home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***************************************
- ************* notes.c *************
- ***************************************/
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/classes.h>
- #include <intuition/classusr.h>
- #include <intuition/imageclass.h>
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #include <clib/diskfont_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "stickit.h"
- #include "consts.h"
- #include "structs.h"
- #include "prototype.h"
- extern prjptr prj;
- struct EasyStruct reqnonotes =
- {
- sizeof(struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "StickIt",
- "No notes to display",
- "Continue"
- };
- void shownotes()
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *nextmessage;
- nteptr currnote = NULL;
- struct ndnode *ndptr;
- int done = FALSE;
- /*** Create message port ***/
- prj->msgport = CreateMsgPort();
- if (!prj->msgport)
- error("Can't create message port",ERR_MSGPORT);
- prj->no_notes_visable = 0;
- opennotes();
- if (prj->no_notes_visable == 0)
- {
- EasyRequest(NULL,&reqnonotes,NULL);
- /*** Remove message port ***/
- DeleteMsgPort(prj->msgport);
- prj->msgport = NULL;
- prj->editnotes = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- refreshnotes();
- /*** Answer messages ***/
- while (!done)
- {
- Wait (1 << prj->msgport->mp_SigBit);
- while (nextmessage = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(prj->msgport))
- {
- prj->currmessage.Code = nextmessage->Code;
- prj->currmessage.Class = nextmessage->Class;
- prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow = nextmessage->IDCMPWindow;
- prj->currmessage.Seconds = nextmessage->Seconds;
- prj->currmessage.Micros = nextmessage->Micros;
- ReplyMsg ((struct Message *)nextmessage);
- ndptr = findnodefromwin(prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow);
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- switch(prj->currmessage.Class)
- {
- switch (prj->currmessage.Code)
- {
- if (DoubleClick(currnote->leftseconds,currnote->leftmicros,
- prj->currmessage.Seconds,prj->currmessage.Micros))
- {
- removenote(ndptr);
- currnote->show = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- currnote->leftseconds = prj->currmessage.Seconds;
- currnote->leftmicros = prj->currmessage.Micros;
- currnote->rightseconds = 0;
- currnote->rightmicros = 0;
- }
- break;
- case MENUUP:
- prj->editnotes = TRUE;
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- BeginRefresh(prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow);
- refreshnote(ndptr);
- EndRefresh(prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow,TRUE);
- break;
- currnote->xpos = (int)prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow->LeftEdge;
- currnote->ypos = (int)prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow->TopEdge;
- break;
- switch (prj->currmessage.Code)
- {
- case 'F':
- case 'f':
- WindowToFront(prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow);
- break;
- case 'B':
- case 'b':
- WindowToBack(prj->currmessage.IDCMPWindow);
- break;
- case 'E':
- case 'e':
- prj->editnotes = TRUE;
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'H':
- case 'h':
- removenote(ndptr);
- currnote->show = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (prj->no_notes_visable == 0)
- {
- prj->editnotes = TRUE;
- done = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*** Remove note that we clicked on first ***/
- removenote(ndptr);
- removenotes();
- /*** Remove message port ***/
- DeleteMsgPort(prj->msgport);
- prj->msgport = NULL;
- /*** Set current note to the last one we clicked on ***/
- prj->currnode = ndptr;
- }
- void opennotes()
- {
- struct ndnode *ndptr;
- nteptr currnote;
- /*** Open all windows, draw back to front ***/
- ndptr = prj->notes_end->prev;
- while (ndptr->prev)
- {
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- if (currnote->show)
- {
- currnote->win = OpenWindowTags( NULL,
- WA_Left, currnote->xpos,
- WA_Top, currnote->ypos,
- WA_Width, prj->notewidth,
- WA_Height, prj->noteheight,
- WA_Title, currnote->title,
- WA_ScreenTitle, "StickIt V1.03 15th November '93 ©1993 Andy Dean",
- if (!currnote->win)
- error("opennotes; Can't open note",ERR_FATAL);
- /*** Must connect window to message port ***/
- currnote->win->UserPort = prj->msgport;
- /*** Set font to user's choice ***/
- SetFont(currnote->win->RPort,prj->notefontptr);
- /*** Reset DoubleClick info ***/
- currnote->leftseconds = currnote->leftmicros = 0;
- currnote->rightseconds = currnote->rightmicros = 0;
- /*** Clear the note ***/
- SetAPen(currnote->win->RPort,prj->backcolour);
- RectFill(currnote->win->RPort,(LONG)currnote->win->BorderLeft,
- (LONG)currnote->win->BorderTop,
- currnote->win->Width - (currnote->win->BorderRight + 1),
- currnote->win->Height - (currnote->win->BorderBottom + 1));
- SetAPen(currnote->win->RPort,prj->textcolour);
- /*** Increment note count ***/
- prj->no_notes_visable++;
- }
- else
- currnote->win = NULL;
- ndptr = ndptr->prev;
- }
- }
- void refreshnotes()
- {
- struct ndnode *ndptr;
- nteptr currnote;
- /*** Refresh the text in each window ***/
- ndptr = prj->notes_start->next;
- while (ndptr->next)
- {
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- refreshnote(ndptr);
- ndptr = ndptr->next;
- }
- }
- void removenotes()
- {
- struct ndnode *ndptr;
- nteptr currnote;
- /*** Remove all open notes and remove shared message port ***/
- /*** and close font ***/
- ndptr = prj->notes_start->next;
- while (ndptr->next)
- {
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- removenote(ndptr);
- ndptr = ndptr->next;
- }
- }
- void removenote(struct ndnode *ndptr)
- {
- nteptr currnote;
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- if (currnote->win)
- {
- CloseWindowSafely(currnote->win);
- currnote->win = NULL;
- prj->no_notes_visable--;
- }
- }
- void refreshnote(struct ndnode *ndptr)
- {
- struct Window *w;
- struct TextFont *myfont;
- struct RastPort *myrp;
- struct TextExtent resultextent;
- nteptr currnote;
- LONG fit,count = 0,printable,l;
- UWORD wtbarheight;
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- if (!currnote->win) /* Old refresh message */
- return;
- if (!currnote->show)
- return;
- /*** Clear the note ***/
- SetAPen(currnote->win->RPort,prj->backcolour);
- RectFill(currnote->win->RPort,(LONG)currnote->win->BorderLeft,
- (LONG)currnote->win->BorderTop,
- currnote->win->Width - (currnote->win->BorderRight + 1),
- currnote->win->Height - (currnote->win->BorderBottom + 1));
- SetAPen(currnote->win->RPort,prj->textcolour);
- /*** Blatently nick Commodore's text routines ! ***/
- w = currnote->win;
- myfont = prj->notefontptr;
- myrp = currnote->win->RPort;
- wtbarheight = w->WScreen->BarHeight + myfont->tf_Baseline + 2;
- SetDrMd(myrp,JAM1);
- SetBPen(myrp,prj->backcolour);
- Move(myrp,w->WScreen->WBorLeft,wtbarheight);
- /*** Emulate the Commodore code ***/
- printable = strlen(currnote->note);
- while (count < printable)
- {
- fit = TextFit(myrp,&(currnote->note[count]),
- (printable - count), &resultextent,
- NULL, 1,
- (w->Width - (myrp->cp_x + w->BorderLeft +
- w->BorderRight)), myfont->tf_YSize + 1);
- if (fit == 0)
- Move (myrp,w->BorderLeft,myrp->cp_y +
- myfont->tf_YSize + 1);
- else
- {
- if ((fit + count) != printable) /* Need to wrap */
- {
- for (l = count + fit; ((l > count) &&
- (currnote->note[l] != ' ')); l--);
- if ((l - count) != 0) /* If can't wrap */
- fit = l - count + 1;
- }
- Text(myrp,&(currnote->note[count]),fit);
- count += fit;
- /*** Strip space from start of line ***/
- while ((count <= printable) &&
- (currnote->note[count] == ' '))
- count++;
- /*** Newline ***/
- Move (myrp,w->BorderLeft,myrp->cp_y +
- myfont->tf_YSize + 1);
- }
- if (myrp->cp_y > (w->Height - (w->BorderBottom + 2)))
- return; /* Reached bottom */
- }
- }
- struct ndnode *findnodefromwin(struct Window *win)
- {
- struct ndnode *ndptr;
- nteptr currnote;
- ndptr = prj->notes_start->next;
- while (ndptr->next)
- {
- currnote = ndptr->data;
- if (currnote->win == win)
- return(ndptr);
- ndptr = ndptr->next;
- }
- return (NULL);
- }