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- MouseClock Project
- Rev. 1.22
- 13-Jan-94
- Copyright (C) 1993 Adriano De Minicis
- ===========
- MouseClock is a hardware/software project of a low cost, very small external
- battery backed up clock calendar for all Amigas (especially for A1200, A500,
- A600). It is connected to the mouse port #2.
- ============
- It works on all Amigas with OS1.2 or greater (tested on A1200, A2000, A500).
- Some practice is required to build MouseClock. If you have never built an
- electronic circuit it's better to ask a friend for help.
- ========
- 1. Description
- 2. Shareware notice
- 3. Distribution
- 4. Disclaimer
- 5. Usage of MouseClock (hardware)
- 6. Usage of SetMClock (software)
- 7. Error messages and suggestions
- 8. Hardware description
- 9. Construction
- 10. Calibration
- 11. Thanks
- ==============
- MouseClock, as stated before, is a very small external clock.
- The advantages of an external clock are:
- - Installing it does not void warranty.
- - It is compatible with all Amigas: if, for example, you have an A500 and
- you plan to buy an A1200 you can move MouseClock from one computer to
- the other in a few seconds.
- - It may be used as an emergency replacement for a damaged internal clock.
- Someone may suppose that external is cumbersome and/or occupies the
- joystick port:
- - It's very small (the dimensions of my prototype are: 44 x 35 x 16
- millimeters).
- - Adding a few parts you can build a "pass trough" joystick version.
- With a switch you select MouseClock or the joystick.
- How much it costs?
- - Much less than an internal clock: about 15$
- This archive contains the documentation (this file) and the software
- (SetMClock) to read/write the clock (included source in assembler).
- The circuit diagram and the detailed mounting plan will be sent to you on
- receipt of the shareware donation (see Distribution).
- ===================
- MouseClock is SHAREWARE. If you want to receive the complete circuit
- diagram and the mechanical construction plan, send me the shareware fee in
- one of the ways listed below.
- Please specify that money is for MouseClock (because I'm working on other
- shareware projects).
- Payment
- -------
- If you pay with an International Money Order send me 10000 Italian Lire
- (LIT). Make sure I receive Italian Lire (the exchange is done at your post
- office). Specify "MouseClock" as cause.
- If you pay cash send me (in closed envelope) 10000 LIT or 7 US$ or 12 DM
- or 5 GBP. Remember to include your address and the cause "MouseClock".
- Cash payment is at your risk. Use two envelopes for safety's sake.
- DO NOT SEND Cheques, US or Canadian Postal orders, COD, ... , because I
- can't cash them. Use only International Money Order or cash. Thank you.
- My address is:
- Adriano De Minicis
- Via Latisana 37
- 33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro UD
- Why is this project shareware?. Because I've spent much more time to write
- the documentation, diagrams, and rewriting in assembly SetMClock (originally
- in GFA Basic: 17KB compiled!) than to design and build the prototype for my
- new A1200. I think that 7$ is quite reasonable.
- If there will be enough feedback to this project, I'll publish the projects
- on which I'm working:
- - a 4-ways parallel port switch (completely electronic: no mechanical
- switches), controlled by Amiga (also from Arexx), with all pins
- bidirectional.
- - a simplified 8-bit logic analyzer.
- ===============
- The files in this archive may be copied and distributed freely (also on
- networks) as long as all the files remain unmodified and intact, and as
- long as there is no charge for them except a reasonable copying and media
- fee.
- The circuit diagram you will receive sending me the shareware donation is
- Copyright by Adriano De Minicis and MUST NOT BE DISTRIBUTED (in any form).
- You are not allowed to sell MouseClock in commercial way (contact me for
- agreements).
- =============
- SetMClock sets as outputs some lines of the mouse port #2 (GamePort).
- Remove any peripheral from that connector before running SetMClock, to avoid
- damages to the peripheral and/or the Amiga. Note: when SetMClock ends, the
- mouse port returns to the standard configuration.
- It is possible to connect a joystick to an auxiliary connector if you'll
- build the pass-through version of MouseClock (only few additional parts
- required).
- -------
- NEVER insert or remove MouseClock when the Amiga is on, especially if you
- haven't removed the metallic shield of the DB9 connector of MouseClock.
- In fact, pin 7 and 8 (+5V, GND) of the mouse port may be shorted by the
- metallic shield of the other connector, shorting the Amiga!. I STRONGLY
- SUGGEST to cut the metallic shield from the DB9 female connector of
- MouseClock (not Amiga!). If you'll do this, there is no risk to short the
- Amiga, however is always better not to insert/remove MouseClock when the
- Amiga is on.
- 5. USAGE OF MouseClock (hardware)
- =================================
- Using MouseClock is simple: connect it to the mouse port #2 (gameport)
- when the Amiga is off (read the warning notes above!).
- Base version of MouseClock
- --------------------------
- Simply use SetMClock to access the clock (see below).
- Joystick version of MouseClock
- ------------------------------
- This version allows you to connect a joystick (not an analog joystick or
- paddle) to the auxiliary DB9 connector.
- Set the switch to the 'Clock' position before calling SetMClock (otherwise
- SetMClock doesn't see the clock!). No damage occurs if you use a joystick
- when the switch is in the 'Clock' position or vice versa.
- 6. USAGE OF SetMClock (software)
- ================================
- SetMClock is the software to set the system time from MouseClock or vice
- versa. It's the replacement of SetClock. Being written 100% in assembler,
- it is quite compact (about 3K).
- SetMClock requires the file "MClock.upd" (4 bytes) in the directory "S:" to
- work properly. This file is created the first time with the option 'save'.
- It is necessary because the clock chip I've used doesn't save the year,
- which must be saved on disk. The year is automatically updated comparing
- the current date with the date stored in the file (day, month any year of
- the last 'save'). If the current date (read from MouseClock) precedes the
- date stored in the file, then the year must be increased. The only
- situation that can cheat MouseClock is when the computer remains off from
- the beginning of the new year to the month and day stored in the file. For
- example, if "MClock.upd" contains '15 Jan 1993' and MouseClock reads '10
- Jan', then year is 1994; but if MouseClock reads '15 Jan' or later the year
- is 1993, with the exception above mentioned. To avoid this situation,
- update the clock for example at the end of January, so that SetMClock has an
- entire month to notice that the year is changed.
- If you don't have a hard-disk, it's better to copy the file "S:MClock.upd"
- in all the boot disks that make use of SetMClock.
- WARNING: Do not run SetMClock if a peripheral other than MouseClock is
- connected to the mouse port #2. See the Disclaimer chapter.
- NOTE: Do not run multiple copies of SetMClock since they interfere, giving
- wrong results (but there is no damage).
- CLI/Shell Usage
- ---------------
- SetMClock load Set system time/date from MouseClock. Requires file
- "S:MClock.upd".
- If you want to set system time every time you boot
- the Amiga, include this command in the startup-sequence
- (or user-startup).
- SetMClock save Store system time/date into MouseClock and into the file
- "S:MClock.upd" (creating it if it doesn't exist).
- Use the AmigaDOS command 'date' or the 'Time' prefs
- (WB 2.0 or higher) to set the system time. Example:
- date 1-jun-93 12:34
- setmclock save
- Note: when saving, seconds are reset. To reduce the
- error, wait for seconds being near zero before running
- SetMClock (or use the 'zero' option to correct seconds).
- SetMClock zero Reset seconds of MouseClock. If the seconds counter was
- at position 30..59, time is advanced by one minute
- (seconds are always reset).
- SetMClock Shows some help.
- WorkBench Usage
- ---------------
- Use a project icon which default tool is "SetMClock" (with path) and which
- tooltypes are:
- MODE=load \
- MODE=save } Use ONLY ONE of this (equivalent to CLI option)
- MODE=zero /
- The default tooltype is 'load'.
- You can use the three icons I've supplied as examples. Attention: if you
- move SetMClock to another directory (for example C:) you must modify the
- default tool of those icons, including the complete path to SetMClock.
- It's useful to start SetMClock from WB if you have booted the Amiga
- from a disk that doesn't call SetMClock in the startup-sequence.
- =================================
- Can't find battery backed up clock
- ----------------------------------
- MouseClock is not connected to the mouse port #2, or it doesn't work.
- If you have the joystick version of MouseClock probably the switch is
- not set to the 'clk' position.
- Battery backed up clock not set
- -------------------------------
- MouseClock is found, but date and time are not set. This happens every time
- the battery power fails, and thus also the first time.
- If this error occurs every time you switch off the Amiga, then the battery
- may be low or not connected. Check it (battery voltage must be greater than
- 2.2V).
- Can't open S:MClock.upd
- -----------------------
- File "S:MClock.upd" does not exist or can't be opened.
- Can't save S:MClock.upd
- -----------------------
- Probably the system disk is write protected.
- Bad data in S:MClock.upd
- ------------------------
- Garbage found in "S:MClock.upd". Restore with SetMClock save.
- =======================
- To reduce the number of I/O lines (so that MouseClock can be connected to
- the mouse port instead of the parallel port) I've used a clock chip with the
- I²C bus (IC1). The other chip (IC2) interfaces the Amiga and the I²C bus.
- Diodes D1 and D2, connected to the I²C feedback lines, avoid an excessive
- current flow from the battery to the Amiga when the Amiga is off. If the
- diodes are shorted, the current drawn from the battery would be much higher
- than the current consumption of IC1, descharging the battery too quickly.
- ===============
- Together with the circuit diagram you'll receive the mechanical mounting
- plans on veroboard (2.54mm step, 1/10"). These drawings refer only to the
- base version of MouseClock. If you want to build the joystick extension
- you have to make the few modifications shown by the circuit diagram.
- I suggest to use a thin wire-wrap wire (for example AWG 28) to make the
- connections. You can transform directly the connection map to a printed
- circuit board (because there are no intersections) if you don't want to
- use the veroboard.
- The NiCd battery I've used has a diameter of about 15mm, a height of 7mm;
- the compensator has a diameter of 7mm. If you use different sized parts
- you may have to make some small modification to the connection layout.
- I suggest to use sockets for the two ICs, and to cut with a hack-saw the
- metallic shield of the DB9 female connector.
- Start by fitting the sockets, the two pins for the jumper, all resistors and
- capacitors, the quartz, and the transistor. Next fit the DB9 connector,
- the diodes and the additional parts for the joystick extension (if used).
- Do not mount the battery. Make a first check of all connections, making sure
- that there are no short circuits, expecially between the 5V line and ground
- (pins 7 and 8 of the DB9 connector). A short circuit between these lines
- can damage your Amiga. Be careful!. Don't be in a hurry to test the clock!
- When you are sure that it's all ok, mount the battery (with the jumper not
- inserted). Make sure not to short the battery (use a insulated cable to
- connect the negative pin of the battery, and don't lean the circuit on
- metallic objects: NiCd batteries don't like to be shorted!). Make a second
- check of all connections. If there are no errors, insert the two integrated
- circuits in their sockets, making sure they have the correct orientation and
- they are not swapped.
- Another check, and then insert the jumper (that supplies the circuits). If
- you have built the joystick version set the switch to the 'clock' position.
- Switch off the Amiga, connect MouseClock to the mouse port #2, and switch on
- the Amiga. From the WB, double click on the ClkLoad icon: if appears the
- requester "Can't find battery backed up clock" you have done some error in
- the circuit. Switch off the Amiga, and check the circuit (may be the switch
- is not in the 'clk' position). If the circuit works properly you should see
- the requester "Battery backed up clock not set" or "Can't open
- S:MClock.upd". Try to double click on the ClkSave icon: there shouldn't be
- any message. Retry with ClkLoad: if no message appears it's all O.K.,
- congratulations!. To see how to use SetMClock or for an explanation of the
- error messages see the respective sections of this doc.
- If the circuit doesn't work and you can't find the error, check if there is
- a 1Hz square wave between pin 5 of IC1 and ground. If there isn't then
- the quartz oscillator doesn't work: try adjusting the compensator.
- NOTE: The NiCd battery is probably discharged when you build MouseClock.
- To recharge the battery leave the computer on for some hours (the
- charge time is usually 14 hrs, but it isn't necessary to leave the
- Amiga on for all that time, if you often use the Amiga).
- If you have a NiCd battery charger you can recharge the battery
- with it before soldering the battery to the circuit.
- Have a good work! :-)
- ===============
- The calibration of the circuit can be omitted, since the clock is quite
- precise.
- If you have a frequency meter with good resolution at low frequencies (must
- display fractions of Hertz), adjust the compensator until you read exactly
- 128 Hz on pin 8 of IC1.
- If you don't have a frequency meter, the procedure is longer: if you notice
- that the clock is too fast or slow after a week, turn the compensator a
- little in one direction. After another week check the error: if it is
- decreased, the direction of the rotation is correct, otherwise, turn the
- compensator in the opposite direction. Many adjustments are needed to
- reduce the error.
- 11. THANKS
- ==========
- I wish to thank Roberto Borri for his suggestions and debugging,
- Fred Fish for his great PD-collection, and the Commodore-Amiga for the
- new AGA chipset.