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- Here are the messages printed via TapeMon by the BTN handler version 3.0,
- in no particular order, with reasons for each message.
- *** Sense: %s, other= %02X,%02X
- Printed when the tape drive returns a SCSI "check condition"
- in response to a SCSI command that BTN has sent to the drive.
- Sometimes this may indicate an error or problem, but not always.
- The reason for the condition is encoded into a "sense key"
- which is spelled out for you in this message. The SCSI spec
- defines these keys:
- NO SENSE - nothing unusual to report
- RECOVERED ERROR - something went wrong, but the drive fixed it up
- NOT READY - human intervention is required (insert tape)
- MEDIUM ERROR - an unrecoverable flaw in the tape material
- HARDWARE ERROR - the drive is broken (still have your receipt?)
- ILLEGAL REQUEST - the SCSI command/function is not supported by
- this drive, or there are bits in the command that the drive
- doesn't like, or the drive is being asked to do something
- it doesn't feel like doing right now.
- UNIT ATTENTION - a transient condition generated whenever a
- new tape is inserted.
- DATA PROTECT - the tape medium is write protected
- BLANK CHECK - the drive has attempted to read past the blank spot,
- the end of the last-written file, or an erased tape.
- FILEMARK - the drive has attempted to read a filemark, which
- indicates the end of the file has been reached.
- END-OF-MEDIUM - the drive has reached physical end of the tape
- VOLUME OVERFLOW - some drives indicate this at end of tape
- INCORRECT LENGTH - BTN asked to read a block smaller than
- what was written on the tape. BS is probably incorrect.
- The "other" bytes printed are bytes 12 and 13 of the sense data.
- For some drives, such as the MCD-40 and SCSI-2 drives, this is
- a subcode indicating more information about the sense key.
- *** SCSI %s ERROR
- The scsi-direct driver/adapter returned an error in response to BTN's
- attempt to send a SCSI command to the drive. These errors are
- defined by Commodore:
- SELF-UNIT - the UN number is the same as that of the SCSI adapter
- DMA - I don't know what this means. Maybe an adapter problem.
- PHASE - the drive and the SCSI adapter are not in-sync with
- their SCSI phases. There may be a mismatch in data transfer
- caused by incorrect block size (BS value), or the SCSI bus
- may be improperly terminated.
- PARITY - a parity error on the SCSI bus
- SELECT-TIMEOUT - the adapter timed out waiting for a response
- from the drive.
- *** Can't get %u bytes for tape buffers
- There is insufficient memory to allocate two buffers of NB*BS
- bytes (or maybe the memory is too fragmented). Use a smaller
- value for NB, or free up some memory, or reboot.
- *** Invalid open name/combo %s
- * The name used to access the tape file is unrecognized.
- The name must be one of the following: TAPE: TAPE:R TAPE:END
- * The function is incompatible with the open mode or drive model.
- Examples: you cannot read from TAPE:APP, and TAPE:APP is always
- invalid for direct access drives.
- *** Current block size = %u
- *** Mode Select, new block size %d
- Informative messages printed when the BS value is different than
- the block size of the drive. BTN will attempt to command the
- drive to switch to the new size.
- *** Capacity: %u blocks
- Informative message printed only for direct access drives describing
- the number of blocks available on this particular cartridge.
- *** %s Opened file %d / at block %d
- Informative message printed when Open() is successful.
- *** Closed at block %u, next file= %d
- Informative message printed when Close() is finished.
- The block number is the next available block. The tape head
- is positioned ready to access this block for the next operation.
- The number of the file or block that will be written next is shown.
- *** Function/mode error
- The application is attempting to mix Read()s and Write()s.
- It can't read while opened for writes, and vice versa.
- *** %s is read-only
- The application is attempting to write to the device when
- the handler is operating in read only mode (RO-1).
- *** %s is append-only
- The application is attempting to write over an existing file
- when the handler is operating in append-only mode (AO-1).
- *** Disallowed seek type=%d off=%d curr=%d
- A Seek() request was rejected because the type of seek is not
- supported or it cannot be done at this point.
- *** Error during read
- *** Error during write
- Indicates that a medium error was encountered during a read or write.
- *** Unsupported_Pkt=%d
- Informative message indicating that an AmigaDOS packet was
- rejected as "unknown", because the requested function does
- not apply to BTN. Not usually a problem.
- *** Skipping to end of data
- *** (doing it the hard way)
- Informative message printed when Open()ing TAPE:APP. If the
- drive doesn't directly support this function, the "hard way"
- message is printed, and BTN begins skipping individual files.
- *** Skipping to file %d
- Informative message printed when reading from TAPE:number
- on a sequential drive.
- *** Unable to position tape
- Printed when some kind of error occurs when BTN tries to get
- the tape into the necessary position for Open(). You will
- get a "replace volume" requester.
- *** Time to insert tape# %d
- Informative message printed at end of tape. Also a requester.
- *** Writing block %u x %d
- *** Reading block %u x %d
- Informative messages printed just before a SCSI read or write
- command is sent to the drive. The block number is relative
- to the beginning of the file for sequential drives, and is
- the actual block number for direct access drives. The length
- is the number of bytes (NB*BS).
- *** Rewinding
- You guess this one...
- *** Writing filemark
- Informative message printed when Close()ing a file being written.
- *** Retensioning
- Informative message printed when Unit Attention status occurs and
- RT-1 was specified in the mountlist. The retensioning operation
- may take several minutes to complete.
- *** Raw command %02X
- Informative message printed when writing to TAPE:RAWCMD.
- *** User Mode-Select
- Informative message printed when writing to TAPE:MODESEL.