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- ; Enhanced Alert Hook
- ; (c) 1993 MJSoft System Software, Martin Mares
- _LVOTimedDisplayAlert EQU -822
- include "ssmac.h"
- include "values/hardware.i"
- ; opt x+
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- Resident dc.w RTC_MATCHWORD
- dc.l Resident
- dc.l EndSkip
- dc.b 40 ; Version
- dc.b 0 ; Type
- dc.b 7 ; Priority
- dc.l MyName
- dc.l IDStr
- dc.l Init
- ; Alert Hook Initialization
- Init mpush d1-d7/a0-a6
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l a6,a1
- lea (_LVOAlert).w,a0
- lea AlertFunc(pc),a2
- move.l a2,d0
- call SetFunction
- bra.s DispAlert2
- ; Auxilliary routine
- CopyAlertLine move.b (a0)+,(a3)+
- move.b (a0)+,(a3)+
- move.b #16,(a3)+
- 1$ move.b (a0)+,(a3)+
- bne.s 1$
- st (a3)+
- rts
- DispAlert movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- move.l 4.w,a6
- DispAlert2 movem.l LastAlert(a6),d2-d3
- moveq #-1,d0
- cmp.l d0,d2
- beq DispNoAlert
- lea -300(sp),sp
- move.l sp,a3
- move.l d2,d0
- swap d0
- lea NotEnoughMem(pc),a0
- cmp.b #1,d0
- beq.s AlertHead
- lea SoftFailure(pc),a0
- tst.w d0
- ble.s AlertHead
- lea RecoverError(pc),a0
- AlertHead bsr.s CopyAlertLine
- lea PressLMB(pc),a0
- bsr.s CopyAlertLine
- sub.l a5,a5
- btst #0,d3
- bne.s NoTaskNameS
- move.l d3,a1
- bsr.s CheckMem
- beq.s NoTaskNameS
- move.b LN_TYPE(a1),d0
- subq.l #NT_TASK,d0
- beq.s NoProcess
- cmp.b #NT_PROCESS-NT_TASK,d0
- bne.s NoTaskNameS
- move.l pr_CLI(a1),d0
- beq.s NoProcess
- lsl.l #2,d0
- move.l d0,a1
- bsr.s CheckMem
- beq.s NoProcess
- move.l cli_CommandName(a1),a1
- add.l a1,a1
- add.l a1,a1
- addq.l #1,a1
- pea TCommand(pc)
- bra.s IsProcess
- NoProcess move.l d3,a1
- move.l LN_NAME(a1),a1
- pea TTask(pc)
- IsProcess move.l a1,a4
- bsr.s CheckMem
- beq.s NoTaskName
- lea 260(sp),a2
- lea 297(sp),a0
- move.l a2,a1
- move.b #'(',(a1)+
- tst.b (a4)
- beq.s NoTaskName
- CopyTName cmp.l a0,a1
- beq.s CopyTNEnd
- move.b (a4)+,d0
- move.b d0,(a1)+
- beq.s CopyTNEnd
- lsl.b #1,d0
- cmp.b #64,d0
- bcc.s CopyTName
- NoTaskNameS bra.s NoTaskName
- CheckMem push a1
- call TypeOfMem
- pop a1
- tst.l d0
- bne.s 1$
- ;; lea $1000000,a0
- ;; cmp.l a0,a1
- ;; bcc.s 2$
- ;; sub.l -$14(a0),a0
- ;; cmp.l a0,a1
- ;; bcc.s 1$
- 2$ move.l LN_NAME(a6),d0
- clr.w d0
- sub.l a1,d0
- cmp.l #-$80000,d0
- bcc.s 1$
- moveq #0,d0
- 1$ rts
- CopyTNEnd move.b #')',-1(a1)
- sf (a1)
- CopyTNEnd1 move.l a2,a5
- NoTaskName pop d0
- push a5
- push d3
- push d0
- push d2
- move.l sp,a1
- lea NumberFormat(pc),a0
- lea PFPutC(pc),a2
- addq.l #2,a3
- call RawDoFmt
- bsr.s Center
- lea 16(sp),sp
- addq.l #2,a3
- move.l a3,a4
- move.b #32,(a4)+
- move.l d2,d0
- bclr #31,d0
- swap d0
- tst.w d0
- beq.s FindExcept
- lsr.w #8,d0
- lea SubSysTab(pc),a2
- bsr TabulateUpper
- GoColon move.b #':',(a4)+
- move.b #' ',(a4)+
- tst.w d2
- bgt.s FindSpecific
- move.l d2,d0
- swap d0
- bclr #15,d0
- ext.w d0
- lea GeneralErrs(pc),a2
- bsr TabulateUpper
- move.w d2,d0
- beq.s ShowAlert
- bclr #15,d0
- move.b #' ',(a4)+
- move.b #'(',(a4)+
- lea SubSysTab(pc),a2
- bsr Tabulate
- move.b #')',(a4)+
- bra.s ShowAlert
- FindExcept lea TExcept(pc),a2
- moveq #8,d0
- 1$ move.b (a2)+,(a4)+
- dbf d0,1$
- moveq #-2,d4
- bra.s GoColon
- Center move.l a3,a0
- 1$ tst.b (a0)+
- bne.s 1$
- move.l a3,d0
- sub.l a0,d0
- lsl.w #2,d0
- add.w #328,d0
- move.b d0,-(a3)
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.b d0,-(a3)
- move.l a0,a3
- st (a3)+
- rts
- FindSpecific lea Specific(pc),a2
- add.w 0(a2,d4.w),a2
- move.w d2,d0
- bsr.s TabulateUpper
- ShowAlert sf (a4)
- bsr.s Center
- lea intuiname(pc),a1
- call OldOpenLibrary
- move.l #AT_DeadEnd+AG_OpenLib+AO_Intuition,d7
- tst.l d0
- beq AlertFunc
- move.l LastAlert+12(a6),a1
- move.l d0,a6
- sf -(a3)
- move.l sp,a0
- move.l d2,d0
- moveq #61,d1
- cmp.w #39,LIB_VERSION(a6)
- bcs.s NotTimed
- call TimedDisplayAlert
- bra.s AlertDone
- NotTimed call DisplayAlert
- AlertDone push d0
- move.l a6,a1
- call exec,CloseLibrary
- clr.l 0.w
- moveq #-1,d1
- move.l d1,LastAlert(a6)
- pop d0
- lea 300(sp),sp
- DispNoAlert movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
- Ret1 rts
- TabulateUpper bsr.s Tabulate
- bclr #5,(a0)
- rts
- StrXpy0 move.b (a2)+,(a4)+
- bpl.s StrXpy1
- move.b -(a4),d0
- StrXpyX mpush d5/a2
- lea Strings(pc),a2
- 1$ move.b (a2)+,d5
- add.l d5,a2
- addq.b #1,d0
- bne.s 1$
- move.b (a2)+,d5
- bsr.s StrXpy1
- mpop d5/a2
- StrXpy1 dbf d5,StrXpy0
- rts
- Tabulate moveq #-2,d4
- moveq #0,d5
- move.l a4,a0
- 1$ addq.w #2,d4
- move.b (a2)+,d5
- bpl.s 3$
- addq.w #1,d1
- neg.b d5
- bra.s 2$
- 3$ moveq #0,d1
- move.b (a2)+,d1
- bmi.s StrXpy1
- bne.s 2$
- move.b (a2)+,d1
- lsl.w #8,d1
- move.b (a2)+,d1
- 2$ cmp.w d1,d0
- beq.s StrXpy1
- add.w d5,a2
- bra.s 1$
- PFPutC move.b d0,(a3)+
- rts
- ; Replacement of exec/Alert()
- AlertFunc
- ifnd DEBUG
- move.w #INTF_INTEN,$dff000+intena
- endc
- movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1/a5-a6,-(sp)
- move.l #'HELP',d0
- sub.l a0,a0
- ifnd DEBUG
- cmp.l (a0),d0
- beq.s BlinkAlert
- move.l d0,(a0)
- endc
- lea $100.w,a1
- move.l d7,(a1)+
- move.l a5,(a1)
- move.l 4.w,d0
- btst #0,d0
- bne.s BlinkAlert
- move.l d0,a6
- add.l ChkBase(a6),d0
- addq.l #1,d0
- bne.s BlinkAlert
- move.l ThisTask(a6),a5
- move.l a5,(a1)
- move.l #$F376C7C9,d0
- push d0
- cmp.l (sp)+,d0
- bne.s BlinkAlertSP
- tst.l d7
- bmi.s BlinkAlert
- lea LastAlert(a6),a0
- move.l d7,(a0)+
- move.l a5,(a0)+
- bsr DispAlert
- tst.l IDNestCnt(a6)
- bge.s YetDisabled
- move.w #INTF_SETCLR+INTF_INTEN,$dff000+intena
- YetDisabled moveq #1,d0
- moveq #5,d1
- ifnd DEBUG
- WaitDiskDMA tst.w $dff000+dskbytr
- dbf d0,WaitDiskDMA
- dbf d1,WaitDiskDMA
- endc
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1/a5-a6
- rts
- BlinkAlertSP lea $400.w,sp
- clr.l -(sp)
- clr.l -(sp)
- BlinkAlert movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1/a5-a6,-(sp)
- sub.l a0,a0
- tst.l $C.w ; Obey SinSoft's rules of VBR remapping
- bne.s 1$
- move.l 8.w,a0
- 1$ lea MyStart(pc),a1
- move.l a1,$20(a0)
- MyStart move.w #$2700,sr
- moveq #5,d1 ; Start blinking (6 times)
- ;; lea $dff000,a0
- ;; move.w #$174,serper(a0)
- Blink1 moveq #-1,d0
- 1$ bset #1,$bfe001
- dbf d0,1$
- 2$ bclr #1,$bfe001
- dbf d0,2$
- ;; move.w serdatr(a0),d0
- ;; move.w #INTF_RBF,intreq(a0)
- ;; and.b #$7F,d0
- ;; addq.b #1,d0
- ;; dbmi d1,Blink1
- dbra d1,Blink1
- ;; movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1/a5-a6
- ;; Debugging not supported ... Reboot always
- RestartSystem lea $1000000,a0 ; Supervisor mode expected
- sub.l -$14(a0),a0
- move.l 4(a0),a0
- jmp -2(a0)
- dc.w Spec_cpu-Specific
- Specific dc.w Spec_exec-Specific
- dc.w Spec_graphics-Specific
- dc.w Spec_layers-Specific
- dc.w Spec_intuition-Specific
- dc.w Spec_math-Specific
- dc.w Spec_dos-Specific
- dc.w Spec_ram-Specific
- dc.w Spec_icon-Specific
- dc.w Spec_expansion-Specific
- dc.w Spec_diskfont-Specific
- dc.w Spec_utility-Specific
- dc.w Spec_keymap-Specific
- dc.w Spec_audio-Specific
- dc.w Spec_console-Specific
- dc.w Spec_gameport-Specific
- dc.w Spec_keyboard-Specific
- dc.w Spec_trackdisk-Specific
- dc.w Spec_timer-Specific
- dc.w Spec_cia-Specific
- dc.w Spec_disk-Specific
- dc.w Spec_misc-Specific
- dc.w Spec_bootstrap-Specific
- dc.w Spec_workbench-Specific
- dc.w Spec_diskcopy-Specific
- dc.w Spec_gadtools-Specific
- dc.w Spec_utility-Specific
- dc.w Spec_unknown-Specific
- STRCNT set $FF
- str macro
- K\1 equ STRCNT
- dc.b \@a-*-1,\2
- \@a
- endm
- Strings dc.b 0
- str Library,<'library'>
- str Device,<'device'>
- str Resource,<'resource'>
- str Lib,<'.',KLibrary>
- str Dev,<'.',KDevice>
- str Res,<'.',KResource>
- str Unable,<'Unable to '>
- str Open,<'open '>
- str Close,<'Close'>
- str Failed,<' failed'>
- str Unkn0,<'unknown'>
- str Unkn,<KUnkn0,KErr>
- str Err,<' ',KErr2>
- str Err2,<'error'>
- str Mem,<' ',KMemS>
- str MemS,<KMem0,' '>
- str Mem0,<'memory'>
- str Free,<'free'>
- str Bad,<'Bad '>
- str FFP,<'FFP '>
- str MMU,<'MMU '>
- str Instr,<' instruction'>
- str Disk,<'disk'>
- str NoMF,<'No',KMem,'for '>
- str Viol,<' violation'>
- str Erflow,<'erflow'>
- str Illegal,<'illegal'>
- str Interr,<'interrupt'>
- str Attempt,<'attempt'>
- str Util,<'utility'>
- str To,<'to'>
- str Frame,<' frame'>
- str Scr,<'screen'>
- str Intui,<'intuition'>
- str Messg,<'message'>
- str Init,<'init'>
- str Line,<'line '>
- str DivZ,<'division by zero'>
- str Timer,<'timer'>
- str Already,<' already '>
- str MemList,<KMem,'list'>
- str Item,<'item'>
- str Type,<' type'>
- str Rece,<' received'>
- str Checksum,<'checksum'>
- str Obtain,<' obtain'>
- str Key,<'key'>
- str Return,<' return'>
- str Region,<'region'>
- str Failure,<' failure'>
- str Uninit,<'un',KInit,'ialized '>
- str Font,<'font'>
- NotEnoughMem dc.b 0,24
- dc.b 'Not enough memory.',0
- SoftFailure dc.b 0,24
- dc.b 'Software failure.',0
- RecoverError dc.b 0,24
- dc.b 'Recoverable alert.',0
- PressLMB dc.b 1,72
- dc.b 'Press left mouse button to continue.',0
- TCommand dc.b 'Command',0
- TTask dc.b 'Task',0
- TExcept dc.b 'Exception'
- NumberFormat dc.b 48,'Error: %08lx %s: %08lx %s',0
- intuiname dc.b 'intuition.library',0
- MyName dc.b 'alert.hook',0
- Verstr dc.b '$VER: '
- IDStr dc.b 'Enhanced Alert Hook 40.2 © 1993 MJSoft System Software',0
- subs macro
- dc.b \@a-\@b,\1
- \@b dc.b \2
- \@a
- endm
- subc macro
- dc.b \@b-\@a
- \@b dc.b \1
- \@a
- endm
- subsx macro
- dc.b \@a-\@b,0,\1,\2
- \@b dc.b \3
- \@a
- endm
- SubSysTab subs $01,<'exec',KLib>
- subc <'graphics',KLib>
- subc <'layers',KLib>
- subc <KIntui,KLib>
- subc <'math',KLib>
- subs $07,<'dos',KLib>
- subc <'ram',KLib>
- subc <'icon',KLib>
- subc <'expansion',KLib>
- subc <KDisk,KFont,KLib>
- subc <KUtil,KLib>
- subc <KKey,'map',KLib>
- subs $10,<'audio',KDev>
- subc <'console',KDev>
- subc <'gameport',KDev>
- subc <KKey,'board',KDev>
- subc <'track',KDisk,KDev>
- subc <KTimer,KDev>
- subs $20,<'cia',KRes>
- subc <KDisk,KRes>
- subc <'misc',KRes>
- subs $30,<'bootstrap'>
- subc <'workbench',KLib>
- subc <KDisk,'copy'>
- subc <'gad',KTo,'ols',KLib>
- subc <KUtil,KLib>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn0>
- GeneralErrs subs $01,<'Out of ',KMem0>
- subc <KUnable,'make ',KLibrary>
- subc <KUnable,KOpen,KLibrary>
- subc <KUnable,KOpen,KDevice>
- subc <KUnable,KOpen,KResource>
- subc <'I/O',KErr>
- subc <KUnable,'get signal'>
- subc <KBad,'parameters'>
- subc <KClose,'Device',KFailed>
- subc <KClose,'Library',KFailed>
- subc <'CreateProc',KFailed>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_exec subs $03,<KLibrary,' ',KChecksum,KFailure>
- subs $05,<'Corrupted',KMemList>
- subc <KNoMF,KInterr,' servers'>
- subs $08,<'Semaphore in ',KIllegal,' state'>
- subc <KFree,'ing',KMem,'that is',KAlready,KFree>
- subs $0B,<KAttempt,' ',KTo,' reuse active IORq'>
- subc <'Sanity check on',KMemList,KFailed>
- subc <'IO ',KAttempt,'ed on closed IORq'>
- subc <'Stack appears ',KTo,' be out of range'>
- subc <KMemS,'header not located'>
- subc <'Old ',KMessg,' semaphore used'>
- subsx $00,$FF,<'QuickInt to ',KUninit,'vector'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_graphics subs $01,<KNoMF,'Moni',KTo,'rSpec'>
- subs $06,<KNoMF,'long',KFrame>
- subc <KNoMF,'short',KFrame>
- subs $09,<KNoMF,'Text TmpRas'>
- subc <KNoMF,'BltBitMap'>
- subc <KNoMF,KRegion,'s'>
- subc <'GfxNew',KErr>
- subc <'GfxFree',KErr>
- subs $30,<KNoMF,'MakeVPort'>
- subsx $12,$34,<'Emergency',KMem,'not available'>
- subsx $04,$01,<'Unsupported ',KFont,' description used'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_intuition subs $01,<KUnkn0,' gadget',KType>
- subc <KNoMF,'port'>
- subc <KNoMF,KItem,' plane'>
- subc <KNoMF,'sub',KItem>
- subc <KNoMF,'plane'>
- subc <KItem,' box ',KTo,'p < RelZero'>
- subc <KNoMF,KScr>
- subc <KNoMF,KScr,' raster'>
- subc <KBad,KScr,KType>
- subc <KNoMF,'SW gadgets'>
- subc <KNoMF,'window'>
- subc <KBad,'state',KReturn,' entering ',KIntui>
- subc <KBad,KMessg,KRece,' by IDCMP'>
- subc <'Weird echo causing incomprehesion'>
- subc <KUnable,KOpen,'console',KDev>
- subc <KIntui,' skipped',KObtain,'ing a sem'>
- subc <KIntui,KObtain,'ed a sem in bad order'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_dos subs $01,<KNoMF,'DOS startup'>
- subc <'EndTask didn''t'>
- subc <'QPkt',KFailure>
- subc <'Unexpected packet',KRece>
- subc <KFree,'Vec',KFailed>
- subc <KDisk,' block sequence',KErr>
- subc <'Bitmap corrupt'>
- subc <KKey,KAlready,KFree>
- subc <KBad,KChecksum>
- subc <KDisk,KErr>
- subc <KKey,' out of range'>
- subc <KBad,'overlay'>
- subc <KBad,KInit,' packet for CLI/Shell'>
- subc <'File handle closed twice'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_ram subs $01,<'Overlayed ',KLibrary,' segment'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_expansion subs $01,<KFree,'d ',KFree,' ',KRegion,' of exp space'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_console subs $01,<KUnable,KOpen,KInit,'ial window'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_trackdisk subs $01,<'Seek',KErr,' during calibration'>
- subc <KErr2,' on ',KTimer,' wait'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_timer subs $01,<KBad,'request'>
- subc <'No 50/60 Hz ticks from power supply'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_disk subs $01,<'GetUnit:',KAlready,'has ',KDisk>
- subc <KInterr,' with no active unit'>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_bootstrap subs $01,<'Boot code',KReturn,'ed an',KErr>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_workbench subs $01,<'No ',KFont,'s'>
- subc <KBad,'startup ',KMessg>
- subc <KBad,'I/O ',KMessg>
- subs $09,<'ReLayoutToolMenu',KFailed>
- subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- Spec_cpu subs $02,<'Bus',KErr>
- subc <'Address',KErr>
- subc <KIllegal,KInstr>
- subc <KDivZ>
- subc <'CHK',KInstr>
- subc <'TRAPV',KInstr>
- subc <'Privilege',KViol>
- subc <'Trace'>
- subc <KLine,'A',KInstr>
- subc <KLine,'F',KInstr>
- subs $0D,<'Coprocessor pro',KTo,'col',KViol>
- subc <'Stack',KFrame,' format',KErr>
- subc <KUninit,KInterr>
- subs $18,<'Spurious ',KInterr>
- subs $30,<KFFP,'branch on set or unordered contition'>
- subc <KFFP,'inexact result'>
- subc <KFFP,KDivZ>
- subc <KFFP,'und',KErflow>
- subc <KFFP,'operand',KErr>
- subc <KFFP,'ov',KErflow>
- subc <KFFP,'signaling NAN'>
- subs $38,<KMMU,'configuration',KErr>
- subc <KMMU,KIllegal,' operation'>
- subc <KMMU,'invalid access level'>
- Spec_layers
- Spec_math
- Spec_icon
- Spec_diskfont
- Spec_audio
- Spec_utility
- Spec_keymap
- Spec_gameport
- Spec_keyboard
- Spec_cia
- Spec_misc
- Spec_diskcopy
- Spec_gadtools
- Spec_unknown subs $FF,<KUnkn>
- EndSkip
- end