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- ; SmallStartup.i v1.1 by Adriano De Minicis
- ;
- ; This startup code is Public Domain.
- ;
- ; Modified version of easystart.i
- ; Assembler used: Devpac 3
- ;
- ; IMPORTANT: Include this file at the end of include file list, but before
- ; the beginning of your program (otherwise don't works!)
- ;
- ; This startup opens dos.library, and calls your program with "bsr main",
- ; with the following variables initialized:
- ;
- ; CmdLineLen: Command line lenght (CLI)
- ; CmdLinePtr: Command line pointer (CLI). Points to first non-space char.
- ; (Ending spaces are not removed!)
- ; Command line is always terminated by $0A (Line feed).
- ;
- ; OutputFH: File handle for CLI output (NULL from WB)
- ;
- ; WBenchMsg: Pointer to WBStartup struct if called from WB,
- ; NULL if called from CLI.
- ;
- ; _SysBase: exec.library pointer
- ; _DOSBase: dos.library pointer
- ;
- ;
- ; NOTE: Before exiting from main, put in D7 the return code that must be
- ; passed to CLI (zero if OK, otherwise error)
- ;
- ; NOTE: You can exit at any moment calling Exit (also from nested function
- ; calls, because it restore the stack pointer to initial value),
- ; but obviously you must close/release all stuff you've opened or
- ; allocated (except dos.library).
- ; Put in D7 the return code.
- ;
- include exec/exec.i
- include libraries/dosextens.i
- AbsExecBase equ 4
- EntryPoint move.l sp,InitialSP ; save stack pointer
- move.l d0,CmdLineLen ; and command line
- move.l a0,CmdLinePtr ; parameters
- move.l AbsExecBase,_SysBase ; save exec.lib pointer
- lea DOSName(pc),a1
- moveq #0,d0
- CALLEXEC OpenLibrary ; open DOS library
- move.l d0,_DOSBase ; save dos.lib pointer
- beq.s ByeBye
- sub.l a1,a1
- CALLEXEC FindTask ; find us
- move.l d0,a4
- tst.l pr_CLI(a4) ; run from WB?
- beq.s RunFromWB
- RunFromCLI CALLDOS Output
- move.l d0,OutputFH
- bra.s CallMain
- RunFromWB lea pr_MsgPort(a4),a0
- CALLEXEC WaitPort ; wait for a message
- lea pr_MsgPort(a4),a0
- CALLEXEC GetMsg ; then get it
- move.l d0,WBenchMsg ; save it for later reply
- ; ---- Call our program ------------------------------------------------
- CallMain bsr main
- ; ---- Returns to here with exit code in d7 ----------------------------
- Exit move.l _DOSBase(pc),a1
- CALLEXEC CloseLibrary ; Close DOS library
- tst.l WBenchMsg ; called from CLI?
- beq.s ByeBye
- move.l WBenchMsg(pc),a1 ; reply to WB
- ByeBye move.l InitialSP,sp ; restore stack pointer
- move.l d7,d0 ; exit code
- rts
- ;----- startup code variables -------------------------------------------
- DOSName dc.b 'dos.library'
- _DOSBase dc.l 0
- _SysBase dc.l 0
- WBenchMsg dc.l 0 ; null if called from CLI, or no output
- OutputFH dc.l 0 ; null if called from WB
- InitialSP dc.l 0
- CmdLineLen dc.l 0
- CmdLinePtr dc.l 0
- ; the program starts here
- even