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- The Utility Pack #1
- (c) 1991-1993 Martin Mares, MJSoft System Software
- ================================================================================
- Preface
- =======
- This is a package of small utilities developed by me during last three years.
- All of them work with Kickstart 1.2 or higher and require arp.library.
- All the utilities in this package are Copyright (c) Martin Mares, MJSoft
- System Software, Prague, Czech Republic.
- This archive can be freely redistributed, as long as all of its files are
- included in their original form without any additions, deletions or
- modifications, and no more than a nominal fee is charged for its distribution.
- All copyright notices in the programs and accompanying documentation files must
- remain on their places. Also '.displayme' and other similar files may not be
- added. This is generally known as FREEWARE.
- Special permission is given to Fred Fish to distribute this program on his
- "Fish Disks".
- This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by
- it.
- Send your comments and bug reports to mjsoft@k332.feld.cvut.cz.
- ===================================== AFD ======================================
- Syntax: AFD <file>
- AFD is an acronym from 'ASCII File Dumper'. It shows you a dump of a file
- which contains dots on places of unprintable characters (only characters with
- code $20 to $7F are considered to be printable).
- For example: AFD AFD will display: (only start of the dump is shown here)
- รณ.......................~...........~H...C..S,x..N..h#....|fhP.C..K,x..N..hJ.g",@
- N...".$<...P&<....N..."N,x..N..bp.NuYou need arp.library.!.dos.library.Bad args.
- ....L...C..HE.....G..g,y...|N...J.k.f.C...N...p.`.a..NB.,y...|N.................
- ===================================== Stat =====================================
- Syntax: Stat <command> <arguments> [NIL] [NOROM]
- Options: NIL - suppress console output of the command
- NOROM - exclude memory allocations called from the ROM
- Warning: if there's more than one argument, the argument string must be
- enclosed in quotes.
- Stat runs specified command with given arguments and monitors its activity.
- It measures the time of execution and memory requirements. The time includes
- loading of the program. The memory statistics include ONLY memory allocated by
- the program - if your program allocates some memory and other process frees it,
- Stat will report that your program leaves some memory allocated, therefore
- the "memory left" characteristic is only true for simple programs which don't
- communicate with others.
- Example:
- <<< Stat list RAM: NIL
- >>> Loading+execution time: 1.101412 s
- >>> Max memory usage: 12380 bytes, 0 bytes left allocated.
- =================================== MakeCol ====================================
- Syntax: MakeCol <from> <to> [W <width>] [H <height>] [SP <spacing>] [T <tab>]
- Defauls: W=80 H=60 SP=4 T=8
- MakeCol converts a text file to another text file trying to make multiple
- columns on one page. There may be different number of columns on each page.
- MakeCol never splits source lines, therefore each column has a width of the
- longest line in it.
- The H and W parameters specify page size, SP controls number of spaces
- inserted between two adjacent columns, T sets tab size.
- ==================================== Print =====================================
- Syntax: Print <file>
- Prints a 640x512x1 IFF picture on Epson 9-pin printers. The printing is done
- in special mode with equal density of dots in both (vertical and horizontal)
- directions.
- ===================================== PW2 ======================================
- Syntax: PW2 <exponent>
- Calculates the value of 2^<exponent> for natural exponents less than 187220.
- This program tries to do it as quickly as it's possible. (It is also an example
- of less typical benchmark program.)
- ================================== TwoMouses ===================================
- This small utility (its size is exactly 512 bytes) allows to control your
- mouse pointer with two mice (the second one is connected to the second game
- port). It's useful for playing of games controlled by two users (e.g.
- Exploding Atoms).
- May be started from the WorkBench if you make an icon for it.
- Known bugs: eats a lot of CPU time when you use the second mouse.
- TwoMouses can be distributed without any restrictions (it may be included in
- any kind of software package including commercial one).
- ================================== WordCount ===================================
- Syntax: WordCount <file>
- Counts frequencies of all words in the file. The words are sorted by their
- decreasing frequency (the most frequent word is placed on the first line of output).
- All non-empty sequences of letters are considered to be a word.
- ================================== ExpMemPri ===================================
- Syntax: ExpMemPri (0|1)
- ExpMemPri controls priority of your expansion memory. It is useful on systems
- with small amount of 32-bit RAM if you want to load some program to other
- memory regions and leave the expansion RAM free for later use.
- ExpMemPri 0 sets the priority to -20 (lower than priority of all standard
- memory regions)
- ExpMemPri 1 sets the priority to 10 (original value)
- ExpMemPri doesn't require arp.library.
- ===================================== Cut ======================================
- Syntax: Cut <from> <to> <bytesize>
- Cut is a small utility for file chopping. Its purpose is to chop a large file
- to many small ones which are not larger than specified size.
- The names of destination files are <to>.<n> (n is number of the fragment).
- =================================== FastCmp ====================================
- Syntax: FastCmp <file1> <file2>
- FastCmp performs a byte-to-byte comparison of two files. There are two
- differences between FastCmp and standard Cmp: FastCmp doesn't support wildcards
- and loads both files to the memory -> FastCmp is significantly faster.
- ==================================== FType =====================================
- Syntax: FType <file> [MINLEN <length>]
- Prints all strings composed of printable characters (see AFD) of length
- greater or equal to given threshold (default is 5). I use it very frequently
- when I search for messages in any kind of binary file.
- Example:
- <<< FType AFD
- >>> g",@N
- >>> NuYou need arp.library
- >>> dos.library
- >>> Bad args
- >>> May be used for file dumping in ASCII...
- >>> FILE/A
- >>> lpR,y
- >>> NuS@ y
- >>> Unable to open source file!
- >>> Insufficient memory for buffer!
- >>> <EOF>
- ==================================== LFilt =====================================
- Syntax: LFilt [NOT] [FIRST]
- LFilt is a filter (it means that it communicates only through its standard
- input and standard output streams). Its main task is to process text files and
- do something with consecutive identical lines (the comparison of lines is not
- case-sensitive).
- Standard operation: only first line of the block of identical ones is
- copied, the other ones are ignored.
- FIRST option set: only non-duplicated lines are copied.
- NOT option set: inverse operation (the lines which would be normally copied
- are ignored, the other lines are ignored).
- Example:
- source file contains:
- aaa
- aaa
- aaa
- bbb
- ccc
- aaa
- aaa
- bbb
- after LFilt:
- aaa
- bbb
- ccc
- aaa
- bbb
- after LFilt NOT:
- aaa
- aaa
- ccc
- aaa
- after LFilt FIRST:
- bbb
- bbb
- after LFilt FIRST NOT:
- aaa
- aaa
- aaa
- ccc
- ccc
- aaa
- aaa
- ================================== Requester ===================================
- Syntax: Requester [ON | OFF]
- Turns ON or OFF displaying of system requesters ("Please insert volume
- <xxx> in any drive", "Volume Empty is full" etc.). This setting affects only
- the shell it has been ran from.
- When no parameters are specified, the current status of system requester
- switch is displayed.
- =================================== SetMPos ====================================
- Syntax: SetMPos <X> <Y>
- Sets position of the mouse pointer to given location (both coordinates are
- given in HIRES+LACE pixels, the left top corner has X=0 and Y=0).
- Known bugs: Doesn't work properly when there is a mouse acceleration
- installed in the system.
- =================================== SetPrefs ===================================
- Syntax: SetPrefs <file>
- Loads a system configuration (set by original 1.X Preferences and usually
- stored in DEVS:System-configuration) from specified file.
- ===================================== Exe ======================================
- Exe reads lines from the standard input and executes them. It's especially
- useful in shells allowing pipes. You can simply say
- List FILES UPTO 01-Jan-93 LFORMAT "delete %s" | Exe
- when you want to delete all files created before 01-Jan-93.
- ===================================== Tee ======================================
- Another filter. It copies the standard input to the standard output AND to
- specified file. (see tee in UNIX).
- Example: (similar to previous example)
- List FILES UPTO 01-Jan-93 LFORMAT "delete %s" | Tee RAM:X | Exe
- ================================================================================