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- (Scolding Old Woman)
- HARRIDAN Copyright (c) 1993 by Andy Maxey
- Harridan v1.0 is released as SHAREWARE. This means that all users
- who find this program useful and continue to use it are required to mail
- the author $15 to pay for the program and to register their copy.
- Harridan v1.0 is limited to five files of no more than 3 events
- each, yes, it's meant to be annoying. Once you have registered, you
- will receive Harridan v2.0 which will access any number of files of up
- to 250 events each.
- Please send your payment of $15.00 U.S. (for overseas shipments
- please add another $5.00 U.S.) to:
- Andy Maxey
- 307 South Berry Street
- Stillwater, OK 74074-3839
- Phone : (405) 624-0931
- .............................................
- Harridan is an easy to use date reminder program. The user can
- add, view, edit and delete important events using the Amiga's easy to
- use interface. Harridan will display any important events that fall
- within the user selected 'lead-time' by clicking on the 'Check' button,
- 'Check All' button or by using the '-ck' option from the shell.
- .............................................
- Harridan may be installed anywhere on a floppy or hard disk. It is
- necessary that an ASSIGN statement be added to your User-Startup so
- Harridan can find your event files. Harridan v2.0 users may use any
- number of files, but they must all be within the same directory.
- Example: ASSIGN Events: DF0:Harridan\HarridanData
- .............................................
- From the WorkBench simply double-click on the Harridan icon. From
- the shell, type in 'Harridan' and press enter. With no options Harridan
- will display a window to add, view, edit or delete events. When you add
- the '-ck' option Harridan will open a window and display all events that
- are due. If no events are due no window will open. This is useful for
- adding to your User-Startup.
- Syntax: Harridan
- or
- Harridan -ck
- Harridan can use the Run command to allow Harridan to check and/or
- display events that are due while your startup-sequence continues.
- SYNTAX: Run >NIL: Harridan
- or
- Run >NIL: Harridan -ck
- ....................................
- Menu -
- Project/Open -
- Selecting 'Open' from the project menu or right Amiga-O
- will open a file selection window. This window displays all
- files in the current directory that have the '.har' extension.
- You can open a file by selecting the file name with a
- single-click of the left mouse button and clicking on the 'OK'
- button or by double-clicking the left mouse button over the
- file name.
- Project/Save -
- Selecting 'Save' from the project menu or right Amiga-S
- will save the file to disk.
- If no changes have been made to the file since it was
- opened nothing will happen. If changes have been made and the
- file already exists on disk a small requester will open asking
- if you want to replace the file or cancel the operation.
- If the file had not yet been named a save requester will
- open. Type in the file name and click on 'OK' with the left
- mouse button.
- Project/Save As -
- Selecting 'Save As' from the project menu or right Amiga-
- A will open a save requester. Type in the new file name and
- click on 'OK' with the left mouse button.
- Project/Delete File -
- Selecting 'Delete' from the project menu or right Amiga-D
- will open a delete requester.
- You can delete a file by selecting the file name with a
- single-click of the left mouse button and clicking on the 'OK'
- button.
- Project/About -
- Selecting 'About' from the project menu will open a small
- window that displays the version number of Harridan and other
- useful information.
- Project/Quit -
- Selecting 'Quit' from the project menu will close
- Harridan and return you to the Workbench or Shell. If the
- currently opened file has not been saved a requester will open
- asking if you would like to save it before closing.
- Sort/Primary Key -
- Selecting 'Primary Key' from the sort menu allows you to
- choose which item to sort the current file by, either first
- name, last name or date.
- Sort/Sort -
- Chosing sort from the sort menu performs the actual sort
- of the file.
- Main Window -
- When you first start Harridan the main window opens which has
- a list gadget, several string gadgets and a row of buttons across
- the bottom.
- To open a file choose 'Project/Open' from the menu or right
- Amiga-O and double-click on the file name or choose the file you
- want with the right mouse button and click on 'OK.' To create a
- new file, simply type in a new file name and click on 'OK.'
- Once the file is open you can display the details of any event
- by clicking on the event in the list gadget.
- Editing, Adding and Deleting events -
- To edit any event, first select the event in the list gadget
- then click on the 'Edit' gadget or press Right Amiga-E. An edit
- window will open containing the details of the current event. Make
- any changes necessary and click on the 'OK' gadget. To cancel any
- changes, click on the 'Cancel' gadget or the close gadget in the
- upper left-hand corner of the window.
- To delete events, choose the event in the main window, click
- on the 'Edit' gadget and the Edit window will appear. Then choose
- the 'Delete' gadget to delete the event.
- To add events, click on the 'Edit' gadget and the Edit
- window will appear. Then choose the 'Add' gadget. A new event
- will appear in the 'Edit' window named '(new).' Make any changes
- necessary and click on the 'OK' gadget to add the event to the
- list.
- .............................................
- Registered users of Harridan will receive automatic notification of
- any updates, bug fixes or improvements. Any registered user may request
- the latest version of Harridan by sending $5.00 U.S. (for shipping &
- handling only) to the author. To be eligible for the update, you must
- send your original disk as proof of purchase.
- .............................................
- Harridan v1.0 is SHAREWARE. If you find this program useful, you
- are required to mail the author $15.00 U.S. (for overseas shipments
- please add another $5.00 U.S.) as payment for the program and to
- register your copy. If you have the registered version, Harridan v2.0,
- you MAY NOT FREELY DISTRIBUTE your copy. Harridan v1.0 may only be
- freely distributed if all original files are included in the archive.
- The archive should contain the following files:
- Harridan (dir)
- Harridan (program)
- Harridan.info (program icon)
- Harridan.doc (this documentation)
- HarridanData (dir)
- Events.har (sample event file)
- I am not responsible for any failure of this program, or any missed
- events or any consequences of the missed event.