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- % This file defines characters common to roman and italic text fonts
- % that appear only when |ligs>0|.
- % Character codes \0042, \0055, \0134, \0173, and \0174 are generated.
- ligtable "`": "`"=:oct"134";
- ligtable "'": "'"=:oct"042", "?" kern 2u#, "!" kern 2u#;
- ligtable "-": "-"=:oct"173";
- ligtable oct"173": "-"=:oct"174";
- cmchar "Closing quotes";
- beginchar(oct"042",7u#+max(2u#,dot_size#),asc_height#,0);
- italcorr asc_height#*slant+dot_size#-4.1u#;
- adjust_fit(0,0);
- x1-.5dot_size=hround .6u; y2+.5dot_size=h;
- x2-x1=hround(1.5u+max(2u,dot_size)); y2=y1;
- comma(1,a,dot_size,.25u,comma_depth); % left dot and tail
- comma(2,b,dot_size,.25u,comma_depth); % right dot and tail
- penlabels(1,2); endchar;
- cmchar "Hyphen";
- beginchar("-",6u#,x_height#,0);
- italcorr .5x_height#*slant-.5u#;
- adjust_fit(0,0);
- numeric thickness; thickness=if hefty:bar else:.75[hair,stem] fi;
- pickup crisp.nib; pos1(thickness,90); pos2(thickness,90);
- top y1r=top y2r=vround(.5h+.5thickness); rt x2=hround(w-u)+eps;
- if monospace: x2=w-x1 else: lft x1=hround .2u-eps fi;
- filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % bar
- penlabels(1,2); endchar;
- cmchar "Opening quotes";
- beginchar(oct"134",7u#+max(2u#,dot_size#),asc_height#,0);
- italcorr asc_height#*slant-.1u#;
- adjust_fit(0,0);
- x2+.5dot_size=hround(w-.6u); y1+.5dot_size=h-comma_depth;
- x2-x1=hround(1.5u+max(2u,dot_size)); y2=y1;
- ammoc(1,a,dot_size,.25u,comma_depth); % left dot and tail
- ammoc(2,b,dot_size,.25u,comma_depth); % right dot and tail
- penlabels(1,2); endchar;
- cmchar "En dash";
- beginchar(oct"173",9u#,x_height#,0);
- italcorr .61803x_height#*slant+.5u#;
- adjust_fit(0,0);
- pickup crisp.nib; pos1(vair,90); pos2(vair,90);
- top y1r=top y2r=vround(.61803h+.5vair); lft x1=-eps; rt x2=w+eps;
- filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % bar
- penlabels(1,2); endchar;
- cmchar "Em dash";
- beginchar(oct"174",18u#,x_height#,0);
- italcorr .61803x_height#*slant+.5u#;
- adjust_fit(letter_fit#,letter_fit#);
- pickup crisp.nib; pos1(vair,90); pos2(vair,90);
- top y1r=top y2r=vround(.61803h+.5vair); lft x1=-eps; rt x2=w+eps;
- filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % bar
- penlabels(1,2); endchar;