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- ToggleClick
- Copyright © 1991,1992,1993 Sebastiano Vigna
- ToggleClick is a very small and simple 2.04-only utility which toggles the
- TDP_NOCLICK flags. When this flag is on for a drive, the drive won't click.
- There are many utilities which already offer the same functionality, but
- ToggleClick is 444 bytes long and allows to set/clear the flags selectively.
- If you specify the KILLALL switch, all the drives will be hushed. If you
- specify a series of unit numbers, for instance
- ToggleClick 0 2
- the corrisponding flags will be toggled. This means that you can activate
- and deactivate drive clicking at your will. ToggleClick's template will be
- printed if you specify the standard '?' argument. ToggleClick is a pure
- command and can be made resident.
- ToggleClick is Copyright © 1991,1992,1993 Sebastiano Vigna and it's freely
- distributable as long as all of its files are included in their original
- form without additions, deletions, or modifications of any kind, and only a
- nominal fee is charged for its distribution. This software is provided "AS
- IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using
- ToggleClick, you agree to accept the entire risk as to the quality and
- performance of the program.
- Comments, complaints, desiderata are welcome.
- Sebastiano Vigna
- Via California 22
- I-20144 Milano MI
- BIX: svigna@bix.com
- INTERNET: vigna@ghost.dsi.unimi.it
- UUCP: seba@sebamiga.adsp.sub.org