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- ADInlay By Andrew Dowds
- I don't know why you need to read this as Inlay maker is so easy to use.
- Unfortunately it doesn't seem to want to run under WB1.3 sorry.
- Make sure that the Extend.library is in your Libs: directory
- To run inlaymaker either type "ADInlay" from the Cli or double click on the
- icon from the Workbench.
- To enter the Title and track information just type them in finish each line
- with a carriage return . A limit of 29 characters is allowed for any entry
- so it fits on the inlay card. To edit you can either use the cursor keys to
- move the cursor around, or the mouse, and insert text at the cursor. The
- backspace and Del keys function as normal as well.
- As in the shell <ctrl>L will delete everything to the left of the cursor
- to the beginning of the current line, <ctrl>K does the same but to the
- right of the cursor.
- <esc> followed by the up arrow will position the cursor at the top left
- <esc> followed by the down arrow will position the cursor at the bottom
- right of the page
- <esc> followed by right arrow puts cursor at end of line
- <esc> followed by left arrow puts cursor to beginning of line.
- Either select change side from the edit menu, or just keep entering tracks
- past track 12 to toggle between side1 and side2 of the tape.
- You can save your completed inlay to disk or load an existing one with
- the menu options load and save in the Project menu.
- To print your inlay select Print from the Project menu.
- To start afresh select New from the Project Menu.
- To insert or delete a line select insert or delete from the edit menu.
- Delete entire side does exactly that.
- Using the Auto capitals option you can choose to automatically capitalize
- the first letter of every word or just the first letter of each trackname.
- There are three options under the printformat menu, You can print a date on
- your inlay card, you can choose to have a long or a short backflap depending
- on the type of cassette case you have, and you can choose to have numbers
- printed beside the track names.
- Thats about it, It's probably easier to play about with it, than to read
- this.
- Copyright Notice
- ++++++++++++++++
- ADInlay is freely distributable but copyright © by Andrew Dowds 1993,
- Permission is not given to use this program for commercial gain, without my
- express permission. A small charge may be levied by PD houses to cover the
- cost of distribution but this must not be more than the cost of the blank disk
- and the distribution cost. Fred Fish has my Express permission to distribute
- this programme. Thanks Fred for a great service.
- Thanks to Brian Jacobsen for the concept of Postcardware.
- Extend Library is copyright © Hisoft & Sunsmile software.
- Thanks to Jonathan Evans (jevansc@cix.compulink.co.uk) for beta test
- And Richard Waspe (waspy@cix.compulink.co.uk) for help with the ASL
- filerequester and suggestions, for improvements. Most of the changes
- between v1.0 and v1.04 are due to his suggestions.
- Inlaymaker is postcardware, If you use it and like it send me a postcard to
- say so, to:
- Andrew Dowds
- 8, Ross's Close
- Haddington
- East Lothian
- EH41 3EJ
- You can also contact me as
- adowds@cix.compulink.co.uk
- 2:253/400.4 or 2:2501/307.15 @ Fidonet
- 39:135/11.1 or 39:137/7.3 @ Amiganet
- But I prefer postcards, cos I've got a big ego ;-)
- These addresses also apply for suggestions,comments and bug reports.
- /\
- /--\NDY
- 17/9/93
- Version notes
- -------------
- V1.0 first full release version
- v1.01 Added close gadget, embedded version string, and removed a bug
- that caused problems if a printer was not connected.
- v1.02 Changed font to Topaz9 for those people who use interlace
- screens.
- v1.03 Nothing much tidied up some code, general housekeeping etc.
- v1.04 Added ASL requester for file access, removed bug in Save routine,
- tidied up menus a bit, tidied up about screen.
- v1.05 Removed small and non fatal bug from ASL requester routine.
- v1.06 Improved multitasking, ADInlay was using about 80% processor time
- when idle, now uses next to nothing.