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- This is my port of the GNU patch-2.1 to the Amiga. It is done
- with SAS/C 6.3.
- Patch 1: Recompile with SAS/C 6.51 and my updated hwgunix.lib.
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- A little Q&A game:
- Q: Why did you do it?
- A: This port was done to support HWGRCS. Somebody complained that
- there wasn't a suitable patch command for HWGRCS and that the diff
- was obsolete. So I ported this SW and included the executable
- starting with HWGRCS Patch 6. In my understanding of the GPL I have
- to make the source available though. I chose to do a separate
- package. This is it. It is a HWGRCS side effect.
- Q: Why is it called HWGPATCH2_1.LHA?
- A: While it is GNU SW, I use the HWG prefix to show that I ported it,
- that I get glory and flames for doing this. I also try to show that
- I am willing to support my port (within reason) and that nobody
- else fiddled with the GNU sources other than I. It does _not_ mean
- that I claim creation of these nice tools.
- If you want to build upon my port and release it further, DON'T USE
- THE HWG#? NAME! This is mine, all mine and I will be very annoyed
- if somebody uses the HWG abbreviation!
- Q: Why did you use SAS/C? Why not gcc?
- A: I have SAS/C and I know it. To get to know a compiler, its problems
- and quirks takes quite some time. I feel that I know SAS/C very
- well and I feel extremely comfortable using it. In fact I like it
- better than using (platform independent) either Aztec, Microsoft,
- Symantec/Zortech or Borland. I also feel comfortable using SW that
- I compiled with SAS/C. I do not know gcc, I have currently no
- intention to try it out further, and I don't like the ixemul
- concept too much. I would not at all feel comfortable to release
- any SW that I did with a compiler I don't know. Be it gcc or
- whatever else. And I sure wouldn't use my "HWG" signature on such
- SW.
- Q: Does this port work?
- A: Good question. I can't tell. It seems to be ok here, but it might
- be a total failure on your machine. ;^)
- I can't promise that it works (NO WARRANTY AT ALL, READ THE GPL
- "NO WARRANTY" PARAGRAPHS!), but I sure hope it does.
- This port has been tested only by me, so you might stumble over
- quite a few bugs. Please read the next Q&A.
- Q: What about bugs and bug fixes?
- A: Report any bugs to me not to the address mentioned in the GNU docs.
- The original authors don't know about this port and if it is not a
- bug/problem in my porting work, I'll forward it.
- If you have any problems using my port, please don't throw the SW
- away at once. Send me a short bug report including your full
- configuration including non C= tools you run, some full example I
- can try, and I'll try to fix the problem.
- Q: Is this free SW?
- A: Yup, the SW is free according to the GPL. If you want continuing
- support, you should consider the support work giftware, though. I
- am willing to do support and maintenance work, but IMHO there
- should be some motivation for me to do so.
- Books/SW/Money/HD's/A9000's/anything accepted. :-)
- Q: What computer do you use?
- A: My current working setup at the time of writing is:
- A3000/25/HD52+240/2MB/8MB, Edotronik IEEE-488, Edotronik PARIO
- A2024, Apple PowerCD
- KS40.55/WB40.29
- [At the time of writing this is beta SW. As C= developer I may use
- it. Using or spreading _any_ beta SW if not officially authorized
- by the creator is pirating and will in general not only hurt the
- creator but the whole Amiga community. I will not support this and
- I will not help on support questions that let me believe pirated SW
- is used. The Amiga world is suffering enough. Period.]
- Non C= based SW regularly used:
- - SAS/C 6.3, Comeau C++
- - Except for groff, GNU tools that I compiled with SAS/C.
- - I have reqtools installed and a DUUCP setup running.
- Q: What is hwgunix.lib?
- A: Just a link library done with SAS/C that fixes some SAS/C 6.3 bugs
- and emulates some Unix quirks and functions. Details only on demand
- as it is IMHO not of common interest.
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Installation
- ============
- Pretty easy. Just use the patch and ked executables in the bin
- directory. They have to be in the path. You'll find more on ked on some
- old Fish disk. I think it was included with the old Fish RCS. I threw
- it into this package because patch relies on some Unix compatible ed
- being available. Haven't tested it, though. Tell me about any problems.
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Please report bugs, enhancement request etc. concerning this package to me:
- Heinz Wrobel
- Karlstr. 16
- 82131 Gauting
- Germany
- FAX + 49 89 850 5125 (I don't like phone calls :-)
- heinz@hwg.muc.de
- heinz@edohwg.adsp.sub.org
- Please note that I'm not related to C=!
- Well, have fun with it.
- Heinz Wrobel
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/