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- This section of the BTN documentation discusses the features of BTN
- that are useful, interesting, or different from most tape software.
- **** BTNtape: an AmigaDOS handler for SCSI tape drives
- **** Version 3.0 3/14/94
- **** Freeware by Bob Rethemeyer (drBob@cup.portal.com)
- **** (c) Copyright 1990, 1994 Robert Rethemeyer.
- The Monitor program
- End-of-tape handling
- Error handling
- Read-only mode
- Append-only mode
- File number tracking
- Raw command interface
- User-specified mode select
- BUGS (anomalous features)
- Included in with the handler is the TAPEMON program. TAPEMON is
- a program that runs under a separate CLI and prints one-liner
- messages from the handler. The messages include the current
- tape operation and block number, and error and sense codes.
- The handler will run with or without TAPEMON; i.e. TAPEMON is optional.
- TAPEMON may be started either before or after the handler is mounted.
- Read tapemon.doc for more information.
- NOTE: I cannot fully guarantee BTN's handling of end-of-tape conditions,
- because I was unable to test it. If you want to risk it anyway,
- keep these things in mind:
- If the application reaches the end of the tape, the handler will put up
- a requester asking you to insert the next tape and click "Continue",
- or click "Abort". The continue option allows the application program
- to access a file across multiple tape volumes without interruption.
- WAIT FOR TAPE MOTION TO STOP on the new tape before clicking Continue.
- If you click Abort, end-of-file is returned to the application,
- and any unused data in the buffers is discarded.
- * EOT handling may not work correctly on all drives. Test it before
- trusting your data to it. Read the archive back using the -t option
- of TAR. If TAR hiccups on a file after the tape swap, it doesn't work.
- You can backup partitions or directories smaller than the tape capacity
- to avoid this situation.
- * EOT handling for direct access drives will work only if the drive
- supports the READ_CAPACITY SCSI command. If you see no "Capacity"
- message from TAPEMON, then EOT handling is unavailable.
- This tape handler deals with tape errors in only a rudimentary way.
- If the tape drive cannot deal with a medium or device error, it
- reports it to BTN as bad status. BTN, in turn, can pass bad status
- to your application program, depending on the ER flag (see install.doc)
- and a requester choice. If the ER flag is 0, your application
- receives status -1 for Read() or Write(). If the ER flag is 1,
- you will be shown a requester giving you a choice of how you want
- to deal with the error: IGNORE or FAIL. If you click IGNORE,
- BTN returns good status to your application even though the data
- associated with the error may be lost or corrupted. This allows
- the application to continue processing the remaining data.
- Clicking FAIL will return -1 as described above.
- If you want to reduce the possibility that someone can write on
- a tape with valuable data on it, even if the cartridge is not
- write-protected, you can force BTN to operate in read-only mode.
- Do this by setting the RO startup flag to 1 (see install.doc).
- When operating in this mode, BTN will return error status whenever
- an attempt is made to open the file for writing. However, it
- does not protect the tape from damage by raw commands.
- If you have tapes with existing files, and you usually wish to just
- append new files onto them, you can reduce the risk of accidentally
- destroying the existing files by operating BTN in "append-only" mode.
- Use the AO flag in the startup string (see install.doc).
- When operating in this mode, BTN rejects attempts to open the tape
- for writing unless:
- a) the access name is TAPE:APP or TAPE:END
- b) the access name is TAPE:NR and the tape is already
- positioned after the last-written file
- You can place multiple files on a tape, with each file separated
- by a filemark. If you have many files on a tape, keeping track
- of them becomes unwieldy. BTN provides a way for user programs
- to ask it for the file number of the file at the current position.
- For example, you could write an ARexx script to update a "directory"
- file on the hard disk which lists the date and file number of
- each archive on the tape. Later you can use the number to
- read the file using the TAPE:n access mode (n=file number).
- The file number is a value maintained by BTN; it is not obtained
- from the tape drive. BTN basically just counts filemarks.
- When the tape is inserted or rewound, the number is reset to zero.
- For reading and writing, the number gets incremented when the
- file is closed. If you append a file on the tape, BTN will count
- each file until it reaches the append location.
- However, to append a file and keep the file number accurate, you
- must not use TAPE:APP. Instead you must use "TAPE:END", which
- performs the same function as TAPE:APP, but counts each file until
- it reaches the end. Unfortunately, TAPE:END is slower than TAPE:APP.
- Also note, using some raw commands may fool the counter.
- The file number is displayed in the TAPEMON "Opened" and "Closed"
- messages, or may be obtained from the handler by a program.
- To obtain the current file number, open, read, and close TAPE:POS .
- (You can do this manually using the CLI command "TYPE TAPE:POS".)
- This pseudo file does not access the tape, it just returns a
- short string containing the file number in decimal. 0 is the
- first file on the tape, 1 is the second, etc. If BTN isn't sure
- of the number, it returns -1. Rewinding the tape will reset it.
- You should read the number BEFORE opening the associated file,
- or subtract 1 from the number obtained AFTER closing the file.
- You cannot read the number while the tape is active; it must be idle.
- If you are using a direct access (3M) drive, the file number returned
- is actually the block number (direct access drives don't have filemarks).
- Also read and save the block number AFTER writing a file to know where
- to write the next file.
- This handler provides a means to send your own SCSI control commands
- to the tape drive, without the need for a special program.
- Some control commands you might want to send it would be REWIND,
- UNLOAD, ERASE, FORMAT, LOCK, etc. Only control commands may be sent-
- there is no provision for any data transfer; don't try it.
- (As you might guess, raw commands can be dangerous.)
- The raw command mode is invoked by writing data to the file name
- "TAPE:RAWCMD". This magic word is how the handler knows you
- want to do a raw command.
- You send a command via RAWCMD using the CLI "ECHO" command:
- ECHO >TAPE:RAWCMD "hex command bytes..."
- You can put the ECHO command in a script or make a shell alias with it.
- The exact value of the data bytes is determined by the byte format of
- the SCSI command you want to send. (Refer to your drive documentation.)
- The data must contain only hex digits and spaces, terminated by a newline.
- Each byte of the raw command should be specified as a pair of hex
- digits; separate bytes by spaces. Up to 12 bytes may be specified.
- Trailing omitted bytes are assumed to be zeroes.
- Command examples:
- Rewind: "01"
- Erase: "19" (sequential drives only)
- Retension: "1B 00 00 00 03"
- I have included in the distribution a small ARexx script named
- TAPE.REXX . It will issue some of the common control commands
- for you. Refer to the script for more information.
- In recognition of the fact that it will never be able to provide
- switches for all possible modes of all tape drives, BTNtape
- allows you to set the modes of the drive directly.
- These modes might include: buffering, speed, auto-loading,
- disconnect/reconnect, medium type, etc.
- *NOTE* Do not use this feature unless you know what you are doing.
- This feature is provided for the convenience of "power users".
- Most drives can get by with defaults if you do not set the modes,
- so it is unlikely that not setting a mode will cause problems.
- Drive modes are set using the SCSI command MODE_SELECT (0x15).
- BTNtape will send its own MODE_SELECT to the drive if necessary
- to set the drive to fixed block mode and set the block length.
- But you may also send this command to the drive at other times,
- using any data you wish.
- The command is sent in a manner very similar to the RAWCMD
- method described above, but the magic word MODESEL is
- used instead. The handler provides the SCSI command,
- and you provide the data. The data is specified in an ECHO
- command as pairs of hex digits separated by spaces:
- ECHO >TAPE:MODESEL "hex data bytes..."
- Since each drive has different things that are affected by MODE_SELECT,
- you MUST refer to the programming documentation for your drive.
- But in general, the mode select data consists of a parameter
- list, a block descriptor, and vendor unique parameters.
- *NOTE* If you specify a block descriptor, it will behoove you to
- specify the same block length as found in the mountlist entry
- when using fixed block mode, or zero if using variable block mode.
- The handler counts the number of bytes you enter (up to 64),
- and uses that for the SCSI command data length. The drive may
- be fussy about the length, so enter exactly the number of bytes
- as described in your docs.
- Mode Select data example:
- --parmlist- ----block-descriptor--- vendorparms
- 00 10 00 08 03 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 11 22 33 44
- | | | || ||
- Buff_mode BD_Len Density Blk_Len
- Avoid using the INFO command from another CLI while a tape operation
- is in progress. It may cause BTN to crash the machine. This may
- also happen with any program that causes a packet to be sent to BTN.
- The variable block mode of operation (VB-1) is not allowed in this
- version; it has never really worked right.
- Writing tapes across more than one tape cartridge is not recommended on
- sequential drives. Try not to hit the end of the tape. Although BTN
- is designed to handle this situation, I have not been able to test it.
- If you use the old Xoper or ARTM utilities, and display the device list,
- the entry for TAPE: will show garbage, and/or the Amiga may crash.
- I believe this to be a bug in those programs, but this will be little
- consolation to you after your machine crashes.
- The TAPE: device cannot be gotten rid of without rebooting.