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GNU Info File | 1994-02-13 | 2.8 KB | 93 lines |
- This is a version of UChess for systems with less than 4M of
- RAM (but >= 2M of RAM). This version requires the full
- UChess archive to run, this archive is only a new executeable
- designed to run on systems with 2-4 MB of RAM.
- You need UChess269.lha or later (full archive) for the
- support files required by this pgm.
- This version requires a 68020+ processor 2MB or more of RAM,
- and KS/WB 2.1 or later. It uses about 1.6 MB or so of RAM,
- so make sure you have at least that much contiguous RAM
- available before you run the program.
- It may not play very sound chess on slow systems, the pgms
- algorithms have been tuned to expect at least 2k nodes/sec
- and make heavy use of hash and cache tables, which are
- very small in this version of the code.
- On an A1200 with no FAST RAM, you would want to give the machine
- 1 min - 1 min 20 sec avg per move for a 1/2 decent game,
- with FAST RAM about 30-40 secs per move avg, at least.
- Below is an example startup-sequence you may wish to include
- in a boot floppy for this pgm, you may want to boot from
- floppy to be sure the pgm has the max amount of RAM available
- when it runs, if you have less than 3 MB of RAM total.
- =================
- setpatch QUIET
- version graphics.library 37 >nil:
- if warn
- echo REQUIRES OS 2.04 and above!
- QUIT 0
- endif
- cpu check 68020 >nil:
- if warn
- echo REQUIRES a 68020+ Processor!
- QUIT 0
- endif
- ; KillCLick >nil:
- version graphics.library 39 >nil:
- if NOT warn
- ASK "Do you have a VGA capable (31Khz) Monitor?"
- if WARN
- devs:monitors/VGAOnly
- devs:Monitors/Multiscan
- devs:monitors/NTSC
- devs:monitors/PAL
- stack 50000
- assign t: ram:
- UChess 64
- echo UChess Loading....
- quit 0
- endif
- devs:monitors/NTSC
- devs:monitors/PAL
- endif
- stack 50000
- assign t: ram:
- UChessT
- echo UChessT Loading....
- =========================
- Here is an example of what a minimal floppy disk might contain,
- remember many of the files come from the UChess269.lha (or later)
- archive.
- libs (dir)
- 68040.library asl.library
- lh.library
- devs (dir)
- Monitors (dir)
- DblNTSC DblNTSC.info
- DblPAL.info Multiscan
- Multiscan.info NTSC
- NTSC.info PAL
- PAL.info VGAOnly
- VGAOnly.info
- c (dir)
- Assign cpu
- KillClick setpatch
- version
- t (dir)
- s (dir)
- Startup-Sequence
- Chess.lzw Chess256.lzw
- Chess64.lzw Disk.info
- Pieces.lzw Pieces256.lzw
- Pieces64.lzw README
- UChessT UChess.doc
- UChessT.info UChess.lang
- uchessblack.book uchesswhite.book