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- Special Support Macros
- Version 3.0
- (c) 1993 MJSoft System Software, SinSoft and PCSoft
- ================================================================================
- ### Typical structure of program which uses the macros: ###
- ;DEBUG set 1 ; Set only when debugging and your
- ; debugger doesn't pass the arguments
- ; correctly (see StartupInit doc)
- include "ssmac.h" ; include the macros
- [tbase a4] ; define text base register if you want
- start ; or clistart if you want only CLI
- ; here is automatically defined the "go" label
- ; here is your program
- tags ; start of tag list
- ; here are your tags
- finish ; end of tag list
- end
- ### Universal macros ###
- push r/m - store register/memory onto stack
- pop r/m - get register/memory from stack
- mpush reglist - store register list onto stack
- mpop reglist - get register list from stack
- rptr label - store relative pointer to specified label
- ### Variable definition macros ###
- dv.size name - define variable, size={b,w,l}
- dbuf[.size] name,nritems - define buffer of nritems items size={b,w,l},
- default=byte
- get.type from,to - MOVE.type <variable>,<to>
- put.type from,to - MOVE.type <from>,<variable>
- geta from,to - LEA <variable>,<to>
- clv.type dest - CLR.type <variable>
- tsv.type src - TST.type <variable>
- ### Variable manipulation macros ###
- vpush var - push longword variable onto stack
- vpop var - pop longword variable from stack
- - following macros are clones of standard instructions manipulating with
- variables. 'v' on the left means that source is a variable, 'v' on the right
- means that destination is a variable:
- negv.size to
- notv.size to
- stv.size to
- clrv.size to
- seqv.size to
- snev.size to
- sccv.size to
- scsv.size to
- tstv.size from
- bchgv bitnr,byte
- bclrv bitnr,byte
- bsetv bitnr,byte
- btstv bitnr,byte
- subqv.type nr,byte
- addqv.type nr,byte
- vpea var
- eorv.type src,dest
- divsv src,dest
- divuv src,dest
- mulsv src,dest
- muluv src,dest
- addv.type src,dest
- vadd.type src,dest
- andv.type src,dest
- vand.type src,dest
- cmpv.type src,dest
- vcmp.type src,dest
- movev.type src,dest
- vmove.type src,dest
- orv.type src,dest
- vor.type src,dest
- subv.type src,dest
- vsub.type src,dest
- vlea src,dest
- vmovev.type src,dest
- movemv.type src,dest
- vmovem.type src,dest
- ### Text macros ###
- tbase basereg - define text base register, must be before START
- dt.[c][l] [label,]text - define a text in text section
- l = put NL character after the text
- c = don't put 0 character after the text
- gett textlabel,areg - get address of text to <areg>
- tlea textlabel,areg - same as above
- dtl text,areg - define text and load its address
- ### System interface ###
- call [base,]name - call function <name> of specified library
- if no library is specified, it will use current
- contents of A6 as the base
- jump [base,]name - jump to function <name> ... see CALL
- ### Startup and exit ###
- start - perform standard startup and open ss.library
- clistart - START with no respect to WorkBench
- tags - start final declaration of tags
- finish - end of tag list, inserts size of variables
- ### Startup tags ###
- wbconsole - open console window when started from WorkBench
- template <template> - set template, followed by dv.l <name> for each
- argument
- exitrout routine - <routine> will be called before exit
- errrout routine - <routine> will be called for error messages
- (see SSLib.doc/ReportError)
- library name,version - open library and define variable containing
- its base; error if not available;
- trylib name,version - same as LIBRARY, but doesn't fail if not available
- cputype min,max - require CPU 680<min>0 to 680<max>0, max=-1 for
- no limit
- fputype min,max - require FPU in specified range, see SS.i
- sysver min,max - require kickstart version min..max, max=-1...
- diserr flags - disable error messages specified by flags
- (it's a bit field with the same format as
- sv_errors)
- wbconname name - open console window with specified name when
- started from WorkBench
- usrtrk tablelabel - define user tracker types (see UserTrkTypes)
- extrahelp [<string>] - define extra help string. If no argument is
- given, you should continue with sequence of
- DC.Bs ended by ENDHELP
- endhelp - end of extra help string (see EXTRAHELP)
- ### Text output macros ###
- write <text> - write text to standard output
- writeln <text> - write text followed by NL to standard output
- printfs[.L] <text> - write formatted text to std. output
- parameters are stored on the stack, .L=newline
- printfr[.L] <text>,reg - write formatted register contents
- printfv[.L] <text>,variable - write formatted variable contents
- printfl[.L] <text>,reglist - write formatted register list contents
- you can supply number of registers you have
- passed as the 3rd parameter, it will simplify
- the code generated by this macro
- err <text> - write text and exit with error return code
- doserr <text> - write text + dos error text and exit
- errc.condition <text> - if <condition> is false, write text and exit
- ### NOTES ###
- If you define the _GlobVec symbols before startup macro, the startup code
- generated will use pointer to global vector passed in A2. This is automatically
- done by the system, but not by most debuggers, therefore programs compiled
- using this option are hardly debuggable unless you specify the DEBUG option.