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- % This file puts characters into code positions \0020, \0021, and \0031
- % to take the place of dotless i, dotless j, and sharp s
- % in caps-and-small-caps fonts
- cmchar "The letter I"; % in code position \0020
- beginchar(oct"020",max(6u#,4u#+cap_stem#),cap_height#,0);
- italcorr cap_height#*slant-.25u#;
- adjust_fit(cap_serif_fit#,cap_serif_fit#);
- pickup tiny.nib; pos1(cap_stem,0); pos2(cap_stem,0);
- lft x1l=lft x2l=hround(.5w-.5cap_stem); top y1=h; bot y2=0;
- filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % stem
- if serifs:
- dish_serif(1,2,a,1/3,1.05cap_jut,b,1/3,1.05cap_jut); % upper serif
- dish_serif(2,1,c,1/3,1.05cap_jut,d,1/3,1.05cap_jut); fi % lower serif
- math_fit(0,.5ic#); penlabels(1,2); endchar;
- cmchar "The letter J"; % in code position \0021
- beginchar(oct"021",9u#,cap_height#,0);
- italcorr cap_height#*slant-cap_serif_fit#
- +.75cap_jut#-2.5u#+min(.5cap_stem#,u#);
- adjust_fit(0,cap_serif_fit#);
- pickup tiny.nib; pos1(cap_stem',0); pos2(cap_stem',0);
- top y1=h; rt x1r=hround(w-2u); x2=x1; y2=.21h;
- if serifs: pos3(vair,-90); pos4(cap_hair,-180);
- pos5(flare+(cap_stem-stem),-180);
- bot y3r=-o; x3=.5[x4,x2]; y5=1/6h; rt x5l=hround 2.75u; z5r=z4r;
- filldraw stroke z1e--z2e&super_arc.e(2,3); % stem and arc
- dish_serif(1,2,a,1/3,1.3cap_jut,b,1/3,.75cap_jut); % serif
- bulb(3,4,5); % bulb
- else: filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % stem
- pickup fine.nib; pos3(cap_stem',0); z3=z2;
- pos4(flare,angle(6.5u,-h)); pos5(1.1flare,-100);
- bot y4r=-o; x4r=.5[x5r,x3r]; lft x5r=hround.75u; bot y5r=vround.06h-o;
- filldraw stroke z3e{down}....term.e(4,5,left,1,4); fi % arc and terminal
- math_fit(0,.5ic#-.5u#); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar;
- cmchar "Two letters S";
- beginchar(oct"031",10u#,cap_height#,0);
- italcorr cap_height#*slant-u#;
- adjust_fit(0,0);
- numeric theta; theta=90-angle(50u,h); slope:=-h/50u; % angle at middle
- numeric s_slab; s_slab=if serifs:slab else:vround .2[slab,cap_stem] fi;
- numeric ess'; ess'=max(fine.breadth,cap_ess);
- pickup fine.nib; pos2(max(fine.breadth,s_slab-vround vair_corr),-90);
- pos0(ess',theta); pos7(s_slab,-90);
- x2+x7=2x0=w; x7-x2=if serifs: u else: 0 fi; top y2l=h+o; bot y7r=-o;
- y0=.52h; lft x3l=hround u; rt x6r=hround(w-u);
- x3r-x3l=x6r-x6l=hround .5[s_slab,ess']-fine;
- ellipse_set(2l,3l,4l,0l); ellipse_set(2r,3r,4r,0r); y3=y3r;
- ellipse_set(7l,6l,5l,0l); ellipse_set(7r,6r,5r,0r); y6=y6r;
- filldraw stroke super_arc.e(2,3) & z3e{down}
- ..z4e---z5e..z6e{down} & super_arc.e(6,7); % main stroke
- if serifs: pos1(hair,180); pos8(hair,180);
- rt x1l=hround(w-1.5u); lft x8r=hround u;
- bot y1=vround 2/3h+1; top y8=vround 1/3h-1;
- filldraw stroke z1e{x2-x1,10(y2-y1)}....{left}z2e; % upper arc
- filldraw stroke z7e{left}....{up}z8e; % lower arc
- path upper_arc, lower_arc;
- upper_arc=z1{x2-x1,10(y2-y1)}....{left}z2;
- lower_arc=z7{left}....{up}z8;
- pos10(.3[fine.breadth,cap_hair],0); pos9(.3[fine.breadth,cap_hair],0);
- x10r=x1l; top y10=top y2l; x9l=x8r; bot y9=bot y7r;
- x1l-x1'=x8'-x8r=1.6cap_curve-fine; y1'=y1; y8'=y8;
- numeric t; t=xpart(upper_arc intersectiontimes(z10l--z1'));
- filldraw z1l--z10r--z10l--subpath(t,0) of upper_arc--cycle; % upper barb
- t:=xpart(lower_arc intersectiontimes(z9r--z8'));
- filldraw z8r--z9l--z9r--subpath(t,1) of lower_arc--cycle; % lower barb
- else: pos1(1.2flare,-100); pos8(1.2flare,-100);
- x1l=good.x(x1l+w-1.75u-rt x1); lft x8r=hround .8u;
- top y1l=vround .93h+o; bot y8r=vround .1h-o;
- filldraw stroke term.e(2,1,right,.9,4); % upper arc and terminal
- filldraw stroke term.e(7,8,left,1,4); fi % lower arc and terminal
- r:=r+w+shrink_fit; charwd:=2charwd;
- addto currentpicture also currentpicture shifted (w+shrink_fit,0);
- penlabels(0,1,1',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8',9,10); endchar;