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Text File | 1993-12-21 | 48.3 KB | 1,238 lines |
- Documentation for Recall
- This document describes the usage of Recall and how to make your own
- customized project of events. Please also refer to the documentation for
- Recall Converter, describing how to convert your project between different
- formats.
- New Features
- A little more specific:
- Recall Preferences:
- - The new version uses the powerful MUImaster.library. Using this library
- enables the user, with the aid of a preferences program, to customize
- the GUI of Recall according to his/hers personal taste.
- - The window is sizable and its position and size may be saved.
- - The user-interface is now completely font-adaptable.
- - Frequent used gadgets have short-cuts. Even the listviews may now be
- controlled from keyboard.
- - The Preferences is an exchange-program which may be controlled from
- Commodore's Exchange-program. The "Checker" and the Preferences are
- still separated though...
- - The program can now be iconified.
- - On-line-help for every gadget and functions are available directly from
- the program.
- - The date and time of an event is now set from a calendar!!!
- - The frequency of the event can now be set to 'Never'. Useful if you
- want to temporarily prevent an event of being shown. In previous
- versions you would have to either delete the entire event or all it's
- texts to accomplish this the same result...
- - Any item in the list of texts can be duplicated.
- - The list of texts can be sorted alphabetically.
- - Possibility to import and export the project in ASCII-format.
- (Suggested by Michael Zielinski and Rudi)
- - The format of the .prefs-file is now IFF-FORM for full flexibility and
- stability. The .prefs-file is now a lot smaller.
- - If a project is discovered to be corrupt during loading, the program
- automatically tries to load as much of the project as it can.
- - Real time updating of an event's attributes.
- - If 'Confirm' in the Settings-menu is checked, all dangerous actions
- (quitting without saving etc.) must be confirmed.
- - A more readable and better organized .guide. A ASCII-version of the
- documentation is also included for those who want to print out
- the documentation.
- - An unstall-program, which removes the application.
- - Optimized code for faster functions. Although the new version of Recall
- includes many more options and functions, it has reduced in size!
- - All binaries take advantage of a faster CPU if available.
- Recall:
- * Events can now be grouped and displayed in the same requester or alert.
- * The screen can now be flashed and beeped (standard DisplayBeep) before
- showing an event.
- * Requesters and alerts can be acknowledged, which prevents the event
- from being displayed more that day.
- * Expired events can be automatically removed when running the project.
- * Possibility to switch between System-requesters or ReqTools-requesters.
- Description
- Do you keep forgetting about birthdays, anniversaries and other important
- events?
- Well, there are plenty of public domain products on the market that will
- prevent that from happening.
- But, do you also want to
- - keep track of the remaining days to important events?
- - keep track of the days since important events happened?
- - autostart certain programs depending on the date and time?
- - be reminded every # day (e.g. every 14th day) ?
- - be reminded # days before or after the event
- - be reminded with requesters, alerts or practically anything that can be
- displayed on a Amiga-monitor?
- - display unlimited lines of text in the same requester/alert (only
- limited by the screen's resolution and memory)
- - group different events in the same requester or alert?
- - keep a simple database of the birthdays of family and friends?
- - let your Amiga keep track of how old people are by insterting the date
- of birth in the middle of the string where you want to display the age?
- (E.g. the text "Adam Bark is {080570} years old today" will be displayed
- as "Adam Bark is 23 years old today".)
- - make advanced events which are displayed for example after 21:00 every
- 3rd day the first 7 days of every 2nd month the next 4 years?
- - combine all of the attributes mentioned above in the same event?
- - enter these events in an easy-to-use environment and without the need of
- programming-knowledge, just by entering the desired text and pressing a
- few buttons?
- Well, then you will find this program extremely useful, because Recall
- will do exactly that for you! It is an easy-to-use, intuition-based
- utility for the absent-minded!
- About Recall and it's author
- NAME: Recall/Recall Preferences/Recall Converter
- PROGRAMMER: Ketil Hunn
- PLACE: Fredrikstad / Molde - DHMolde 1993, Norway
- COPYRIGHT: All binaries, sources and docs are © 1993 Ketil Hunn
- DISTRIBUTE: Freely Distributable, Public Domain
- MAIL: hunn@dhmolde.no
- ketil@lyr.dhmolde.no
- REQUIREMENTS: Any Amiga with WB2.0+
- At least 1Mb free memory
- MUImaster.library V1.4+ (not included)
- MUI-Classes (not included)
- MUI: I have not included MUI since this would have made the
- archive a lot bigger. If the MUI-package is not yet in your
- possession, you should be able to find it at several Public
- Domain sites around the world, your local BBS or on Public
- Domain Disks.
- SOURCE: The included source can be compiled with SAS/C V6.0+
- GENERAL: This package was developed on an A3000 25MHz with 6Mb RAM,
- 1950 multisync monitor, 105Mb harddrive, 3 drives and a Nec
- P20-printer. All software were running under WB3.1.
- The Graphical User Interface (GUI) was created using the
- great MUImaster.library V1.4 - Copyrighted 1992/93 Stefan
- Stuntz
- THANKS TO All those who sent me suggestions and bugs.
- Copyrights
- This application is freely redistributable. The source is included, and
- you are permitted to modify it for personal use, but any modifications
- made MUST NOT be distributed. If you have made changes you think others
- might find useful, send them to me and I may include them in future
- releases.
- Think twice before you:
- * SPREAD or DELETE parts of this program. Some people actually read the
- docs (you are, at the moment!) and others might want to study the
- source! All of the following files and its icons MUST be in the
- archive:
- Install/InstallMe! : Installer-script for harddrive-users
- Install/UnstallMe! : Removes the application from a system
- Recall : Main program
- Prefs/Recall : Preference-program
- Tools/RecallConverter : Program to import and export projects
- Docs/Recall.guide : Documentation in the AmigaGuide-format
- Docs/Recall.ASCII : Documentation in the ASCII-format
- Recall.prefs : An example-project
- Source (dir) : All sources, ready to be compiled!
- * CRUNCH this program and then spread it. Some decrunchers use a lot of
- memory and not all of the users have all that memory available! Most of
- the Amiga-owners dislike colorcycling pointers and screens, and not all
- crunchers have available decrunchers, so the user may not be able to
- decrunch the program if she/he wants to!
- * SELL or INCLUDE this in a commercial package! This program is dedicated
- to the Amiga society and is placed in the Public Domain! If you charge
- more than a reasonable copy fee for this package, people are sure to
- find out about you sooner or later, and that will certainly be the end
- for you in the Amiga-scene!
- * BUY this program. You have been swindled! If you actually read this
- text, the seller must be pretty dumb not removing this text before
- selling it to you (he probably assumes you're just another lamer that
- can't read!).
- * USE this program. In spite of several test, no warranty is made that
- there's no more bugs in this application. You use this program at your
- own risks! I will not under any circumstances be liable for any damage,
- direct or indirect, resulting of the use of any programs in this
- package. If Recall forgot to remind you about some events, DO NOT BLAME
- ME - if you were not so absent-minded you wouldn't be needing an utility
- like this in the first place: You can either trust Recall and keep on
- with your life, or quit using Recall and start to remember things...
- * READ this document. I will not be liable for any damage this document
- may have caused you; english is not my native language and I guess this
- document is full of misspellings and misunderstandings. You can either
- live with it and keep on reading, run this through a spellchecker or
- stop reading. The program is quite easy to use and needs no
- explanations.
- * LIKE this program. You may want to send me a postcard if you do, just
- telling me how much you like it. Really, I wouldn't mind that at all,
- but it is no obligation. You may also drop me a note on the internet.
- The address will be at the end of this document.
- Installing
- I am not going to go through the whole process of installing here, since
- most of you are already familiar with Commodore's Installer. Just
- doubleclick on the install-icon, and the program will install itself
- automatically (just answer a few questions...).
- The script needs Commodore's 'Amiga Application Installation Utility'
- (Installer) in order to run. This is not included in this package because
- it is copyrighted to Commodore. The Installer utility is shipped with
- WB2.1 and higher.
- If not available, please copy the program and its icon as follows:
- Recall -> SYS:WBStartup/
- Prefs/Recall -> SYS:Prefs/
- Tools/Recall Converter -> SYS:Tools/
- Recall.prefs -> ENVARC: and ENV:
- Source -> Wherever you like...
- Unstall -> Wherever you like...
- If you do not install Recall and Recall Converter to the listed drawers,
- Recall Preferences will not be able to find them, and you will not be able
- to test projects nor import and export projects.
- Unstalling
- Doubleclicking on the icon named UnstallMe!, will execute a script to
- remove the Recall package from your harddisk (all actions must be
- confirmed!).
- Running the programs
- Both programs may be run from Shell or from Workbench by doubleclicking on
- their icons.
- An absent-minded person like yourself, is also capable of forgetting to
- start Recall every day, so the most secure way of being reminded of
- events, is to place the Recall in your SYS:WBStartup drawer. This way
- it will check for events every time you reboot.
- If Recall is run with no parameters it will automatically look for the
- project "ENVARC:Recall.prefs". Any parameters will override this.
- "Recall test.script" forces Recall to open the script "test.script"
- instead of "ENVARC:Recall.prefs".
- Using RecallPrefs
- This is where all the work is done and where the you create your
- customized project. The window of Recall Preferences is dominated by two
- groups of objects, each group containing a listview. The listview in the
- Event-group contains all the events you want to be reminded of, while the
- listview in the Text-group will contain the event's textlines or commands.
- The program can either be controlled by mouse or keyboard. Most gadgets
- have an underlined character, meaning that a hit on this character on the
- keyboard are equal to clicking on it with the mouse. The two Delete-
- gadgets do not have a short-cut, to prevent you from accidentally delete
- an event or a text. They may however be controlled from keyboard by
- cycling you through the gadgets with TAB until the desired gadget is
- highlighted and then pressing return. Even the listviews may be control-
- led from keyboard. Whenever a listview's stringgadget is active you may
- select the previous or next item in the list by using the arrow buttons.
- Creating an event
- You can add an event to the list by clicking on the Add-gadget. The
- stringgadget above it will become activated, letting you enter the name of
- the event. The length of the name is limited to 30 characters. The
- event's name should be short, consistent and describe the type of event
- well. If you have many events which reminds you about e.g. birthdays, a
- good name for all these events could be 'Birthday: <name>', as this would
- provide a better visualization of the data and make it a lot easier for
- you to seek through the list of events.
- The name you have entered, will only be added to the list if you press
- return. Failing to do so, will cancel the creation of the new event.
- Pressing return will add the new event at the bottom of the list. If the
- bottom of the list is not showing, it will automatically jump to the
- bottom to show the new event. The new event will be highlighted to
- indicate that it is the current active event.
- The number of events is only limited by your available memory.
- Duplicate an event
- You can duplicate an event by selecting the desired event and clicking on
- the Copy-gadget. All attributes as well as all textlines of the event
- will also be duplicated. The new event will appear just below the source.
- The stringgadget will be activated, allowing you change the name of the
- destination event. The destination is highlighted to indicate that it is
- the current active event.
- Delete an event
- You can delete an event by selecting the desired event and clicking on the
- Delete-gadget. All attributes as well as all textlines of the event will
- also be deleted. The next event in the list will become the current
- active event.
- If the project has been previously saved, the deleted event can be
- restored by selecting Edit->Last saved.
- Change the placement of an event
- When running a project, the events will be run in priority from top to
- bottom unless the menu-item 'Group events?' is checked. So moving a event
- up will that it will appear earlier when running the project.
- Up
- Moves the current active event up one position.
- Down
- Moves the current active event down one position.
- Top
- Moves the current active event to the beginning of the list.
- Bottom
- Moves the current active event to the end of the list.
- See also Settings->Group Events?
- Purge Events
- When the same project is used for considerable period of time, it may at
- the end contain a lot of events which are expired or said in other words,
- contain events which will never be displayed. So instead of going through
- the entire list, looking for events that is no longer needed, you simply
- click on the Purge-gadget, and the machine will do the checking and
- deleting for you!
- See also Settings->AutoDelete events?
- Sorting the list of events
- There are three methods of organizing the list of events. You can either
- sort the events alphabetically, sort them by date or by changing their
- placement individually.
- The list of events will be sorted whenever clicking on the Sort-gadget.
- The routine used, is determined by the settings in the settings-menu.
- When sorting by date, the events with no date at all will be appearing at
- the beginning of the list, then the events with one or more components of
- the date replaced by '**' will appear and last, the events with a fixed
- date.
- See also Settings->Sort by
- Setting date an event
- The date of an event is now set from a calendar, very much set up like the
- Commodore's own Time Preferences. This calendar can be opened by pressing
- the Edit-button.
- The textwindow on the left to the Edit-button will always show the date of
- the event. When no date is set, the date will be substituted by a text
- saying 'Whenever', and when no time is set, the time will be substituted
- by a text saying 'Anytime'. When a component of the date is of no
- importance, it will be displayed as two or more '*', meaning that any
- value will satisfy.
- To set the day of an event, simply click on one the numbered gadgets in
- the calendar-window. The selected day will be highlighted and displayed
- in the date field. If you want the event to appear on any day, please set
- the day to '0', zero.
- The month is set by cycling through the month-cyclegadget until the
- desired month is activated. If you want the event to appear every month,
- please select the first cycle-item named 'Any month'.
- The year of the event is set by entering the desired year in the
- integer-gadget next to the month- cyclegadget. If you want the event
- to appear every year, enter a zero or nothing. Entering a number
- which length is less than four, will cause the event to be displayed
- each year the given year match with the current year. In other words,
- entering year='3' (displayed as '***3') will display the event every year
- that ends with '3'.
- See also How to tune the date and time
- Set the time of an event
- Setting the time and date to now
- Clearing the date and time
- Setting the time of an event
- Setting the time is just as simple as setting the time under Commodore's
- Time Preferences. Just drag the sliders to the desired level. The
- selected hour and minutes will be shown in the main window. Setting any
- of the sliders to the bottom level will replace its value with '**',
- meaning that any hour/minute will do.
- See also How to tune the date and time
- Tuning the date and time
- It may be times when you do not want the events to appear on a specific
- date or time, but rather before or after. Well, this can be done easily
- by setting the cycle-gadgets at the top of both date- and time-groups in
- the calendar. The default value is 'Exact'.
- Exact
- The event will appear ONLY at the given date or time. If you do not turn
- your machine on that day, you will never see the event!
- Before
- The event will appear only BEFORE the given date or time. If the
- selected date is '07.**.1993', the event will appear on the first 6 days
- every month during 1993. If the selected time is '11:00', the event will
- appear between '00:00' and (not including) '11:00'.
- After
- The event will appear only AFTER the given date or time. If the
- selected date is '07.06.1993', the event will appear every day from
- '08.06.1993' to eternity. If the selected time is '11:00', the event will
- appear between '11:01' and (including) '23:59'.
- See also Setting the number of days before or after
- Making a repeating event
- Setting the number of days before or after
- Allows the user to set the interval of days, and the event will only
- be displayed during that interval. Let's say the date is set to
- '07.**.1993', days set to value '2' and the cyclebutton selected is
- Before, the date will only be displayed on the 5th and 6th every month
- during 1993, in other words two days before the 7th day of that month.
- This gadget only becomes available when the date is set to Before or
- After.
- Making repeating events
- Allows the user to set the interval of repeating days. If for example the
- field contains the number '14', the event will be displayed every 14th
- day before/after the specified date.
- This gadget only becomes available when the date is set to Before or
- After.
- Another way of making a repeat event, is of course by setting one or more
- of the date's components to a zero (indicated by '**' in the date).
- See also Setting the date of an event
- Setting the time of an event
- Setting the date and time to current values
- By pressing the gadget 'Now', the date and time of the event will be set
- to the current date and time.
- Clearing the date and time of an event
- By pressing the gadget 'Clear', the date and time of the selected event
- will be reset to default values, meaning that the event will appear
- "Whenever - Anytime".
- Selecting the type of event
- The way an event is appearing, is determined by which type of event is
- selected for that event. Three modes exists:
- Requester
- All texts will be displayed in a standard centred requester with an OK-
- button. Selecting OK will tell Recall to proceed to the next event. If
- the menu-item 'Settings->Acknowledge events?' is checked, the requester
- will also have a Cancel-button. Selecting Cancel will tell Recall not
- to show the event more that day.
- The maximum number of lines which may be displayed is only limited by
- the screens resolution and font. The requester will automatically adjust
- to the currently selected font.
- Alert
- All texts will be displayed using a standard RECOVERY ALERT. The alert
- will be opened as a 640*200 on a NTSC-machine or 640*256 on a PAL-
- machine. The font used will always be Topaz8. The frame of the alert
- will automatically adjust to fit the number of lines shown and all
- lines will be centred. Pressing either left or right mousebutton will
- continue. If 'Settings->Acknowledge alerts?' is checked, the alert will
- contain a line at the bottom of the alert announcing that pressing the
- left mousebutton will continue and pressing the right mousebutton will
- cancel the event. Selecting cancel will tell Recall not to show the event
- more that day.
- Execute
- All texts will be run as if they were typed from Shell. If the requested
- program does not exists the system will pop up a shell-window to
- tell you so... If several programs is requested, they will be run
- after each other in priority from top to bottom.
- Running larger batch-programs can be done easily by entering "execute
- <filename>". Recall also accepts remarks and 'execute <filename> ;
- remark' will work without problems.
- See also How often the event will be displayed
- Selecting how often the event will be displayed
- The Show-cyclegadget determines how often the event will appear. Several
- options are available:
- Always
- The event will be displayed every time Recall is run.
- Once a day
- The event will only be run the first time Recall is run that day, in other
- words; only once a day.
- Never
- The event will never be displayed. Useful if you want to temporarily
- prevent an event of being displayed without deleting it.
- Setting the method of calculation
- Years
- Selecting this method will return the number of years between the current
- date and the date in the date field.
- If the text of the event is "Adam is {080570} years and Dick is {310165}
- years old today", it will be displayed as (assuming the year is 1993):
- "Adam is 23 and Dick 28 years old today".
- When this method is used, it is not necessary to enter the whole date in
- the calculation fields. "Adam is {****70} years and Dick is {****65}
- years old today' will result in the same message. It is, however,
- advisable to always enter the full date in events.
- Days
- Selecting Count days will return the number of days between the current
- date and the date of calculation field.
- Text containing "{020693} days to my exam" will for example be
- displayed as "4 days to my exam".
- See also Adding text to an event
- Adding text to an event
- You can add text to an event by selecting the Add-gadget. The string-
- gadget will be activated, allowing you to enter the desired text. The
- length of the text are limited to 255 characters. The text will not be
- added to the list of texts until you press the return key. Failing to do
- so, will cancel the creation of a new text. Although the length of text
- can be as much as 255 character, you should bear in mind that alerts and
- requesters with standard Topaz8.font are limited to a width of 77
- characters.
- The lines of text will either be displayed in a requester or alert, or
- they will be executed, depending which type of event you are adding text
- to.
- Another feature of Recall, is that you can include a date field within the
- textlines. These fields will be calculated during the execution of a
- project and the resulting value will be displayed instead of the date
- field. There is no limit to the number of fields in one line of text.
- The format of the date field is {DDMMYY} and MUST be exactly in that
- format! Notice the bracketparanthesis surrounding the date field - they
- can not be omitted! A few examples to clarify (assuming the date is
- 17.11.93), the original on the left and the displayed outcome to the
- right:
- "I am {080570} years old" -> "I am 23 years old"
- "{120294} days left to the Olympic Games" -> "87 days left to the..."
- Notice how the first line displays the years, while the second line
- displays the number of days. The result of the date field is determined
- of which method of calculation is selected.
- See also Selecting the method of calculation
- Duplicating a textline
- You may duplicate a textline by selecting the desired text and clicking on
- the Copy-gadget. The destination will appear just below the source and it
- will be highlighted to indicate that it is the current active textline.
- The stringgadget will be activated, allowing you to change the text.
- Deleting a textline
- You may delete any textline by selecting the desired text and clicking on
- the Delete-gadget.
- Changing the placement of a textline
- The list of texts may be organized in either two ways, by sorting the list
- alphabetically or by individually change each line's position.
- Up
- Moves the current active text up one position.
- Down
- Moves the current active text down one position.
- See also Sort the list of texts
- Sort the list of texts
- You can sort the list alphabetically by clicking on the Sort-gadget,
- changing the order in which they will be displayed.
- See also Changing the placement of a textline
- Saving the project and quitting
- When clicking on the Save-gadget, Recall Preferences saves the current
- project under the default name and the terminates the program.
- The project can be saved without terminating the program by selecting
- Project->Save from the menu. If you want to save the project under a
- different name you can achieve this by selecting Project->Save as...
- See also Using the Project menu
- Cancel
- Testing a project
- When creating a new project of events, there is sometimes a wish to try
- things out before saving to disk. This can be achieved by clicking on the
- Test-gadget or by selecting the menu-item Project->Test.
- See also Project->Test
- Cancel all changes and quit
- Clicking on the Cancel-gadget will terminate the program without question,
- unless the Settings->Confirm? menu-item is checked. All changes done to
- the project will be lost.
- See also Settings->Confirm?
- Save
- Saving the position and size of windows
- To keep the size and position of Recall Preferences's windows permanently,
- you must first start Recall Preferences and select the desired size and
- position of both main and calendar window. Then start MUIPrefs and click
- on the Save-gadget in MUIPrefs-window. That's it, and that's that...
- When resizing or changing the position of Recall Preferences windows, the
- size and position will saved temporarily and used the next time Recall
- Preferences are started. However, if these changes are not saved, they
- will be lost when rebooting or turning off your machine and Recall
- Preferences will use it's default size and position on next startup.
- See also the documentation of MUIPrefs.
- Describing the Project menu
- New...
- Selecting this item will reset the list of events and enabling you to
- start from scratch designing your new project of events. Remember to save
- your changes...
- Open...
- Brings up a filerequester and lets the user select a new project to be
- loaded. The new project will replace the current project. Remember to
- save you changes...
- Merge...
- Brings up a filerequester and lets the user select a project to be merged
- with the current project. The selected project will appear at the end of
- the current project.
- Import -> ASCII...
- Brings up a filerequester and lets the user select an ASCII file which
- will be loaded and converted into a Recall project. The Recall Converter
- must be located in SYS:Tools-drawer. See also the Recall Converter
- documentation for further details on converting projects.
- Import -> Recall V1.x...
- Brings up a filerequester and lets the user select a Recall V1.x project
- to be imported. The Recall Converter must be located in SYS:Tools-drawer.
- See also the Recall Converter documentation for further details on
- converting projects.
- Save
- Saves the project to disk under the default name, without terminating the
- program.
- Save as...
- Lets the user save the project in a different name.
- Export ASCII...
- Exports the current loaded project as an ASCII file.
- Converter
- Selecting this item will run the Recall Converter program. The program
- must be located in your SYS:Tools-drawer.
- Test project
- Runs the current project. Recall must be located in the SYS:WBStartup.
- Iconify
- Closes all open windows and iconifies the program to an icon placed on the
- workbench screen. The program may be un-iconified by double-clicking on
- the iconified icon or by pressing 'Show Interface' from the Commodore's
- Exchange program.
- About...
- Loaded with interesting information. Try it out immediately!
- Quit
- Terminates the program. All edited events will be lost. Remember to save
- your changes...
- Other menus: Edit
- Settings
- Using the Editmenu
- Last saved
- Restores the last saved project under the default name to memory. All
- edited events will be lost! Remember to save your changes...
- Other menus: Project
- Settings
- Using the Settingsmenu
- Group Events?
- When this menu-item is checked, events of the same type will be grouped
- together in the same requester/alert. Events that are of Execute-type,
- will be run as normal.
- Flash Screen?
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall will flash/beep (or both at the
- same time, depending on the configuration set by Commodore's Sound
- Preference) before an event is executed or displayed.
- Acknowledge events?
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall will add a Cancel button to all
- requesters. Selecting Cancel in requesters will tell Recall not to show
- that specific event more that day. If events are grouped and the user
- selects cancel, ALL events which were displayed will be cancelled!
- Acknowledge alerts?
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall will add a line at the bottom of
- all alerts, telling the user to press left mousebutton to continue or
- press the right mousebutton to cancel the event. Selecting cancel will
- tell Recall not to show that event more that day. If events are grouped
- and the user selects cancel, ALL events which were displayed will be
- cancelled!
- Use ReqTools?
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall will open and use the
- ReqTools.library instead of standard System's EasyRequests. Using this
- library enables Recall to centres it's requesters and let the requesters
- follow the mouse. If NOT checked, all requesters will appear at the upper
- left corner of the screen, unless you have installed a patch for your
- requesters.
- Centre requesters
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall will centre all requesters on the
- default public screen. This menu-item will be ghosted if 'Use ReqTools?'
- is not checked.
- Confirm
- When this menu-item is checked, all actions in Recall Preferences that
- alters the project, must be confirmed before they are executed.
- AutoOpen Calendar
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall Preferences will automatically open
- the calendar on startup. This option is for users that run Recall
- Preferences on an interlaced screen and wish to have the calendar open all
- the time.
- AutoDelete Events
- When this menu-item is checked, Recall will automatically remove all
- expired events from the project upon startup.
- Sort by
- Lets the user select the sort-criteria used when sorting events.
- Other menus: Project
- Edit
- Using Recall
- This is the main program. If started without any argument, the program
- will look automatically look for the project 'ENVARC:Recall.prefs'.
- Any given parameter will override this. Depending on the type of the
- event, the event will appear in several ways.
- See also Setting the type of an event
- Starting Recall
- Source and comments
- The source code is included and can be compiled with SAS/C V6.0 or later.
- I am sure a lot of the code could be implemented in a better way and bla.
- bla., but you must keep in mind that this is the very first executable
- program I have ever produced in C, and this package was produced with one
- purpose in mind only: learning to program in C (you may, by taking a quick
- glance at the source, argue that this goal has not yet been achieved, but
- I'm still learning, and hopefully the next versions will be faster and
- better programmed). I have unfortunately little comments in my
- sources, mostly because I understand the source myself, but also because I
- think comments destroy the 'look' of the source and make it appear more
- complex than it actually is. I will however put them there, if anyone are
- too upset about the thing and keep nagging me about it...
- The whole package can be compiled by doubleclicking on the Build icon in
- the Source-drawer. To compile only one of the binaries, enter one of the
- following lines in a shell:
- smake recall (compiles the Main program)
- smake prefs (compiles the Preferences)
- smake converter (compiles the Converter program)
- all sources will use the flags set by SCoptions.
- Known bugs and other strange occurrences
- Recall:
- - No known bugs.
- Preferences:
- - No known bugs.
- Recall Converter:
- - No known bugs.
- See also Troubleshooting, Tips & Tricks
- Things to do in the future
- - A REAL calendar in which to set the date and time. The days will appear
- on it's correct weekday etc.
- - Localize the preferences and converter programs.
- - New menu option: 'Search by name'. Search for a specific event. Nice
- if the project is REALLY big.
- - New menu option: 'Today'. Jumps to the first event which the date
- matches the current date.
- - Copy and Paste of events and texts.
- - Undo
- - Redo
- - Possibility to multiselect events and texts. Nice if you want to delete
- several events in one action.
- - More Date Fields:
- {date} -> include the current date.
- {time} -> include the current time.
- {string1|string2} -> Recall will use the first string whenever the last
- calculated field was greater than 1. If not Recall
- will use the second string. Great for usage when
- calculating the remaining days to an event:
- '{020693} {days|day} left to my exam!' Will be
- displayed as either (depending on the date):
- '2 days left to my exam'/'1 day left to my exam'.
- - Count Years/Days should be disabled when the text don't contain any
- date fields. Could slow down the program a bit, though...
- - Create Icons with the project, so the different projects can be started
- from Workbench by doubleclicking on their icons.
- - Possibility to print the project.
- - Ability to start programs in 'Workbench-mode'.
- - Possibility to generate a list containing the text of all events (with
- calc-fields replaced by its value). (Suggested by Per Sverre
- Vogt-Hansen)
- - Possibility to define events that appear on a given weekday, for example
- events appearing on mondays, tuesdays AND thursdays. (Suggested by Juha
- Kallioinen)
- Troubleshooting, Tips & Tricks
- The event does not show even if the date and time is set right
- Try setting 'Show' to 'Always' and try again. The event might have been
- run earlier that day...
- How do I make an annual event?
- Set the date of the event to DD.MM.****, where DD and MM represents the
- day and the month you want the event to pop up. Setting the year to
- **** is the same as saying 'every year'.
- How do I make a birthday event?
- There is unlimited number of ways to enter a birthday-event, depending
- of how you want the event to be shown. Here's one suggestion.
- (Problem: Remind me of Rebecca's birthday on 08.05.1970)
- Set the date to 'Before', '09.05.****'
- Set the time to 'After', '11:00'
- Days='3'
- Repeat='0'
- Text='Rebecca is {08051970} on 8th of May'
- Show='Once a day'
- This event will be displayed once a day on the 6th, 7th and 8th of May,
- leaving enough time to buy her a flower or whatever... (...am getting I
- soft or what???).
- How do I create events that pop up on certain weekdays?
- If your for example want an event to be displayed every monday, you must
- first determine the date of a monday (any monday - last monday will be a
- good choice). Enter that day in the date-field and set Repeat to '7', and
- it will appear every monday from now on...
- Testing an event with Show set to 'Once a day'
- When testing such a project the event will ALWAYS be shown if it has not
- been displayed that day. Furthermore will it not show if it already has
- been displayed that day. This is inevitable, since Recall Preferences do
- not alter the project's private structure.
- How to make events appear both x days BEFORE and y days AFTER a date?
- If you want an event to be displayed 3 days before the 10.10.93 AND 2 days
- AFTER, you must simply set the date to BEFORE 16.10.93 and days to 5!
- When I try to execute a program from Recall it crashes!
- When running Recall from the WBStartup-drawer, some programs seem to
- cause an out of memory-guru. This is not a bug in Recall! I have only
- discovered this error while running ToolManager from WBStartup and
- Maxiplan V4.09 (started as an event within Recall) while running under
- WB3.0. Other programs might cause similar problems. The solution is
- however, quite simple; enter 'Wait 2' on the line above your program, and
- your program will work just fine.
- Why not include a new type 'Echo' which prints the message to CLI
- This can be easily done by setting the type of event to Execute, and
- adding something like this to the list of texts: '"echo "this will be
- printed out in CLI"'.
- See also Known bugs
- Versions
- The Recall version follows the notation <version>.<revision> (DD.MM.YY),
- meaning that V2.10 is greater than V2.1. The current version can be
- printed out using 'Version full Recall' or by selecting About from the
- Project-menu in Recall Preferences.
- 24.May.93 V1.0: First released version.
- 25.May.93 V1.1: RecallPrefs used to crash when it loaded an old project
- and the user selected 'Use'. Now fixed.
- 29.May.93 V1.2 RecallPrefs now tries to open its window using the
- current font set by the user. If this fails (usually
- when the window becomes too big for the screen), it
- settles for the standard Topaz8-font. RecallPrefs now
- uses NewLook-style in menus.
- 04.June.93 V1.3 Recall now only updates the project when it's absolutely
- necessary . This saves a lot of disk-access. Fixed a
- bug in the compare date & time header file. Fixed a
- bug in the purge-function which removed events with
- empty dates... Updating the attributes of the event
- is now speeded up. RecallPrefs disables the corre-
- sponding (Exact/Before/After)-cyclebutton if Datestring
- or Timestring are empty. Made more compliant with
- Commodore's Style Guide.
- 08.June.93 V1.4 Oooooops, made a MAJOR mistake by releasing V1.3 too
- soon! In the last minute a minor bug was fixed, and this
- resulted of course in a MAJOR bug at another location in
- the program! Selecting 'Before' or 'After' with dates did
- not work at all... nor did # Days or Repeat every #... I
- PROMISE to check more thoroughly in the future... When
- testing the project from RecallPrefs, the program asked
- for a assign called 'REC:'. Now removed... Recall must
- be located in your working path. (i.e. >path
- work:recall). Fixed a bug which resulted in a ghosted
- textstring when editing a line of text...
- 30.Oct.93 V1.5 Fixed a bug which caused Recall to return a returncode
- and generate an error when testing a project from 'Recall
- Preferences'. Now fixed.
- 08.Nov.93 V1.6 Fixed two tiny bugs which caused Enforcer hits. Since
- they where positioned in the main loop of both 'Recall
- Preferences' and Recall, hits appeared on every GADGETUP
- IDCMP and event. Now fixed. (Reported by Henning
- Schmiedehausen). Selecting the GetFile gadget when no
- event was selected also caused an Enforcer hit. Now
- fixed. The Add Text gadget was sometimes not disabled,
- making it possible to add text to a non-existing event.
- Now fixed. Added an extra menu item to save project
- under default name without terminating the program.
- (Suggested by Raoul Rodriguez). Also, the new archive is
- better organized with drawers for preferences, install
- and documentation. The Installer-script has been rewrit-
- ten. The documentation has been processed once again,
- making (hopefully) easier to read (all chapter has a
- right justified margin...).
- 12.Nov.93 V1.7 The two binaries is now reduced in size. The sources may
- now be compiled by double-clicking on the Build-icon in
- the Source drawer. Added more tips to 'Troubleshooting'.
- The installer-script is made more generic and will also
- detect if the user already has a Recall project and
- rename it to 'Recall_OLD.prefs' when installing new
- example project. Also reorganized the .guide, so that
- the chapters appear in the same order as when using
- browse. Corrected a few mistakes and misspellings in the
- documentation. Fixed a bug which caused repeating events
- not to be displayed when they should. Also, when
- counting days between different months and years did not
- come out right. Now fixed. (thanks to Juha Kallioinen
- for questions about weekly events, which led me into
- finding this bug!)
- 17.Nov.93 V2.0 This version is re-written from scratch. Uses
- MUImaster.library for creating a great looking GUI.
- Font-adaptable window. Sizable window. Short-cuts for
- most functions. IFF-FORM .prefs-file. Possibility to
- group events, flash screen before event, automatically
- delete expired events, acknowledging events alerts.
- Confirm actions in Preferences. Setting the date and
- time from a 'calendar'. Possibility to copy and sort
- lines of text. Better readability and better organ-
- ized .guide. Documentation also included in ASCII-
- format. Unstall-script to delete the Recall package on
- your harddisk. Importing and exporting projects of
- different formats (may be controlled via the
- Preferences). More show-options. More date fields in
- the same line. Do not use reqtools.library if not
- requested. The program may be iconified. On-line-HELP.
- Although Recall has gained a lot of functions, it is
- actually smaller in size! Optimized code if a faster CPU
- is available. Much more...
- Afterword
- Send e-mail, bug-reports, comments, suggestions, postcards etc. to:
- Between 15th of August and 5th of June (every year) I will be available at
- the following address:
- Ketil Hunn
- Fabrikkveien 4-8 / Leil 107C
- N-6400 Molde
- or by e-mail:
- hunn@dhmolde.no
- In the summertime however, I will be available at the following address
- and only by ordinary mail:
- Ketil Hunn
- Nabbetorpveien 35B
- N-1632 Gamle Fredrikstad
- no e-mail
- ********************************** NOTE **********************************
- It is extremely important that you state which version of Recall you use
- and what your system-configuration is. This will make it easier for me to
- locate bugs and problems. It would also be of help if you mentioned where
- you got this application. If you want to be contacted via internet (new
- releases etc.) state your ean-address at the end of the mail (some headers
- are hard to read...).
- ********************************** NOTE **********************************
- Please check 'Things to do in the future', 'Known bugs' and
- 'Troubleshooting' before reporting any bugs! People taking the time and
- effort of reporting bugs and suggesting ideas, will be notified by e-mail
- when the next version is available.
- Enjoy!
- Ketil Hunn
- Molde, November 1993
- 68000 CPU or NO harddrive
- This version of Recall uses MUImaster.library to create its GUI. Due to
- the modular concept of MUI, it takes a little longer to open the first
- application that uses the MUImaster.library. Running Recall from a OFS
- disk will take a while.
- Also, since the management of the layout of the objects requires many
- complex calculations, running this application on a "bare" 68000, could be
- a bit slow.
- If you are using a 8-colour high resolution, interlaced workbench and
- think the application seems slow, just enter the MUIPrefs and force the
- Recall-package to open on a non-interlaced, 4-colour screen, and every-
- thing will go smoother... Change the size and position of the Recall
- windows according to your wishes and SAVE it. Change these values as
- little as possible, changing the size of a window needs a lot of
- calculation and will probably be quite slow at small machines.
- Changing the window refresh type and window redraw routine to a type
- matching your machine, will also help.
- If you still think the application seems too slow, you should either buy a
- faster computer or use any version of Recall prior to V2.0 instead...
- See also Describing MUI
- About MagicUserInterface
- This application uses
- MUI - MagicUserInterface
- (c) Copyright 1993 by Stefan Stuntz
- MUI is a system to generate and maintain graphical user interfaces. With
- the aid of a preferences program, the user of an application has the
- ability to customize the outfit according to his personal taste.
- MUI is distributed as shareware. To obtain a complete package containing
- lots of examples and more information about registration please look for a
- file called "muiXX.lha" (XX means the latest version number) on your
- local bulletin boards or on public domain disks.
- If you want to register directly, feel free to send
- DM 20.- or US$ 15.-
- to
- Stefan Stuntz
- Eduard-Spranger-Straße 7
- 80935 München