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- This archive was compiled because I got tired of the ugly utility
- icons on my otherwise so beautiful MagicWB Workbench.
- There are 28 icons in the compilation. In all probability, I'll be making
- more of these still, but I decided people should get these now.
- All the icons in this collection are Copyright 1993 Osma Ahvenlampi.
- These icons are freely distributable provided this file, including this
- copyright notice is accompanied with the icons unchanged. You may not
- distribute any modified versions of these icons without prior consent
- from Osma Ahvenlampi.
- No guarantee of any kind is given on the icons. You are using the icons
- at your own risk. The author can not be held responsible for any damage
- and/or losses which might be caused by using these icons.
- What the above means that if you manage to crash your hard drive while
- installing the icons, YOU did it, not me.
- Only nominal copying fee can be charged for these icons. Any disk or
- CD-ROM library charging more than Fred Fish or the Aminet CD-ROM can not
- distribute these icons. The icons may be distributed through Bulletin
- Board Systems, Internet/Usenet FTP sites, and other similar electronic
- channels only in the original, unchanged original LhA archive form. Any
- services charging extra for file transfers may not distribute these icons.
- NONE of the icons may be used on any machine which is used for research,
- development, construction, testing or production of weapons or other
- military applications. This includes any machine used for training persons
- for any of the above mentioned purposes.
- These icons are Giftware. If you like these icons and use them often,
- consider sending some gift to the author. I suggest a copy of your own
- program, a donation of 5-10 USD, or an A4000 :). Please don't send cheques
- or money orders from outside Europe, those things cause a lot of trouble
- and cashing them might cost more than what they amount to.
- If you can't afford to send a donation, don't feel too bad. I would have
- made these icons anyway. Please send a note that you are using them
- anyway, it's nice to know that some one appreciates the work put into
- these icons. The address can be found below.
- If you use some program that does not have a goodlooking MagicWB icon,
- contact me, I might make one if I have the time to do it.
- If you are an author yourself, and would like to have me make an icon for
- your program, I'd be glad to do it for a copy of the program. The time
- limitation applies here too, however, so I might not be able to help you.
- I can be reached through email at:
- oahvenla@snakemail.hut.fi
- If you IRC, stop by at #amiga and say hi to me. My nick there is Tau.
- If for some reason you can not use any electronic channels, my snailmail
- address is, at least for the time being:
- Osma Ahvenlampi
- Rekipellontie 2 F 55
- 00940 Helsinki
- Finland
- TauIcons/TauIcons.readme
- You're reading it.
- TauIcons/WBStartup/ASwarm.info
- TauIcons/WBStartup/Spliner.info
- TauIcons/WBStartup/Rotor.info
- ASwarm II, Spliner, and Rotor are the three best screen blankers for
- Amiga. On a multitasking platform, all screen blankers should be like
- these.
- TauIcons/WBStartup/Yak.info
- Yak is a very nice mouse accelerator/hotkey program/whatever the
- commodities of this kind do.
- By the way, don't ask me for a KCommodity icon. That's a bad kludge,
- TauIcons/WBStartup/LacePointer.info
- A hack, but a necessary one.
- TauIcons/Prefs/ToolManager.info
- ToolManager is cool, try it. I think it was thb who first released
- MagicWB icons for ToolManager. Anyway, I didn't like the Preferences
- icon, here is my version. I probably won't be making an icon for the
- WBStartup program.
- TauIcons/Prefs/ReqTools.info
- ReqTools is a nice asl.library/req.library replacement, that is
- configurable through its Preferences program.
- TauIcons/Prefs/BattMem.info
- TauIcons/Prefs/BattMem2.info
- I made these two icons due to a request. I personally think the DIP
- package is better for this, but decided to make an SMD version as the
- MagicWB Ram Disk icon has an SMD chip..
- TauIcons/Tools/SunClock.info
- Another request. Personally, I think this program is quite pointless,
- but here goes. I'm quite satisfied at how this came out. Note the
- lights in Berlin, Los Angeles, Sydney and Tokio.
- TauIcons/Tools/TopCPU.info
- TauIcons/Tools/DSD.info
- TopCPU and DSD are parts of the very nice Spy System 3 system load
- monitor package. Only problem with these are that they take a lot of
- room on the screen. I wish DSD could be resizable and have an option
- to not show uptime etc.
- TauIcons/Tools/Lens.info
- Use this with MKS_Lens, QLens or similar.
- TauIcons/Tools/Player.info
- MultiPlayer is THE module player. There is no other that is as system
- friendly as this. I wish it would play all the modules I have though..
- TauIcons/Tools/MTool.info
- MTool is a nice directory utilitity. It will take a lot of requests
- to have me make an icon for any other similar program. I've had some
- requests for DirWorks and DOPUS icons, but I haven't seen neither,
- so it would be a bit tough...
- TauIcons/Tools/CatEdit.info
- A GUI catalog editor. The easiest way to make catalogs, it seems.
- TauIcons/Tools/FileX.info
- I've looked for a long time for a good hex file editor. I want something
- that not only performs well, but also looks good. FileX seems to be the
- answer.
- TauIcons/Tools/EditKeys.info
- The only working keymap editor... I wish it could accept control chars
- as \ escapes.
- TauIcons/Tools/CyberCron.info
- The best cron for Amiga, with ARexx support and the works. I made this
- due to a request by the author, and would probably has missed it other-
- wise, since I had it in C: myself... I quite like the result myself.
- TauIcons/Tools/X-Comm.info
- X-Comm is the best terminal program for Amiga. Term comes quite close
- though, so I recommend you use that until X-Comm comes out of beta.
- Forget Terminus, that bites it hard IMHO.
- No other terminal program will have an icon by me, and this wouldn't
- work too well with others.. Tough, but that's life.
- I look forward to ALink, the AUW successor though. And that isn't a
- simple terminal program in my book, so I probably make icons for it.
- TauIcons/Tools/HDToolBox.info
- TauIcons/Tools/HDToolBox2.info
- This is a tough one. The first retains the general idea in the original
- icon, and though it is quite horrible, I use it myself. The second...
- well.. I'd better not say anything.. :)
- I wish MagicWB had originally included this.
- TauIcons/Tools/Degrader.info
- This should be general enough to be usable with any program of this
- type.
- TauIcons/Tools/DiskSalv.info
- I made this before the idea in the original icon was explained to me.
- Hazy, you sure made a weird icon...
- Anyway, I haven't bothered to remake this because it fits in quite
- well with the ReOrg and SuperDuper icons.
- TauIcons/Tools/SD.info
- TauIcons/Tools/ReOrg.info
- These have the same scheme as the DiskSalv icon. Hopefully the ideas
- behind these are clear enough... Understanding them might require a
- crisp monitor, but I hope no one is using MagicWB on a monitor not
- capable of showing the differences.
- TauIcons/Tools/HFT.info
- HFT is a nifty little terminal program for use with DNet and AUW.
- No file transfer capabilities or VT100 emulation, but a very small
- executable instead.
- TauIcons/Games/UChess.info
- The only game icon I've made so far. The original is horrible...
- Making a good looking and recognisable Knight wasn't the easiest
- task I've done, but I think came through okay.
- Well, I have a list of requests I've not made yet, but I think I'll be
- having a break from icon making for a while. Those that want an icon for
- Final Copy II or Final Writer, how about using the Readme icon from
- original MagicWB distribution? It has exactly the same elements, even
- though they are not in the same order...
- I might be making a few other game icons next... AmigaBoulderDash and
- Frontier wouldn't be too time consuming...
- Yep. That's it for now. Take care, and enjoy the nicest PC class platform
- there is, the Amiga...