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- From smtp Sun Mar 27 08:20 MST 1994
- >From scala!mks Sun Mar 27 9:42:10 EST 1994 remote from myxa.com
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- Received: from myxa.com by fishpond.cygnus.com; Sun, 27 Mar 94 08:20 MST
- Subject: Enforcer 37.60
- To: fishpond.cygnus.com!fnf (Fred Fish)
- Date: Sun, 27 Mar 94 9:42:10 EST
- From: scala!mks ("Michael Sinz")
- Reply-To: mks%scala@myxa.com
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- Status: RO
- Enforcer 37.60
- by
- Michael Sinz
- Copyright (c) 1992-1994
- ******************************************************************************
- * *
- * Permission is hereby granted to distribute this program's archive *
- * containing the executables and documentation for non-commercial purposes *
- * so long as the archive and its contents are not modified in any way. *
- * *
- * This program may not be distributed for a profit. *
- * *
- * This program is not in the public domain. *
- * *
- ******************************************************************************
- Enforcer V37 - For 68020/68851, 68030, and 68040 CPUs
- It requires V37 of the OS or better and does not have *any*
- exceptions in it for specific software. Nothing should be causing
- Enforcer hits.
- Requires an MMU. On 68EC030 systems, it may think it is working
- even if it is not due to the fact that the missing MMU is very
- hard to detect. Use LawBreaker to check.
- This Enforcer has also been highly optimized to be as fast as
- possible.
- Enforcer can now also be used with CPU or SetCPU FASTROM or most
- any other MMU-Kickstart-Mapping tool. This means that you do not
- have to give up your speed in order to use Enforcer. (Major win
- on A2000 and A500 systems)
- Much more documentation and information provided. Major new
- output options. (Such as local output, STDOUT, and parallel
- port options...)
- Make sure you read the documentation before using these programs.
- *****************
- ** Read the DOCs **
- *****************
- -----
- Changes from V37.55:
- Tested against some more CPU boards and now should handle even
- the strangest of them. (I don't have these boards so I need
- reports from people in order to make sure Enforcer works on
- them.)
- Cleaned up the output of the Enforcer VERBOSE option and
- added more output to that option. Also added a check for
- a strange operation with certain CPU boards.
- Found the reason that certain 68030 CPU cards with large amounts
- of RAM would not work with Enforcer. 68030 CPU board should now
- work even with local FAST RAM.
- Rebuilt with SAS/C 6.51
- Added support for empty LINE debug hunks that are sometimes
- produced by the SAS/C 6.50 SLink. This is actually a good thing
- and should help reduce problems in the FindHit code for the future.
- Added a signal to the system to provide for quick turn-around of
- Alert output from Enforcer when Enforcer output is not direct to
- the serial or parallel hardware.
- Please send all comments to Michael Sinz. Enjoy...
- /----------------------------------------------------------------------\
- | /// Michael Sinz |
- | /// UUNET: mks@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com |
- | /// BIX: msinz or msinz@bix.com |
- |\\\/// "Can't I just bend one of the rules?" said the student. |
- | \XX/ The Master just looked back at him with a sad expression. |
- \----------------------------------------------------------------------/
- ************
- ** Remember ** *NOTHING* should cause an Enforcer hit. There is
- ************ no reason to ever cause one if the software is written
- correctly. When Enforcer is running, the VBR is moved
- and even interrupt vector poking should work just fine
- without Enforcer hits. Software that causes Enforcer
- hits may not be able to run on future systems. In fact,
- such software may not even run on current systems.
- --------------------------------------CUT--------------------------------------