf_XSize * 6 + BORDER + SIZETIC;
- w = DrawFileNameBoxes( yoff - HEIGHT);
- WIDTH = PlotWindowWnd-> Width - w - xoff;
- if ( WIDTH < BORDER || HEIGHT < BORDER ) Death(20);
- DrawColorBox( xoff , yoff, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 14);
- if( full ) FindWorld ();
- XAxis();
- YAxis();
- DrawAllSets ();
- if ( sym ) SymAllSets();
- if ( grid ) Grid();
- }
- }
- /* Draw all sets in SetList */
- void DrawAllSets ()
- {
- WORD p = 4;
- struct Set *node;
- for ( node = (struct Set *)SetList-> lh_Head; node-> snode.ln_Succ; node = (struct Set *)node-> snode.ln_Succ )
- {
- SetAPen(rp,min(p,lastcolor));
- DrawSet ( node-> FirstPoint );
- p++;
- if ( p > lastcolor - 2 ) p = 4;
- }
- }
- /* Draw symbols on all sets */
- void SymAllSets ()
- {
- struct Set *node;
- SetAPen( rp, min(15,lastcolor));
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM2);
- for ( node = (struct Set *)SetList-> lh_Head; node-> snode.ln_Succ; node = (struct Set *)node-> snode.ln_Succ )
- {
- SymSet ( node-> FirstPoint );
- }
- }
- /* Adjust view so all data sets show */
- void FindWorld ()
- {
- struct Set *node;
- node = (struct Set *)SetList-> lh_Head;
- wd.xmax = node-> xmax;
- wd.xmin = node-> xmin;
- wd.ymax = node-> ymax;
- wd.ymin = node-> ymin;
- for ( node = (struct Set *)SetList-> lh_Head; node-> snode.ln_Succ; node = (struct Set *)node-> snode.ln_Succ )
- {
- wd.xmax = max( wd.xmax, node-> xmax);
- wd.xmin = min( wd.xmin, node-> xmin);
- wd.ymax = max( wd.ymax, node-> ymax);
- wd.ymin = min( wd.ymin, node-> ymin);
- }
- cv.xmax = wd.xmax;
- cv.xmin = wd.xmin;
- cv.ymax = wd.ymax;
- cv.ymin = wd.ymin;
- wd.xdelta = wd.xmax - wd.xmin;
- wd.ydelta = wd.ymax - wd.ymin;
- cv.xdelta = wd.xdelta;
- cv.ydelta= wd.ydelta;
- }
- /* Draw one set */
- void DrawSet ( struct Point *ThisPoint )
- {
- LONG qx, qy;
- LONG le, te, re, be;
- struct Rectangle rect;
- struct Region *new_region;
- struct Region *old_region;
- rect.MinX = xoff;
- rect.MaxX = xoff + WIDTH;
- rect.MinY = yoff - HEIGHT;
- rect.MaxY = yoff;
- le = PlotWindowWnd-> LeftEdge;
- te = PlotWindowWnd-> TopEdge;
- re = PlotWindowWnd-> LeftEdge + PlotWindowWnd-> Width;
- be = PlotWindowWnd-> TopEdge + PlotWindowWnd-> Height;
- if ( ! (new_region = NewRegion())) return;
- if ( ! (OrRectRegion( new_region, &rect))) return;
- if (( old_region = InstallClipRegion( PlotWindowWnd-> WLayer, new_region ))) return;
- qx = ScaleX( ThisPoint-> xval);
- qy = ScaleY( ThisPoint-> yval);
- if ( qx < le ) qx = le;
- if ( qx > re ) qx = re;
- if ( qy < te ) qy = te;
- if ( qy > be ) qy = be;
- Move ( rp, qx, qy );
- do
- {
- ThisPoint = ThisPoint-> NextPoint;
- qx = ScaleX( ThisPoint-> xval);
- /* need to change if not time sampled data */
- if ( qx < le ) continue;
- if ( qx > re ) break;
- qy = ScaleY( ThisPoint-> yval);
- if ( qy < te ) qy = te;
- if ( qy > be ) qy = be;
- Draw ( rp, qx, qy);
- } while ( ThisPoint-> NextPoint );
- new_region = InstallClipRegion(PlotWindowWnd->WLayer, old_region);
- DisposeRegion(new_region);
- }
- /* draw symbols on one set */
- void SymSet ( struct Point *ThisPoint )
- {
- LONG qx, qy;
- WORD dx, dy;
- BOOL clip;
- dx = xoff + WIDTH;
- dy = yoff - HEIGHT;
- do {
- clip = FALSE;
- qx = ScaleX( ThisPoint-> xval);
- qy = ScaleY( ThisPoint-> yval);
- if ( qx < xoff )
- {
- qx = xoff;
- clip = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( qx > dx )
- {
- qx = dx;
- clip = TRUE;
- }
- if ( qy > yoff )
- {
- qy = yoff;
- clip = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( qy < dy )
- {
- qy = dy;
- clip = TRUE;
- }
- if ( !clip )
- {
- Move ( rp, qx - 1, qy + 1);
- Draw ( rp, qx + 1, qy - 1);
- Move ( rp, qx + 1, qy + 1);
- Draw ( rp, qx - 1, qy - 1);
- }
- ThisPoint = ThisPoint-> NextPoint;
- } while ( ThisPoint-> NextPoint );
- }
- /* Draw recessed bevel box filled with color */
- void DrawColorBox ( WORD xs ,WORD ys , WORD xw ,WORD yh, WORD color)
- {
- SetAPen( rp, (MONO ? 0 : color));
- RectFill( rp, xs, ys - yh - 1, xs + xw, ys + 1 );
- DrawBevelBox( rp, xs - 2, ys - yh - 1 , xw + 5, yh + 4, GT_VisualInfo, VisualInfo, GTBB_Recessed, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- }
- /* Draw Color boxes with filenames in them */
- WORD DrawFileNameBoxes( WORD ys)
- {
- struct Set *node;
- struct TextExtent txex;
- WORD p = 4, h = 0, w = 0, xs, ns = 0;
- if (NOFNAME) return((WORD)xoff);
- for ( node = (struct Set *)SetList-> lh_Head; node-> snode.ln_Succ; node = (struct Set *)node-> snode.ln_Succ )
- {
- TextExtent( rp, node-> fn, strlen( node-> fn ), &txex);
- w = max( w, txex.te_Width);
- h = max( h, txex.te_Height);
- ns++;
- }
- w += BOXOFF;
- h += BOXOFF;
- SetBPen( rp, 1);
- if ( ns > 1 )
- xs = PlotWindowWnd-> Width - w - BORDER;
- else
- {
- xs = ( PlotWindowWnd-> Width / 2 - w / 2);
- ys = BORDER;
- }
- for ( node = (struct Set *)SetList-> lh_Head; node-> snode.ln_Succ; node = (struct Set *)node-> snode.ln_Succ )
- {
- SetAPen( rp, p);
- ys += h;
- TextExtent( rp, node-> fn, strlen( node-> fn ), &txex);
- DrawColorBox( xs , ys, w, h, p );
- SetDrMd( rp, (JAM2 | INVERSVID));
- Move ( rp, xs + w/2 - txex.te_Width/2 , ys - BOXOFF / 2 );
- Text( rp, node-> fn, strlen( node-> fn));
- ys += BORDER;
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM2);
- p++;
- if ( p > lastcolor - 2 ) p = 4;
- }
- return (WORD)( ns > 1 ? w + 2 * BORDER : xoff );
- }
- /* Adjust xmin and xmax to even nubers and draw tiks with text */
- void XAxis()
- {
- LOGX ? logXAxis() : linXAxis();
- }
- /* Adjust ymin and ymax to even nubers and draw tiks with text */
- void YAxis()
- {
- LOGY ? logYAxis() : linYAxis();
- }
- void logXAxis()
- {
- LONG j, k, l;
- double q, r;
- /* Cant do negative log scale set lin */
- if( cv.xmin <= 0.0 )
- {
- linXAxis();
- return;
- }
- j = (LONG) log10( cv.xmin );
- if( log10( cv.xmin ) <= 0.0 ) j-- ;
- cv.xmin = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- k = (LONG) log10( cv.xmax );
- if( log10( cv.xmax ) > 0.0 ) k++ ;
- cv.xmax = pow( 10.0, (double)k );
- cv.xdec = k - j;
- cv.xmode = -1;
- cv.xdelta = cv.xmax - cv.xmin;
- cv.xfact = 1;
- for( q = cv.xmin ; q < cv.xmax; j++)
- {
- ticX( q, TRUE);
- for( l = 2; l < 10; l++)
- {
- r = q * l;
- if( r > cv.xmax ) break;
- ticX( r, FALSE);
- }
- q = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- }
- ticX( cv.xmax, TRUE);
- }
- void logYAxis()
- {
- LONG j, k, l;
- double q, r;
- /* Cant do negative log scale set lin */
- if( cv.ymin <= 0.0 )
- {
- linYAxis();
- return;
- }
- j = (LONG) log10( cv.ymin );
- if( log10( cv.ymin ) <= 0.0 ) j-- ;
- cv.ymin = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- k = (LONG) log10( cv.ymax );
- if( log10( cv.ymax ) > 0.0 ) k++ ;
- cv.ymax = pow( 10.0, (double)k );
- cv.ydec = k - j;
- cv.ymode = -1;
- cv.ydelta = cv.ymax - cv.ymin;
- cv.yfact = 1;
- for( q = cv.ymin ; q < cv.ymax; j++)
- {
- ticY( q, TRUE);
- for( l = 2; l < 10; l++)
- {
- r = q * l;
- if( r > cv.ymax ) break;
- ticY( r, FALSE);
- }
- q = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- }
- ticY( cv.ymax, TRUE);
- }
- void linXAxis()
- {
- double a, p;
- LONG b;
- WORD k;
- UBYTE s[32];
- struct TextExtent txex;
- /* if x all the same value kluge */
- if ( cv.xmax == cv.xmin )
- {
- if ( cv.xmax == 0.0 ) cv.xmax = 1.0;
- cv.xmax *= 1.01;
- cv.xmin *= 0.99;
- }
- /* end kluge */
- /* Calculate X View */
- cv.xtik = cv.xsubt = cv.xmode = cv.xprec = 0.0;
- tik( cv.xmin, cv.xmax, &cv.xtik, &cv.xsubt, &cv.xmode, &cv.xprec);
- a = cv.xmin / cv.xtik;
- Round ( &a );
- b = (LONG)a;
- if ( a < 0 && b != a ) b--;
- cv.xmin = cv.xtik * b;
- a = cv.xmax / cv.xtik;
- Round ( &a );
- b = (LONG)a;
- if ( a > 0 && b != a ) b++;
- cv.xmax = cv.xtik * b;
- cv.xdelta = cv.xmax - cv.xmin;
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM1);
- if ( cv.xmode )
- {
- CalcMode ( cv.xdelta , &cv.xfact );
- sprintf( s, "x %.0le", cv.xfact);
- E2xTen( s );
- TextExtent( rp, s, strlen( s ), &txex);
- SetAPen( rp, (MONO ? 1 : TIKCOLOR));
- Move ( rp, xoff + WIDTH/2 - txex.te_Width/2, yoff + 2 * GADHEIGHT);
- Text( rp, s, strlen( s ));
- }
- /* Draw Tick Marks */
- a = p = cv.xmin;
- do
- {
- ticX( a, TRUE );
- a += cv.xtik;
- for ( k = 1; k <= cv.xsubt && p <= cv.xmax; k++)
- {
- ticX( p, FALSE);
- p = a - k * cv.xtik / cv.xsubt;
- }
- } while ( p < cv.xmax );
- ticX( cv.xmax, TRUE);
- }
- void linYAxis()
- {
- double a, p;
- LONG b;
- WORD k;
- UBYTE s[32];
- struct TextExtent txex;
- /* if y all the same value kluge */
- if ( cv.ymax == cv.ymin )
- {
- if ( cv.ymax == 0.0 ) cv.ymax = 1.0;
- cv.ymax *= 1.01;
- cv.ymin *= 0.99;
- }
- /* end kluge */
- /* Calculate Y View */
- cv.ytik = cv.ysubt = cv.ymode = cv.yprec = 0.0;
- tik( cv.ymin, cv.ymax, &cv.ytik, &cv.ysubt, &cv.ymode, &cv.yprec);
- a = cv.ymin / cv.ytik;
- Round ( &a );
- b = (LONG)a;
- if ( a < 0 && b != a ) b--;
- cv.ymin = cv.ytik * b;
- a = cv.ymax / cv.ytik;
- Round ( &a );
- b = (LONG)a;
- if ( a > 0 && b != a ) b++;
- cv.ymax = cv.ytik * b;
- cv.ydelta = cv.ymax - cv.ymin;
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM1);
- if ( cv.ymode )
- {
- CalcMode ( cv.ydelta , &cv.yfact );
- sprintf( s, "%.0le", cv.yfact);
- E2xTen( s );
- TextExtent( rp, s, strlen( s ), &txex);
- SetAPen( rp, (MONO ? 1 : TIKCOLOR));
- Move ( rp, xoff - BORDER - txex.te_Width, PlotWindowWnd-> TopEdge + txex.te_Height);
- Text( rp, s, strlen( s ));
- }
- /* Draw Tick Marks */
- a = p = cv.ymin;
- do
- {
- ticY( a , TRUE);
- a += cv.ytik;
- for ( k = 1; k <= cv.ysubt && p <= cv.ymax; k++)
- {
- ticY( p, FALSE);
- p = a - k * cv.ytik / cv.ysubt;
- }
- } while ( p < cv.ymax );
- ticY( cv.ymax, TRUE);
- }
- void Grid()
- {
- LOGX ? logXGrid() : linXGrid() ;
- LOGY ? logYGrid() : linYGrid() ;
- }
- void logXGrid()
- {
- float q;
- double j, k;
- LONG x;
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- SetDrPt( rp, 0x3333);
- j = log10( cv.xmin ) + 1;
- k = log10( cv.xmax );
- for( j; j < k; j += 1.0)
- {
- q = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- x = ScaleX( q );
- if ( x < xoff + WIDTH - 1 )
- {
- Move( rp, x, yoff );
- Draw( rp, x, yoff - HEIGHT );
- }
- }
- SetDrPt( rp, 0xFFFF);
- }
- void logYGrid()
- {
- float q;
- double j, k;
- LONG y;
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- SetDrPt( rp, 0x3333);
- j = log10( cv.ymin ) + 1.0;
- k = log10( cv.ymax );
- for( j; j < k; j += 1.0)
- {
- q = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- y = ScaleY( q );
- if ( y > yoff - HEIGHT + 1 )
- {
- Move( rp, xoff, y );
- Draw( rp, xoff + WIDTH, y );
- }
- }
- SetDrPt( rp, 0xFFFF);
- }
- void linXGrid()
- {
- double a;
- WORD x;
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- SetDrPt( rp, 0x3333);
- a = cv.xmin;
- while ( a < cv.xmax - cv.xtik )
- {
- a += cv.xtik;
- x = ScaleX( (float)a );
- if ( x < xoff + WIDTH - 1 )
- {
- Move( rp, x, yoff);
- Draw( rp, x, yoff - HEIGHT);
- }
- }
- SetDrPt( rp, 0xFFFF);
- }
- void linYGrid()
- {
- double a;
- WORD y;
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- SetDrPt( rp, 0x3333);
- a = cv.ymin;
- while ( a < cv.ymax - cv.ytik )
- {
- a += cv.ytik;
- y = ScaleY( (float)a );
- if ( y > yoff - HEIGHT + 1 )
- {
- Move( rp, xoff, y );
- Draw( rp, xoff + WIDTH, y );
- }
- }
- SetDrPt( rp, 0xFFFF);
- }
- /* Color entire window with pen zero then refresh gadgets if control panel on*/
- void Erase()
- {
- SetAPen( rp, 0);
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM1);
- RectFill( rp, 0, 0, PlotWindowWnd-> Width, PlotWindowWnd-> Height );
- if ( CPANEL ) RefreshGadgets( PlotWindowGadgets[0], PlotWindowWnd, NULL);
- }
- /* Draw an XAxis tik and put text if major */
- void ticX ( double val, BOOL major)
- {
- LONG x, y;
- UBYTE tx[32];
- UBYTE *txp;
- UBYTE fm[32];
- double rs;
- struct TextExtent txex;
- x = ScaleX((float) val);
- y = yoff + 3;
- Move ( rp, x, y);
- txp = tx;
- if ( major )
- y += SIZETIC;
- else
- y += SIZETIC/2;
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM2);
- SetBPen(rp,0);
- SetAPen( rp, ( MONO ? 1 : TIKCOLOR));
- Draw( rp, x, y);
- if ( major )
- {
- if ( cv.xmode == 1 )
- {
- rs = val / cv.xfact;
- Round( &rs );
- sprintf( tx, "%lg", rs);
- }
- else if ( cv.xmode == 0 )
- {
- sprintf( fm, "%%.%hdlf", cv.xprec);
- sprintf( tx, fm, val);
- }
- else if ( cv.xmode == -1 )
- {
- sprintf( tx, "%le", val);
- E2xTen( tx );
- txp++;
- }
- TextExtent( rp, txp, strlen( txp ), &txex);
- Move ( rp, x - txex.te_Width/2, y + txex.te_Height + SIZETIC / 2 );
- Text( rp, txp, strlen( txp ));
- }
- }
- /* Draw a YAxis tik and put text if major */
- void ticY ( double val, BOOL major)
- {
- LONG x, y;
- UBYTE tx[32];
- UBYTE *txp;
- UBYTE fm[32];
- double rs;
- struct TextExtent txex;
- y = ScaleY((float) val);
- x = xoff - 3;
- Move ( rp, x, y);
- txp = tx;
- if ( major )
- x -= SIZETIC;
- else
- x -= SIZETIC/2;
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM2);
- SetBPen( rp, 0);
- SetAPen( rp, (MONO ? 1 : TIKCOLOR));
- Draw( rp, x, y);
- if ( major )
- {
- if ( cv.ymode == 1 )
- {
- rs = val / cv.yfact;
- Round( &rs );
- sprintf( tx, "%lg", rs);
- }
- else if ( cv.ymode == 0 )
- {
- sprintf( fm, "%%.%hdlf", cv.yprec);
- sprintf( tx, fm, val);
- }
- else if ( cv.ymode == -1 )
- {
- sprintf( tx, "%le", val);
- E2xTen( tx );
- txp++;
- }
- TextExtent(rp, txp, strlen( txp ), &txex);
- Move( rp, x - txex.te_Width - SIZETIC / 2, y + txex.te_Height/2 - 1);
- Text( rp, txp, strlen( txp ));
- }
- }
- /* Routine does everything when Zoom gadget selected */
- void Zoom()
- {
- BOOL running = TRUE;
- BOOL select = FALSE;
- LONG j = 0, k = 0;
- WORD selco[2];
- static WORD Cross [2];
- struct IntuiMessage *m;
- double a,b,c,d;
- ReportMouse( TRUE, PlotWindowWnd);
- SetMouseQueue( PlotWindowWnd, 1 );
- do {
- Wait ( 1L << PlotWindowWnd-> UserPort-> mp_SigBit );
- while( m = GT_GetIMsg( PlotWindowWnd->UserPort )) {
- CopyMem(( char * )m, ( char * )&PlotWindowMsg, (long)sizeof( struct IntuiMessage ));
- GT_ReplyIMsg( m );
- switch ( PlotWindowMsg.Class ) {
- if ( PlotWindowMsg.MouseX > xoff && PlotWindowMsg.MouseX < xoff + WIDTH
- && PlotWindowMsg.MouseY < yoff && PlotWindowMsg.MouseY > yoff - HEIGHT)
- {
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- if ( k )
- {
- Move( rp, xoff, Cross[1]);
- Draw( rp, xoff + WIDTH, Cross[1]);
- Move( rp, Cross[0], yoff);
- Draw( rp, Cross[0], yoff - HEIGHT);
- }
- Move( rp, xoff, PlotWindowMsg.MouseY);
- Draw( rp, xoff + WIDTH, PlotWindowMsg.MouseY);
- Move( rp, PlotWindowMsg.MouseX, yoff);
- Draw( rp, PlotWindowMsg.MouseX, yoff - HEIGHT);
- if ( select )
- {
- if ( j )
- {
- Move( rp, selco[0], selco[1]);
- Draw( rp, selco[0], Cross[1]);
- Move( rp, selco[0], selco[1]);
- Draw( rp, Cross[0], selco[1]);
- }
- Move( rp, selco[0], selco[1]);
- Draw( rp, selco[0], PlotWindowMsg.MouseY);
- Move( rp, selco[0], selco[1]);
- Draw( rp, PlotWindowMsg.MouseX, selco[1]);
- j++;
- }
- Cross[0] = PlotWindowMsg.MouseX;
- Cross[1] = PlotWindowMsg.MouseY;
- k++;
- }
- break;
- if (PlotWindowMsg.Code == SELECTUP) running = FALSE;
- else if (PlotWindowMsg.Code == SELECTDOWN)
- {
- select = TRUE;
- selco[0] = PlotWindowMsg.MouseX;
- selco[1] = PlotWindowMsg.MouseY;
- }
- break;
- if ( k )
- {
- Move( rp, xoff, Cross[1]);
- Draw( rp, xoff + WIDTH, Cross[1]);
- Move( rp, Cross[0], yoff);
- Draw( rp, Cross[0], yoff - HEIGHT);
- goto end;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- } while ( running);
- if ( selco[0] == PlotWindowMsg.MouseX || selco[1] == PlotWindowMsg.MouseY )
- {
- Erase ();
- DrawView( FALSE );
- return;
- }
- if ( select )
- {
- a = ZoomX( selco[0] );
- b = ZoomX( PlotWindowMsg.MouseX );
- c = ZoomY( selco[1] );
- d = ZoomY( PlotWindowMsg.MouseY );
- cv.xmin = min( a, b);
- cv.xmax = max( a, b);
- cv.ymin = min( c, d);
- cv.ymax = max( c, d);
- cv.xdelta = cv.xmax - cv.xmin;
- cv.ydelta = cv.ymax - cv.ymin;
- Erase();
- DrawView( FALSE );
- }
- end:
- ReportMouse( FALSE, PlotWindowWnd);
- }
- /* When mode is exponential keep in engineering units */
- void CalcMode ( double delta , double *fact )
- {
- UBYTE s[32];
- WORD e;
- WORD j = 0, k = 0;
- sprintf( s ,"%.0le", delta);
- while ( s[k] != 'e' ) ++k;
- sscanf( &s[++k], "%hd", &e);
- if ( e < 1 ) while( j > e ) j -= 3;
- else while( j+1 < e ) j += 3;
- *fact = pow( 10.0, (double)j );
- }
- /* Change exponetial to X10 */
- void E2xTen( UBYTE *s)
- {
- WORD e;
- WORD k = 0;
- while ( s[k] != 'e' && s[k] != 'E') ++k;
- sscanf( &s[++k], "%hd", &e);
- sprintf( s,"X 10%+hd",e);
- }
- /* Write X and Y to screen when mouse select
- Erase text if mouse has moved more than 3
- pixels since seldown */
- void Identify(WORD x, WORD y, BOOL SelDOWN)
- {
- static WORD ox;
- static WORD oy;
- struct TextExtent txex;
- static double zx;
- static double zy;
- UBYTE txt[16];
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- if( SelDOWN )
- {
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM1);
- SetAPen(rp,15);
- WritePixel( rp, x, y);
- SetAPen(rp,9);
- WritePixel( rp, x+1, y);
- WritePixel( rp, x-1, y);
- WritePixel( rp, x, y-1);
- WritePixel( rp, x, y+1);
- SetAPen(rp,13);
- WritePixel( rp, x+2, y+2);
- WritePixel( rp, x+2, y-2);
- WritePixel( rp, x-2, y-2);
- WritePixel( rp, x-2, y+2);
- zx = ZoomX( x );
- zy = ZoomY( y );
- SetDrMd( rp, COMPLEMENT);
- }
- else if ( (x >= ox - 3 && x <= ox + 3 ) && ( y >= oy - 3 && y <= oy + 3 ))
- {
- SetDrMd( rp, JAM1);
- x = ox;
- y = oy;
- }
- else
- {
- x = ox;
- y = oy;
- }
- if (depth > 2)
- SetAPen(rp,15);
- else
- SetAPen(rp,1);
- sprintf( txt ,"%.2lE", zx);
- TextExtent( rp, txt, strlen( txt ), &txex);
- Move ( rp, x+6, y + txex.te_Height);
- Text (rp,txt, strlen(txt));
- sprintf( txt ,"%.2lE", zy);
- TextExtent( rp, txt, strlen( txt ), &txex);
- Move ( rp, x+6, y-2 );
- Text (rp,txt, strlen(txt));
- ox = x;
- oy = y;
- }