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- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- File : Hook.c
- Projekt: NewEdit
- Inhalt : next_word()
- prev_word()
- string_hook()
- Version: 1.5
- Datum : 18. August 1992
- Autor : Uwe Röhm
- Adresse: Auber Str. 25, W-6209 Hohenstein 4
- (Semester) Wörthstr. 18 W-8390 Passau
- Bemerkung:
- Neue globale String-Hook, die verschiedene Cursorfunktionen, Abbruch per
- ESC-Taste und vorallem Copy und Paste per Clipboard unterstuetzt!
- Benoetigt Funktionen aus ClipBoard.c!!!!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <intuition/sghooks.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <devices/inputevent.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- /* ------------------------ Prototypes & Pragmas ------------------------ */
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef LATTICE
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- /* ------------------------- externe Funktionen ------------------------- */
- extern ULONG read_clip ( UBYTE *, ULONG );
- extern void write_clip( UBYTE *, ULONG );
- /* --------------------------- eigene Defines --------------------------- */
- #define IECODE_UNUSED 0
- #define IECODE_C 51
- #define IECODE_V 52
- #define IECODE_RETURN 68
- #define IECODE_ESC 69
- #define IECODE_BACKSP 65
- #define IECODE_DEL 70
- #define IECODE_CRSRUP 76
- #define IECODE_CRSRDWN 77
- #define IECODE_CRSRLEFT 79
- #define IECODE_HELP 95
- #define SGA_NEXTACTIVE (0x20L) /* Make next possible gadget active. */
- #define SGA_PREVACTIVE (0x40L) /* Make previous possible gadget active.*/
- #endif
- /* ---------------------------- globale Vars ---------------------------- */
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- extern struct Library *DOSBase;
- extern struct Library *UtilityBase;
- extern struct Hook *OldHook;
- extern char *SemaphoreName;
- extern struct SignalSemaphore *Sem;
- extern BOOL Disabled;
- /*
- * Zwei kleine Hilfsfunktionen für die Stringhook unten
- * zum Bewegen/Loeschen im Stinggadget
- */
- LONG next_word ( UBYTE *buffer, LONG pos, LONG max )
- {
- while ( pos < max && !isspace(buffer[ pos ]))
- pos++;
- while ( pos < max && isspace(buffer[ pos ]))
- pos++;
- return pos;
- }
- LONG prev_word ( UBYTE *buffer, LONG pos )
- {
- while ( pos > 0 && isspace(buffer[ pos - 1 ]))
- pos--;
- while ( pos > 0 && !isspace(buffer[ pos - 1 ]))
- pos--;
- return pos;
- }
- /****** string_hook() *******************************************************
- *
- * NAME
- * string_hook -- general EditHook for Gadtools Stringgadgets
- * Known = string_hook ( Hook, Object, Message )
- * D0 A0 A2 A1
- * ULONG string_hook ( struct Hook *, struct SGWork *, APTR * );
- * Normally set as new global Hook with SetEditHook().
- * The following functions will be supported:
- * SHIFT CURSOR RIGHT next word
- * SHIFT CURSOR LEFT previous word
- * ALT BACKSPACE delete previous word
- * ALT DEL delete next word
- * RALT CURSOR UP go to prev gadget (with GADGETUP)
- * RALT CURSOR DOWN go to next gadget (with GADGETUP)
- * ESC leave gadget (with GADGETUP)
- * RCommand C copy gadget contents to clipboard 0
- * RCommand V paste contents of clip 0 to gadget
- * sgw->EditOp will be set to EO_BIGCHANGE, if some text has been
- * deleted or inserted from the clipboard.
- * sgw->IEvent->ie_Code will be motified to 0x00 if we moved to the
- * next/previous word/gadget or if AMIGA-C or AMIGA-V was pressed. The
- * keycode 0 is unused by the system and therefor will be ignored by
- * further stringhooks.
- * Hook - pointer to own hook-structure
- * Object - struct SGWork for Stringgadgets
- * Message- ???
- * ~0 - command supported, else 0
- * sgw->EditOp and sgw->IEvent->ie_Code may be motified (see above)
- * DATE
- * 18. April 1992
- *****************************************************************************
- */
- ULONG __saveds __asm string_hook( register __a0 struct Hook *hook,
- register __a2 struct SGWork *sgw,
- register __a1 unsigned long *msg )
- {
- struct InputEvent *ie;
- ULONG length;
- ULONG return_code = ~0;
- /*
- * Einen shared Lock auf die Semaphore.
- * Damit können theoretisch mehrere Stringhooks gleichzeitig
- * aktiviert sein. Das Hauptprogramm kann aber keinen exklusiven
- * Lock bekommen, solange auch nur ein shared Lock noch aktiv ist.
- */
- ObtainSemaphoreShared( Sem );
- if ( *msg == SGH_KEY )
- {
- /*
- * Zuerst abfragen, ob NewEdit momentan disabled ist
- */
- if ( !Disabled )
- {
- ie = sgw->IEvent;
- if ( ie->ie_Class == IECLASS_RAWKEY )
- {
- switch (ie->ie_Code)
- {
- case IECODE_ESC:
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_END;
- break;
- if ( ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_RALT )
- {
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_PREVACTIVE | SGA_END;
- ie->ie_Code = IECODE_UNUSED;
- break;
- if ( ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_RALT )
- {
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_NEXTACTIVE | SGA_END;
- ie->ie_Code = IECODE_UNUSED;
- break;
- if ( ie->ie_Qualifier & (IEQUALIFIER_LALT | IEQUALIFIER_RALT) )
- {
- sgw->BufferPos= next_word( sgw->WorkBuffer, sgw->BufferPos, sgw->StringInfo->NumChars );
- ie->ie_Code = IECODE_UNUSED;
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_REDISPLAY;
- break;
- if ( ie->ie_Qualifier & (IEQUALIFIER_LALT | IEQUALIFIER_RALT) )
- {
- sgw->BufferPos= prev_word ( sgw->WorkBuffer, sgw->BufferPos );
- ie->ie_Code = IECODE_UNUSED;
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_REDISPLAY;
- break;
- if ( ie->ie_Qualifier & (IEQUALIFIER_LALT | IEQUALIFIER_RALT) )
- {
- sgw->BufferPos = prev_word ( sgw->WorkBuffer, sgw->BufferPos ) + 1;
- if ( sgw->BufferPos < sgw->StringInfo->BufferPos )
- strcpy ( &sgw->WorkBuffer[ sgw->BufferPos ], &sgw->WorkBuffer[ sgw->StringInfo->BufferPos ] );
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_REDISPLAY;
- sgw->EditOp = EO_BIGCHANGE;
- break;
- case IECODE_DEL:
- if ( ie->ie_Qualifier & (IEQUALIFIER_LALT | IEQUALIFIER_RALT) )
- {
- length = next_word( sgw->WorkBuffer, sgw->BufferPos, sgw->StringInfo->NumChars );
- strcpy ( &sgw->WorkBuffer[ sgw->BufferPos + 1 ], &sgw->WorkBuffer[ length ] );
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_REDISPLAY;
- sgw->EditOp = EO_BIGCHANGE;
- break;
- default:
- /* Test, ob rechte Amiga-Taste gedrueckt wurde */
- if (ie->ie_Qualifier & IEQUALIFIER_RCOMMAND)
- {
- /* RCommand zusammen mit V: Paste from Clipboard */
- if ( ie->ie_Code == IECODE_V )
- {
- /*
- * Inhalt des Clipboards an die aktuelle Cursorposition
- * einlesen. Dazu wird zuerst alles hinter dem Cursor an
- * das Bufferende kopiert und nach dem Einfügen zurueck-
- * geschoben.
- */
- WORD maxchars;
- WORD pos;
- maxchars = sgw->StringInfo->MaxChars - 1;
- pos = sgw->NumChars;
- while ( --pos >= sgw->BufferPos )
- sgw->WorkBuffer[ maxchars - sgw->NumChars + pos ] = sgw->WorkBuffer[ pos ];
- length = read_clip ( &sgw->WorkBuffer[sgw->BufferPos], maxchars - sgw->NumChars );
- if ( length > 0 )
- {
- strcpy ( &sgw->WorkBuffer[ sgw->BufferPos + length ],
- &sgw->WorkBuffer[ maxchars - sgw->NumChars + sgw->BufferPos ] );
- sgw->BufferPos += length;
- sgw->NumChars += length;
- } /* if length > 0 */
- else
- sgw->Actions |= SGA_BEEP;
- sgw->EditOp = EO_BIGCHANGE;
- sgw->Code = IECODE_UNUSED; /* aktuelle Taste auf No-Op umbiegen!! */
- } /* if IECODE_V */
- /* RCommand zusammen mit C: Copy into Clipboard */
- else if ( ie->ie_Code == IECODE_C )
- {
- write_clip ( sgw->StringInfo->Buffer, sgw->NumChars );
- sgw->Code = IECODE_UNUSED; /* aktuelle Taste auf No-Op umbiegen!! */
- } /* if IECODE_C */
- break;
- } /* switch */
- } /* else EditOp */
- } /* if !Disabled */
- /*
- * Die originale Edithook von Intuition aufrufen, damit
- * das Stringgadget auch korrekt refreshed wird.
- */
- CallHookPkt( OldHook, (APTR) sgw, msg);
- } /* if SGH_KEY */
- else
- return_code = 0;
- ReleaseSemaphore( Sem );
- return return_code;
- }