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- ; Keymap Compiler
- ; (c) 1993 MJSoft System Software
- ; Martin Mares
- ; opt x+
- include "ssmac.h"
- tbase a4
- clistart
- writeln <Keymap Compiler 1.0, (c) 1993 MJSoft System Software>
- get.l from,a0 ; Load source file
- geta fromname,a1
- dtl <kms>,a2
- moveq #80,d0
- call ss,AddExtension
- geta fromname,a0
- call LoadFile
- move.l d0,a3 ; A3 points to source file
- get.l to,d0 ; Create destination file
- bne.s opento
- geta fromname,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- call dos,FilePart
- move.l d0,a1
- geta work,a2
- move.l a2,a0
- copyfn1 move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
- bne.s copyfn1
- push a0
- call ss,RemExtension
- pop d0
- opento move.l d0,a0
- move.l #1006,d0
- push a0
- call ss,TrackOpen
- move.l d0,d7 ; D7=destfh
- vpea fromname
- dtl.l <Compiling %s to %s.>,a0
- move.l sp,a1
- call Printf
- addq.l #8,sp
- ; Build hash table
- move.l #128,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- call ss,InitHashTree
- put.l d0,htr
- dv.l htr
- lea keytab(pc),a2
- moveq #0,d2
- bhat_loop tst.b (a2)
- beq.s bhat_end
- get.l htr,a0
- move.l a2,a1
- moveq #2,d0
- call AddHashItem
- move.l d0,a0
- move.w d2,(a0)+
- addq.w #1,d2
- bhat_next tst.b (a2)+
- bne.s bhat_next
- bra.s bhat_loop
- ; Create header of destination file
- bhat_end move.l d7,d1
- geta hh_id,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- move.l #hdrend-hh_id,d3
- moveq #1,d4
- bsr chfwrite
- ; Initialize some fields in the header
- lea inittab(pc),a0
- 1$ move.w (a0)+,d0
- beq.s 2$
- move.w (a0)+,d1
- geta hh_id,a1
- add.w d0,a1
- move.w d1,(a1)
- bra.s 1$
- 2$ dv.l lino ; Line number
- put.w #1,lino+2
- dv.l chlen ; Code hunk length
- put.w #hdrend-km_node,chlen+2
- ; Initialize data structures
- geta keytypes,a0
- moveq #103,d0
- moveq #-128,d1
- init_1 move.b d1,(a0)+
- dbra d0,init_1
- ; Start parsing of source
- srcloop bsr getobj ; Read key header
- srcentry tst.b d1
- beq.s srcloop
- bmi saveit
- subq.b #3,d1
- bne.s exkey
- moveq #$20,d5
- cmp.b #$6c,d0
- beq.s keyex1
- moveq #$40,d5
- cmp.b #$6d,d0
- beq.s keyex1
- moveq #0,d5
- cmp.b #$71,d0
- beq.s keyex2
- exkey moveq #6,d0
- bra error
- keyex1 bsr getobj
- subq.b #3,d1
- bne.s exkey
- cmp.b #$71,d0
- bne.s exkey ; D5 now holds correct key type
- keyex2 bsr getobj ; Read key name
- subq.b #3,d1
- bne.s exkey1
- cmp.b #104,d0
- bcs.s keyex3
- exkey1 moveq #7,d0
- bra error
- keyex3 move.l d0,d6 ; D6=key code
- moveq #0,d4 ; D4.0 = nonrepeatable, .1=capsable
- keyflg bsr getobj ; Parse key flags
- tst.b d1
- beq.s keybody
- bmi.s keyincl
- subq.b #3,d1
- bne.s exkey
- moveq #0,d1
- cmp.b #$68,d0 ; SHIFT
- beq.s keyfl1
- moveq #1,d1
- cmp.b #$69,d0 ; ALT
- beq.s keyfl1
- moveq #2,d1
- cmp.b #$70,d0 ; CTRL
- beq.s keyfl1
- moveq #0,d1
- cmp.b #$6a,d0 ; CAPS
- beq.s keyfl2
- moveq #1,d1
- cmp.b #$6b,d0 ; NOREP
- beq.s keyfl2
- keyincl moveq #8,d0
- keyincle bra error
- keyfl1 bset d1,d5
- keyfl beq.s keyflg
- moveq #9,d0
- bra.s keyincle
- keyfl2 bset d1,d4
- bra.s keyfl
- keytwice moveq #12,d0
- bra error
- keybody geta keytypes,a0 ; Key header done, store the flags
- add.l d6,a0
- cmp.b #$80,(a0)
- bne.s keytwice
- move.b d5,(a0)
- move.l d6,d0
- lsr.w #3,d0
- geta capsable,a0
- btst #1,d4 ; NoRep
- bne.s 1$
- bset d6,(repeatable-capsable)(a0,d0.w)
- 1$ btst #0,d4 ; Caps
- beq.s 2$
- bset d6,0(a0,d0.w)
- 2$ add.l d6,d6
- add.l d6,d6
- geta keydata,a2
- add.l d6,a2
- dv.b usedmean
- clrv.b usedmean
- dv.l alloccount
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d2
- not.b d5
- 3$ move.b d0,d1
- and.b d5,d1
- bne.s 31$
- addq.l #2,d2
- 31$ addq.b #1,d0
- cmp.b #8,d0
- bcs.s 3$
- not.b d5
- put.l d2,alloccount
- btst #5,d5
- bne.s bodydead
- btst #6,d5
- bne.s bodystrg
- bodynorm moveq #0,d6 ; Body of normal key
- moveq #0,d2
- normloop moveq #4,d3
- move.b d5,d0
- addq.b #1,d0
- and.b #7,d0
- beq.s 1$
- moveq #0,d3
- 1$ bsr getflags
- cmp.b #1,d1
- bne.s normend
- lsl.l #3,d4
- lsl.l d4,d0
- or.l d0,d6
- bsr checkeol
- bra.s normloop
- normend move.l d6,(a2)
- bra srcentry
- bodystrg bsr clrwork
- strgloop moveq #0,d3
- bsr getflags
- cmp.b #2,d1
- bne.s strgend
- add.l d4,d4
- move.l d0,d2
- move.l d0,a0
- bsr strlen
- geta work,a0
- move.b d0,0(a0,d4.l)
- bsr allocate
- move.b d0,1(a0,d4.l)
- move.l d2,a0
- geta work,a1
- add.l d0,a1
- 1$ move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
- bne.s 1$
- bsr checkeol
- bra.s strgloop
- strgend bsr shipout
- bra srcentry
- bodydead bsr clrwork
- push a2
- deadloop moveq #0,d3
- bsr getflags
- add.l d4,d4
- geta work,a2
- add.l d4,a2
- cmp.b #1,d1
- beq.s deadnorm
- cmp.b #3,d1
- bne.s deadend
- cmp.w #$6f,d0 ; MOD
- beq.s deadmod
- cmp.w #$6e,d0 ; PREFIX
- bne.s deadend
- move.b #$08,(a2)+
- bsr getobj
- subq.b #1,d1
- bne.s pxexp
- move.b d0,(a2)
- cmp.b #16,d0
- bcc.s pxexp5
- bsr getobj
- tst.b d1
- beq.s deadloop
- bmi.s deadloop
- subq.b #5,d1
- bne.s pxexp2
- bsr getobj
- subq.b #1,d1
- bne.s pxexp4
- cmp.b #16,d0
- bcc.s pxexp5
- lsl.b #4,d0
- or.b d0,(a2)
- bsr checkeol
- bra.s deadloop
- pxexp moveq #17,d0
- pxexp3 bra error
- pxexp2 moveq #20,d0
- bra.s pxexp3
- pxexp4 moveq #21,d0
- bra.s pxexp3
- pxexp5 moveq #22,d0
- bra.s pxexp3
- deadend pop a2
- bsr.s shipout
- bra srcentry
- deadnorm sf (a2)+
- move.b d0,(a2)+
- bsr checkeol
- bra deadloop
- deadmod moveq #0,d0
- bsr.s allocate
- move.b #1,(a2)+
- move.b d0,(a2)+
- geta work,a2
- add.l d0,a2
- modloop bsr getobj
- subq.b #1,d1
- bne.s deadmoder
- addqv.l #1,alloccount
- move.b d0,(a2)+
- bsr getobj
- tst.b d1
- beq deadloop
- bmi deadloop
- subq.b #5,d1
- beq.s modloop
- comexer moveq #19,d0
- bra.s deadmoder2
- deadmoder moveq #18,d0
- deadmoder2 bra error
- ; String operations
- strlen move.l a0,d0
- 1$ tst.b (a1)+
- bne.s 1$
- sub.l a1,d0
- neg.l d0
- subq.l #1,d0
- rts
- ; Allocation of dynamic key data
- allocate get.l alloccount,d1
- cmp.w #256,d1
- bcc.s allocerr
- exg.l d0,d1
- add.l d0,d1
- put.l d1,alloccount
- rts
- allocerr moveq #16,d0
- bra error
- shipout mpush d0-d4
- get.l chlen,(a2)
- move.l d7,d1
- geta work,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- get.l alloccount,d3
- moveq #1,d4
- bsr chfwrite
- mpop d0-d4
- rts
- clrwork geta work,a0
- moveq #31,d0
- 1$ clr.l (a0)+
- dbra d0,1$
- rts
- ; Check EOL condition
- checkeol bsr getobj
- tst.b d1
- bmi.s 1$
- bne.s 2$
- 1$ rts
- 2$ moveq #15,d0
- bra error
- ; Get meaning flags (D3=disabled flags)
- getflags moveq #0,d4 ; D4 holds the flags
- move.b d5,d0
- not.b d0
- and.b #$07,d0
- or.b d0,d3
- flagloop bsr getobj
- tst.b d1
- beq.s flageol
- bmi.s flageof
- cmp.b #3,d1
- bne.s flagend
- moveq #0,d2
- cmp.b #$68,d0
- beq.s flagflag
- moveq #1,d2
- cmp.b #$69,d0
- beq.s flagflag
- moveq #2,d2
- cmp.b #$70,d0
- bne.s flagend
- flagflag btst d2,d3
- bne.s flagbad
- bset d2,d4
- beq.s flagloop
- moveq #14,d0
- bra.s flagfler
- flagbad moveq #10,d0
- flagfler bra error
- flageol tst.b d4
- beq.s flagloop
- flagerr moveq #11,d0
- bra.s flagfler
- flagend cmp.b #3,d1
- bne.s flagend1
- cmp.w #$6c,d0
- beq.s flageof
- cmp.w #$6d,d0
- beq.s flageof
- cmp.w #$71,d0
- beq.s flageof
- flagend1 bsetv d4,usedmean
- bne.s flagtwic
- moveq #1,d2 ; Normalize flags
- moveq #0,d3
- not.b d5
- push d0
- 1$ move.b d2,d0
- and.b d5,d0
- bne.s 2$
- addq.b #1,d3
- cmp.b d2,d4
- bne.s 2$
- move.b d3,d4
- bra.s 3$
- 2$ addq.b #1,d2
- cmp.b #8,d2
- bcs.s 1$
- 3$ pop d0
- not.b d5
- flageof rts
- flagtwic moveq #13,d0
- bra.s flagfler
- ; Save the rest of keymap
- saveit vmovev.l chlen,km_name
- geta fromname,a0
- move.l a0,d1
- call dos,FilePart
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l d0,d2
- call ss,RemExtension
- move.l d2,a0
- move.l d2,a1
- 1$ tst.b (a1)+
- bne.s 1$
- sub.l a0,a1
- move.l a1,d3
- moveq #1,d4
- move.l d7,d1
- bsr chfwrite
- move.l d7,d1 ; Pad to longword boundary
- lea huend+4(pc),a0
- move.l a0,d2
- get.l chlen,d3
- neg.l d3
- moveq #3,d0
- and.l d0,d3
- beq.s save1
- sub.l d3,d2
- moveq #1,d4
- bsr chfwrite
- save1 get.l chlen,d0 ; Adjust hunk length
- addq.l #3,d0
- lsr.l #2,d0
- put.l d0,hh_size
- put.l d0,hc_size
- move.l #$3ec,d0 ; Put HUNK_RELOC
- bsr putl
- moveq #9,d0 ; Count relocations
- geta keytypes,a0
- moveq #103,d1
- countrel move.b (a0)+,d2
- and.b #$60,d2
- beq.s 1$
- addq.l #1,d0
- 1$ dbra d1,countrel
- bsr putl
- moveq #0,d0
- bsr putl
- lea reloxs(pc),a0 ; Write basic relocations
- move.l d7,d1
- move.l a0,d2
- moveq #36,d3
- moveq #1,d4
- bsr chfwrite
- geta keytypes,a2 ; Relocs for string & dead keys
- move.l #keydata-km_node,d2
- 2$ move.b (a2)+,d0
- and.b #$60,d0
- beq.s 3$
- move.l d2,d0
- bsr.s putl
- 3$ addq.l #4,d2
- cmp.l #keydata-km_node+104*4,d2
- bcs.s 2$
- moveq #0,d0 ; End of relocs
- bsr.s putl
- move.l #$3f2,d0 ; Write HUNK_END
- bsr.s putl
- move.l d7,d1 ; ... and rewrite the header
- call Flush
- move.l d7,d1
- moveq #0,d2
- moveq #-1,d3
- call Seek
- move.l d7,d1
- geta hh_id,a0
- move.l a0,d2
- move.l #hdrend-hh_id,d3
- bsr.s chwrite
- writeln <Done.>
- rts
- ; Relocation table
- reloxs dc.l km_name-km_node
- dc.l lo_types-km_node
- dc.l lo_data-km_node
- dc.l lo_caps-km_node
- dc.l lo_rept-km_node
- dc.l hi_types-km_node
- dc.l hi_data-km_node
- dc.l hi_caps-km_node
- dc.l hi_rept-km_node
- ; Output routines
- putl mpush d0-d4 ; Put one longword
- move.l d7,d1
- move.l sp,d2
- moveq #4,d3
- moveq #1,d4
- bsr.s chfwrite
- mpop d0-d4
- rts
- chwrite call dos,Write
- cmp.l d0,d3
- bra.s chfwr1
- chfwrite call dos,FWrite
- addv.l d3,chlen
- moveq #1,d1
- cmp.l d0,d1
- chfwr1 bne.s writerr
- rts
- writerr err <Error writing destination file!>
- ; Data for generating of hunk longword pad
- huend dc.l 0
- ; Get object from source file
- ; A3=SrcPtr => D1=ObjType,D0=ObjValue
- ot_eof equ -1 ; End of file
- ot_eol equ 0 ; End of line
- ot_number equ 1 ; Number
- ot_string equ 2 ; Quoted string, Value=&string contents
- ot_keyword equ 3 ; Keyword, Value=Keyword#
- ot_unknown equ 4 ; Unknown non-quoted string, Value=&string
- ot_comma equ 5 ; A comma
- getobj move.b (a3)+,d0 ; Main loop
- beq.s gob_eof
- cmp.b #' ',d0
- beq.s getobj
- cmp.b #9,d0
- beq.s getobj
- cmp.b #10,d0
- beq gob_eol
- cmp.b #'0',d0
- bcs.s gob_1
- cmp.b #'9'+1,d0
- bcs gob_num
- gob_1 cmp.b #'"',d0
- beq gob_str
- cmp.b #',',d0
- beq.s gob_comma
- cmp.b #';',d0
- beq.s gob_semic
- cmp.b #'\',d0
- beq.s gob_baksl
- cmp.b #'''',d0
- beq.s gob_char
- cmp.b #'_',d0
- beq gob_unq
- cmp.b #'?',d0
- beq gob_unq
- cmp.b #'A',d0
- bcs.s gob_bad
- cmp.b #'Z'+1,d0
- bcs gob_unq
- cmp.b #'a',d0
- bcs.s gob_bad
- cmp.b #'z'+1,d0
- bcs gob_unq
- gob_bad moveq #0,d0
- bra error
- gob_eof subq.l #1,a3 ; End of file
- moveq #-1,d1
- rts
- gob_baksl cmp.b #10,(a3)+ ; Ignored end of line
- bne.s gob_bad
- addq.l #1,a3
- addqv.l #1,lino
- bra getobj
- gob_semic move.b (a3)+,d0 ; Comment
- beq.s gob_eof
- cmp.b #10,d0
- bne.s gob_semic
- gob_eol addqv.l #1,lino ; End of line
- moveq #0,d1
- rts
- gob_comma moveq #5,d1 ; Comma
- rts
- gob_char moveq #0,d0 ; Quoted character
- move.b (a3)+,d0
- beq.s 1$
- cmp.b #10,d0
- beq.s 1$
- cmp.b #'''',d0
- bne.s 2$
- cmp.b (a3)+,d0
- bne.s 1$
- 2$ cmp.b #'''',(a3)+
- bne.s 1$
- bra.s num_end
- 1$ moveq #1,d0
- bra error
- gob_num subq.l #1,a3 ; Decimal number
- moveq #0,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- 1$ move.b (a3)+,d1
- sub.b #'0',d1
- bcs.s 2$
- cmp.b #10,d1
- bcc.s 2$
- mulu #10,d0
- add.l d1,d0
- cmp.w #256,d0
- bcs.s 1$
- moveq #2,d0
- bra error
- 2$ subq.l #1,a3
- num_end moveq #1,d1
- rts
- gob_str move.l a3,a0 ; Quoted string
- subq.l #1,a0
- move.l a0,a1
- 1$ move.b (a3)+,d0
- beq.s str_bad
- cmp.b #10,d0
- beq.s str_bad
- cmp.b #'"',d0
- beq.s 2$
- cmp.b #'\',d0
- beq.s 3$
- 10$ move.b d0,(a0)+
- bra.s 1$
- 3$ move.b (a3)+,d0
- cmp.b #'\',d0
- beq.s 10$
- cmp.b #'"',d0
- beq.s 10$
- bsr.s getnib
- move.b d0,d1
- lsl.b #4,d1
- move.b (a3)+,d0
- bsr.s getnib
- or.b d1,d0
- bra.s 10$
- 2$ cmp.b (a3)+,d0
- beq.s 10$
- subq.l #1,a3
- sf (a0)+
- move.l a1,d0
- moveq #2,d1
- rts
- str_bad moveq #3,d0
- bra error
- getnib sub.b #'0',d0
- bcs.s 1$
- cmp.b #10,d0
- bcs.s 2$
- and.b #$DF,d0
- cmp.b #17,d0
- bcs.s 1$
- subq.b #7,d0
- cmp.b #16,d0
- bcc.s 1$
- 2$ rts
- 1$ moveq #4,d0
- bra.s error
- gob_unq subq.l #1,a3 ; Unquoted string
- geta strbuf,a0
- move.l a0,a1
- moveq #63,d1
- 1$ move.b (a3)+,d0
- cmp.b #'_',d0
- beq.s 3$
- cmp.b #'?',d0
- beq.s 3$
- cmp.b #'0',d0
- bcs.s 2$
- cmp.b #'9'+1,d0
- bcs.s 3$
- and.b #$DF,d0
- cmp.b #'A',d0
- bcs.s 2$
- cmp.b #'Z'+1,d0
- bcc.s 2$
- 3$ move.b d0,(a0)+
- dbra d1,1$
- bra.s snerr
- 2$ subq.l #1,a3
- sf (a0)
- push a1
- get.l htr,a0
- call ss,FindHashItem
- tst.l d0
- beq.s 4$
- move.l d0,a0
- addq.l #4,sp
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a0),d0
- moveq #3,d1
- rts
- 4$ pop d0
- moveq #4,d1
- rts
- snerr moveq #5,d0
- ; Errors
- error dtl.l <Error in line %ld in file %s: %s !>,a0
- add.w d0,d0
- move.w errptrs(pc,d0.w),d0
- pea errptrs(pc,d0.w)
- vpea fromname
- vpush lino
- move.l sp,a1
- call ss,Printf
- put.w #10,sv_rc+2
- jump ExitCleanup
- ert macro
- dc.w err\1-errptrs
- endm
- errptrs ert 0
- ert 1
- ert 2
- ert 3
- ert 4
- ert 5
- ert 6
- ert 7
- ert 8
- ert 9
- ert 10
- ert 11
- ert 12
- ert 13
- ert 14
- ert 15
- ert 16
- ert 17
- ert 18
- ert 19
- ert 20
- ert 21
- ert 22
- err0 dc.b 'Illegal character',0
- err1 dc.b 'Malformed character constant',0
- err2 dc.b 'Number out of range',0
- err3 dc.b 'String constant exceeds line',0
- err4 dc.b 'Bad character code',0
- err5 dc.b 'Syntax error',0
- err6 dc.b 'Incorrect key definition',0
- err7 dc.b 'Key name expected',0
- err8 dc.b 'Unexpected end of file',0
- err9 dc.b 'Key attribute already set',0
- err10 dc.b 'Unexpected attribute',0
- err11 dc.b 'Key meaning expected',0
- err12 dc.b 'Key defined twice',0
- err13 dc.b 'Key meaning defined twice',0
- err14 dc.b 'Attribute defined twice',0
- err15 dc.b 'End of line expected',0
- err16 dc.b 'Dynamic part of key data too long',0
- err17 dc.b 'Prefix number expected',0
- err18 dc.b 'Character/number expected',0
- err19 dc.b 'Comma expected',0
- err20 dc.b 'Comma or end of line expected',0
- err21 dc.b 'Secondary prefix number expected',0
- err22 dc.b 'Prefix number out of range (must be 0-15)',0
- even
- ; Init table
- iten macro
- dc.w \1-hh_id+2,\2
- endm
- itoff macro
- iten \1,\2-km_node
- endm
- inittab iten hh_id,$03f3
- iten hh_num,1
- iten hc_id,$03e9
- itoff lo_types,keytypes
- itoff lo_data,keydata
- itoff lo_caps,capsable
- itoff lo_rept,repeatable
- itoff hi_types,keytypes+64
- itoff hi_data,keydata+256
- itoff hi_caps,capsable+8
- itoff hi_rept,repeatable+8
- dc.w 0
- ; Data
- dbuf keyflags,$68 ; Standard key flags (see keymap.i)
- dbuf auxflags,$68 ; b0=NOREP,b1=CAPS
- dbuf keys,$68 ; Key data
- dbuf relocs,104*4 ; Relocation offsets of keys
- dbuf fromname,80 ; Source name
- ; Output file:
- dv.l hh_id ; HUNK_HEADER
- dv.l hh_null
- dv.l hh_num ; Number of hunks = 1
- dv.l hh_first
- dv.l hh_last
- dv.l hh_size ; Size of code hunk
- dv.l hc_id ; HUNK_CODE
- dv.l hc_size ; Size of code hunk
- dbuf km_node,10 ; Keymap node
- dv.l km_name ; R32#0 Pointer to name
- dv.l lo_types ; R32#1
- dv.l lo_data ; R32#2
- dv.l lo_caps ; R32#3
- dv.l lo_rept ; R32#4
- dv.l hi_types ; R32#5
- dv.l hi_data ; R32#6
- dv.l hi_caps ; R32#7
- dv.l hi_rept ; R32#8
- dbuf keytypes,104 ; KeyType array
- dbuf keydata,104*4 ; KeyData array
- dbuf capsable,14 ; Key capsability
- dbuf repeatable,14 ; Key repeatability
- dbuf hdrend,0 ; End of file header
- dbuf work,512 ; Used when building key blocks
- dbuf strbuf,64 ; Buffer for non-quoted strings
- ; Key names and keywords
- keytab dc.b 'TILDE',0,'ONE',0,'TWO',0,'THREE',0,'FOUR',0,'FIVE',0,'SIX',0,'SEVEN',0,'EIGHT',0 ;0
- dc.b 'NINE',0,'ZERO',0,'MINUS',0,'EQUAL',0,'BACKSLASH',0,'???1',0,'K0',0 ;9
- dc.b 'Q',0,'W',0,'E',0,'R',0,'T',0,'Y',0,'U',0,'I',0 ;10
- dc.b 'O',0,'P',0,'LBRACK',0,'RBRACK',0,'???2',0,'K1',0,'K2',0,'K3',0 ;18
- dc.b 'A',0,'S',0,'D',0,'F',0,'G',0,'H',0,'J',0,'K',0 ;20
- dc.b 'L',0,'SEMICOLON',0,'APOSTROPHE',0,'HASH',0,'???3',0,'K4',0,'K5',0,'K6',0 ; 28
- dc.b 'LESS',0,'Z',0,'X',0,'C',0,'V',0,'B',0,'N',0,'M',0 ;30
- dc.b 'COMMA',0,'DOT',0,'SLASH',0,'???4',0,'KDOT',0,'K7',0,'K8',0,'K9',0 ;38
- dc.b 'SPACE',0,'BACKSPACE',0,'TAB',0,'KENTER',0,'ENTER',0,'ESC',0,'DEL',0,'???5',0 ;40
- dc.b '???6',0,'???7',0,'KMINUS',0,'???8',0,'UP',0,'DOWN',0,'RIGHT',0,'LEFT',0 ;48
- dc.b 'F1',0,'F2',0,'F3',0,'F4',0,'F5',0,'F6',0,'F7',0,'F8',0 ;50
- dc.b 'F9',0,'F10',0,'KLBRACK',0,'KRBRACK',0,'KSLASH',0,'KASTERISK',0,'KPLUS',0,'HELP',0 ;58
- dc.b 'LSHIFT',0,'RSHIFT',0,'CAPSLOCK',0,'CONTROL',0,'LALT',0,'RALT',0,'LAMIGA',0,'RAMIGA',0 ;60
- dc.b 'SHIFT',0,'ALT',0,'CAPS',0,'NOREP',0,'DEAD',0,'STRING',0,'PREFIX',0,'MOD',0 ; Keywords: 68
- dc.b 'CTRL',0,'KEY',0 ; 70
- dc.b 0
- tags
- template <FROM/A,TO>
- dv.l from
- dv.l to
- finish
- end