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- /*#define EIGHT_BIT_SCREEN 1 */
- /* main.c - C source for GNU CHESS
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 John Stanback
- * Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation
- *
- * This file is part of GNU CHESS.
- *
- * GNU Chess is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Chess is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Chess; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- int __aligned CheckIllegal = 0;
- extern int IllegalMove;
- #include "version.h"
- #include "gnuchess.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #define EXCLUDE_PATT 0xffffff00L
- #define __USE_SYSBASE
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/exec.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <graphics/modeid.h>
- #include <lhlib.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <workbench/workbench.h>
- #define mySetABPenDrMd(a,b,c,d) if (gfxversion > 38) {SetABPenDrMd(a,b,c,d);} else {SetAPen(a,b);SetDrMd(a,d);}
- struct __iobuf __iob[1];
- #define LN2 693147 /* .693147 */
- #define LOGE_34 3526361 /* log2(34) = ln(34)/ln(2) = 5.087463 */
- #define LOGE_16 2772589 /* ln(16) = */
- void SetTimeControl2 (int);
- void calc_pgm_rating(void);
- void DoEasy(void);
- void DoIntermediate(void);
- void DoAdvanced(void);
- int GetScreenMode(void);
- /* this table index ln(2)*1e6 - ln(1202)*1e6 by 6's */
- /* so take (#secs - 2)/6 for index into this table */
- long __aligned OrigResponse;
- int __aligned __far log_e[]={
- 693147, 2079442, 2639057, 2995732, 3258097, 3465736, 3637586, 3784190,
- 3912023, 4025352, 4127134, 4219508, 4304065, 4382027, 4454347, 4521789,
- 4584967, 4644391, 4700480, 4753590, 4804021, 4852030, 4897840, 4941642,
- 4983607, 5023881, 5062595, 5099866, 5135798, 5170484, 5204007, 5236442,
- 5267858, 5298317, 5327876, 5356586, 5384495, 5411646, 5438079, 5463832,
- 5488938, 5513429, 5537334, 5560682, 5583496, 5605802, 5627621, 5648974,
- 5669881, 5690359, 5710427, 5730100, 5749393, 5768321, 5786897, 5805135,
- 5823046, 5840642, 5857933, 5874931, 5891644, 5908083, 5924256, 5940171,
- 5955837, 5971262, 5986452, 6001415, 6016157, 6030685, 6045005, 6059123,
- 6073045, 6086775, 6100319, 6113682, 6126869, 6139885, 6152733, 6165418,
- 6177944, 6190315, 6202536, 6214608, 6226537, 6238325, 6249975, 6261492,
- 6272877, 6284134, 6295266, 6306275, 6317165, 6327937, 6338594, 6349139,
- 6359574, 6369901, 6380123, 6390241, 6400257, 6410175, 6419995, 6429719,
- 6439350, 6448889, 6458338, 6467699, 6476972, 6486161, 6495266, 6504288,
- 6513230, 6522093, 6530878, 6539586, 6548219, 6556778, 6565265, 6573680,
- 6582025, 6590301, 6598509, 6606650, 6614726, 6622736, 6630683, 6638568,
- 6646391, 6654153, 6661855, 6669498, 6677083, 6684612, 6692084, 6699500,
- 6706862, 6714171, 6721426, 6728629, 6735780, 6742881, 6749931, 6756932,
- 6763885, 6770789, 6777647, 6784457, 6791221, 6797940, 6804615, 6811244,
- 6817831, 6824374, 6830874, 6837333, 6843750, 6850126, 6856462, 6862758,
- 6869014, 6875232, 6881411, 6887553, 6893656, 6899723, 6905753, 6911747,
- 6917706, 6923629, 6929517, 6935370, 6941190, 6946976, 6952729, 6958448,
- 6964136, 6969791, 6975414, 6981006, 6986566, 6992096, 6997596, 7003065,
- 7008505, 7013915, 7019297, 7024649, 7029973, 7035269, 7040536, 7045777,
- 7050989, 7056175, 7061334, 7066467, 7071573, 7076654, 7081709, 7086738,
- 7091742};
- /* Structure for transparent images */
- #define PTRHEIGHT 55
- #define BLANKDATA 0xffff
- extern int SecsPerMove;
- int __aligned lastpiece=BLANKDATA;
- void Undo(void);
- char __aligned __far vstring[64]={AVSTR};
- long __far __aligned piecechar[12]={'p','n','b','r','q','k',
- 'P','N','B','R','Q','K'};
- char __far __aligned oldboard[8][8];
- //int __aligned Picasso=0L;
- ULONG __far __aligned bpen;
- int __aligned PlayMode = 2;
- int __aligned global_tmp_score=0;
- int __aligned previous_score=0;
- extern short int ISZERO;
- extern int thinkahead;
- unsigned long int __aligned next = 1;
- int __aligned doswap=0;
- int __aligned doundo=0;
- int __aligned doauto=0;
- int __aligned gfxversion=0L;
- int __aligned v15Khz=0L;
- int __aligned teston=0;
- struct TagItem __aligned __far myTagList[8] = {
- {0,0},
- {0,0},
- {0,0}
- };
- int __aligned MoveNowOK=0;
- #define WINDOWSIGNAL (1L<<(wG->UserPort->mp_SigBit))
- ULONG __aligned globalsignalset=0L;
- ULONG __aligned RTG_ModeID=0x0L;
- int __aligned Super72=0;
- int __aligned RTG=0;
- int __aligned SYSTEM_BOBS=1;
- int __aligned procpri=3;
- struct Process __aligned *myproc;
- int __aligned __far ResignOffered=0;
- ULONG __far __aligned tmppal[4];
- inline void TimeCalc (void);
- int __far __aligned FasterDisplay=0;
- int __aligned trying_again=0;
- int __aligned SupervisorMode=0;
- int __aligned MenuStripSet = 0;
- int __aligned GlobalTgtDepth=3;
- UWORD chip myPointer[]={
- 0,0,
- 31744,0,
- 4096,0,
- 4096,0,
- 4096,0,
- 4096,0,
- 5120,0,
- 5120,0,
- 1024,0,
- 1920,0,
- 1152,0,
- 1152,0,
- 1152,0,
- 256,0,
- 0,0,
- 768,0,
- 256,0,
- 256,0,
- 256,0,
- 896,0,
- 0,0,
- 896,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 0,0,
- 512,0,
- 512,0,
- 576,0,
- 640,0,
- 896,0,
- 640,0,
- 576,0,
- 0,0,
- 256,0,
- 0,0,
- 768,0,
- 256,0,
- 256,0,
- 256,0,
- 896,0,
- 0,0,
- 0,0,
- 896,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 0,0,
- 960,0,
- 576,0,
- 576,0,
- 960,0,
- 64,0,
- 960,0,
- 0,0
- };
- struct TransImage
- {
- struct Image *ti_IM; /* The plain image */
- struct BitMap *ti_sBM; /* Shadow bitmap */
- struct RastPort *ti_sRP; /* Shadow rastport */
- struct BitMap ti_BM; /* Image bitmap */
- struct RastPort ti_RP; /* Image rastport */
- };
- struct Image __aligned BobImage;
- struct TransImage __aligned *BobTransImage;
- struct TransImage *AllocTransImage (struct Image * im);
- VOID FreeTransImage (struct TransImage * ti);
- VOID ClipBlitTrans (struct RastPort *, WORD, WORD, struct RastPort *, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD, struct RastPort *);
- struct BitMap *AllocShadowBM (UWORD, UWORD, UWORD);
- VOID FreeShadowBM (struct BitMap *);
- struct RastPort *AllocShadowRP (struct BitMap *);
- VOID FreeShadowRP (struct RastPort *);
- long __aligned OrigCol,OrigRow,DestCol,DestRow;
- #define TDEPTH 4
- #define THEIGHT 400 /* tmp ht */
- #define TBLOCKPEN 4 /* was 9 */
- int __aligned DEPTH=8;
- #ifdef MANYP
- int __aligned HEIGHT=480;
- int __aligned USERBOX=168;
- int __aligned COMPUTERBOX=60;
- int __aligned BACKGNDTEXTCOLOR=0xe0; /* for 256 use 0xe0 */
- int __aligned BOBHEIGHT=55; /* 55 for 480 screens */
- int __aligned ROW8=24; /* 24 for 480 screens */
- int __aligned MBLOCKPEN=251;
- #endif
- #else
- int __aligned DEPTH=4;
- #endif
- int __aligned TCadd = 0;
- int __aligned thinking2=0; /* look for move now menu selection in elasped time when set */
- int __aligned TIMEYCOORD1=100;
- int __aligned TIMEYCOORD2=192;
- int __aligned SYSBOXLEN=86;
- int __aligned HEIGHT=400;
- int __aligned USERBOX=140;
- int __aligned SYSTEMBOX=233;
- int __aligned COMPUTERBOX=50;
- int __aligned BACKGNDTEXTCOLOR=15; /* for 256 use 0xe0 */
- int __aligned BOBHEIGHT=46; /* 55 for 480 screens */
- int __aligned ROW8=20; /* 24 for 480 screens */
- int __aligned MBLOCKPEN=9;
- #define MENUBARHT 11
- #define WIDTH 640
- int __aligned BOBDEPTH=TDEPTH;
- #define BOARDWIDTH 640
- #define BOARDWIDINW 40
- #define BOBWIDTH 64 /* only 59 pixels are really used, rest are tranparent */
- #define BOBWIDINW 4
- #define BOBLW ((BOBBLOCKSIZE)/4)
- #define BOBMEMASK 0
- #define BOBHITMASK 0
- int __aligned BOBPLANEPICK=0xf; /* if 16 colors should be 0xf if 256 should be 0xff */
- #define BOBPLANEONOFF 0x0
- #define SQUAREWIDTH 59
- #define COLA (16)
- #define COLB (16+SQUAREWIDTH)
- #define COLC (16+SQUAREWIDTH*2)
- #define COLD (16+SQUAREWIDTH*3)
- #define COLE (16+SQUAREWIDTH*4)
- #define COLF (16+SQUAREWIDTH*5)
- #define COLG (16+SQUAREWIDTH*6)
- #define COLH (16+SQUAREWIDTH*7)
- #define ROW6 (ROW8+SQUAREHEIGHT*2)
- #define ROW5 (ROW8+SQUAREHEIGHT*3)
- #define ROW4 (ROW8+SQUAREHEIGHT*4)
- #define ROW3 (ROW8+SQUAREHEIGHT*5)
- #define ROW2 (ROW8+SQUAREHEIGHT*6)
- #define ROW1 (ROW8+SQUAREHEIGHT*7)
- UWORD __aligned *BlankImageData;
- UWORD __far __aligned *WhiteImageData[6];
- UWORD __far __aligned *BlackImageData[6];
- void LoadBobImage(long);
- long __far __aligned ColArray[8]={COLA,COLB,COLC,COLD,COLE,COLF,COLG,COLH};
- long __far __aligned RowArray[8];
- struct VSprite __aligned *SpriteHead;
- struct VSprite __aligned *SpriteTail;
- struct GelsInfo __aligned *myGelsInfo;
- struct VSprite __aligned *BobVSprite;
- struct Bob __aligned *TheBob;
- struct BitMap __aligned *WhiteBitMap,*BlackBitMap;
- struct BitMap *textBitMap=(struct BitMap *)0L;
- struct TextFont __aligned *myTextFont;
- extern struct GfxBase __aligned *Gfxbase;
- long __aligned __stack=50000L;
- ULONG tt;
- struct RastPort __aligned *rpG;
- struct ViewPort __aligned *vP;
- struct Screen __aligned *sC=0L;
- struct Window __aligned *wG=0L;
- struct Window __aligned *wGEdit;
- unsigned char __far __aligned cookedchar[128]={'~',
- '1',
- '2',
- '3',
- '4',
- '5',
- '6',
- '7',
- '8',
- '9',
- '0', /* 10 */
- '-',
- '=',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- '0',
- 'Q', /* 16 */
- 'W',
- 'E',
- 'R',
- 'T', /* 20 */
- 'Y',
- 'U',
- 'I',
- 'O',
- 'P', /* 25 */
- '[',
- ']',
- ' ',
- '1',
- '2',
- '3',
- 'A',
- 'S',
- 'D',
- 'F',
- 'G',
- 'H',
- 'J',
- 'K',
- 'L', /* 40 */
- ':',
- '"',
- 13,
- ' ',
- '4',
- '5',
- '6',
- ' ',
- 'Z',
- 'X', /* 50 */
- 'C',
- 'V',
- 'B',
- 'N',
- 'M', /* 55 */
- ',',
- '.',
- '/',
- ' ',
- '.',
- '7',
- '8',
- '9',
- ' ',
- 7,
- 8,
- 13,
- 13,
- 27,
- 7
- };
- char __aligned *Orig_PlanePtr;
- struct BitMap __aligned *myBitMap;
- struct BitMap __aligned *OrigmyBitMap=0L;
- #include "Chess256Palette.c"
- UWORD __far __aligned myPalette[16]=
- {
- 0xfbc, 0x632, 0x455, 0x842, 0x549, 0xa53, 0x787, 0xa56,
- 0x967, 0xa85, 0x3ab, 0xaaa, 0xe88, 0xdb8, 0x333, 0xeee
- };
- #ifdef OLDPAL
- {
- 0x0, 0x222, 0x410, 0x333,
- 0x621, 0x624, 0x952, 0x665,
- 0x974, 0x887, 0xb85, 0xaa9,
- 0xbb7, 0xcc8, 0xcc9, 0xddc};
- #endif
- struct TextAttr __far __aligned TOPAZ80 = {
- (STRPTR)"topaz.font",
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned BorderVectors6[] = {
- 0,0,
- 44,0,
- 44,19,
- 0,19,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned Border6 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- BorderVectors6, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText93 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 12,6, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "OK", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned Gadget9 = {
- NULL, /* next gadget */
- 109,64, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 43,18, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&Border6, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &IText93, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- UBYTE __aligned Gadget8SIBuff[8];
- struct StringInfo __aligned Gadget8SInfo = {
- Gadget8SIBuff, /* buffer where text will be edited */
- NULL, /* optional undo buffer */
- 0, /* character position in buffer */
- 5, /* maximum number of characters to allow */
- 0, /* first displayed character buffer position */
- 0,0,0,0,0, /* Intuition initialized and maintained variables */
- 0, /* Rastport of gadget */
- 0, /* initial value for integer gadgets */
- NULL /* alternate keymap (fill in if you set the flag) */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned BorderVectors7[] = {
- 0,0,
- 45,0 /* was 45 */,
- 45,14, /* was 17 */
- 0,14,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned Border7 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- BorderVectors7, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned Gadget8 = {
- &Gadget9, /* next gadget */
- 136,32, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 44,16, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- STRGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&Border7, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- (APTR)&Gadget8SInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- UBYTE __aligned Gadget6SIBuff[8];
- struct StringInfo __aligned Gadget6SInfo = {
- Gadget6SIBuff, /* buffer where text will be edited */
- NULL, /* optional undo buffer */
- 0, /* character position in buffer */
- 4, /* maximum number of characters to allow */
- 0, /* first displayed character buffer position */
- 0,0,0,0,0, /* Intuition initialized and maintained variables */
- 0, /* Rastport of gadget */
- 0, /* initial value for integer gadgets */
- NULL /* alternate keymap (fill in if you set the flag) */
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned Border9 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- BorderVectors7, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned Gadget6 = {
- &Gadget8, /* next gadget */
- 14,32, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 44,16, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- STRGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&Border9, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- (APTR)&Gadget6SInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned Gadget6b = {
- &Gadget9, /* next gadget */
- 14,32, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 44,16, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- STRGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&Border9, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- (APTR)&Gadget6SInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- /**/
- struct IntuiText __aligned IText47 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 195,36, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Minutes.", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText46 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 64,35, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Moves in", /* pointer to text */
- &IText47 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- #define IntuiTextList5 IText46
- struct NewWindow __far __aligned NewWindowStructure5 = {
- 161,23, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
- 270,90, /* window width and height */
- 0,TBLOCKPEN, /* detail and block pens */
- GADGETUP, /* IDCMP flags */
- &Gadget6, /* first gadget in gadget list */
- NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
- "Computer Time Ctrl", /* window title */
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* custom bitmap */
- 5,5, /* minimum width and height */
- 0xffff,0xffff, /* maximum width and height */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
- };
- struct ExtNewScreen __far __aligned NewScreenStructure = {
- 0,0, /* screen XY origin relative to View */
- WIDTH,THEIGHT, /* screen width and height */
- 4, /* screen depth (number of bitplanes) */
- 0,TBLOCKPEN, /* detail and block pens */
- VIEWMODES, /* display modes for this screen */
- &TOPAZ80, /* pointer to default screen font */
- VERSTRING, /* screen title */
- NULL, /* first in list of custom screen gadgets */
- NULL /* pointer to custom BitMap structure */
- };
- struct ExtNewScreen __far __aligned NewScreenStructure2 = {
- 0,0, /* screen XY origin relative to View */
- WIDTH,480, /* screen width and height */
- 8, /* screen depth (number of bitplanes) */
- 0,251, /* detail and block pens */
- VIEWMODES, /* display modes for this screen */
- &TOPAZ80, /* pointer to default screen font */
- " ", /* screen title */
- NULL, /* first in list of custom screen gadgets */
- NULL /* pointer to custom BitMap structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText37 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "New Game", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText1r = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Set Depth", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem3r = {
- NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,32, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText1r, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText1 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Set Time", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem3 = {
- &MenuItem3r, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,24, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText1, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText2x = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Rate Pgm", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem3x = {
- &MenuItem3, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,16, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText2x, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText2 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Test", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem2 = {
- &MenuItem3x, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,8, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText2, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText3 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Hint", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem1 = {
- &MenuItem2, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText3, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'H', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct Menu __aligned Menu4 = {
- NULL, /* next Menu structure */
- 162,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
- 63,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
- MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
- "Special", /* text of Menu name */
- &MenuItem1 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4cc = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Easy", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8cc = {
- NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,80, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- EXCLUDE_PATT^(0x400), /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4cc, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'E', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4dd = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Intrmdt", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8dd = {
- &MenuItem8cc, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,72, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- EXCLUDE_PATT^(0x200), /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4dd, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'I', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4ee = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Advancd", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8ee = {
- &MenuItem8dd, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,64, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- EXCLUDE_PATT^(0x100), /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4ee, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'A', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4aa = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Supvsr", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8aa = {
- &MenuItem8ee, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,56, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4aa, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'Y', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4ab = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Book", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8ab = {
- &MenuItem8aa, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,48, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4ab, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'B', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4a = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "ShwThnk", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8a = {
- &MenuItem8ab, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,40, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4a, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'V', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText4 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Thinking", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem8 = {
- &MenuItem8a, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,32, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText4, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'T', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText5 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Undo", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem7 = {
- &MenuItem8, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,24, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText5, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'U', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText6 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Move Now", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem6 = {
- &MenuItem7, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,16, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText6, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'M', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText7 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "AutoPlay", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem5 = {
- &MenuItem6, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,8, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText7, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText8 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Swap Sides", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem4 = {
- &MenuItem5, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 123,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText8, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'S', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct Menu __aligned Menu3 = {
- &Menu4, /* next Menu structure */
- 92,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
- 63,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
- MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
- "Control", /* text of Menu name */
- &MenuItem4 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText9 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "ReverseBoard", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem11 = {
- NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,16, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 96,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText9, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText10 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Edit Board", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem10 = {
- &MenuItem11, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,8, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 96,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText10, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText11 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "2-D", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem9 = {
- &MenuItem10, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 96,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText11, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct Menu __aligned Menu2 = {
- &Menu3, /* next Menu structure */
- 46,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
- 39,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
- MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
- "View", /* text of Menu name */
- &MenuItem9 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText12 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Quit", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem15 = {
- NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,40, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText12, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- 'Q', /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText13a = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "List Game", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem14a = {
- &MenuItem15, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,32, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText13a,/* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText13 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Save Game", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem14 = {
- &MenuItem14a, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,24, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText13, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText14 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Load Game", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem13 = {
- &MenuItem14, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,16, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText14, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem28 = {
- &MenuItem13, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,8, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText37, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText15 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "About..", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct MenuItem __aligned MenuItem12 = {
- &MenuItem28, /* next MenuItem structure */
- 0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
- 72,8, /* hit box width and height */
- 0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
- (APTR)&IText15, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
- NULL, /* Select render */
- NULL, /* alternate command-key */
- NULL, /* SubItem list */
- MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
- };
- struct Menu __aligned Menu1 = {
- &Menu2, /* next Menu structure */
- 0,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
- 39,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
- MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
- "File", /* text of Menu name */
- &MenuItem12 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
- };
- #define MenuList1 Menu1
- struct NewWindow __aligned NewWindowStructure1 = {
- 0,0, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
- WIDTH,THEIGHT, /* window width and height */
- 0,TBLOCKPEN, /* detail and block pens */
- NULL, /* first gadget in gadget list */
- NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
- " ", /* window title */
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* custom bitmap */
- WIDTH,THEIGHT, /* minimum width and height */
- 0xffff,0xffff, /* maximum width and height */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned BorderVectors1[] = {
- 0,0,
- 81,0,
- 81,38,
- 0,38,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned Border1 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- BorderVectors1, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText16 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 31,15, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "OK", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned Gadget1 = {
- NULL, /* next gadget */
- 155,233, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 80,37, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&Border1, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &IText16, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- #define GadgetList2 Gadget1
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText22 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 143,130, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "of Computers.", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText21 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 115,117, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "For the Amiga Family", /* pointer to text */
- &IText22 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText20 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 104,102, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Chess Program Available", /* pointer to text */
- &IText21 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText19 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 108,87, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "The strongest Playing", /* pointer to text */
- &IText20 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText18 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 126,31, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "by Roger Uzun", /* pointer to text */
- &IText19 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned IText17 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 131,18, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- VERSTRING, /* pointer to text */
- &IText18 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct NewWindow __far __aligned NewWindowStructure2 = {
- 125,30, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
- 390,290, /* window width and height */
- 0,TBLOCKPEN, /* detail and block pens */
- &Gadget1, /* first gadget in gadget list */
- NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
- #ifdef _M68040
- "UChess Pro", /* window title */
- #else
- #ifndef TINYCHESS
- "UChess Jr.", /* window title */
- #else
- "UChess Tiny", /* window title */
- #endif
- #endif
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* custom bitmap */
- 5,5, /* minimum width and height */
- 0xffff,0xffff, /* maximum width and height */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned aBorderVectors1[] = {
- 0,0,
- 77,0,
- 77,25,
- 0,25,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned aBorder1 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- aBorderVectors1, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned aIText1 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 16,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "KNIGHT", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned aGadget4 = {
- NULL, /* next gadget */
- 55,124, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 76,24, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&aBorder1, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &aIText1, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned aBorderVectors2[] = {
- 0,0,
- 77,0,
- 77,25,
- 0,25,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned aBorder2 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- aBorderVectors2, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned aIText2 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 15,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "BISHOP", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned aGadget3 = {
- &aGadget4, /* next gadget */
- 55,92, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 76,24, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&aBorder2, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &aIText2, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned aBorderVectors3[] = {
- 0,0,
- 77,0,
- 77,25,
- 0,25,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned aBorder3 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- aBorderVectors3, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned aIText3 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 19,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "ROOK", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned aGadget2 = {
- &aGadget3, /* next gadget */
- 55,60, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 76,24, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&aBorder3, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &aIText3, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned aBorderVectors4[] = {
- 0,0,
- 77,0,
- 77,25,
- 0,25,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned aBorder4 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- aBorderVectors4, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned aIText4 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 16,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "QUEEN", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned aGadget1 = {
- &aGadget2, /* next gadget */
- 55,28, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 76,24, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&aBorder4, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &aIText4, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned aIText5 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 33,14, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Promote Pawn to", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct NewWindow __aligned NewWindowStructure6 = {
- 220,35, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
- 200,170, /* window width and height */
- 0,TBLOCKPEN, /* detail and block pens */
- GADGETUP, /* IDCMP flags */
- &aGadget1, /* first gadget in gadget list */
- NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
- "Promote Piece", /* window title */
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* custom bitmap */
- 5,5, /* minimum width and height */
- 0xffff,0xffff, /* maximum width and height */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
- };
- #define MOVENOWMENUNUM 0x42
- #define THINKMENUNUM 0x82
- #define SHOWMENUNUM 0xa2
- #define BOOKMENUNUM 0xc2
- #define SUPERMENUNUM 0xe2
- #define ADVANCEDMENUNUM 0x102
- #define EASYMENUNUM 0x142
- SHORT __far __aligned pBorderVectors1[] = {
- 0,0,
- 68,0,
- 68,31,
- 0,31,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned pBorder1 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- pBorderVectors1, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText1 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 13,11, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "DONE", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned pGadget4 = {
- NULL, /* next gadget */
- 104,172, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 67,30, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&pBorder1, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &pIText1, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned pBorderVectors2[] = {
- 0,0,
- 68,0,
- 68,31,
- 0,31,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned pBorder2 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- pBorderVectors2, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText2 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 117,132, /* was 13,11 XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "WHITE", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText2a = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 117,132, /* was 13,11 XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "BLACK", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned pGadget3 = {
- &pGadget4, /* next gadget */
- 104,121, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 67,30, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&pBorder2, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned pBorderVectors3[] = {
- 0,0,
- 68,0,
- 68,31,
- 0,31,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned pBorder3 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- pBorderVectors3, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText3 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 0,12, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- &TOPAZ80, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Clear BD", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned pGadget2 = {
- &pGadget3, /* next gadget */
- 105,82, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 67,30, /* hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&pBorder3, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- &pIText3, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- UBYTE __aligned pppSIBuff[4];
- struct StringInfo __aligned pppSInfo = {
- pppSIBuff, /* buffer where text will be edited */
- NULL, /* optional undo buffer */
- 0, /* character position in buffer */
- 4, /* maximum number of characters to allow */
- 0, /* first displayed character buffer position */
- 0,0,0,0,0, /* Intuition initialized and maintained variables */
- 0, /* Rastport of gadget */
- 0, /* initial value for integer gadgets */
- NULL /* alternate keymap (fill in if you set the flag) */
- };
- SHORT __far __aligned pBorderVectors4[] = {
- 0,0,
- 55,0,
- 55,16, /* was 55,24 and 0, 24 */
- 0,16,
- 0,0
- };
- struct Border __far __aligned pBorder4 = {
- -1,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
- 5, /* number of XY vectors */
- pBorderVectors4, /* pointer to XY vectors */
- NULL /* next border in list */
- };
- struct Gadget __far __aligned pGadget1 = {
- &pGadget2, /* next gadget */
- 180,57, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
- 54,15, /* was 54, 23 hit box width and height */
- NULL, /* gadget flags */
- RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
- STRGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
- (APTR)&pBorder4, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
- NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
- NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
- NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
- (APTR)&pppSInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
- NULL, /* user-definable data */
- NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText8a = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 32,44, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "use space to clr a square", /* pointer to text */
- NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText7 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 26,34, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Bd is updated after edit session", /* pointer to text */
- &pIText8a /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText6 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 68,62, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Piece to add", /* pointer to text */
- &pIText7 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText5 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 59,24, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "pa1 for pawn at a1, etc.", /* pointer to text */
- &pIText6 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct IntuiText __far __aligned pIText4 = {
- TBLOCKPEN,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
- 63,14, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
- NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
- "Enter Pieces in format", /* pointer to text */
- &pIText5 /* next IntuiText structure */
- };
- struct NewWindow __far __aligned pNewWindowStructure1 = {
- 170,30, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
- 300,220, /* window width and height */
- 0,TBLOCKPEN, /* detail and block pens */
- &pGadget1, /* first gadget in gadget list */
- NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
- "Edit Board", /* window title */
- NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
- NULL, /* custom bitmap */
- 5,5, /* minimum width and height */
- 0xffff,0xffff, /* maximum width and height */
- CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
- };
- void
- SetTimeControl2 (color)
- int color;
- {
- int tmp;
- int other;
- other = color ^ 1;
- if (TCflag)
- {
- TimeControl.moves[color] = TCmoves;
- TimeControl.clock[color] += (6000L * TCminutes + TCseconds * 100);
- tmp = (TCminutes*60+TCseconds)/TCmoves;
- if (color == computer)
- {
- SecsPerMove = tmp;
- if (tmp < 10)
- {
- GlobalTgtDepth = 2;
- }
- else if (tmp < 180)
- {
- GlobalTgtDepth = 3;
- }
- else
- GlobalTgtDepth = 4;
- }
- TimeControl.moves[other] = TCmoves;
- TimeControl.clock[other] += (6000L * TCminutes + TCseconds * 100);
- tmp = (TCminutes*60+TCseconds)/TCmoves;
- if (other == computer)
- {
- SecsPerMove = tmp;
- if (tmp < 10)
- {
- GlobalTgtDepth = 2;
- }
- else if (tmp < 180)
- {
- GlobalTgtDepth = 3;
- }
- else
- GlobalTgtDepth = 4;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TimeControl.moves[color] = 0;
- TimeControl.clock[color] = 0;
- TimeControl.moves[other] = 0;
- TimeControl.clock[other] = 0;
- }
- flag.onemove = (TCmoves == 1);
- et = 0;
- ElapsedTime (1);
- }
- void DoEasy()
- {
- PlayMode = 0;
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- RethinkDisplay();
- }
- NewGame();
- }
- void DoAdvanced()
- {
- PlayMode = 2;
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- RethinkDisplay();
- NewGame();
- }
- void DoIntermediate()
- {
- PlayMode = 1;
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- RethinkDisplay();
- NewGame();
- }
- void
- gsrand (unsigned int seed)
- {
- next = seed;
- }
- void calc_pgm_rating()
- {
- /* 34 secs on an RS/6000 which is about 2338, so to rate itself
- rating = 2338 - 75*(log2(time) - log2(34)) */
- int st;
- unsigned int secs;
- int rating;
- int tmpbk,Old,oldtc;
- int OldPM;
- char tstr[32],tstr2[32];
- OldPM = PlayMode;
- PlayMode = 2;
- tmpbk = Book;
- oldtc = TCflag;
- Old = MaxSearchDepth;
- NewGame ();
- UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
- MaxSearchDepth = 6;
- Book = 0;
- TCflag = 0;
- computer = computer ^ 1;
- opponent = opponent ^ 1;
- xwndw = (computer == white) ? WXWNDW : BXWNDW;
- flag.force = false;
- Sdepth = 0;
- ShowMessage("Calculating.");
- ShowMessage("Please wait.");
- SetPointer(wG,myPointer,PTRHEIGHT,0x10L,0L,0L);
- st = time(0L);
- SelectMove (computer, 1);
- secs = st = time(0L) - st;
- ClearPointer(wG);
- if (st<4)
- st = 4;
- st = (st - 2)/6;
- if (st > 200)
- {
- strcpy(tstr,"too slow Cannot rate");
- }
- else
- {
- if (st < 4)
- st = 4;
- #ifdef PL_60
- rating = 2350 - (((75*log_e[st]) - (75*LOGE_34))/LN2);
- #else /* patch level 61 */
- rating = 2350 - (((75*log_e[st]) - (75*LOGE_16))/LN2);
- #endif
- #ifndef _M68040 /* small mem model */
- #ifdef TINYCHESS
- rating -= 41;
- #else
- rating -= 21;
- #endif
- #endif
- rating -= 40;
- sprintf(tstr,"USCF %04d",rating);
- }
- Book = tmpbk;
- MaxSearchDepth = Old;
- TCflag = oldtc;
- PlayMode = OldPM;
- NewGame ();
- UpdateDisplay (0, 0, 1, 0);
- sprintf(tstr2," %d secs",secs);
- ShowMessage(tstr2);
- ShowMessage(tstr);
- }
- int DoResign()
- {
- struct EasyStruct __aligned resignES = {
- sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "Resignation Alert",
- "Accept UChess's Resignation",
- "Yes|No",
- };
- ULONG __aligned iflags=0L;
- UBYTE __aligned volname[4]={0,0,0,0};
- Delay(30L);
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- ResignOffered = -1;
- /* return 0 if no resign accepted, yes if accepted */
- return(EasyRequest( wG, &resignES, &iflags, volname ));
- }
- void GetEditText(s,color)
- char *s;
- int *color;
- { /* gets the edit string from the user */
- /* returns # for clr bd, c for change colors and pa1 to put a pawn at a1*/
- int dun;
- long code,class;
- int i;
- APTR object;
- struct IntuiMessage *message;
- dun = 0;
- s[0] = 0;
- pppSIBuff[0] = '\0';
- ActivateGadget(&pGadget1,wGEdit,NULL);
- do {
- WaitPort(wGEdit->UserPort);
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wGEdit->UserPort))
- {
- code = message->Code;
- object = message->IAddress;
- class = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- if (class == CLOSEWINDOW)
- {
- strcpy(s,".");
- dun = 1;
- }
- else if (class == GADGETUP)
- { /* text */
- if (object == (APTR)&pGadget1)
- {
- if (pppSIBuff[0])
- {
- dun = 1;
- strcpy(s,pppSIBuff);
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
- }
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&pGadget2)
- {
- dun = 1;
- strcpy(s,"#");
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&pGadget3)
- { /* white/black */
- if (*color == white)
- *color = black;
- else
- *color = white;
- SetDrMd(wGEdit->RPort,JAM1);
- SetAPen(wGEdit->RPort,0L);
- RectFill(wGEdit->RPort,107,124,167,145);
- if (*color == white)
- PrintIText(wGEdit->RPort,&pIText2,0L,0L); /* white label */
- else
- PrintIText(wGEdit->RPort,&pIText2a,0L,0L); /* white label */
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&pGadget4)
- { /* done */
- strcpy(s,".");
- dun = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- } while (!dun);
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- }
- void CloseAmigaEditWindow()
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *message;
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wGEdit->UserPort))
- {
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- }
- CloseWindow(wGEdit);
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- SetRGB32(vP,1,tmppal[0],tmppal[1],tmppal[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- SetRGB4(vP,1,((tmppal[0]>>8)&0xf),((tmppal[0]>>4)&0xf),((tmppal[0])&0xf));
- }
- }
- int OpenAmigaEditWindow() /* opens a window for edit board */
- {
- if (!(wGEdit = OpenWindow(&pNewWindowStructure1)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return(0);
- }
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- tmppal[0] = BigColorPalette[4];
- tmppal[1] = BigColorPalette[5];
- tmppal[2] = BigColorPalette[6];
- SetRGB32(vP,1,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa);
- }
- else
- {
- tmppal[0] = myPalette[1];
- SetRGB4(vP,1,0xa,0xa,0xa);
- }
- pppSIBuff[0] = 0;
- pppSIBuff[3] = 0;
- PrintIText(wGEdit->RPort,&pIText4,0L,0L);
- PrintIText(wGEdit->RPort,&pIText2,0L,0L); /* white label */
- return(1);
- }
- void EnableMoveNow()
- {
- if (MenuStripSet)
- {
- MoveNowOK = 1;
- }
- }
- void DisableMoveNow()
- {
- if (MenuStripSet)
- {
- MoveNowOK = 0;
- }
- }
- int GetFileName(char *s)
- {
- int tmp;
- struct FileRequester *myFileReq;
- struct TagItem Tags[2] = {
- {ASLFR_Window,0L},
- {0,0}
- };
- Tags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)wG;
- myFileReq = AllocAslRequest(ASL_FileRequest,Tags);
- if (myFileReq)
- {
- tmp = AslRequest(myFileReq,Tags);
- if (!tmp)
- {
- FreeAslRequest(myFileReq);
- return(0);
- }
- strcpy(s,myFileReq->fr_Drawer);
- if (s[0])
- {
- if ((s[strlen(s)-1] != ':')&&(s[strlen(s)-1] != '/'))
- {
- strcat(s,"/");
- }
- }
- strcat(s,myFileReq->fr_File);
- FreeAslRequest(myFileReq);
- return(0xff);
- }
- else
- return(0);
- }
- int GetScreenMode()
- {
- int tmp;
- struct ScreenModeRequester *myScreenReq;
- struct TagItem Tags[4] = {
- {ASLSM_InitialAutoScroll,FALSE},
- {0,0}
- };
- myScreenReq = AllocAslRequest(ASL_ScreenModeRequest,0L);
- if (myScreenReq)
- {
- tmp = AslRequest(myScreenReq,Tags);
- if (!tmp)
- {
- FreeAslRequest(myScreenReq);
- return(0);
- }
- RTG_ModeID = myScreenReq->sm_DisplayID;
- FreeAslRequest(myScreenReq);
- return(0xff);
- }
- else
- return(0);
- }
- void
- UpdateClocks (void)
- {
- char tempstr[16];
- long ycoord;
- ULONG max_time;
- INTSIZE m, s;
- m = (INTSIZE) (et / 6000);
- s = (INTSIZE) (et - 6000 * (long) m) / 100;
- if (TCflag)
- {
- m = (INTSIZE) ((TimeControl.clock[player] - et) / 6000);
- s = (INTSIZE) ((TimeControl.clock[player] - et - 6000 * (long) m) / 100);
- }
- if (m < 0)
- m = 0;
- if (s < 0)
- s = 0;
- if (player == computer)
- {
- ycoord = TIMEYCOORD1;
- }
- else
- {
- ycoord = TIMEYCOORD2;
- }
- sprintf(tempstr,"%d:%02d ",m,s);
- Move(rpG,540,ycoord);
- RectFill(rpG,540,ycoord-6,621,ycoord+5);
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Move(rpG,540,ycoord);
- Text(rpG,tempstr,strlen(tempstr));
- //sprintf(tempstr,"mvslft %d",TimeControl.moves[player]);
- //ShowMessage(tempstr);
- if (player == computer)
- {
- if (TCflag)
- {
- max_time = s + m*60;
- if ((TimeControl.moves[computer] < ((TCmoves/2)-2))&&(Sdepth > GlobalTgtDepth)&&
- (global_tmp_score >= (previous_score - 55))&&(ResponseTime < 9999998)&&
- (max_time<(((TimeControl.moves[computer]-1)*SecsPerMove)>>1)))
- {//have little time available on 2nd half of game
- flag.back = true;
- }
- if ((!m)&&(s <= 1)&&(Sdepth > MINDEPTH))
- {
- flag.back = true;
- }
- if ((Sdepth > MINDEPTH)&&(!m)&&
- (s<((TimeControl.moves[player]-1)*5)))
- { // less than 1 min left on clock, less than 5 secs/move!
- flag.back = true;
- }
- }
- /*printf("prev score = %d global_tmp_score = %d\n",previous_score,global_tmp_score);*/
- if (Sdepth > (GlobalTgtDepth+1))
- max_time = (OrigResponse<<1) + ExtraTime + 151;
- else
- max_time = ((OrigResponse<<1) + ExtraTime + OrigResponse);
- if ((TCflag) && (!trying_again) && (ResponseTime < 9999998) && (Sdepth > MINDEPTH)
- && ((et) >= max_time))
- {
- if (global_tmp_score >= (previous_score - 75))
- {
- flag.back = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- char DisplayPromoteRequestor(void);
- char DisplayPromoteRequestor()
- {
- ULONG tmp[4];
- int dun;
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- struct Window __aligned *wG3;
- UWORD __aligned code;
- ULONG __aligned class;
- APTR object;
- char retchar='q';
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- tmp[0] = BigColorPalette[4];
- tmp[1] = BigColorPalette[5];
- tmp[2] = BigColorPalette[6];
- SetRGB32(vP,1,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp[0] = myPalette[1];
- SetRGB4(vP,1,0xa,0xa,0xa);
- }
- if (!(wG3 = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure6)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return('q');
- }
- PrintIText(wG3->RPort,&aIText5,0L,0L);
- dun = 0;
- do {
- WaitPort(wG3->UserPort);
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG3->UserPort))
- {
- code = message->Code;
- object = message->IAddress;
- class = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- dun = 1;
- if (object == (APTR)&aGadget1)
- {
- retchar = 'q';
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&aGadget2)
- {
- retchar = 'r';
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&aGadget3)
- {
- retchar = 'b';
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&aGadget4)
- {
- retchar = 'n';
- }
- }
- } while (!dun);
- CloseWindow(wG3);
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- SetRGB32(vP,1,tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- SetRGB4(vP,1,((tmp[0]>>8)&0xf),((tmp[0]>>4)&0xf),((tmp[0])&0xf));
- }
- return(retchar);
- }
- void tFreeBitMap(struct BitMap *);
- void sFreeBitMap(struct BitMap *);
- struct BitMap *tAllocBitMap(int,int,int,int,struct BitMap *);
- struct BitMap *sAllocBitMap(int,int,int,int,struct BitMap *);
- struct BitMap *tAllocBitMap(wid,ht,depth,flags,friend)
- int wid,ht,depth,flags;
- struct BitMap *friend;
- {
- int i;
- unsigned long tt;
- LONG image_data;
- ULONG planes;
- struct BitMap *tmp;
- if (gfxversion < 39)
- {
- planes = RASSIZE(wid,ht);
- if (!(tmp = AllocMem(sizeof (struct BitMap),MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- InitBitMap(tmp,depth,wid,ht);
- tt = planes*depth;
- if (!(tmp->Planes[0] = AllocMem(tt,MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- FreeMem(tmp,sizeof(struct BitMap));
- return(0);
- }
- image_data = (LONG)tmp->Planes[0];
- for(i=1;i<depth;i++)
- {
- tmp->Planes[i] = (PLANEPTR) (image_data + i * planes);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tmp = AllocBitMap(wid,ht,depth,flags,friend);
- }
- return(tmp);
- }
- struct BitMap *sAllocBitMap(wid,ht,depth,flags,friend)
- int wid,ht,depth,flags;
- struct BitMap *friend;
- {
- int i;
- unsigned long tt;
- ULONG image_data;
- ULONG planes;
- struct BitMap *tmp;
- if (!(tmp = AllocMem(sizeof (struct BitMap),MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- InitBitMap(tmp,8,640,480);
- planes = RASSIZE(640,480);
- tmp->BytesPerRow = 640;
- tmp->Flags = 0x0;
- tmp->Rows = 480;
- tmp->Depth = 8;
- tmp->pad = 32860;
- tt = planes*8;
- if (!(tmp->Planes[0] = AllocMem(tt,MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- FreeMem(tmp,sizeof(struct BitMap));
- return(0);
- }
- image_data = (ULONG)tmp->Planes[0];
- planes = 0x50;
- for(i=1;i<depth;i++)
- {
- tmp->Planes[i] = (PLANEPTR) (image_data + i * planes);
- }
- return(tmp);
- }
- void tFreeBitMap(bmap)
- struct BitMap *bmap;
- {
- ULONG numbytes;
- if (gfxversion < 39)
- {
- numbytes = bmap->Rows*bmap->BytesPerRow*bmap->Depth;
- FreeMem(bmap->Planes[0],numbytes);
- FreeMem(bmap,sizeof(struct BitMap));
- }
- else
- {
- FreeBitMap(bmap);
- }
- }
- void sFreeBitMap(bmap)
- struct BitMap *bmap;
- {
- ULONG numbytes,planes;
- planes = RASSIZE(640,480);
- numbytes = planes*8;
- FreeMem(bmap->Planes[0],numbytes);
- FreeMem(bmap,sizeof(struct BitMap));
- }
- void HandleEvent(object)
- APTR object;
- {
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem12) { DoAbout(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem13) { LoadAGame(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem14) { SaveAGame(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem14a) { ListAGame(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem15) { DoQuit(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem9) { Go2D(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem10) { EditBoard(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem11) { DoReverse(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem4) { DoSwap(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem5) { DoAutoPlay(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem6) { MoveNow(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem7) { TakeBack(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8) { DoThinking(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8a) { DoShwThnk(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8aa) { DoSuper(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8ab) { DoBookToggle(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8ee) { DoAdvanced(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8dd) { DoIntermediate(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem8cc) { DoEasy(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem1) { DoHint(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem2) { DoTest(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem3) { SetTime(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem3x) { calc_pgm_rating(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem3r) { ChangeSearchDepth(); return; }
- if (object == (APTR)&MenuItem28)
- {
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- RethinkDisplay();
- NewGame();
- return;
- }
- }
- /* end of PowerWindows source generation */
- void DoAbout()
- {
- int done=0;
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- struct Window __aligned *wG3;
- ULONG class,code;
- if (!(wG3 = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure2)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return;
- }
- PrintIText(wG3->RPort,&IText17,0L,0L);
- do {
- WaitPort(wG3->UserPort);
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG3->UserPort))
- {
- class = message->Class;
- code = message->Code;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- if (class == GADGETUP)
- done = 1;
- else if (class == VANILLAKEY)
- {
- if ((code == 13)||(code == 10))
- done = 1;
- }
- }
- } while (!done);
- CloseWindow(wG3);
- }
- void LoadAGame(void)
- {
- GetGame();
- }
- void SaveAGame(void)
- {
- SaveGame();
- }
- void ListAGame(void)
- {
- ListGame(0xff);
- }
- void DoQuit(void)
- {
- flag.quit = true;
- }
- void Go2D(void)
- {
- }
- void DoReverse(void)
- {
- }
- void DoSwap(void)
- {
- doswap = 1;
- }
- void DoAutoPlay(void)
- {
- hint = 0;
- SetPointer(wG,myPointer,PTRHEIGHT,0x10L,0L,0L);
- doauto = 1;
- }
- void MoveNow(void)
- {
- }
- void TakeBack(void)
- {
- char mvnstr[16];
- int currpiece;
- long tmp1,tmp2;
- int r,c,l;
- doundo = 1;
- hint = 0;
- if (GameCnt <= 0)
- return;
- for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
- {
- for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
- {
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if (color[l] == neutral)
- oldboard[r][c] = ' ';
- else if (color[l] == white)
- oldboard[r][c] = qxx[board[l]];
- else
- oldboard[r][c] = pxx[board[l]];
- }
- }
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- Undo();
- for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--)
- {
- for (c = 0; c <= 7; c++)
- {
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if ((color[l] == neutral)&&(oldboard[r][c] != ' '))
- {
- tmp1 = r & 1L;
- tmp2 = c & 1L;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (color[l] == white)
- currpiece = qxx[board[l]];
- else
- currpiece = pxx[board[l]];
- if (currpiece != oldboard[r][c])
- {
- tmp1 = r & 1L;
- tmp2 = c & 1L;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- LoadBobImage(currpiece);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[c],RowArray[r],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- RectFill(rpG,520,USERBOX,621,USERBOX+30);
- Move(rpG,520,USERBOX+6);
- if (computer != black)
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- else
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+2)>>1);
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Text(rpG,mvnstr,strlen(mvnstr));
- }
- void DoThinking(void)
- {
- flag.easy = !flag.easy;
- }
- void DoShwThnk(void)
- {
- flag.post = !flag.post;
- }
- void DoSuper(void)
- {
- SupervisorMode = !SupervisorMode;
- }
- void DoBookToggle(void)
- {
- Book = Book ? 0 : BOOKFAIL;
- }
- void DoHint(void)
- {
- GiveHint();
- }
- void DoTest(void)
- {
- teston = 1;
- }
- int SetAmigaDepth()
- {
- int dun;
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- struct Window __aligned *wG3;
- UWORD __aligned code;
- ULONG __aligned class;
- APTR object;
- ULONG tmp[3];
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- tmp[0] = BigColorPalette[4];
- tmp[1] = BigColorPalette[5];
- tmp[2] = BigColorPalette[6];
- SetRGB32(vP,1,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp[0] = myPalette[1];
- SetRGB4(vP,1,0xa,0xa,0xa);
- }
- sprintf(Gadget6SIBuff,"%d",MaxSearchDepth);
- NewWindowStructure5.FirstGadget = &Gadget6b;
- if (!(wG3 = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure5)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return(0);
- }
- Move(wG3->RPort,66,39);
- Text(wG3->RPort,"Depth",5);
- ActivateGadget(&Gadget6,wG3,NULL);
- dun = 0;
- do {
- WaitPort(wG3->UserPort);
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG3->UserPort))
- {
- code = message->Code;
- object = message->IAddress;
- class = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- if (object != (APTR)&Gadget6b)
- {
- dun = 1;
- }
- #else
- dun = 1;
- #endif
- }
- } while (!dun);
- CloseWindow(wG3);
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- SetRGB32(vP,1,tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- SetRGB4(vP,1,((tmp[0]>>8)&0xf),((tmp[0]>>4)&0xf),((tmp[0])&0xf));
- }
- dun = atoi(Gadget6SIBuff);
- if (dun > (MAXDEPTH-1))
- dun = MAXDEPTH -1;
- if (dun < MINDEPTH)
- dun = MINDEPTH;
- NewWindowStructure5.FirstGadget = &Gadget6;
- return(dun);
- }
- void SetTime(void)
- {
- int dun;
- char str[128];
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- struct Window __aligned *wG3;
- UWORD __aligned code;
- ULONG __aligned class;
- APTR object;
- ULONG tmp[3];
- struct Gadget *tg;
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- tmp[0] = BigColorPalette[4];
- tmp[1] = BigColorPalette[5];
- tmp[2] = BigColorPalette[6];
- SetRGB32(vP,1,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa,0xaaaaaaaa);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp[0] = myPalette[1];
- SetRGB4(vP,1,0xa,0xa,0xa);
- }
- sprintf(Gadget6SIBuff,"%d",TCmoves);
- sprintf(Gadget8SIBuff,"%d",(TCminutes));
- if (!(wG3 = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure5)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return;
- }
- PrintIText(wG3->RPort,&IText46,0L,0L);
- ActivateGadget(&Gadget6,wG3,NULL);
- dun = 0;
- do {
- WaitPort(wG3->UserPort);
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG3->UserPort))
- {
- code = message->Code;
- object = message->IAddress;
- class = message->Class;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- if (object != (APTR)&Gadget9)
- {
- if (object == (APTR)&Gadget6)
- {
- tg = &Gadget8;
- ActivateGadget(tg,wG3,NULL);
- }
- else if (object == (APTR)&Gadget8)
- dun = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- dun = 1;
- }
- }
- } while (!dun);
- CloseWindow(wG3);
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- SetRGB32(vP,1,tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- SetRGB4(vP,1,((tmp[0]>>8)&0xf),((tmp[0]>>4)&0xf),((tmp[0])&0xf));
- }
- strcpy(str,Gadget6SIBuff);
- strcat (str," ");
- strcat(str,Gadget8SIBuff);
- SelectLevel(str);
- et = 0;
- dun = player;
- player = white;
- UpdateClocks();
- player = black;
- UpdateClocks();
- player = dun;
- }
- void DisplayError(str)
- char *str;
- {
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- struct Window __aligned *wG3;
- char __aligned c2;
- char __aligned helpstr[64];
- BPTR __aligned mywindow;
- long __aligned temp;
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- if (wG)
- {
- if (!(wG3 = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure2)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return;
- }
- Move(wG3->RPort,2,25);
- Text(wG3->RPort,str,strlen(str));
- WaitPort(wG3->UserPort);
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG3->UserPort))
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- CloseWindow(wG3);
- }
- else
- { // open on wb screen
- (void)WBenchToFront();
- strcpy(helpstr,"RAW:120/10/400/100/Program Error");
- if (!(mywindow = Open(helpstr,MODE_NEWFILE)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return;
- }
- strcat(str,"\n\n\n");
- temp = strlen(str);
- if (Write(mywindow,str,temp) != temp)
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- Close(mywindow);
- return;
- }
- strcpy(helpstr," Press any key to continue...");
- temp = strlen(helpstr);
- if (Write(mywindow,helpstr,temp) != temp)
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- Close(mywindow);
- return;
- }
- Read(mywindow,&c2,1L);
- Close(mywindow);
- }
- }
- struct Library *LhBase;
- struct LhBuffer *myLHBuffer;
- int LoadBobData(void);
- void FreeBobData(void);
- int InitmyGels(void);
- void CloseGels(void);
- void LoadBobImage(piece)
- long piece; /* loads bob with pieces image */
- {
- int i;
- UWORD *temp;
- LONG image_data;
- if (piece == BLANKDATA)
- {
- temp = BlankImageData;
- }
- else if (piece >= 'a') /* white pieces */
- {
- if (piece == 'p')
- temp = WhiteImageData[0];
- else if (piece == 'n')
- temp = WhiteImageData[1];
- else if (piece == 'b')
- temp = WhiteImageData[2];
- else if (piece == 'r')
- temp = WhiteImageData[3];
- else if (piece == 'q')
- temp = WhiteImageData[4];
- else if (piece == 'k')
- temp = WhiteImageData[5];
- }
- else /* black pieces */
- {
- if (piece == 'P')
- temp = BlackImageData[0];
- else if (piece == 'N')
- temp = BlackImageData[1];
- else if (piece == 'B')
- temp = BlackImageData[2];
- else if (piece == 'R')
- temp = BlackImageData[3];
- else if (piece == 'Q')
- temp = BlackImageData[4];
- else if (piece == 'K')
- temp = BlackImageData[5];
- }
- BobImage.ImageData = BobVSprite->ImageData = temp;
- image_data = (LONG) BobImage.ImageData;
- /* Map the image data to planes */
- for (i = 0L; i < BOBDEPTH; ++i)
- BobTransImage->ti_BM.Planes[i] = (PLANEPTR) (image_data + i * planes);
- TheBob->ImageShadow = BobVSprite->CollMask = temp;
- temp += ((BOBHEIGHT+2)*BOBWIDINW);
- BobVSprite->BorderLine = temp;
- BobImage.ImageData = BobVSprite->ImageData;
- BobTransImage->ti_sBM->Planes[0] = (char *)TheBob->ImageShadow;
- for (i = 1; i < BOBDEPTH; i++)
- BobTransImage->ti_sBM->Planes[i] = BobTransImage->ti_sBM->Planes[0];
- lastpiece = piece;
- }
- int LoadBobData()
- {
- USHORT __aligned len;
- long __aligned templong;
- BPTR fh;
- UBYTE *srcbuf;
- int i;
- if (!(srcbuf = AllocMem(BOBBLOCKSIZE,0L)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (DEPTH < 6)
- {
- if (!(fh = Open("uchess:Pieces.lzw",MODE_OLDFILE)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- else if (FasterDisplay)
- {
- if (!(fh = Open("uchess:Pieces64.lzw",MODE_OLDFILE)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(fh = Open("uchess:Pieces256.lzw",MODE_OLDFILE)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- if (!(LhBase = OpenLibrary(LH_NAME,LH_VERSION)))
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot open lh.lib\n");
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(myLHBuffer = CreateBuffer(TRUE))) /* small buffer for only decomp*/
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot Create Buffer\n");
- CloseLibrary(LhBase);
- return(0);
- }
- for(i=0;i<6;i++)
- {
- if (Read(fh,(char *)&len,2L) != 2L)
- {
- Close(fh);
- return(0);
- }
- templong = len;
- if (Read(fh,srcbuf,templong) != templong)
- {
- Close(fh);
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(WhiteImageData[i] =
- {
- return(0);
- }
- LoadBobImage(piecechar[i]);
- myLHBuffer->lh_Src = (APTR)srcbuf;
- myLHBuffer->lh_Dst = (APTR)BobVSprite->ImageData;
- myLHBuffer->lh_SrcSize = templong;
- myLHBuffer->lh_DstSize = BOBBLOCKSIZE;
- LhDecode(myLHBuffer);
- InitMasks(BobVSprite);
- if (Read(fh,(char *)&len,2L) != 2L)
- {
- Close(fh);
- return(0);
- }
- templong = len;
- if (Read(fh,srcbuf,templong) != templong)
- {
- Close(fh);
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(BlackImageData[i] =
- {
- return(0);
- }
- LoadBobImage(piecechar[i+6]);
- myLHBuffer->lh_Src = (APTR)srcbuf;
- myLHBuffer->lh_Dst = (APTR)BobVSprite->ImageData;
- myLHBuffer->lh_SrcSize = templong;
- myLHBuffer->lh_DstSize = BOBBLOCKSIZE;
- LhDecode(myLHBuffer);
- InitMasks(BobVSprite);
- }
- Close(fh);
- FreeMem(srcbuf,BOBBLOCKSIZE);
- DeleteBuffer(myLHBuffer);
- CloseLibrary(LhBase);
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- return(1);
- }
- void FreeBobData()
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<6;i++)
- {
- FreeMem((char *)WhiteImageData[i],BOBBLOCKSIZE);
- FreeMem((char *)BlackImageData[i],BOBBLOCKSIZE);
- }
- FreeMem((char *)BlankImageData,BOBBLOCKSIZE);
- }
- int InitmyGels()
- {
- #ifdef EXTRAINIT
- struct BitMap __aligned tmpBitMap;
- #endif
- int i;
- UWORD *temp;
- if (!(SpriteHead = (struct VSprite *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct VSprite),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(SpriteTail = (struct VSprite *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct VSprite),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(BobVSprite = (struct VSprite *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct VSprite),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(TheBob = (struct Bob *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct Bob),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(myGelsInfo = (struct GelsInfo *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct GelsInfo),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(myGelsInfo->nextLine = (WORD *)AllocMem(sizeof(WORD)*32,
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(myGelsInfo->lastColor = (WORD **)AllocMem(sizeof(WORD)*32,
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(myGelsInfo->collHandler = (struct collTable *)
- AllocMem(sizeof(struct collTable),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(TheBob->SaveBuffer = (WORD *)
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(temp = BobVSprite->ImageData =
- {
- return(0);
- }
- BlankImageData = temp;
- TheBob->ImageShadow = BobVSprite->CollMask = temp;
- temp += ((BOBHEIGHT+2)*BOBWIDINW);
- BobVSprite->BorderLine = temp;
- #ifdef DBL_BUFF
- if (!(TheBob->DBuffer = (struct DBufPacket *)AllocMem
- (sizeof(struct DBufPacket),MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(TheBob->DBuffer->BufBuffer =
- {
- return(0);
- }
- #endif
- for(i=0;i<DEPTH;i++)
- {
- }
- BobImage.LeftEdge = 0;
- BobImage.TopEdge = 0;
- BobImage.Width = BOBWIDTH;
- BobImage.Height = BOBHEIGHT;
- BobImage.Depth = BOBDEPTH;
- BobImage.ImageData = BobVSprite->ImageData;
- BobImage.PlanePick = BOBPLANEPICK;
- BobImage.PlaneOnOff = BOBPLANEONOFF;
- BobImage.NextImage = NULL;
- if (!(BobTransImage = AllocTransImage(&BobImage)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- {
- myGelsInfo->leftmost = COLA;
- myGelsInfo->rightmost = COLH+BOBWIDTH+1;
- myGelsInfo->topmost = ROW8;
- myGelsInfo->bottommost = ROW1+BOBHEIGHT+1;
- rpG->GelsInfo = myGelsInfo;
- InitGels((struct VSprite *)SpriteHead,SpriteTail,myGelsInfo);
- WaitTOF();
- }
- BobVSprite->Flags = SAVEBACK | OVERLAY;
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- BobVSprite->Height = BOBHEIGHT;
- BobVSprite->Width = BOBWIDINW;
- BobVSprite->Depth = BOBDEPTH;
- BobVSprite->MeMask = BOBMEMASK;
- BobVSprite->HitMask = BOBHITMASK;
- BobVSprite->VSBob = TheBob;
- BobVSprite->PlanePick = BOBPLANEPICK;
- BobVSprite->PlaneOnOff = BOBPLANEONOFF;
- BobVSprite->VUserExt = 0;
- TheBob->BobVSprite = BobVSprite;
- if (!LoadBobData())
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot Load BOB data\n");
- CloseWindow(wG);
- CloseScreen(sC);
- }
- InitMasks(BobVSprite);
- return(1);
- }
- void CloseGels()
- {
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- FreeBobData();
- #ifdef DBL_BUFF
- FreeMem((char *)TheBob->DBuffer,sizeof(struct DBufPacket));
- #endif
- FreeTransImage(BobTransImage);
- FreeMem((char *)TheBob->SaveBuffer,
- FreeMem((char *)myGelsInfo->collHandler,sizeof(struct collTable));
- FreeMem((char *)myGelsInfo->lastColor,sizeof(WORD)*32);
- FreeMem((char *)myGelsInfo->nextLine,sizeof(WORD)*32);
- FreeMem((char *)myGelsInfo,sizeof(struct GelsInfo));
- FreeMem((char *)TheBob,sizeof(struct Bob));
- FreeMem((char *)BobVSprite,sizeof(struct VSprite));
- FreeMem((char *)SpriteTail,sizeof(struct VSprite));
- FreeMem((char *)SpriteHead,sizeof(struct VSprite));
- }
- struct TransImage *
- AllocTransImage (struct Image * im)
- {
- if (im)
- {
- LONG msize = sizeof (struct TransImage);
- struct TransImage *ti;
- if (ti = (struct TransImage *) AllocMem (msize, MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- LONG image_data = (LONG) im->ImageData;
- UWORD depth = im->Depth;
- UWORD width = im->Width;
- UWORD height = im->Height;
- WORD planes = RASSIZE (width, height);
- WORD i;
- /* Remember the image */
- ti->ti_IM = im;
- /* Initialize the Image bitmap */
- InitBitMap (&ti->ti_BM, depth, width, height);
- /* Map the image data to planes */
- for (i = 0L; i < depth; ++i)
- ti->ti_BM.Planes[i] = (PLANEPTR) (image_data + i * planes);
- /* Initialize the Image rastport */
- InitRastPort (&ti->ti_RP);
- ti->ti_RP.BitMap = &ti->ti_BM;
- if (ti->ti_sBM = AllocShadowBM (depth, width, height))
- {
- if (ti->ti_sRP = AllocShadowRP (ti->ti_sBM))
- {
- return (ti);
- }
- FreeShadowBM (ti->ti_sBM);
- }
- FreeMem ((APTR) ti, msize);
- }
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- FreeTransImage (struct TransImage * ti)
- {
- if (ti)
- {
- LONG msize = sizeof (struct TransImage);
- /* Free the shadow RastPort */
- FreeShadowRP (ti->ti_sRP);
- /* Free the shadow BitMap */
- FreeShadowBM (ti->ti_sBM);
- /* Free the temporary buffer */
- FreeMem ((APTR) ti, msize);
- }
- }
- FreeShadowBM (struct BitMap *sbm)
- {
- if (sbm)
- {
- LONG msize;
- msize = RASSIZE (8 * (sbm->BytesPerRow), sbm->Rows);
- if (sbm->Planes[0])
- {
- FreeMem ((APTR)sbm->Planes[0], msize);
- }
- #else
- FreeMem ((APTR)sbm, sizeof (struct BitMap));
- #endif
- }
- }
- FreeShadowRP (struct RastPort *srp)
- {
- if (srp)
- {
- FreeMem (srp, sizeof (struct RastPort));
- }
- }
- struct BitMap *
- AllocShadowBM (UWORD depth, UWORD width, UWORD height)
- {
- LONG msize = sizeof (struct BitMap);
- struct BitMap *bm;
- WORD i;
- /* Allocate a bitmap */
- if (bm = (struct BitMap *) AllocMem (msize, MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- LONG rsize = RASSIZE (width, height);
- #endif
- /* Initialize the bitmap */
- InitBitMap (bm, depth, width, height);
- /* Allocate one plane */
- if (bm->Planes[0] = (PLANEPTR) AllocMem (rsize, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- /* All planes point to the first plane */
- for (i = 1; i < depth; i++)
- bm->Planes[i] = bm->Planes[0];
- return (bm);
- }
- FreeMem ((APTR) bm, msize);
- #else
- bm->Planes[0] = (char *)TheBob->ImageShadow;
- for (i = 1; i < depth; i++)
- bm->Planes[i] = bm->Planes[0];
- return (bm);
- #endif
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- struct RastPort *
- AllocShadowRP (struct BitMap *bm)
- {
- LONG msize = sizeof (struct RastPort);
- struct RastPort *rp;
- /* Allocate a RastPort */
- if (rp = (struct RastPort *) AllocMem (msize, MEMF_CHIP))
- {
- /* Initialize the new RastPort */
- InitRastPort (rp);
- /* Point the RastPort's BitMap... */
- rp->BitMap = bm;
- }
- return (rp);
- }
- ClipBlitTrans (
- struct RastPort *rp, /* source RastPort */
- WORD sx, WORD sy, /* source top-left edge */
- struct RastPort *drp, /* destination RastPort */
- WORD dx, WORD dy, /* destination top-left edge */
- WORD width, WORD height, /* width & height of image to blit */
- struct RastPort *Srp) /* shadow RastPort */
- {
- /* make the shadow */
- ClipBlit (rp, sx, sy, Srp, 0, 0, width, height, 0xe0);
- ClipBlit (Srp, 0, 0, drp, dx, dy, width, height, 0x20); /* blit cookie cutter outline */
- ClipBlit (rp, sx, sy, drp, dx, dy, width, height, 0xe0); /* now fill in image */
- }
- int LoadFullBitMap(void);
- int LoadFullBitMap()
- {
- unsigned long i;
- char errstr[40];
- char fname[80];
- long count;
- USHORT len;
- char *srcbuf;
- ULONG tt;
- BPTR fh;
- BPTR __aligned fp;
- struct BitMap *tmpBitMap;
- struct BitMap *PlanarBitMap;
- struct FileInfoBlock __aligned *myFileInfoBlock;
- //LONG tmp1,tmp2;
- //char tstr[40];
- if (DEPTH < 6)
- strcpy(fname,"uchess:Chess.lzw");
- else if (FasterDisplay)
- strcpy(fname,"uchess:Chess64.lzw");
- else
- strcpy(fname,"uchess:Chess256.lzw");
- if (!(myFileInfoBlock =
- (struct FileInfoBlock *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- {
- DisplayError("No Mem now for finfo block");
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(fp = Lock(fname,ACCESS_READ)))
- {
- FreeMem((char *)myFileInfoBlock,sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(Examine(fp,myFileInfoBlock)))
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot get finfo");
- UnLock(fp);
- FreeMem((char *)myFileInfoBlock,sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
- return(0);
- }
- UnLock(fp);
- count = myFileInfoBlock->fib_Size - 2L;
- FreeMem((char *)myFileInfoBlock,sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
- /* before unpacking the bitmap, save the titlebar area in a tmp bitmap */
- if (!RTG)
- {
- if (!(tmpBitMap = tAllocBitMap(WIDTH,MENUBARHT,DEPTH,BMF_CLEAR,myBitMap)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- BltBitMap(myBitMap,0,0,tmpBitMap,0L,0L,WIDTH,MENUBARHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(tmpBitMap = tAllocBitMap(WIDTH,MENUBARHT,DEPTH,BMF_CLEAR,0L)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- BltBitMap(sC->RastPort.BitMap,0,0,tmpBitMap,0L,0L,WIDTH,MENUBARHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- if (!(srcbuf = AllocMem(count,0L)))
- {
- sprintf(errstr,"Cannot allocate lharc %d byte buffer",count);
- DisplayError(errstr);
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(LhBase = OpenLibrary(LH_NAME,LH_VERSION)))
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot open lh.lib");
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(myLHBuffer = CreateBuffer(TRUE))) /* small buffer for only decomp*/
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot Create Buffer");
- CloseLibrary(LhBase);
- return(0);
- }
- if (!(fh = Open(fname,MODE_OLDFILE)))
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot open chess file");
- return(0);
- }
- if (Read(fh,(char *)&len,2L) != 2L)
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot read chess file");
- Close(fh);
- return(0);
- }
- if (Read(fh,srcbuf,count) != count)
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot read chess file2");
- Close(fh);
- return(0);
- }
- Close(fh);
- if ((RTG)&&(!OrigmyBitMap))
- { // allocate the BitMap to unpack to
- 0L)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- //sprintf(tstr," BytesPerRow = %d",myBitMap->BytesPerRow);
- //DisplayError(tstr);
- //sprintf(tstr," Rows = %d",myBitMap->Rows);
- //DisplayError(tstr);
- //sprintf(tstr," Flags = %d",myBitMap->Flags);
- //DisplayError(tstr);
- //sprintf(tstr," Depth = %d",myBitMap->Depth);
- //DisplayError(tstr);
- //sprintf(tstr," pad = %d",myBitMap->pad);
- //DisplayError(tstr);
- //for(i=0;i<7;i++)
- // {
- // tmp1 =(ULONG) myBitMap->Planes[i];
- // tmp2 = (ULONG)myBitMap->Planes[i+1];
- // sprintf(tstr," diff = %08x",(tmp2 - tmp1));
- // DisplayError(tstr);
- // }
- myLHBuffer->lh_Src = (APTR)srcbuf;
- myLHBuffer->lh_Dst = (APTR)myBitMap->Planes[0];
- myLHBuffer->lh_SrcSize = count;
- tt = WIDTH/8L;
- tt = tt*HEIGHT;
- tt = tt*DEPTH;
- myLHBuffer->lh_DstSize = tt;
- LhDecode(myLHBuffer);
- FreeMem(srcbuf,count);
- DeleteBuffer(myLHBuffer);
- CloseLibrary(LhBase);
- BltBitMap(tmpBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,0L,0L,WIDTH,MENUBARHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- tFreeBitMap(tmpBitMap);
- if (RTG)
- {
- if (!(PlanarBitMap = tAllocBitMap(WIDTH,HEIGHT/10,DEPTH,BMF_CLEAR,0L)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- for(i=0;i<10;i++)
- {
- BltBitMap(myBitMap,0,(i*(HEIGHT/10)),PlanarBitMap,0,0,WIDTH,(HEIGHT/10),0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- BltBitMap(PlanarBitMap,0,0,sC->RastPort.BitMap,0,(i*(HEIGHT/10)),WIDTH,(HEIGHT/10),0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- // then free the non-interleaved bitmap...
- tFreeBitMap(PlanarBitMap);
- }
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Move(rpG,511,COMPUTERBOX-10);
- #ifdef _M68040
- strcpy(fname,"UChess Pro:");
- #else
- #ifndef TINYCHESS
- strcpy(fname,"UChess Jr.:");
- #else
- strcpy(fname,"UChess Tiny:");
- #endif
- #endif
- Text(rpG,fname,strlen(fname));
- Move(rpG,511,USERBOX-10);
- strcpy(fname,"Puny Human:");
- Text(rpG,fname,strlen(fname));
- if (!RTG)
- {
- BltBitMap(myBitMap,COLB,ROW5,WhiteBitMap,0L,0L,SQUAREWIDTH,SQUAREHEIGHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- BltBitMap(myBitMap,COLA,ROW5,BlackBitMap,0L,0L,SQUAREWIDTH,SQUAREHEIGHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(sC->RastPort.BitMap,COLB,ROW5,WhiteBitMap,0L,0L,SQUAREWIDTH,SQUAREHEIGHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- BltBitMap(sC->RastPort.BitMap,COLA,ROW5,BlackBitMap,0L,0L,SQUAREWIDTH,SQUAREHEIGHT,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- RethinkDisplay();
- if (RTG)
- {
- myBitMap = sC->RastPort.BitMap;
- sFreeBitMap(OrigmyBitMap);
- OrigmyBitMap = 0L;
- }
- if (!textBitMap)
- {
- if (!(textBitMap = tAllocBitMap(160,160,DEPTH,BMF_CLEAR,myBitMap)))
- {
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- Delay(10L);
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- Delay(15L);
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- Delay(25L);
- DisplayBeep(0L);
- return(0);
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }
- int mAllocBitMap(void);
- int mAllocBitMap()
- {
- if (!RTG)
- {
- 0L)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- 0L)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- if (RTG)
- {
- if ((RTG_ModeID == VGAPRODUCT_KEY)||
- {
- myTagList[3].ti_Tag = SA_Interleaved;
- myTagList[3].ti_Data = TRUE;
- }
- NewScreenStructure.Type = CUSTOMSCREEN | NS_EXTENDED; // no custom bitmap
- NewScreenStructure.CustomBitMap = 0L;
- {
- return(0);
- }
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- NewScreenStructure.CustomBitMap = myBitMap;
- BMF_CLEAR,myBitMap)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- BMF_CLEAR,myBitMap)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }
- void FreeTheBitMap(void);
- void FreeTheBitMap()
- {
- tFreeBitMap(BlackBitMap);
- tFreeBitMap(WhiteBitMap);
- if (OrigmyBitMap)
- if (!RTG)
- tFreeBitMap(OrigmyBitMap);
- else
- sFreeBitMap(OrigmyBitMap);
- if (textBitMap)
- tFreeBitMap(textBitMap);
- }
- void AmigaShutDown(void);
- int AmigaStartup(void);
- int AmigaStarted = 0;
- int AmigaStartup()
- {
- flag.post = false;
- if (!(myTextFont = OpenFont(&TOPAZ80)))
- {
- return(0);
- }
- if (gfxversion < 39)
- DEPTH = 4;
- else if (RTG)
- { // use screen requestor to ask guy what he wants
- if (!GetScreenMode())
- {
- return(0);
- }
- DEPTH = 8; // only support 8 bit RTG screens
- myTagList[0].ti_Data = RTG_ModeID;
- myTagList[2].ti_Tag = SA_AutoScroll;
- myTagList[2].ti_Data = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (v15Khz)
- {
- myTagList[2].ti_Data = TRUE;
- myTagList[2].ti_Tag = SA_AutoScroll;
- }
- if (Super72)
- myTagList[0].ti_Data = (SUPER72_MONITOR_ID | SUPERLACE_KEY);
- NewScreenStructure2.Type |= NS_EXTENDED;
- NewScreenStructure2.Extension = myTagList;
- NewScreenStructure2.Height = 480;
- NewScreenStructure2.Depth = 8;
- NewScreenStructure2.BlockPen = 251;
- if ((sC = OpenScreen((struct NewScreen *)&NewScreenStructure2)))
- {
- CloseScreen(sC);
- DEPTH = 8;
- }
- else
- {
- myTagList[2].ti_Tag = SA_AutoScroll;
- myTagList[2].ti_Data = TRUE;
- if ((sC = OpenScreen((struct NewScreen *)&NewScreenStructure2)))
- {
- CloseScreen(sC);
- DEPTH = 8;
- }
- else
- {
- myTagList[2].ti_Tag = 0;
- myTagList[2].ti_Data = 0;
- myTagList[0].ti_Data = HIRES|LACE;
- DEPTH = 4;
- }
- }
- }
- if (DEPTH == 8)
- {
- if (FasterDisplay)
- {
- DEPTH = 6;
- }
- else
- {
- MBLOCKPEN = 251;
- }
- TIMEYCOORD1 = 120;
- TIMEYCOORD2 = 230;
- USERBOX=168;
- SYSBOXLEN = 102;
- ROW8 = 24;
- HEIGHT = 480;
- NewScreenStructure.Type |= NS_EXTENDED;
- NewScreenStructure.Extension = myTagList;
- NewScreenStructure.Height = HEIGHT;
- NewScreenStructure.Depth = DEPTH;
- NewScreenStructure.BlockPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- NewWindowStructure1.Height = HEIGHT;
- NewWindowStructure1.MaxHeight = HEIGHT;
- NewWindowStructure1.BlockPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- NewWindowStructure2.BlockPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- NewWindowStructure5.BlockPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- NewWindowStructure6.BlockPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- pNewWindowStructure1.BlockPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- Border6.FrontPen = Border7.FrontPen =
- Border9.FrontPen = Border1.FrontPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- aBorder1.FrontPen = aBorder2.FrontPen =
- aBorder3.FrontPen = aBorder4.FrontPen =
- pBorder1.FrontPen = pBorder2.FrontPen =
- pBorder3.FrontPen = pBorder4.FrontPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- pIText1.FrontPen =
- pIText2.FrontPen =
- pIText2a.FrontPen =
- pIText3.FrontPen =
- pIText4.FrontPen =
- pIText5.FrontPen =
- pIText6.FrontPen =
- pIText7.FrontPen =
- pIText8a.FrontPen =
- IText93.FrontPen =
- IText47.FrontPen =
- IText46.FrontPen =
- IText37.FrontPen =
- IText1.FrontPen =
- IText1r.FrontPen =
- IText2.FrontPen =
- IText2x.FrontPen =
- IText3.FrontPen =
- IText4.FrontPen =
- IText4aa.FrontPen =
- IText4ab.FrontPen =
- IText4cc.FrontPen =
- IText4dd.FrontPen =
- IText4ee.FrontPen =
- IText4a.FrontPen =
- IText5.FrontPen =
- IText6.FrontPen =
- IText7.FrontPen =
- IText8.FrontPen =
- IText9.FrontPen =
- IText10.FrontPen =
- IText11.FrontPen =
- IText12.FrontPen =
- IText13.FrontPen =
- IText13a.FrontPen =
- IText14.FrontPen =
- IText15.FrontPen =
- IText16.FrontPen =
- IText22.FrontPen =
- IText21.FrontPen =
- IText20.FrontPen =
- IText19.FrontPen =
- IText18.FrontPen =
- aIText1.FrontPen =
- aIText2.FrontPen =
- aIText3.FrontPen =
- aIText4.FrontPen =
- aIText5.FrontPen =
- IText17.FrontPen = MBLOCKPEN;
- }
- if (!(mAllocBitMap()))
- {
- CloseFont(myTextFont);
- return(0);
- }
- RowArray[0] = ROW1;
- RowArray[1] = ROW2;
- RowArray[2] = ROW3;
- RowArray[3] = ROW4;
- RowArray[4] = ROW5;
- RowArray[5] = ROW6;
- RowArray[6] = ROW7;
- RowArray[7] = ROW8;
- if (!(sC = OpenScreen((struct NewScreen *)&NewScreenStructure)))
- {
- if (RTG)
- {
- myTagList[2].ti_Tag = 0; // kill autoscroll and try again
- myTagList[2].ti_Data = 0;
- if (!(sC = OpenScreen((struct NewScreen *)&NewScreenStructure)))
- {
- FreeTheBitMap();
- CloseFont(myTextFont);
- DisplayError("256 color screen in this mode not avail");
- return(0);
- }
- }
- else // not rtg
- {
- FreeTheBitMap();
- CloseFont(myTextFont);
- DisplayError("FATAL:Screen mode not avail");
- return(0);
- }
- }
- vP = &sC->ViewPort;
- if (DEPTH >= 6)
- {
- if (!FasterDisplay)
- LoadRGB32(&(sC->ViewPort),BigColorPalette);
- else
- LoadRGB32(&(sC->ViewPort),Big64Palette);
- }
- else
- LoadRGB4(&(sC->ViewPort),myPalette,16);
- NewWindowStructure1.Screen = sC;
- pNewWindowStructure1.Screen = sC;
- NewWindowStructure2.Screen = sC;
- NewWindowStructure5.Screen = sC;
- NewWindowStructure6.Screen = sC;
- wG = OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure1); /* open the window */
- if ( wG == NULL )
- {
- CloseScreen(sC);
- CloseFont(myTextFont);
- FreeTheBitMap();
- return(0);
- }
- globalsignalset = WINDOWSIGNAL;
- rpG = wG->RPort; /* get a rastport pointer for the window */
- SetFont(rpG,myTextFont);
- Delay(25L); /* crashes from wb if I do not do this! */
- SetDrMd(rpG,JAM1);
- if (!InitmyGels())
- {
- CloseScreen(sC);
- CloseFont(myTextFont);
- // FreeTheBitMap();
- return(0);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!LoadFullBitMap())
- {
- CloseWindow(wG);
- CloseScreen(sC);
- return(0);
- }
- // finish GEL init and add the bob
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- WaitTOF();
- MakeScreen(sC);
- RethinkDisplay();
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- MakeScreen(sC);
- RethinkDisplay();
- WaitTOF();
- AmigaStarted = 1;
- if (gfxversion > 38)
- bpen = GetBPen(rpG);
- return(1);
- }
- }
- void AmigaShutDown()
- {
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- ClearPointer(wG);
- CloseGels();
- while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG->UserPort))
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- CloseWindow(wG);
- CloseScreen(sC);
- FreeTheBitMap();
- CloseFont(myTextFont);
- /* system("delete >nil: CLP58.#?");*/
- }
- void ShowMessage(str)
- char *str;
- {
- char tstr[16];
- int done = 0;
- int i=0;
- int j,k,lim;
- int ycoord;
- if (str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n')
- {
- str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
- }
- ycoord = SYSTEMBOX+6;
- /* scroll down 3 lines (30 pixels) */
- BltBitMap(myBitMap,510,SYSTEMBOX,textBitMap,0L,0L,621-510+1,SYSBOXLEN,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- BltBitMap(textBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,510,SYSTEMBOX+30,621-510+1,SYSBOXLEN-30,0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- RectFill(rpG,510,SYSTEMBOX-1,621,SYSTEMBOX+29);
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- do {
- j = i;
- if (strlen(str) <= 14)
- {
- done = 1;
- strcpy(tstr,str);
- }
- else
- {
- lim = j + 14;
- if (lim >= strlen(str))
- {
- done = 1;
- lim = strlen(str);
- }
- for(k=0;i<lim;i++,k++)
- tstr[k] = str[i];
- tstr[k] = 0;
- }
- Move(rpG,510,ycoord); /* was 509,ycord */
- ycoord += 10;
- Text(rpG,tstr,strlen(tstr));
- } while (!done);
- }
- void DisplayComputerMove(str)
- char *str;
- {
- char tstr[16];
- int done = 0;
- int i=0;
- int j,k,lim;
- int ycoord;
- if (str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n')
- {
- str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
- }
- RectFill(rpG,520,COMPUTERBOX,621,COMPUTERBOX+30);
- ycoord = COMPUTERBOX+6;
- do {
- j = i;
- if (strlen(str) <= 12)
- {
- done = 1;
- strcpy(tstr,str);
- }
- else
- {
- lim = j + 12;
- if (lim >= strlen(str))
- {
- done = 1;
- lim = strlen(str);
- }
- for(k=0;i<lim;i++,k++)
- tstr[k] = str[i];
- tstr[k] = 0;
- }
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Move(rpG,520,ycoord);
- ycoord += 10;
- Text(rpG,tstr,strlen(tstr));
- } while (!done);
- }
- void DoLegalMove(str)
- char *str;
- {
- long mpiece;
- char piece;
- int r,c,l;
- int ecol,erow,scol,srow,side,tmp1,tmp2,incrx,incry,i;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- {
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- r = str[3] - '1';
- c = str[2] - 'a';
- tmp1 = r & 1;
- tmp2 = c & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- RethinkDisplay();
- WaitTOF();
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if ((color[l] == neutral))
- {
- ExitChess();
- return;
- }
- else if (color[l] == white)
- piece = qxx[board[l]]; /* white are lower case pieces */
- else
- piece = pxx[board[l]]; /* black are upper case pieces */
- if ((DestRow == 7)||(!DestRow))
- { /* possible promotion */
- mpiece = piece;
- LoadBobImage(mpiece);
- }
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[DestCol],RowArray[DestRow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- if (piece >= 'a')
- {
- mpiece = 'r';
- srow = 0;
- erow = 0;
- side = white;
- if (str[2] == 'g') /* king side white */
- {
- scol = 7;
- ecol = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- ecol = 3;
- scol = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mpiece = 'R';
- srow = 7;
- erow = 7;
- side = black;
- if (str[2] == 'g') /* king side black */
- {
- scol = 7;
- ecol = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- ecol = 3;
- scol = 0;
- }
- }
- if (Castled[side])
- {
- Castled[side] = 0;
- tmp1 = srow & 1;
- tmp2 = scol & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- BobVSprite->X = ColArray[scol];
- BobVSprite->Y = RowArray[srow];
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- LoadBobImage(mpiece);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- incry = (RowArray[erow] - RowArray[srow])/8;
- incrx = (ColArray[ecol] - ColArray[scol])/8;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- BobVSprite->X += incrx;
- BobVSprite->Y += incry;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- {
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[ecol],RowArray[erow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- else /* check EnPassant */
- {
- side ^= 1;
- if (myEnPassant[side])
- {
- myEnPassant[side] = 0;
- scol = str[2] - 'a';
- if (str[3] == '3') /* white is removed from bd at 4*/
- {
- srow = 3;
- }
- else /* black is removed at pos 5 */
- {
- srow = 4;
- }
- tmp1 = srow & 1;
- tmp2 = scol & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void DrawAmigaBoard()
- {
- int r,c,l,tmp1,tmp2;
- int piece;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- for(r=0;r<8;r++)
- for(c=0;c<8;c++)
- {
- tmp1 = r & 1;
- tmp2 = c & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[c],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if (color[l] == white)
- piece = qxx[board[l]]; /* white are lower case pieces */
- else
- piece = pxx[board[l]]; /* black are upper case pieces */
- if (color[l] != neutral)
- {
- BobVSprite->X = ColArray[c];
- BobVSprite->Y = RowArray[r];
- LoadBobImage(piece);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[c],RowArray[r],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- }
- }
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- }
- void GetOperatorEntry(str)
- char *str;
- {
- char __aligned PromoteChar;
- char mvnstr[16];
- ULONG signals;
- char __aligned tempstr[40];
- struct IntuiMessage __aligned *message;
- long done=0;
- long done2;
- int ilen=0;
- int r,c,l,piece;
- long __aligned class,code;
- int MouseX,MouseY;
- long tmp1,tmp2;
- ClearPointer(wG);
- if (CheckIllegal)
- {
- CheckIllegal = 0;
- if (IllegalMove)
- { /* put guy back! */
- IllegalMove = 0;
- {
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[OrigCol],RowArray[OrigRow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- }
- while (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG->UserPort))
- {
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- }
- RectFill(rpG,520,USERBOX,621,USERBOX+30);
- Move(rpG,520,USERBOX+6);
- if (computer != black)
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- else
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+2)>>1);
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Text(rpG,mvnstr,strlen(mvnstr));
- tempstr[0] = 0;
- PromoteChar = 0;
- do {
- if (!globalmessage_valid)
- signals = Wait(globalsignalset);
- if ((signals & WINDOWSIGNAL)||(globalmessage_valid))
- {
- message = (struct IntuiMessage *)1;
- while (message)
- {
- if (!globalmessage_valid)
- message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(wG->UserPort);
- if ((message)||(globalmessage_valid))
- {
- if (!globalmessage_valid)
- {
- class = message->Class;
- code = message->Code;
- MouseX = message->MouseX;
- MouseY = message->MouseY;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- }
- else
- {
- class = globalmessage.Class;
- code = globalmessage.Code;
- MouseX = globalmessage.MouseX;
- MouseY = globalmessage.MouseY;
- globalmessage_valid = 0L;
- }
- if ( class == MENUPICK ) /* MenuItems */
- {
- HandleEvent((APTR)ItemAddress(&MenuList1,code));
- if (flag.quit)
- done = 1;
- else
- {
- if (teston)
- {
- done = 1;
- teston = 0;
- strcpy(tempstr,"test");
- }
- else if (doswap)
- {
- done = 1;
- doswap = 0;
- strcpy(tempstr,"switch");
- }
- else if (doauto)
- {
- done = 1;
- doauto = 0;
- strcpy(tempstr,"both");
- }
- else if (doundo)
- {
- done = 1;
- doundo = 0;
- strcpy(tempstr,"help");
- }
- }
- }
- else if (class == RAWKEY)
- {
- if (code < 80)
- {
- code = cookedchar[code];
- if ((code == 13)||(code == 10))
- {
- done = 1;
- }
- else if ((code == 7)&&(ilen)) /* backspace */
- {
- tempstr[strlen(tempstr)-1] = '\0';
- RectFill(rpG,520,USERBOX,621,USERBOX+30);
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Move(rpG,520,USERBOX+6);
- if (computer != black)
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- else
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+2)>>1);
- Text(rpG,mvnstr,strlen(mvnstr));
- Text(rpG,tempstr,strlen(tempstr));
- ilen--;
- }
- else if ((isalnum(code)||(code == '-')||(code == '/')) && (strlen(tempstr) < 12))
- {
- tempstr[ilen] = tolower(code);
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Move(rpG,520,USERBOX+6);
- ilen++;
- tempstr[ilen] = 0;
- if (computer != black)
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- else
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+2)>>1);
- Text(rpG,mvnstr,strlen(mvnstr));
- Text(rpG,tempstr,strlen(tempstr));
- }
- } /* code < 80 */
- }
- else if ((class == MOUSEBUTTONS)&&(!(flag.quit || flag.mate || flag.force)))
- {
- if ((code == SELECTDOWN) &&
- ((MouseY <= (ROW1+SQUAREHEIGHT)) && (MouseY >= ROW8) && (MouseX <= (COLH+BOBWIDTH)) &&
- (MouseX >= COLA)))
- {
- if (MouseX < COLB)
- OrigCol = 0;
- else if (MouseX < COLC)
- OrigCol = 1;
- else if (MouseX < COLD)
- OrigCol = 2;
- else if (MouseX < COLE)
- OrigCol = 3;
- else if (MouseX < COLF)
- OrigCol = 4;
- else if (MouseX < COLG)
- OrigCol = 5;
- else if (MouseX < COLH)
- OrigCol = 6;
- else
- OrigCol = 7;
- if (MouseY < ROW7)
- OrigRow = 7;
- else if (MouseY < ROW6)
- OrigRow = 6;
- else if (MouseY < ROW5)
- OrigRow = 5;
- else if (MouseY < ROW4)
- OrigRow = 4;
- else if (MouseY < ROW3)
- OrigRow = 3;
- else if (MouseY < ROW2)
- OrigRow = 2;
- else if (MouseY < ROW1)
- OrigRow = 1;
- else
- OrigRow = 0;
- tmp1 = OrigRow & 1L;
- tmp2 = OrigCol & 1L;
- done2 = 0;
- r = OrigRow;
- c = OrigCol;
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if ((color[l] == neutral)||(opponent != color[l]))
- {
- done2 = 1;
- }
- else if (color[l] == white)
- piece = qxx[board[l]]; /* white are lower case pieces */
- else
- piece = pxx[board[l]]; /* black are upper case pieces */
- if (!done2)
- {
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[OrigCol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[OrigCol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- CheckIllegal = 1;
- IllegalMove = 0;
- LoadBobImage(piece);
- BobVSprite->X = MouseX - 24;
- BobVSprite->Y = MouseY - 16;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- ModifyIDCMP(wG,NewWindowStructure1.IDCMPFlags | INTUITICKS);
- do {
- signals = Wait(globalsignalset);
- if (signals & WINDOWSIGNAL)
- {
- while ( (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)
- GetMsg(wG->UserPort) ))
- {
- class = message->Class;
- code = message->Code;
- MouseX = message->MouseX;
- MouseY = message->MouseY;
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- if (!done2)
- {
- if ((class == MOUSEBUTTONS)&&(code == SELECTUP))
- { /* now try and make the move */
- done2 = 1;
- if ((MouseX > (COLH+SQUAREWIDTH)) || (MouseX < COLA) ||
- (MouseY < ROW8) || (MouseY > (ROW1+BOBHEIGHT)))
- { /* Put the Piece Back */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- tmp1 = lastpiece;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- LoadBobImage(tmp1);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[OrigCol],RowArray[OrigRow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- else
- {
- done = 1; /* try the move */
- if (MouseX < COLB)
- DestCol = 0;
- else if (MouseX < COLC)
- DestCol = 1;
- else if (MouseX < COLD)
- DestCol = 2;
- else if (MouseX < COLE)
- DestCol = 3;
- else if (MouseX < COLF)
- DestCol = 4;
- else if (MouseX < COLG)
- DestCol = 5;
- else if (MouseX < COLH)
- DestCol = 6;
- else
- DestCol = 7;
- if (MouseY < ROW7)
- DestRow = 7;
- else if (MouseY < ROW6)
- DestRow = 6;
- else if (MouseY < ROW5)
- DestRow = 5;
- else if (MouseY < ROW4)
- DestRow = 4;
- else if (MouseY < ROW3)
- DestRow = 3;
- else if (MouseY < ROW2)
- DestRow = 2;
- else if (MouseY < ROW1)
- DestRow = 1;
- else
- DestRow = 0;
- if ((DestRow == OrigRow) && (DestCol == OrigCol))
- {
- done = 0;
- tmp1 = lastpiece;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- LoadBobImage(tmp1);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[OrigCol],RowArray[OrigRow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- else
- {
- MouseDropped = 1;
- if (((piece == 'p')&&(DestRow == 7))||/* possible prom wht */
- ((piece == 'P')&&(!DestRow))) /* possible blk promotion */
- {
- PromoteChar = DisplayPromoteRequestor();
- }
- tempstr[4] = 0;
- tempstr[0] = OrigCol + 'a';
- tempstr[1] = OrigRow + '1';
- tempstr[2] = DestCol + 'a';
- tempstr[3] = DestRow + '1';
- mySetABPenDrMd(rpG,1,bpen,JAM1);
- Move(rpG,520,USERBOX+6);
- if (computer != black)
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+1)>>1);
- else
- sprintf(mvnstr,"%d: ",(GameCnt+2)>>1);
- Text(rpG,mvnstr,strlen(mvnstr));
- Text(rpG,tempstr,strlen(tempstr));
- }
- }
- }
- else if (class == INTUITICKS)
- {
- BobVSprite->X = MouseX - 24;
- BobVSprite->Y = MouseY - 16;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- } /* ! done2 */
- }
- } /* signals & WINDOWSIGNAL */
- } while (!done2);
- ModifyIDCMP(wG,NewWindowStructure1.IDCMPFlags);
- while ( (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)
- GetMsg(wG->UserPort) ))
- {
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } /* while message */
- } /* signals & windowsignal */
- } while (!done);
- if (tempstr[2] == '-')
- {
- for(ilen=2;ilen<strlen(tempstr);ilen++)
- tempstr[ilen] = tempstr[ilen+1];
- }
- if (tempstr[4] == '/')
- {
- for(ilen=4;ilen<strlen(tempstr);ilen++)
- tempstr[ilen] = tempstr[ilen+1];
- }
- if ((!PromoteChar)&&((strlen(tempstr) == 2) || (strlen(tempstr) == 4)))
- {
- r = tempstr[1] - '1';
- if ((strlen(tempstr) == 2)&&(opponent == white))
- {
- r--;
- }
- else if ((strlen(tempstr) == 2)&&(opponent == black))
- {
- r++;
- }
- c = tempstr[0] - 'a';
- l = ((flag.reverse) ? locn (7 - r, 7 - c) : locn (r, c));
- if ((color[l] == neutral)||(opponent != color[l]))
- {
- done2 = 1;
- }
- else if (color[l] == white)
- piece = qxx[board[l]]; /* white are lower case pieces */
- else
- piece = pxx[board[l]]; /* black are upper case pieces */
- if (strlen(tempstr) == 4)
- {
- r = tempstr[3] - '1';
- }
- else
- {
- if (opponent == white)
- {
- r++;
- }
- else
- {
- r--;
- }
- }
- if (((piece == 'p')&&(r == 7))||/* possible prom wht */
- ((piece == 'P')&&(!r))) /* possible blk promotion */
- {
- PromoteChar = DisplayPromoteRequestor();
- if (strlen(tempstr) == 2)
- {
- if (!r)
- {
- tempstr[4] = 0;
- tempstr[3] = tempstr[1];
- tempstr[2] = tempstr[0];
- tempstr[1]++;
- }
- else
- {
- tempstr[4] = 0;
- tempstr[3] = tempstr[1];
- tempstr[2] = tempstr[0];
- tempstr[1]--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (PromoteChar)
- {
- ilen = strlen(tempstr);
- tempstr[ilen] = PromoteChar;
- tempstr[ilen+1] = 0;
- }
- strcpy(str,tempstr);
- if (!(stricmp(str,"new")))
- {
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- WaitTOF();
- RethinkDisplay();
- }
- }
- void AnimateAmigaMove(str,piece)
- char *str;
- char piece; /* black are upper case pieces, white lower case */
- {
- int side;
- int tmp1,tmp2;
- int srow,scol,erow,ecol,incrx,incry,i;
- long mpiece;
- mpiece = piece;
- if (!MouseDropped)
- {
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- scol = str[0] - 'a';
- srow = str[1] - '1';
- ecol = str[2] - 'a';
- erow = str[3] - '1';
- tmp1 = srow & 1;
- tmp2 = scol & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- tmp1 = erow & 1;
- tmp2 = ecol & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[ecol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[ecol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- BobVSprite->X = ColArray[scol];
- BobVSprite->Y = RowArray[srow];
- LoadBobImage(mpiece);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- incry = (RowArray[erow] - RowArray[srow])/8;
- incrx = (ColArray[ecol] - ColArray[scol])/8;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- BobVSprite->X += incrx;
- BobVSprite->Y += incry;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- {
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[ecol],RowArray[erow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- BobVSprite->X = WIDTH-1-BOBWIDTH;
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- if (piece >= 'a')
- {
- mpiece = 'r';
- srow = 0;
- erow = 0;
- side = white;
- if (str[2] == 'g') /* king side white */
- {
- scol = 7;
- ecol = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- ecol = 3;
- scol = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- mpiece = 'R';
- srow = 7;
- erow = 7;
- side = black;
- if (str[2] == 'g') /* king side black */
- {
- scol = 7;
- ecol = 5;
- }
- else
- {
- ecol = 3;
- scol = 0;
- }
- }
- if (Castled[side])
- {
- Castled[side] = 0;
- tmp1 = srow & 1;
- tmp2 = scol & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- BobVSprite->X = ColArray[scol];
- BobVSprite->Y = RowArray[srow];
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- LoadBobImage(mpiece);
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- incry = (RowArray[erow] - RowArray[srow])/8;
- incrx = (ColArray[ecol] - ColArray[scol])/8;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- BobVSprite->X += incrx;
- BobVSprite->Y += incry;
- {
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- {
- RemIBob(TheBob,rpG,vP);
- SortGList(rpG);
- DrawGList(rpG,vP);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- ClipBlitTrans (
- &(BobTransImage->ti_RP), /* Source RastPort */
- 0, 0, /* Source LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- rpG, /* Destination RastPort */
- ColArray[ecol],RowArray[erow],/* Destination LeftEdge, TopEdge */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Width, /* Width of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_IM->Height,/* Height of Image */
- BobTransImage->ti_sRP); /* Shadow RastPort */
- LoadBobImage(BLANKDATA);
- {
- AddBob(TheBob,rpG);
- }
- MakeVPort(GfxBase->ActiView,vP);
- MrgCop(GfxBase->ActiView);
- }
- else /* check EnPassant */
- {
- side ^= 1;
- if (myEnPassant[side])
- {
- myEnPassant[side] = 0;
- scol = str[2] - 'a';
- if (str[3] == '3') /* white is removed from bd at 4*/
- {
- srow = 3;
- }
- else /* black is removed at pos 5 */
- {
- srow = 4;
- }
- tmp1 = srow & 1;
- tmp2 = scol & 1;
- if (((!tmp1) && (!tmp2)) || ((tmp1)&&(tmp2)))
- {
- BltBitMap(BlackBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- else
- {
- BltBitMap(WhiteBitMap,0,0,myBitMap,ColArray[scol],
- 0xc0L,0xffL,0L);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- void GetTimeString(str)
- char *str;
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #endif
- }
- char __aligned *ColorStr[2];
- char __far __aligned *CP[CPSIZE];
- /*
- * In a networked enviroment gnuchess might be compiled on different hosts
- * with different random number generators, that is not acceptable if they
- * are going to share the same transposition table.
- */
- unsigned int
- urand (void)
- {
- next *= 1103515245;
- next += 12345;
- return ((unsigned int) (next >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
- }
- unsigned long __aligned hashkey, hashbd;
- #ifdef LONGINTS2
- struct hashval __far hashcode[2][7][64];
- #else
- struct hashval __aligned hashcode[2][7][64];
- #endif
- #ifdef CACHE
- #ifdef ttblsz
- struct hashentry huge __aligned *ttable[2];
- unsigned int __aligned ttblsize;
- #endif
- #else
- #ifdef ttblsz
- struct hashentry __aligned __far ttable[2][vttblsz + MAXrehash];
- unsigned int __aligned ttblsize;
- #endif
- #endif
- char __far __aligned savefile[128] = "";
- char __far __aligned listfile[128] = "";
- #ifdef HISTORY
- unsigned char __far __aligned history[32768];
- #endif
- INTSIZE __aligned rpthash[2][256];
- struct leaf __far __aligned Tree[TREE];
- struct leaf __aligned *root;
- INTSIZE __aligned TrPnt[MAXDEPTH];
- INTSIZE __aligned PieceList[2][64], PawnCnt[2][8];
- INTSIZE __aligned castld[2], Mvboard[64];
- INTSIZE __aligned svalue[64];
- struct flags __aligned flag;
- INTSIZE __aligned opponent, computer, WAwindow, WBwindow, BAwindow, BBwindow, dither, INCscore;
- long __aligned ResponseTime, ExtraTime, MaxResponseTime, et, et0, time0, ft;
- long __aligned GenCnt, NodeCnt, ETnodes, EvalNodes, HashCnt, HashAdd, FHashCnt, FHashAdd, HashCol,
- THashCol, filesz;
- long __aligned replus, reminus;
- INTSIZE __aligned HashDepth = HASHDEPTH, HashMoveLimit = HASHMOVELIMIT;
- INTSIZE __aligned player, xwndw, rehash;
- struct GameRec __aligned GameList[MAXMOVES + MAXDEPTH];
- INTSIZE __aligned Sdepth, GameCnt, Game50, MaxSearchDepth;
- INTSIZE __aligned epsquare, contempt;
- int __aligned Book;
- struct TimeControlRec __aligned TimeControl;
- INTSIZE __aligned TCflag, TCmoves, TCminutes, TCseconds, OperatorTime;
- INTSIZE __aligned XCmoves[3], XCminutes[3], XCseconds[3], XC, XCmore;
- const INTSIZE __aligned otherside[3] =
- {black, white, neutral};
- unsigned INTSIZE __aligned hint;
- INTSIZE int __aligned TOflag; /* force search re-init if we backup search */
- INTSIZE __aligned mtl[2], pmtl[2], hung[2];
- INTSIZE __aligned Pindex[64];
- INTSIZE __aligned PieceCnt[2];
- INTSIZE __aligned FROMsquare, TOsquare;
- INTSIZE __aligned HasKnight[2], HasBishop[2], HasRook[2], HasQueen[2];
- INTSIZE __aligned ChkFlag[MAXDEPTH], CptrFlag[MAXDEPTH], PawnThreat[MAXDEPTH];
- INTSIZE __aligned Pscore[MAXDEPTH], Tscore[MAXDEPTH];
- const INTSIZE __aligned qrook[3] =
- {0, 56, 0};
- const INTSIZE __aligned krook[3] =
- {7, 63, 0};
- const INTSIZE __aligned kingP[3] =
- {4, 60, 0};
- const INTSIZE __aligned rank7[3] =
- {6, 1, 0};
- const INTSIZE __aligned sweep[8] =
- {false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false};
- unsigned INTSIZE __aligned killr0[MAXDEPTH], killr1[MAXDEPTH];
- unsigned INTSIZE __aligned killr2[MAXDEPTH], killr3[MAXDEPTH];
- unsigned INTSIZE __aligned PV, SwagHt, Swag0, Swag1, Swag2, Swag3, Swag4;
- #ifdef USE_SIDEBIT
- unsigned INTSIZE __aligned sidebit;
- #endif
- #ifdef KILLT
- INTSIZE __far __aligned killt[0x4000];
- #endif
- const INTSIZE __aligned value[7] =
- {0, valueP, valueN, valueB, valueR, valueQ, valueK};
- const INTSIZE __aligned control[7] =
- {0, ctlP, ctlN, ctlB, ctlR, ctlQ, ctlK};
- INTSIZE __aligned stage, stage2, Developed[2];
- FILE __aligned *hashfile;
- unsigned int __aligned starttime;
- INTSIZE int __aligned ahead = true, hash = true;
- #if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
- void
- TerminateChess (int sig)
- {
- ExitChess();
- }
- #endif
- int __aligned timeopp[MINGAMEIN], timecomp[MINGAMEIN];
- int __aligned compptr, oppptr;
- inline void
- TimeCalc ()
- {
- /* adjust number of moves remaining in gamein games */
- int increment = 0;
- int topsum = 0;
- int tcompsum = 0;
- int me,him;
- int i;
- /* dont do anything til you have enough numbers */
- if (GameCnt < (MINGAMEIN * 2)) return;
- /* calculate average time in sec for last MINGAMEIN moves */
- for (i = 0; i < MINGAMEIN; i++)
- {
- tcompsum += timecomp[i];
- topsum += timeopp[i];
- }
- topsum /= (100 * MINGAMEIN);
- tcompsum /= (100 * MINGAMEIN);
- /* if I have less time than opponent add another move */
- me = TimeControl.clock[computer]/100;
- him = TimeControl.clock[opponent]/100;
- if(me < him) increment += 2;
- /* if I am losing more time with each move add another */
- /*if ( !((me - him) > 60) && tcompsum > topsum) increment++;*/
- if ( tcompsum > topsum) increment +=2;
- /* but dont let moves go below MINMOVES */
- else if (TimeControl.moves[computer] < MINMOVES && !increment) increment++;
- /* if I am doing really well use more time per move */
- else if (me > him && tcompsum < topsum) increment = -1;
- TimeControl.moves[computer] += increment;
- }
- /* hmm.... shouldn`t main be moved to the interface routines */
- int
- main (int aargc, char **aargv)
- {
- char cstring[40];
- char *xwin = 0;
- char *Lang = NULL;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- int tmpargcnt;
- struct WBStartup *startmsg;
- struct ExecBase **execbaseptr=(struct ExecBase **)4L;
- UWORD cpuid;
- struct ExecBase *execbase;
- BPTR fp;
- APTR tempxx;
- struct WBArg *mywbptr;
- struct DiskObject *dob;
- execbase = *execbaseptr;
- cpuid = execbase->AttnFlags;
- if (!(cpuid & AFF_68020))
- {
- exit(0);
- }
- gfxversion = GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version;
- if (gfxversion < 37)
- exit(-1);
- if (!aargc)
- {
- startmsg = (struct WBStartup *)aargv;
- mywbptr = startmsg->sm_ArgList;
- if (dob = GetDiskObject (mywbptr->wa_Name))
- {
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"PRI");
- if (xwin)
- {
- procpri = xwin[0] - '0';
- if (procpri < 0)
- procpri = 0;
- if (procpri > 4)
- procpri = 4;
- }
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"COLORS");
- if (xwin)
- {
- if ((xwin[0] == '1')&&(xwin[1] == '6'))
- gfxversion = 37;
- else if ((xwin[0] == '6')&&(xwin[1] == '4'))
- FasterDisplay = 1;
- }
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"MONITOR");
- if (xwin)
- {
- if ((xwin[0] == '1')&&(xwin[1] == '5'))
- v15Khz = 1;
- }
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"FASTAGA");
- if (xwin)
- {
- if ((xwin[0] == '1')||(xwin[0] == 'O')||(xwin[0] == 'o'))
- FasterDisplay = 1;
- }
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"SUPER72");
- if (xwin)
- {
- if ((xwin[0] == '1')||(xwin[0] == 'O')||(xwin[0] == 'o'))
- Super72 = 1;
- }
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"RTG");
- if (xwin)
- {
- if ((xwin[0] == '1')||(xwin[0] == 'O')||(xwin[0] == 'o'))
- RTG = 1;
- }
- // xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"PICASSO");
- // if (xwin)
- // {
- // if ((xwin[0] == '1')||(xwin[0] == 'O')||(xwin[0] == 'o'))
- // Picasso = 1;
- // }
- xwin = FindToolType(dob->do_ToolTypes,"NO_BOBS");
- if (xwin)
- {
- if ((xwin[0] == '1')||(xwin[0] == 'O')||(xwin[0] == 'o'))
- }
- FreeDiskObject (dob);
- }
- xwin = 0L;
- }
- else if (aargc > 1)
- {
- for(tmpargcnt=1;tmpargcnt<aargc;tmpargcnt++)
- {
- if (!(strcmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"16")))
- {
- gfxversion = 37;
- }
- else if (!(stricmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"Super72")))
- {
- Super72 = 1;
- }
- else if (!(stricmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"RTG")))
- {
- RTG = 1;
- }
- else if (!(stricmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"NOBOBS")))
- {
- }
- else if (!(stricmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"15KHZ")))
- {
- v15Khz = 1;
- }
- // else if (!(stricmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"PICASSO")))
- // {
- // Picasso = 1;
- // }
- else if ((!(stricmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"FASTAGA")))||((!(strcmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"64")))))
- {
- FasterDisplay = 1;
- }
- else if (strcmp(aargv[tmpargcnt],"256"))
- {
- procpri=atoi(aargv[tmpargcnt]);
- if (procpri < 0)
- procpri = 0;
- if (procpri > 4)
- procpri = 4;
- }
- }
- }
- if (gfxversion < 39)
- RTG = Super72 = 0;
- if (RTG)
- {
- FasterDisplay = 0;
- v15Khz = 0;
- }
- // if (!RTG)
- // Picasso = 0;
- Delay(3L);
- myproc = (struct Process *)FindTask(0L);
- tempxx = myproc->pr_WindowPtr;
- Delay(3L);
- myproc->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)-1L;
- if (!(fp = Open("uchess:uchess.lang",MODE_OLDFILE)))
- {
- system("Assign >nil: uchess: \"\"");
- }
- else
- Close(fp);
- myproc->pr_WindowPtr = tempxx;
- #endif
- gsrand (starttime = ((unsigned int) time ((long *) 0))); /* init urand */
- #ifdef ttblsz
- ttblsize = ttblsz;
- rehash = -1;
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- flag.easy = 0;
- #ifndef AMIGA
- if (argc > 2)
- {
- if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'L')
- {
- Lang = argv[2];
- argv += 2;
- argc -= 2;
- }
- }
- #endif
- InitConst (Lang);
- ColorStr[0] = CP[118];
- ColorStr[1] = CP[119];
- #ifndef AMIGA
- while (argc > 1 && ((argv[1][0] == '-') || (argv[1][0] == '+')))
- {
- switch (argv[1][1])
- {
- case 'a':
- ahead = ((argv[1][0] == '-') ? false : true);
- break;
- case 'h':
- hash = ((argv[1][0] == '-') ? false : true);
- break;
- case 's':
- argc--;
- argv++;
- if (argc > 1)
- strcpy (savefile, argv[1]);
- break;
- case 'l':
- argc--;
- argv++;
- if (argc > 1)
- strcpy (listfile, argv[1]);
- break;
- #if ttblsz
- case 'r':
- if (argc > 2)
- rehash = atoi (argv[2]);
- argc--;
- argv++;
- if (rehash > MAXrehash)
- rehash = MAXrehash;
- break;
- case 'T':
- if (argc > 2)
- ttblsize = atoi (argv[2]);
- argc--;
- argv++;
- if (ttblsize > 0 && ttblsize < 24)
- ttblsize = (1 << ttblsize);
- else
- ttblsize = ttblsz;
- break;
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- case 't': /* create or test persistent transposition
- * table */
- hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC);
- if (hashfile)
- {
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- filesz = (ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry)) - 1;
- }
- if (hashfile != NULL)
- {
- long i, j;
- int nr[MAXDEPTH];
- struct fileentry n;
- /*ShowMessage (CP[49]);*/
- for (i = 0; i < MAXDEPTH; i++)
- nr[i] = 0;
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- i = ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry);
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- for (j = 0; j < i + 1; j++)
- {
- fread (&n, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile);
- if (n.depth)
- {
- nr[n.depth]++;
- nr[0]++;
- }
- }
- sprintf (astr,CP[109],
- nr[0], i);
- /*ShowMessage(astr);*/
- for (j = 1; j < MAXDEPTH; j++)
- /*
- printf ("%d ", nr[j]);
- printf ("\n")*/;
- }
- return 0;
- case 'c': /* create or test persistent transposition
- * table */
- if (argc > 2)
- filesz = atoi (argv[2]);
- if (filesz > 0 && filesz < 24)
- filesz = (1 << filesz) - 1 + MAXrehash;
- else
- filesz = Deffilesz + MAXrehash;
- if ((hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC)) == NULL)
- hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, WA_ACC);
- if (hashfile != NULL)
- {
- long j;
- struct fileentry n;
- /*printf (CP[66]);*/
- for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
- n.bd[j] = 0;
- n.f = n.t = 0;
- n.flags = 0;
- n.depth = 0;
- n.sh = n.sl = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < filesz + 1; j++)
- fwrite (&n, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile);
- fclose (hashfile);
- }
- /* else
- printf (CP[50], HASHFILE);*/
- return (0);
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- case 'x':
- xwin = &argv[1][2];
- break;
- case 'v':
- /* fprintf (stderr, CP[102], version, patchlevel);*/
- exit (1);
- default:
- /*fprintf (stderr, CP[113]);*/
- exit (1);
- }
- argv++;
- argc--;
- }
- #endif
- XC = 0;
- MaxResponseTime = 0;
- #if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD
- signal (SIGTERM, TerminateChess);
- TCflag = true;
- TCmoves = 40;
- TCminutes = 120;
- TCseconds = 0;
- TCadd = 0;
- OperatorTime = 0;
- #else
- /* TCflag = false;*/
- /* OperatorTime = 0;*/
- TCflag = true;
- TCmoves = 60;
- TCminutes = 10;
- TCseconds = 0;
- OperatorTime = 0;
- #endif
- #ifndef AMIGA
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- char *p;
- MaxResponseTime = 100L*strtol(argv[1], &p, 10);
- if (*p == ':')
- MaxResponseTime = 60L*MaxResponseTime +
- 100L*strtol(++p, (char **) NULL, 10);
- TCflag = false;
- TCmoves = 0;
- TCminutes = 0;
- TCseconds = 0;
- }
- if (argc >= 3)
- {
- char *p;
- if (argc > 9)
- {
- /* printf ("%s\n", CP[220]);*/
- exit (1);
- }
- TCmoves = atoi (argv[1]);
- TCminutes = strtol (argv[2], &p, 10);
- if (*p == ':')
- TCseconds = strtol (p + 1, (char **) NULL, 10);
- else
- TCseconds = 0;
- TCflag = true;
- argc -= 3;
- argv += 3;
- while (argc > 1)
- {
- XCmoves[XC] = atoi (argv[0]);
- XCminutes[XC] = strtol (argv[1], &p, 10);
- if (*p == ':')
- XCseconds[XC] = strtol (p + 1, (char **) NULL, 10);
- else
- XCseconds[XC] = 0;
- if (XCmoves[XC] && (XCminutes[XC] || XCseconds[XC]))
- XC++;
- else
- {
- /*printf (CP[220]);*/
- exit (1);
- }
- argc -= 2;
- argv += 2;
- }
- if (argc)
- {
- /*printf ("%s\n", CP[220]);*/
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if (!AmigaStartup())
- {
- exit(2);
- }
- #endif
- Initialize ();
- #ifndef CACHE
- #ifdef ttblsz
- Initialize_ttable ();
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- #endif
- Initialize_dist ();
- Initialize_moves ();
- FirstTime = 1;
- NewGame ();
- flag.easy = ahead;
- flag.hash = hash;
- if (xwin)
- xwndw = atoi (xwin);
- hashfile = NULL;
- #if ttblsz
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC);
- if (hashfile)
- {
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- filesz = ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry) - 1;
- }
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- else
- ShowMessage (CP[98]);
- #endif
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- (void)SetTaskPri((struct Task *)myproc,procpri);
- Delay(3L);
- SetMenuStrip(wG,&MenuList1); /* attach any Menu */
- MenuStripSet = 1;
- #endif
- while (!(flag.quit))
- {
- oppptr = (oppptr + 1) % MINGAMEIN;
- if (flag.bothsides && !flag.mate)
- {
- SetPointer(wG,myPointer,PTRHEIGHT,0x10L,0L,0L);
- SelectMove (opponent, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- InputCommand (cstring);
- }
- if (opponent == black)
- if (flag.gamein || TCadd)
- {
- TimeCalc ();
- }
- else if (TimeControl.moves[opponent] == 0)
- {
- if (XC)
- if (XCmore < XC)
- {
- TCmoves = XCmoves[XCmore];
- TCminutes = XCminutes[XCmore];
- TCseconds = XCseconds[XCmore];
- XCmore++;
- }
- SetTimeControl2 (opponent);
- }
- compptr = (compptr + 1) % MINGAMEIN;
- if (SupervisorMode)
- {
- computer = computer ^ 1;
- opponent = opponent ^ 1;
- xwndw = (computer == white) ? WXWNDW : BXWNDW;
- flag.force = false;
- Sdepth = 0;
- }
- else if (!(flag.quit || flag.mate || flag.force))
- {
- SetPointer(wG,myPointer,PTRHEIGHT,0x10L,0L,0L);
- SelectMove (computer, 1);
- if (computer == black)
- if (flag.gamein)
- {
- TimeCalc ();
- }
- else if (TimeControl.moves[computer] == 0)
- {
- if (XC)
- if (XCmore < XC)
- {
- TCmoves = XCmoves[XCmore];
- TCminutes = XCminutes[XCmore];
- TCseconds = XCseconds[XCmore];
- XCmore++;
- }
- SetTimeControl2 (computer);
- }
- }
- if ((flag.mate)&&(!Mate)&&(!DrawnGame))
- ShowMessage("CheckMate");
- if (Mate)
- {
- ShowMessage(MateString);
- }
- else if (DrawnGame)
- {
- ShowMessage("Draw..");
- }
- else if ((!flag.mate)&&(PlayMode == 2)&&(!ResignOffered)&&(!flag.quit))
- {
- if (global_tmp_score < -950)
- {
- if (DoResign())
- {
- flag.mate = true;
- Mate = 1;
- ShowMessage("You Win!");
- ShowMessage("UChess Resigns");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #if ttblsz
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- if (hashfile)
- fclose (hashfile);
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- ExitChess ();
- }