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- ; Add Resident Module
- ; (c) 1993 MJSoft System Software
- ; Martin Mares
- ;DEBUG set 1
- include "ssmac.h"
- rsreset ; KickMem & KickTag structure
- kb_kickmem rs.b ML_SIZE
- kb_kicktag rs.l 2
- kb_sizeof rs.b 0
- clistart
- get.l module,a0
- move.l #1005,d0
- call TrackOpen
- pea freefunc(pc)
- pea allocfunc(pc)
- get.l dosbase,a6
- pea _LVORead(a6)
- move.l sp,a1
- sub.l a0,a0
- clr.l -(sp)
- move.l sp,a2
- call InternalLoadSeg
- lea 16(sp),sp
- put.l d0,seglist
- dv.l seglist
- bne.s segok
- lea errmsg(pc),a0
- moderr geta module,a1
- jump ss,ExitError
- segok move.l d0,d7 ; D7=copy of SegList
- lea moderrt(pc),a0
- lsl.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l -(a1),d0
- lsr.l #1,d0
- subq.l #3,d0
- bmi.s moderr
- move.l d0,d1
- swap d1
- findtag1 cmp.w #RTC_MATCHWORD,(a1)+
- findtag2 dbeq d0,findtag1
- dbeq d1,findtag1
- bne.s moderr
- move.l a1,d2
- subq.l #2,d2
- cmp.l (a1),d2 ; A1=D2+2
- bne.s findtag2 ; D2 contains address of ResidentTag
- get.l class,d0 ; Set options
- beq.s noclass
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- move.l d0,d1
- bpl.s 1$
- bset #7,d0
- 1$ move.b d0,RT_FLAGS-RT_MATCHTAG(a1)
- lsr.l #7,d1
- lea badclass(pc),a0
- bne.s moderr
- noclass get.l pri,d0
- beq.s modok
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- move.b d0,RT_PRI-RT_MATCHTAG(a1)
- ext.w d0
- ext.l d0
- cmp.l (a0),d0
- lea badpri(pc),a0
- bne.s moderr
- modok moveq #kb_sizeof+8,d0 ; Calculate size of KickMem & KickTag
- moveq #1,d6
- move.l d7,d5 ; D5=SegList
- calcsize lsl.l #2,d7
- addq.l #8,d0
- addq.l #1,d6
- move.l d7,a0
- move.l (a0),d7
- bne.s calcsize
- move.l d0,d3 ; D3=KM+KT size
- move.l 4.w,a6
- bsr.s allocfunc
- tst.l d0
- bne.s tagok
- moveq #err_memory,d0
- jump ss,ReportError
- tagok move.l d0,a0
- lea kb_kickmem+ML_NUMENTRIES(a0),a1
- move.w d6,(a1)+
- move.l a0,(a1)
- subq.l #8,(a1)+
- move.l d3,(a1)
- addq.l #8,(a1)+
- fillmem lsl.l #2,d5
- move.l d5,a2
- move.l -(a2),d0
- move.l a2,(a1)
- subq.l #8,(a1)+
- addq.l #8,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- move.l 4(a2),d5
- bne.s fillmem
- clrv.l seglist
- call Forbid
- lea KickMemPtr(a6),a2
- move.l (a2),(a0)
- move.l a0,(a2)+
- move.l d2,(a1)+
- move.l (a2),(a1)
- beq.s 1$
- bset #7,(a1)
- 1$ subq.l #4,a1
- move.l a1,(a2)+
- call SumKickData
- move.l d0,(a2)
- call Permit
- tsv.l callinit ; Call module initialization if needed
- beq.s cl1
- move.l d2,a1
- jump InitResident
- cleanup get.l seglist,d1
- beq.s cl1
- lea freefunc(pc),a1
- call dos,InternalUnLoadSeg
- cl1 rts
- allocfunc addq.l #8,d0
- mpush d0/d1
- call AllocMem
- tst.l d0
- bne.s 1$
- movem.l (sp),d0/d1
- call AllocMem
- tst.l d0
- beq.s 2$
- 1$ addq.l #8,d0
- 2$ addq.l #8,sp
- rts
- freefunc subq.l #8,a1
- addq.l #8,d0
- jump FreeMem
- dc.b '$VER: AddModule 1.1 (21.9.93)',0
- errmsg dc.b 'Error loading %s',0
- moderrt dc.b '%s is not a resident module',0
- badclass dc.b 'Class must be in range 0 to 127',0
- badpri dc.b 'Priority must be in range -128 to 127',0
- even
- tags
- dv.l module
- dv.l class
- dv.l pri
- dv.l callinit
- extrahelp
- dc.b 'Resident Module Adder 1.1 (c) 1993 Martin Mares, MJSoft System Software',10,10
- dc.b 'Usage: AddModule <module> [CLASS <class>] [PRI <priority>] [INIT]',10
- dc.b 'Switches: INIT - call initialization entry of the module after it''s added.',10
- endhelp
- exitrout cleanup
- finish
- end