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- TitleClock V3
- by Anders Hammarquist
- This is FREEWARE, You may copy this program freely as long as you don't
- make a profit by doing so. A nominal copying charge is premissible. Fred
- Fish has explicit permission to include it in his collection, as do
- Pascal Rullier have explicit permission to include it in the BUGSS PD
- collection.
- TitleClock is a little commodity (about 4k) that throws up a clock in the
- top right corner of a screens titlebar. It may be set up to display itself
- on one or more screens, it may be set to follow you default public screen
- and also to always display on the frontmost screen.
- There have been quite a few changes since the first release. It will now
- display clocks on multiple screens, and also on non-public screens. This
- has resulted in new options, and some changes in the way that the program
- operates. Beware also that the stack requirement has increased (due to the
- use of dos.library's pattern matching functions). Since version 2,
- support for locale.library's FormatDate() has been added. Some of the
- code has been cleaned up, and, by popular demand, you get to see the code.
- Part of the problem with proportional fonts present in version 2 has
- also been fixed. You should no longer get remnants of the first
- character to the left of the string, but the text may still jerk back
- and forth as the text changes. Unfortunately, this problem is not easy
- to fix, as it would require remembering where on each screen the clock
- should be printed. As it is now, the clock does not even remember
- which screens it is displayed on from one second to the next.
- TitleClock accepts the following arguments, entered on the command line
- from the CLI and in the ToolType field of the icon if run from the
- Workbench.
- Number of seconds between clock updates. It's not recommended that you
- make this value 0. Although you can, it will load the CPU enormously,
- as TitleClock won't be waiting. Also, you probably don't want to make
- the value too large, as the clock gets erased every time Intuition
- changes the screen title. Though if you have a program that doesn't
- change the screen's title, it would be no problem to put up a
- TitleClock on it with UPDATE set to 60 seconds. Default is 1 second.
- Please note that it believes wierd values, if you set update to -1, it
- will update every 4 294 967 295 seconds
- If present, TitleClock will show todays date in addition to the current
- time.
- If present, TitleClock will show the day in addition to the current
- time.
- If present, the day name will be truncated to the three first
- characters.
- If present, TitleClock will display seconds as well as hours and
- minutes.
- Sets the format of the date display. It can be one of the following:
- DOS - displays as dd-mmm-yy
- International - displays as yy-mmm-dd
- American - displays as mm-dd-yy
- Canadian - displays as dd-mm-yy
- Default is DOS.
- Specify a format string for the date/time to be displayed in the
- screen title. This option requires that you have locale.library
- installed (available with Workbench version 2.1 and later). If you do
- not, this option will simply be ignored. Beware that this option
- overrides any other formatting options you have specified if you do
- have locale.library. You can specify any text you want in the string,
- and insert the current time and day in your default language by using
- the following % sequences:
- %a - abbreviated weekday name
- %A - weekday name
- %b - abbreviated month name
- %B - month name
- %c - same as "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"
- %C - same as "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y"
- %d - day number with leading 0s
- %D - same as "%m/%d/%y"
- %e - day number with leading spaces
- %h - abbreviated month name
- %H - hour using 24-hour style with leading 0s
- %I - hour using 12-hour style with leading 0s
- %j - julian date
- %m - month number with leading 0s
- %M - the number of minutes with leading 0s
- %p - AM or PM strings
- %q - hour using 24-hour style
- %Q - hour using 12-hour style
- %r - same as "%I:%M:%S %p"
- %R - same as "%H:%M"
- %S - number of seconds with leadings 0s
- %T - same as "%H:%M:%S"
- %U - week number, taking Sunday as first day of week
- %w - weekday number
- %W - week number, taking Monday as first day of week
- %x - same as "%m/%d/%y"
- %X - same as "%H:%M:%S"
- %y - year using two digits with leading 0s
- %Y - year using four digits with leading 0s
- In future versions of the operating system, Commodore may add more
- formatting strings. In particular, %Z may one day be implemented. As
- it is now, %Z does not exists, but %C tries to use it, which has
- rather interesting effects, making the %C formatting string rather
- useless until that time. If you wish to include a single %-sign in
- the display, enter %% into the format string. A few examples:
- DATEFORMAT=Current time: %T
- Yields something like:
- Current time: 15:06:12
- DATEFORMAT=%Hh%M, of %e %B
- Yields something like:
- 15h06, of 4 January
- Tells TitleClock which public screen to appear on. This may be a
- standard AmigaDOS pattern, in which case the clock will appear on all
- public screens whose name matches this pattern. The match is case
- sensitive. Please note that specifying a pattern if you have a lot of
- public screens will affect system performance.
- This tells TitleClock which NON-public screens to appear on. It is a
- standard AmigaDOS pattern, compared to the default title of all system
- screens. The match is case sensitive. Note that the default title of
- a screen may not be the same as that which is displayed. For example,
- the default title for the Workbench screen is 'Workbench Screen'. Also
- note that specifying this option when you have a lot of screens will
- affect system performance.
- If this option is specified, TitleClock will display a clock on the
- frontmost screen.
- If this option is specified, TitleClock will display a clock on the
- default public screen.
- Sets the priority of TitleClock's commodity broker. Default is 0.
- Sets the priority of TitleClock's task. Default is 0.
- If you do not specify any of the PUBSCREEN, SCREENPAT, FRONTSCREEN, or
- DEFSCREEN options you will not get a clock. Also, the clock will not be
- displayed on any screen whose title is hidden, such as on a lot of terminal
- programs. Beware that Commodore's screenblanker included with 3.0 does NOT
- hide the title, so you will get a clock on it if you specify FRONTSCREEN
- (you can't match it's title, since it's NULL. This was discovered the
- hard way, via Enforcer).
- If you put TitleClock in your WBStartup drawer, Workbench likes to see
- a DONOTWAIT ToolType.
- That should be it.
- Thanks go to:
- Gaël Marziou - for good ideas, and help with locale.library.
- Pascal Rullier - for the French manual translation.
- All the users who wrote me - for good ideas, and makeing me feel
- happy having done something useful. Sorry if your idea hasn't
- been implemented yet.
- Everyone who makes the Amiga what it is.
- Questions, comments, bug reports, et.c. to:
- Internet:
- f92anha@dd.chalmers.se
- -or-
- Anders_Hammarquist@p16.f123.n203.z2.fidonet.cd.chalmers.se
- FidoNet:
- Anders Hammarquist of 2:203/123.16
- Spare harddrives, memory, those Ethernet cards you aren't using, anything
- else you feel like donating (and any paper mail) to:
- Anders Hammarquist
- Schottisvägen 17
- S-424 38 Angered
- Sweden