home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Try to find Semaphore or create it */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static struct FIconSema *FindFIconSema(void)
- {
- struct FIconSema *FIconSema;
- // Semaphore already created ???
- Forbid();
- if((FIconSema = (struct FIconSema *)FindSemaphore("ForceIcon rendezvous")))
- {
- // Already launched ???
- #ifndef PREFSRUN
- if(!FIconSema->ServerTask)
- FIconSema->ServerTask = FindTask(NULL);
- else
- {
- DisplayError(ERR_NO_RELAUNCH, NULL);
- Signal(FIconSema->ServerTask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- FIconSema = NULL;
- }
- #endif
- if(FIconSema)
- {
- // One user more
- FIconSema->UseCount++;
- }
- Permit();
- }
- else
- {
- if((FIconSema = AllocVec(sizeof(struct FIconSema), MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- {
- // Try to create pool
- if((FIconSema->FIconPool = AsmCreatePool(MEMF_CLEAR | MEMF_PUBLIC, 4096, 2048, SysBase)))
- {
- // Copy name of semaphore
- strcpy(FIconSema->Name, "ForceIcon rendezvous");
- // Set up semaphore
- FIconSema->FIconSema.ss_Link.ln_Name = FIconSema->Name;
- FIconSema->UseCount = 1;
- // Add semaphore to list of public semaphores
- AddSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- // Add address of calling task
- #ifndef PREFSRUN
- FIconSema->ServerTask = FindTask(NULL);
- #endif
- // Initialize VolumeList
- NewList(&FIconSema->VolumeList);
- // Load in preferences
- ObtainSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- Permit();
- LoadPrefs(FIconSema);
- ReleaseSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- Forbid();
- }
- else
- {
- FreeVec(FIconSema);
- FIconSema = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Display error on failure
- if(!FIconSema)
- DisplayError(ERR_NOMEM, NULL);
- Permit();
- }
- return(FIconSema);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Release/remove FIconSemaphore */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void RemoveFIconSema(struct FIconSema *FIconSema)
- {
- if(FIconSema)
- {
- // Remove Semaphore from memory, or simply "log" out ???
- ObtainSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- Forbid();
- ReleaseSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- // We`re no longer available
- #ifndef PREFSRUN
- FIconSema->ServerTask = NULL;
- #endif
- // Semaphore still in use ???
- if(!--FIconSema->UseCount)
- {
- if(FIconSema->FIconPool)
- {
- // Free list of patches
- FreeDevVolList(&FIconSema->VolumeList);
- // Remove Pool
- AsmDeletePool(FIconSema->FIconPool, SysBase);
- }
- // Remove Semaphore
- RemSemaphore(&FIconSema->FIconSema);
- // Free memory associated
- FreeVec(FIconSema);
- }
- Permit();
- }
- }