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- This section of the BTN documentation discusses how to install and configure
- the BTN software on your system.
- **** BTNtape: an AmigaDOS handler for SCSI tape drives
- **** Version 3.0 3/14/94
- **** Freeware by Bob Rethemeyer (drBob@cup.portal.com)
- **** (c) Copyright 1990, 1994 Robert Rethemeyer.
- 1. Copy the BTN-HANDLER file to L:
- Copy the TAPEMON file to C: or a directory appropriate for you.
- 2. Create an entry in DEVS:MOUNTLIST something like this:
- TAPE: Handler = L:btn-handler
- Priority = 5
- Stacksize = 4000
- Mount = 1 /* optional. see CBM docs */
- GlobVec = -1
- Startup = "yourscsi.device/AA-x/BB-x/..." /* EXPLAINED BELOW */
- #
- The most important line in the mountlist entry is the "Startup=" line.
- This line is discussed fully below.
- There is nothing magic about the name TAPE: You may use some
- other valid device name if you like. You may also create and mount
- more than one device using the same physical tape drive but different
- names and different startup parameters, provided you do not try to
- access them simultaneously. (Example: you could have both a TAPERW: for
- reads and writes, and a TAPERO: which is read-only using the AO flag.)
- 3. Install the handler in DOS using the CLI command "MOUNT TAPE:"
- NOTE: I recommend you use only the Commodore version of MOUNT.
- I cannot guarantee BTN will work with any other mount variants.
- If there is a problem during mounting, BTN will put up a requester with
- one of the following brief explanatory messages:
- "Can't open SCSI-direct" - OpenDevice("yourscsi.device") failed.
- Possibly due to misspelled device name
- or wrong case (name is case sensitive).
- Or driver doesn't recognize device,
- may have been powered off at boot time.
- "Can't select tape drive" - Problem with drive, SCSI bus, or adapter.
- SCSI device is not talking or has a
- serious error.
- "UNit is not a tape drive" - UN is wrong; may be pointing to a disk.
- Once you click the requester, BTN will terminate. You can then remedy
- the problem, reboot (or use the ASSIGN command with REMOVE or DISMOUNT
- to get rid of the dead device), and try again.
- 4. Run the TapeMon program. This step is not essential, but while
- you are learning to use BTN, it will be very helpful if you can
- see what is going on. And if you encounter an error, you will want
- to know what happened and what was going on at the time.
- The mountlist Startup string is used by the handler to determine how
- OR DATA LOSS. This is the ugliest part of installing. Pay attention.
- The Startup string must be in the form:
- Startup = "devicename/keyword-number/keyword-number/..."
- It must not have any embedded blanks and must be enclosed in quotes.
- Each parameter must be separated by slashes.
- The first parameter must be the name of the device driver which provides
- the SCSI-direct command interface. Do not include any path information.
- This name is defined by the manufacturer of your SCSI adapter.
- (If you don't know what it is, use a utility like XOPER, TASKX, or ARTM
- to look at the list of running tasks, and make a guess.)
- You MUST use the exact same upper and lower case letters (this is a DOS
- restriction). The driver names for the adapters I know about are:
- All Commodore machines and adapters (A2091, A590, A3000, etc.)
- except A2090A -> scsi.device
- Commodore A2090A -> hddisk.device
- Supra -> suprascsi.device (Series III v3.0 and above)
- GVP -> gvpscsi.device
- HardFrame -> HardFrame.device
- Nexus -> Nexus.device (NOT NexusTape.device!)
- Trumpcard -> IVS_SCSI.device
- Trumpcard Pro -> IVS_SCSIpro.device
- ICD Advantage -> icddisk.device
- Xetec -> harddisk.device
- Ashcom -> ADD_scsi.device
- The name parameter MUST be the first item in the string. All other
- parameters may be in any order, but the name must be first.
- The remaining items consist of pairs of two-letter keywords and a number
- separated by a dash (minus sign). The keywords are explained below.
- You may omit any of them (except UNit), and a default value will be
- assumed. The numbers may be decimal, or hex in the "0xNN" format.
- UNIT Keyword: UN Default: none
- -------------------------------------
- The unit number of your tape drive, as it will be addressed
- by your hard disk driver. Usually you can just specify the
- SCSI bus ID. Example: "UN-4" for 4.
- More complex setups may require the form "UN-BLI",
- where B=board#, L=logical_unit#, and I=SCSI_bus_ID.
- (Example: UN-123 is board=1, lun=2, ID=3)
- Be sure you have set the drive's ID switches or jumpers
- to a value that is unique on the SCSI bus. (Remember, the
- adapter in your machine also has an ID, which is usually 7.)
- (2090A owners- add 3 to the physical ID number.)
- BLOCK SIZE Keyword: BS Default: BS-512
- ---------------------------------------------
- The number of bytes in a SCSI logical block for
- your tape drive. Consult your drive documentation.
- If you don't know this info, try 512, the most common value.
- (See the hardware.doc file for the values to use with 3M drives.)
- Some drives allow you to specify different block sizes, within
- a legal range; the handler will command the drive to use the
- size you specify. Others can use only one fixed size. If your
- drive can use different block sizes, you must use the same size
- when reading a tape as you did when writing it.
- NUMBER OF BLOCKS Keyword: NB Default: NB-1
- ----------------------------------------------
- The number of SCSI logical blocks to write or read in each
- tape operation. This is a performance adjustment only.
- Use what works best for you. Most drives will be mechanically more
- efficient writing multiple blocks. You may want to tweak this
- parameter to find out. The handler will wait until NB blocks have been
- accumulated before starting a write. Buffered drives will also have a
- limit on the number of blocks the buffers can hold, so the size of NB
- relative to that number may have an effect. Consult your drive docs.
- This parameter also determines how much memory is needed for
- buffers. The handler uses double buffering, so it will need
- 2 * BS * NB bytes when you Open() it.
- For example, if BS=8192 and NB=8, then 8192*8 = 64K,
- doubled for a total of 128K.
- BUFMEMTYPE Keyword: BT Default: BT-0
- -----------------------------------------
- The type of memory to allocate for the tape buffers,
- same as BufMemType for mountlists. Use 0 or 1 for "any",
- 2 or 3 for "chip", 4 or 5 for "fast".
- FILEMARKS Keyword: FM Default: FM-1
- -----------------------------------------
- Specifies number of filemarks to write when closing at the
- end of a write, or the number to skip for each file when
- opening for read. FM-1 (the default) is recommended.
- FM-0 means no filemarks are written, and read references
- to TAPE:num become the equivalent to TAPE:R.
- Allowed range is 0-255. Sequential drives only.
- RETENSION flag Keyword: RT Default: RT-0
- ---------------------------------------------
- If RT-1 is specified, the handler will retension the tape
- (run to the end of the tape and back) on the first access
- after a new tape is inserted (indicated by Unit Attention
- status). Specify RT-0 (or omit it) if your drive already
- does this automatically, or does not support the necessary
- SCSI command, or if you don't want it.
- *Note* Some SCSI adapters, such as GVP and IVS, may
- periodically poll the drive for readiness, which has the effect
- of losing the the Unit Attention status. A clue: the light
- on the drive may blink every few seconds. For such
- adapters, the RT function will not work; use tape.rexx.
- X VARIABLE BLOCK flag Keyword: VB Default: VB-0
- X ---------------------------------------------------
- X SORRY, this feature has never worked right, and I don't
- X have the means to fix it now, so it has been disabled.
- X If you think you really need it, use BTN version 2.1.
- X The handler normally operates sequential
- X drives in fixed block mode. Specifying VB-1 will force
- X operation in variable block mode instead. Use this
- X if your drive does not support fixed block mode or
- X you for some reason need variable block mode.
- RESERVED BLOCKS Keyword: RB Default: RB-0
- ----------------------------------------------
- For direct access (3M) drives only. Specifies how
- many blocks to skip at the beginning of the tape.
- DEVICE FLAGS Keyword: DF Default: DF-0
- -------------------------------------------
- Equivalent to the Flags parameter in mountlists.
- It is passed in the OpenDevice() call to open the SCSI-
- direct driver. If you don't already know what you would use
- this parameter for, then you probably don't need it.
- NO-REWIND flag Keyword: NR Default: NR-0
- ---------------------------------------------
- Controls rewinding behavior when referencing TAPE: .
- Set this flag according to your personal preference.
- If NR-0, reference to TAPE: is equivalent to TAPE:R.
- If NR-1, reference to TAPE: is equivalent to TAPE:NR.
- See "usage.doc" for what these mean.
- REWIND-ON-CLOSE flag Keyword: RC Default: RC-0
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Specify RC-1 to cause BTN to rewind the tape whenever
- it is closed after reading or writing. Set this flag
- according to your personal preference.
- EJECT-ON-CLOSE flag Keyword: EC Default: EC-0
- --------------------------------------------------
- Specify EC-1 to cause BTN to eject the tape whenever
- it is closed after reading or writing. Set this flag
- according to your personal preference. You may also
- use tape.rexx to manually cause this function at any time.
- Note- some drives are not capable of a programmed eject.
- READ-ONLY flag Keyword: RO Default: RO-0
- --------------------------------------------------
- If you specify RO-1, the handler cannot be opened for
- write operations. You may use this as protection
- against accidental data loss in cases where you know
- you will only be reading tapes. When you do not
- use this mode, you can still write-protect tapes
- individually using the write-protect tab on cartridge.
- NOTE- this mode will not protect the tape from data loss
- by the use of RAW commands. See also features.doc file.
- APPEND-ONLY flag Keyword: AO Default: AO-0 (Sequential only)
- --------------------------------------------------
- This flag activates a safety mode in the handler that helps
- prevent accidentally writing over files that already exist
- on the tape. When AO-1 is specified, you may only open
- the handler for writing using TAPE:APP or TAPE:END, and also
- TAPE:NR if you are currently positioned at the end of data.
- The result is that you are only allowed to add files to the
- end of the tape, and cannot overwrite earlier files.
- This feature has no effect when reading files.
- NOTE- this mode will not protect the tape from data loss
- by the use of RAW commands. See also features.doc file.
- ERROR RECOVERY flag Keyword: ER Default: ER-0
- --------------------------------------------------
- Specify ER-1 to cause BTN to display a requester whenever
- a device error occurs during a read or write operation. The
- requester gives you the choice "IGNORE" or "FAIL". If you
- choose FAIL (or ER=0), the error status is returned to the program.
- (This was the default behavior of earlier BTNs, which did not have
- this flag). If you choose IGNORE, BTN forces the program to
- receive good status, even though data in the affected buffer may be
- partially or completely lost. For reads, this may allow
- TAR to skip bad blocks and read the remainder of the archive.
- MOUNT-REQ-BYPASS Keyword: MR Default: MR-0
- ----------------------------------------------
- Some versions of the MOUNT command may cause a system requester
- to appear if there is no tape in the drive or if it is
- write-protected. If your MOUNT does this, specify MR-1
- to avoid this nuisance requester. It is always safe to
- use the default MR-0, but do not specify MR-1 unless you
- are sure that your version of MOUNT causes a requester with MR-0.
- If you use MR-1 with a MOUNT version that does not cause a
- requester, your system will crash!
- SWAP-BYTES flag Keyword: SW Default: SW-0
- ----------------------------------------------
- Specify SW-1 to cause BTN to swap the order of each pair
- of data bytes when going to or from the tape. This
- mode of operation should only be used when you wish to
- read or write tapes for use on some workstations which
- expect swapped bytes. (perhaps infested by Intel inside?)
- This flag reduces performance. Most people don't need it.
- OVERLAPPED I/O flag Keyword: OV Default: OV-1
- ---------------------------------------------------
- The handler normally (OV-1) attempts to overlap
- tape drive I/O and DOS I/O to maximize throughput.
- Specifying OV-0 disables overlapping and double buffering,
- for systems that can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
- DEBUG flag Keyword: DB Default: DB-0
- ----------------------------------------------
- DB-1 causes the handler to print the data for all DOS packets
- it receives and all replies it returns. It only works when
- the handler has been compiled with the DBUG symbol defined.
- X SUPRA flag Keyword: SU DELETED!!!!
- X -----------------------------------------
- X The Supra Series II v1.10 circumvention has been removed
- X from BTN, due to a deficiency in the old Supra driver.
- X You now have no excuse- upgrade to the Series III driver!
- CBM 2090A flag Keyword: C9 Default: C9-0
- ---------------------------------------------
- Activates the circumvention for the Commodore 2090A problem.
- Specify C9-1 to activate this. See "hardware.doc" file!
- Here are some examples of valid Startup strings:
- Startup = "scsi.device/UN-4" /* this is the bare minimum */
- Startup = "gvpscsi.device/BS-512/NB-128/UN-4/RT-1"
- Startup = "suprascsi.device/un-4/bs-8192/nb-8/bt-1"
- Before jumping into disk backups and restores, try the following
- simple test to see if your setup is basically working.
- Write a large ASCII text file to the tape and see if you can
- can read it back intact. This can be done with the CLI TYPE command:
- TYPE filename TO TAPE: ; writes the file to tape
- then... TYPE TAPE: ; reads the file back
- The second TYPE should legibly print the ASCII file on your screen.
- (If using a direct access drive, there is no filemark to signify
- the end of the file, so use control-C to abort the second TYPE).