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- StickIt - Version 1.03 (written 15th November '93)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Copyright 1993 Andy Dean, all rights reserved
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
- are preserved on all copies.
- No guarantee of any kind is given that the programs described in
- this document are 100% reliable. You are using this material at your
- own risk. The author *can not* be made responsible for any damage
- which is caused by using these programs.
- This package is freely distributable, but still copyright by Andy
- Dean. This means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask
- for a more than nominal copying fee.
- Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
- collections, especially in the excellent Fred Fish Amiga Disk Library
- (including CD ROM versions of it). The distribution file may be
- uploaded to Bulletin Board Systems or FTP servers. If you want to
- distribute this program you must use the original distribution archive
- "StickIt-1.03.lha".
- None of the programs nor the source code (nor parts of it) may be
- included or used in commercial programs unless by written permission
- from the author.
- Requirements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o AmigaDos 2.04+
- What Is StickIt ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt is a computer replacement for the ol' Post-It note. It
- allows you to stick notes onto your screen which will be displayed
- every time you re-boot; useful to remind you of things to do.
- Features
- ~~~~~~~~
- o Unlimited number of notes on screen.
- o The notes remember where you left them.
- o User-defined font name/size.
- o User-defined note size.
- o User-defined text/background colour (yep, they can be yellow
- if you want !)
- o User-defined delay at startup to avoid disk thrashing.
- o User-defined filename for note information.
- o Standard Workbench 2 interface, with keyboard shortcuts.
- Designed with the wonderful "GadToolsBox" by Jan van den
- Baard.
- Why Did I Write StickIt ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt was written with a job to do... to replace all the bits
- of paper I used to leave around to remind me to do something. I have
- tried to write a program to do that with the minimum of fuss and with
- a nice clean Workbench 2 interface. I have tried to make the program
- configurable enough for each user's needs, without over-doing it.
- There was no such utility available in the Public Domain at the time.
- How Do I Use StickIt ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Just double-click on the icon!
- The program will always needs a note file to run, and by default
- this is called "StickIt.notes" and is located in the current
- directory. Use the tooltypes in the program icon to configure the
- program for your use.
- Theory of Operation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt has 2 modes of operation. EITHER it is showing the notes
- on the screen OR it is showing the edit window to allow the user to
- alter the information kept in the notes.
- Showing the Notes
- -----------------
- When the notes are being displayed, the user may position each
- note by dragging the note with the drag bar. The position of the note
- will be stored when the note file is saved.
- A note can be temporarily hidden from view by double-clicking on
- the note (not on the drag bar) or typing "h" while the note is active.
- The note will remain hidden for the current session, unless the user
- makes the note visable again by using "Show" in the edit window (see
- later). This information is not saved, as all notes are shown when
- StickIt is run.
- The edit window can be brought up to edit the notes by clicking
- with the right mouse button or typing "e" on the active note. This note
- will be the current note in the edit window.
- The current note can be pushed behind other windows by either
- using the depth gadget, or typing "b". The current note can be
- brought infront of other windows by either using the depth gadget,
- or typing "f".
- All actions to do with the saving of the note file, quitting of
- the program, adding and deleting notes must be done from the edit
- window.
- The Edit Window
- ---------------
- The window is brought up by clicking with the right mouse button
- on the active note. It is also brought up if an attempt is made to
- make all the current notes hidden, or the StickIt is run with the
- STARTEDIT=YES tooltype, or there are no notes in the note file.
- Adding a new note:
- This is done by clicking on the "Add" gadget or pressing "a". The
- "Note " and "Title" fields are cleared and your cursor is placed in
- the "Title" field. The "Title" field contains the text that will
- appear in the note's drag bar. Pressing <TAB> will move your cursor to
- the "Note" field. Here you can type the main text that will appear in
- the body of the note. Pressing <TAB> will move your cursor back to the
- "Title" field. As with version 1.02, <RETURN> will also cycle between the
- "Note" and "Title" fields.
- When you are happy with the text, click on the "Add" gadget again
- and the note will be added to the list. The new note will be added to
- the front of the list and will be drawn last, and so will be infront
- if any notes overlap it.
- Deleting the current note:
- The current note is that one which is currently on display in the
- edit window. Selecting "Delete" from the "Edit" menu (keyboard
- shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + B) will remove this note from the list.
- Cut, copy, paste:
- You may cut (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + X), copy (keyboard
- shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + C) and paste (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA
- + V) notes using the "Edit" menu. This is useful to re-arrange the
- order in which notes are drawn or create multiple similar notes from
- one existing note. StickIt uses its own internal clipboard, not the
- Amiga's. You can't cut/copy/paste information between applications
- (sorry!).
- Editing the current note:
- To change the information in the current note, simply alter the
- text in the "Title" and "Note" text fields. Instead of just clicking
- in the text gadgets, keyboard shortcuts "t" and "n" have been
- provided.
- Hiding the current note:
- All notes by default are visable when StickIt is run. By clicking
- on the "Show" gadget (keyboard shortcut = "s"), the note can be hidden
- from view - useful to stop notes that you've acknowledged from
- cluttering up your screen.
- Changing the current note:
- The current note can be changed by using the back and forth
- gadgets at the bottom of the edit window (keyboard shortcuts = "<" or
- "," and ">" or "."). The front and back of the list can also be
- reached with the "Front" and "Back" gadgets (keyboard shortcuts = "f"
- and "b").
- Showing all notes:
- You can see the effects of your edits by selecting "Show
- notes..." (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + N) from the "Edit"
- window. Return to the edit window by clicking right mouse button on an
- active note. Alternatively press click on the "Notes..." gadget in the edit window.
- Saving the current note file:
- Choose "Save" (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + S) from the
- "Project" menu to save the current notes to the note file.
- Opening the current note file:
- Choose "Open" (keyboard shortcut = RIGHT AMIGA + O) from the
- "Project" menu to open the current note file, replacing the current
- notes with those of the note file. You will be warned if the current
- notes have been changed.
- Other menu items...
- -------------------
- About
- Cute about window. Click on the window to make it go away.
- Quit
- Will quit the program. Will warn you if the notes have been
- changed.
- Configuring StickIt
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt is entirely configured from the icon's tooltypes. Any
- tooltype enclosed in parenthesis is commented out, causing the default
- value to be used.
- NOTEFILE=<filename> Default:StickIt.notes
- This gives the filename of the file that will used to store the
- note information. The default file is "StickIt.notes" in the current
- directory. Other possibilities could be:
- NOTEFILE=s:StickIt.notes
- FONTNAME=<fontname>.font Default:Helvetica
- This is the name of the font used to write the text in the notes.
- If no font name is given, StickIt tries to open Times font. Failing
- that, the default screen font is used. My personal favourite font is
- "junod" given away with Commodore's "AmigaGuide" distribution (if you
- don't have AmigaGuide - WHY NOT!?!). Failing that, a nice handwriting
- font may look good, anyway I digress...
- Note: You must always put a ".font" postfix after the name of the
- font, otherwise StickIt will not find the font (eg `Times.font' or
- `junod.font').
- FONTSIZE=<number> Default:12
- This is the size in points of the font.
- NOTEHEIGHT=<number> Default:70
- The height of each note in pixels.
- NOTEWIDTH=<number> Default:150
- The width of each note in pixels.
- TEXTCOLOUR=<number> Default:1 (Black)
- The number of the colour of the pen used to print the main text
- of the note. Note the English spelling of "colour".
- BACKCOLOUR=<number> Default:0 (Grey)
- The number of the colour of the pen used as the background of the
- note. Users with >4 colours may wish to make this value that of a
- pastel yellow, to give the "look and feel" of a real PostIt note. Note
- the English spelling of "colour".
- DELAY=<number> Default:0
- This is a delay in seconds before the note file is loaded. This
- is useful if StickIt is placed in the WBStartup drawer with other
- applications loaded at startup. If this value is set to a few seconds,
- then StickIt will not be competing for the drive at the same time as
- Workbench is loading applictions.
- STARTEDIT=<YES> or <NO> Default:NO
- Normally StickIt will start by displaying all notes present in
- the note file. If no notes are present, the edit window is opened
- instead. By setting STARTEDIT to YES, you can force StickIt to open
- the edit window even if there notes in the notefile.
- Standard WBStartup command to tell Workbench not to wait for
- StickIt to finish executing before continuing with the startup.
- Creating An Empty Note File
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt requires a note file to operate; StickIt will terminate
- with an error if the note file can't be found. In order to create a
- blank file, I have provided an ARexx utility to do this. If you wish
- to create a blank file called "s:StickIt.note" then simply
- double-click on the "CreateEmptyFile.rexx" icon and type
- "s:StickIt.note" as the filename. Then change the tooltypes of StickIt
- to read "NOTEFILE=s:StickIt.notes".
- Note that you need ARexx running for this to work.
- Thanks...
- ~~~~~~~~~
- o Commodore for the Amiga. More programming utilities and
- information are needed from C=. AmigaGuide and the ROM Kernal Reference
- manuals are a start, but can we also have a window designer, the 3.0
- includes and information about new system routines. Wishful thinking?
- o Fred Fish for his EXCELLENT library.
- o The organisers of Aminet. Thanks for a well organised service
- for us lucky souls with anonymous ftp access.
- o All the shareware / public domain / freeware authors for tons
- of excellent software.
- Tested On...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt has been tested on:
- o Amiga 500 with
- 1M Chip RAM
- 2M Fast RAM
- Workbench 2.04
- Commodore A590 hard drive, 85M Connor SCSI drive
- Microbotics VXL30 accellerator
- o Amiga 1200 with
- 2M Chip RAM
- 60M internal hard drive
- External floppy
- Limitations
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- o All data is stored in a linked list and so there is no limit
- to the number of notes available for use.
- o 29 characters can be used in the `Title' field.
- o 255 characters can be used in the `Note' field.
- Improvements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I have no real intention to continue improving the program, I
- have been using the program myself for a while now and can find
- no bugs in it and it does the job for which it was intended. Besides,
- inbetween writing StickIt I have a PhD to be getting on with :) ,
- HOWEVER if you do find a nasty bug then let me know and I'll do my
- best...
- My Address...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Andy Dean
- Electronic Engineering Dept.
- University College London
- Torrington Place
- London
- WC1E 7JE
- England
- Email: adean@eleceng.ucl.ac.uk
- And finally...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you use and enjoy this software then send me a postcard to
- tell me how far StickIt has reached. Go on, it'll only take a few
- minutes...
- Ta very much, Andy Dean