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- Short: "PostIt Note" type reminder
- StickIt - Version 1.03 (written 15th November '93)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Copyright 1993 Andy Dean, all rights reserved
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
- are preserved on all copies.
- No guarantee of any kind is given that the programs described in
- this document are 100% reliable. You are using this material at your
- own risk. The author *can not* be made responsible for any damage
- which is caused by using these programs.
- This package is freely distributable, but still copyright by Andy
- Dean. This means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask
- for a more than nominal copying fee.
- Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
- collections, especially in the excellent Fred Fish Amiga Disk Library
- (including CD ROM versions of it). The distribution file may be
- uploaded to Bulletin Board Systems or FTP servers. If you want to
- distribute this program you must use the original distribution archive
- "StickIt-1.03.lha".
- None of the programs nor the source code (nor parts of it) may be
- included or used in commercial programs unless by written permission
- from the author.
- Requirements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o AmigaDos 2.04+
- What Is StickIt ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt is a computer replacement for the ol' Post-It note. It
- allows you to stick notes onto your screen which will be displayed
- every time you re-boot; useful to remind you of things to do.
- Features
- ~~~~~~~~
- o Unlimited number of notes on screen.
- o The notes remember where you left them.
- o User-defined font name/size.
- o User-defined note size.
- o User-defined text/background colour (yep, they can be yellow
- if you want !)
- o User-defined delay at startup to avoid disk thrashing.
- o User-defined filename for note information.
- o Standard Workbench 2 interface, with keyboard shortcuts.
- Designed with the wonderful "GadToolsBox" by Jan van den
- Baard.
- Why Did I Write StickIt ?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- StickIt was written with a job to do... to replace all the bits
- of paper I used to leave around to remind me to do something. I have
- tried to write a program to do that with the minimum of fuss and with
- a nice clean Workbench 2 interface. I have tried to make the program
- configurable enough for each user's needs, without over-doing it.
- There was no such utility available in the Public Domain at the time.
- Limitations
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- o All data is stored in a linked list and so there is no limit
- to the number of notes available for use.
- o 29 characters can be used in the `Title' field.
- o 255 characters can be used in the `Note' field.
- My Address...
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Andy Dean
- Electronic Engineering Dept.
- University College London
- Torrington Place
- London
- WC1E 7JE
- England
- Email: adean@eleceng.ucl.ac.uk
- StickIt-1.02 Changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Bug fixed with note refresh; background of note was not correctly
- redrawn if any colour other than the Workbench colour was used. *
- o Added "Notes..." button to edit window. *
- o <RETURN> now cycles through the string gadgets, like <TAB>. *
- o There are now keyboard shortcuts available for the StickIt notes: *
- "f" - bring note to front.
- "b" - send note to back.
- "h" - hides the note (same as double-clicking on the note).
- "e" - calls up edit window (same as clicking the right
- mouse button on the note).
- o Note that my Email address is now in the more conventional form.
- * Found / suggested by Raoul Rodriguez.
- StickIt-1.03 Changes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- o Bug fixed which caused an almighty system crash if you tried
- to run StickIt on any system less than 2.04. This was due to the cleanup()
- function being incorrectly set up if any library less than V37 was found.
- Anyone who had the full 2.04 setup installed is unaffected, however the
- smaller diskfont.library (the one without scalable fonts) is actually V36
- and caused StickIt to fail. *
- * Found by John McKillop.
- Finally, on a more pleasent note, I would like to thank everyone over
- the last few months who has taken the time to write to me and comment on
- StickIt. I have tried to reply to everyone who has left a reply address, If
- you've written and I haven't written back then a big "THANK YOU" !
- Many thanks again,
- Andy Dean.