home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * IFF_Printer task routines.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <devices/prtbase.h>
- #include <devices/printer.h>
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <iffp/ilbm.h>
- #include <iffp/packer.h>
- #include <libraries/iffparse.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/iffparse_protos.h>
- #include "task.h"
- extern BYTE *PackBuf;
- extern struct PrinterData *PD;
- extern struct PrinterExtendedData *PED;
- extern UWORD ColorSize;
- int SendMyMsg(int i);
- BOOL CreateMyTask(void);
- void DeleteMyTask(void);
- void MyTaskCode(void);
- int OpenMyFile(void);
- int WriteMyLine(void);
- void CloseMyFile(void);
- void CloseOutfile(struct IFFHandle *iff);
- struct IFFHandle *myIFFhandle;
- long linesleft;
- BOOL color_on;
- ULONG PageNumber;
- struct Library *IFFParseBase;
- struct MsgPort *myMsgPort;
- struct Task *firsttask;
- LONG signum;
- ULONG sig;
- BOOL success;
- int SendMyMsg(int i) {
- struct MyMsg msg;
- struct MsgPort *myReplyPort;
- if ((myReplyPort = CreateMsgPort()) == NULL) return FALSE;
- else {
- msg.my_msg.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- msg.my_msg.mn_Length = sizeof(struct MyMsg);
- msg.my_msg.mn_ReplyPort = myReplyPort;
- msg.my_value = i;
- PutMsg(myMsgPort,(struct Message *)&msg);
- WaitPort(myReplyPort);
- GetMsg(myReplyPort);
- DeleteMsgPort(myReplyPort);
- }
- return msg.my_value;
- }
- BOOL CreateMyTask(void) {
- struct Process *task;
- if ((signum = AllocSignal(-1)) == -1) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- else {
- sig = 1L << signum;
- firsttask = FindTask(NULL);
- task = CreateNewProcTags(
- NP_Entry, &MyTaskCode,
- NP_Name, "IFF Printer Process");
- if (task == NULL) {
- success = FALSE;
- }
- else {
- Wait(sig);
- }
- FreeSignal(signum);
- }
- return success;
- }
- void DeleteMyTask(void) {
- SendMyMsg(myCode_Exit);
- DeleteMsgPort(myMsgPort);
- }
- void MyTaskCode(void) {
- struct MyMsg *msg;
- if ((myMsgPort = CreateMsgPort()) == NULL) goto abort_port;
- if ((IFFParseBase = OpenLibrary("iffparse.library",0)) == NULL)
- goto abort_lib;
- /* success */
- success = TRUE;
- Signal(firsttask,sig);
- PageNumber = 1;
- while(1)
- {
- WaitPort(myMsgPort);
- while((msg = (struct MyMsg *)GetMsg(myMsgPort)) != NULL)
- {
- switch(msg->my_value) {
- case myCode_OpenFile:
- msg->my_value = OpenMyFile();
- break;
- case myCode_WriteLine:
- msg->my_value = WriteMyLine();
- break;
- case myCode_CloseFile:
- CloseMyFile();
- msg->my_value = TRUE;
- break;
- case myCode_Exit:
- /* Forbid, reply msg, and Exit
- to remove task */
- CloseLibrary(IFFParseBase);
- Forbid();
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- Exit(0);
- }
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg);
- }
- }
- abort_lib:
- DeleteMsgPort(myMsgPort);
- abort_port:
- success = FALSE;
- Forbid();
- Signal(firsttask,sig);
- Exit(0); /* Abort task */
- }
- /* Open IFF File */
- int OpenMyFile(void)
- {
- static UBYTE monopal[2][3] = {
- {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF},{0x00,0x00,0x00}
- };
- static UBYTE colorpal[8][3] = {
- {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF},{0xFF,0xFF,0x00},
- {0xFF,0x00,0xFF},{0xFF,0x00,0x00},
- {0x00,0xFF,0xFF},{0x00,0xFF,0x00},
- {0x00,0x00,0xFF},{0x00,0x00,0x00}
- };
- #define monosize sizeof(monopal)
- #define colorsize sizeof(colorpal)
- BitMapHeader bmhd;
- char outfile[32];
- int size, depth;
- UBYTE *pal;
- ULONG w,h;
- w = PED->ped_MaxXDots;
- h = PED->ped_MaxYDots;
- if (myIFFhandle) {
- if ((color_on) == (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintShade ==
- SHADE_COLOR)) return TRUE;
- else return FALSE;
- }
- if (color_on = (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintShade == SHADE_COLOR)) {
- depth = 3;
- size = colorsize;
- pal = (UBYTE *)colorpal;
- }
- else {
- depth = 1;
- size = monosize;
- pal = (UBYTE *)monopal;
- }
- if (!(myIFFhandle = AllocIFF())) return FALSE;
- sprintf(outfile,"Pages:Page.%05lu",PageNumber);
- if (!(myIFFhandle->iff_Stream=Open(outfile,MODE_NEWFILE)))
- goto abortopen;
- InitIFFasDOS(myIFFhandle);
- if (OpenIFF(myIFFhandle,IFFF_WRITE)) goto abortopen;
- /* Write header */
- goto abortopen;
- /* Write BMHD */
- if (PushChunk(myIFFhandle,ID_ILBM,ID_BMHD,sizeof(BitMapHeader)))
- goto abortopen;
- /* Set BMHD values */
- bmhd.w=bmhd.pageWidth=w;
- bmhd.h=bmhd.pageHeight=h;
- bmhd.x=0;
- bmhd.y=0;
- bmhd.nPlanes=depth;
- bmhd.masking=mskNone;
- bmhd.compression=cmpByteRun1;
- bmhd.reserved1=0;
- bmhd.transparentColor=0;
- if (PED->ped_XDotsInch == PED->ped_YDotsInch) {
- bmhd.xAspect=bmhd.yAspect=1;
- }
- else {
- bmhd.xAspect=22;
- bmhd.yAspect=26;
- }
- if (WriteChunkBytes(myIFFhandle,&bmhd,sizeof(bmhd)) != sizeof(bmhd))
- goto abortopen;
- if (PopChunk(myIFFhandle))
- goto abortopen;
- /* Write CMAP */
- if (PushChunk(myIFFhandle,ID_ILBM,ID_CMAP,size))
- goto abortopen;
- if (WriteChunkBytes(myIFFhandle,pal,size) != size)
- goto abortopen;
- if (PopChunk(myIFFhandle))
- goto abortopen;
- /* Write BODY header */
- goto abortopen;
- linesleft = h;
- return TRUE;
- abortopen:
- CloseOutfile(myIFFhandle);
- myIFFhandle=NULL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- int WriteMyLine(void) {
- char *src_ptr, *dest_ptr;
- int i,j,k;
- /* Pointers are incremented by packrow, so we use a copy */
- src_ptr=PD->pd_PrintBuf;
- dest_ptr=PackBuf;
- k=color_on ? 3 : 1;
- for (i=0, j=0; j<k; j++) {
- i += packrow(&src_ptr,&dest_ptr,ColorSize);
- }
- if (WriteChunkBytes(myIFFhandle,PackBuf,i)!=i)
- return FALSE;
- linesleft--;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CloseMyFile(void) {
- BYTE *blankline;
- long row = ColorSize;
- long len = 0;
- if (myIFFhandle == NULL) return;
- if ((blankline = AllocMem(((ColorSize+126)/127)*2, MEMF_ANY))
- == NULL) goto aborteject;
- /* Make packed empty line */
- while(row>128) {
- *blankline++ = -127; /* -n+1 */
- *blankline++ = 0;
- len += 2;
- row -= 128;
- }
- if (row>0) {
- *blankline++ = -(row) + 1;
- *blankline++ = 0;
- len += 2;
- }
- if (color_on) linesleft *= 3;
- /* Write out rest of page */
- for (blankline -= len; linesleft>0; linesleft--) {
- if (WriteChunkBytes(myIFFhandle,blankline,len)!=len)
- goto aborteject;
- }
- FreeMem(blankline,((ColorSize+126)/127)*2);
- if(PopChunk(myIFFhandle)) { /* Close BODY chunk */
- goto aborteject;
- }
- if(PopChunk(myIFFhandle)) { /* Close FORM */
- goto aborteject;
- }
- PageNumber++;
- aborteject:
- CloseOutfile(myIFFhandle);
- myIFFhandle=NULL;
- }
- void CloseOutfile(struct IFFHandle *iff)
- {
- if(iff) {
- CloseIFF(iff);
- if (iff->iff_Stream)
- Close(iff->iff_Stream);
- FreeIFF(iff);
- }
- }