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- **** BTNtape: an AmigaDOS handler for SCSI tape drives
- **** Version 3.0 3/14/94
- **** Freeware by Bob Rethemeyer (drBob@cup.portal.com)
- ****
- **** (c) Copyright 1990, 1994 Robert Rethemeyer.
- **** This software may be freely distributed and redistributed,
- **** for non-commercial purposes, provided this notice is included.
- **** All original files must be included in the distribution.
- BTNtape is the "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It provides
- flat-file access to a SCSI tape drive from application programs using simple
- calls to DOS or C library I/O functions. It can also be used with the Amiga
- TAR utility for disk backups. It uses your existing SCSI adapter's device
- driver for access to the bus. This is version 3.0, update to version 2.1.
- It fixes a number of bugs and includes a many new features.
- Some advantages of BTN over other handlers and dedicated tape backup programs:
- * Includes a monitor program that keeps you informed of what's happening
- * Supports many standard SCSI tape drives and Amiga SCSI bus adapters
- * Supports the 3M MCD-40, a non-standard SCSI tape drive
- * Fully adjustable tape block size and blocking factor
- * Double buffering improves streaming performance
- * Includes an interface to send SCSI control commands to the drive
- * Includes an interface to set drive-specific Mode Select parameters
- * TAR tapes can be exchanged with Un*x systems
- * DOS compatibility for use with any program. e.g. data logging applications
- =================== ******> R E A D T H I S <****** ======================
- "This software is provided AS-IS, without warranty of any kind,
- either expressed or implied. In no event will I, Robert Rethemeyer,
- be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages or
- data loss resulting from the use or application of this software. The entire
- risk as to the results and performance of this software is assumed by you."
- If you do not agree with this disclaimer, do not use this software;
- buy commercial tape software instead.
- ============================================================================
- BTN got its name from the good ol' days when there was no commercial Amiga
- tape software, so it was definitely better than the alternative (nothing).
- Because commercial tape backup software is now available, the only reasons
- you might still want to use BTNtape would be:
- * Compatibility with TAR for transporting tapes between Amiga and Un*x
- * Compatibility with AmigaDOS for data logging or special applications
- * You don't want to spend any money.
- I claim only that this handler works with the Amiga TAR program ported by
- Jonathan Hue. It might work with some recent backup programs that allow
- backup to a DOS file, but won't work with any that backup to Exec devices.
- There are other variations of TAR available, but I haven't tried them.
- ==============================================================================
- The distribution package should contain the following files:
- btn-handler handler binary
- tapemon monitor binary
- mountlist example mountlist entry
- tape.rexx an ARexx script to issue tape control commands
- readme.first you're reading it
- changes.doc a brief history of BTNtape
- doc Documentation directory (PLEASE READ)
- install.doc how to install BTN
- usage.doc how to use BTN
- features.doc how to use special features of BTN
- tapemon.doc how to use the monitor program
- messages.doc explanations of handler messages
- hardware.doc information about certain hardware
- drives.doc explanation of how tape drives work
- src Source code directory
- btn.c main handler
- btnio.c interface to SCSI-direct
- btn.h local include file
- tapemon.c tape monitor
- tplink.h local include file for handler/monitor interface
- smakefile SAS/C-6 make file for both handler and monitor
- You must have a SCSI adapter and software that honors the SCSI-direct
- API as defined by Commodore in the "devices/scsidisk.h" include file.
- All decent/recent Amiga SCSI adapters will support this API. The list
- below shows the manufacturers I know about that support SCSI-direct
- (but this list I'm sure is incomplete).
- The following lists the hardware that has worked with BTN at one time
- or another, for one or more persons. Don't worry if your SCSI hardware
- is not listed here, it will probably work anyway. On the other hand,
- I can't guarantee that all this hardware works in every combination.
- SCSI adapters:
- * Commodore A2091
- * Commodore A590
- * Commodore A3000/A4000/etc. (built-in)
- * GVP (various models)
- * HardFrame
- * Nexus
- * Commodore 2090A- see hardware.doc file.
- * Supra (all types) Series III or above driver
- * Original Trumpcard- with 2.0F software, 4.0 ROMs, Interrupt 2 jumper.
- * Trumpcard Pro
- * Xetec
- * Spartan- with v34.1 or above software (may need OV-0 in startup)
- * Ashcom SCSI
- Sequential tape drives:
- * Commodore A3070 (Caliper CP150)
- * Archive 2060S, 2120S, 2150S, 2250S, 5945S
- * Wangtek 5099, 5150ES, 5525ES
- * Wangtek DAT 6200H, 1300
- * Sankyo CP-150SE
- * Tandberg 3620, 3640, 3660, 3820
- * Teac MT-2ST Cassette (maybe)
- * Emulex MT-02 SCSI/QIC-36 tape adapter
- * Exabyte EXB-8200/8500 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem
- * Sony SDT-1000 DAT drive
- * HP 35480A DAT drive
- * DEC TK50
- Direct-access tape drives:
- * 3M MCD-40 40MB cartridge tape drive
- * Jasmine DT40 (Braemar, 3M derivative?)
- * TallGrass (model unknown, 3M derivative?)
- BTNtape acts as a bridge between AmigaDOS and your tape drive by
- using the SCSI-direct API provided by your hard disk SCSI adapter.
- It makes the tape drive look like a sequential data file,
- so programs operating under AmigaDOS can access the tape drive
- like most other data files, using calls to Open(), Read(), Write(),
- and Close(), or through the C library I/O functions fread(), etc.
- BTN does NOT make the drive look like a file system. Tape archive
- utilities such as TAR do this, in one sense, by storing a little
- file system inside a single tapefile.
- As your application (such as TAR) makes read or write requests,
- AmigaDOS passes these requests as messages to BTN. BTN translates
- these requests into SCSI commands to the tape drive as necessary.
- BTN holds tape data in memory buffers and exchanges data from
- these buffers with your application.
- Two buffers are maintained so that one buffer can be used by DOS
- while the other is exchanging data with the drive. With the
- multitasking nature of the Amiga, this should help keep the tape
- in motion (but it may not help much with non-DMA SCSI adapters).
- In write mode, the handler collects DOS data in one buffer while
- the previously filled buffer is being written to tape. In read mode,
- the handler reads ahead on the tape to fill one buffer while
- DOS gets data from the previously read buffer. Seeks are implemented
- as a restricted form of read which does not return any data.
- The handler does not write or expect anything special on
- the tape for itself. That is to say, the data written on the
- tape is your raw data, nothing else.
- I will try to provide support for this handler, especially for bug fixes,
- as my limited time and resources allow, but I do not guarantee anything.
- That's why it's freeware-- shareware would imply a guaranteed level
- of support that I may not be able to give.
- If you want to distribute a version of BTNtape that you have modified
- or enhanced, you may only do so under the following conditions:
- * do not call yours BTNtape; call it something else to avoid confusion
- * your version must also be distributed as FREEWARE
- * your distribution must also include all the source code
- * keep my name somewhere in the list of authors
- * I shall not be liable for any damages caused by your version
- * I cannot help you debug or support your version
- Email: (I don't log-on every day, so there may be a response delay.)
- Internet = drBob@cup.portal.com
- CompuServe = 73014,2400
- USmail: Robert Rethemeyer
- 979-4 Belmont Terrace
- Sunnyvale, CA 94086
- BTNtape is FREEWARE, do not send money or gifts.
- IMPORTANT!! If you want to contact me about a problem, you need to
- include with your mail the following information as applicable:
- * your configuration: model of Amiga, SCSI adapter, and tape drive
- * the version of BTN you are using
- * a copy of your mountlist entry for TAPE:
- * a capture of the output from TAPEMON. Just redirect its
- output to a file: TAPEMON >filename
- * a verbal description of what happens to the drive and/or Amiga
- (e.g. tape doesn't move, smoke issues from Amiga, etc.)
- * any other info that may help me figure out what's going on.
- Remember, I'm not there to see what is happening, and I
- probably don't have your hardware setup available to recreate
- the problem. I have only your description to go by.
- I wish to thank those who helped make BTNtape v3.0 possible:
- BETA TESTERS: Serenella Ciongoli, Thad Floryan,
- Frank Perricone, Bill Seymour
- HARDWARE LOAN: Scott Blackledge
- Contributors to previous BTN versions are listed in the changes.doc file.
- It's been 3 years since the last version- my apologies if I forgot someone.