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- NewIFF39: IFF Modules with AA Support
- The NewIFF39 code modules and examples based on iffparse.library are
- designed as replacements for the original EA IFF code. The object code
- modules (with source provided) contain many high-level support functions
- for reading and writing IFF files and clipboard data, and for loading,
- saving, and displaying ILBM files in a 1.3 through 3.0/AA compatible manner.
- In some modules, it has been possible to retain much of the original
- EA IFF code. However, most structures and most higher level function
- interfaces have changed.
- On the plus side, these new modules contain many easy-to-use functions
- for querying, loading, displaying, and saving ILBMs. During their
- development, modules similar to these have been used inhouse at Commodore
- for the Display program and several other ILBM applications.
- The screen.c module provides powerful display-opening functions which are
- 1.3-compatible yet provide a host of new options under 2.0 and 3.0 such
- as centered overscan screens, full-video display clips, border transparency
- control, and autoscroll. This 39.x releases of the NewIFF code also support
- V39 and the AA chipset for full 8-bit-per-gun color and AA modes.
- Modules are provided for printing (screendump) and for preserving or
- adding chunks (copychunks). And the 8SVX example now actually plays samples
- and instruments. In addition, clipboard support is automatic for all
- applications that use the IFFP modules because parse.c's openifile()
- interprets the filename -c[n] (ie. "-c", "-c1", "-c2", etc.) as clipboard
- unit n.
- All of the applications with the NewIFF code require iffparse.library
- which has been part of the OS since Workbench 2.0. Please note that
- the 2.04 Workbench version of iffparse.library is a 1.3-compatible library,
- and that all of the modules and examples (with the exception of Save8)
- have been designed to take advantage of 2.0/3.0, but also work under 1.3.
- Developers who wish to distribute iffparse.library on their commercial
- products may execute a 2.0 Workbench license, or may get an amendment to
- their 1.3 Workbench license to allow distribution of iffparse.library.
- The NewIFF39 modules contain enhanced code in many areas to take
- advantage of 2.0 and 3.0 features while remaining functional under
- 1.3 (with 2.04 iffparse.library). In addition, great effort has been
- put into identifying and replacing any code sections which were
- inflexible or not upwards compatible. The code implements 32-bit
- CAMG, display database aspect ratios, 8-bit CMAP from 4, 8, or 32-bit
- color data, mode fallback when an ILBM's display mode is not available,
- overscan centering (except under 1.3) based on the user's closest
- Preference setting with display clips properly constrained to maximum
- limits, setting of as many colors as the destination can handle,
- default detection and adjustment of old 4-bit left-shifted CMAP values,
- and built-in support for up to 24 planes of data plus a Mask plane.
- Note that currently, the 24 planes plus 1 mask plane limit is hardcoded,
- but we expect to make this more flexible in a future release of the code,
- perhaps also adding alpha channel support.
- Through the use of tag-like arrays of desired chunk ID's, applications
- can control which chunks are gathered by the parsing module. It is also
- possible to clone chunks for rewriting and for applications to add chunks
- to written FORMs. Applications may also pass additional screen tags
- to the display-opening module (screen.c) and may control much of this
- module's default behavior through flags (see iffp/ilbmapp.h of NewIFF39).
- Most of the high-level function pairs provided in these modules have
- been designed to provide safe cleanup for themselves. For example,
- a loadbrush() that succeeds or fails at any point can be cleaned up
- via unloadbrush. The cleanup routines null out the appropriate
- pointers so that allocations will not be freed twice.
- All applications use the parse.c module. The basic steps
- for using the parse.c module are:
- o Define tag-like arrays of your desired chunks (readers only)
- o Allocate one or more [form]Info structures as defined in
- iffp/[form]app.h (for example an ILBMInfo defined in
- iffp/ilbmapp.h).
- o Initialize the ParseInfo part of these structures to the
- desired chunk arrays, and to an IFFHandle allocated via
- iffparse AllocIFF().
- o Use the provided high level load/save functions, or use the
- lower level parse.c openifile(), reader-only parseifile()/
- getcontext()/nextcontext(), and closeifile(). The filename
- -c[n] may be used to read/write clipboard unit n.
- o Clean up, FreeIFF(), and deallocate [form]Info's.
- V39/AA Support
- For NewIFF39, the ILBMInfo was extended to support a 32-bit-per-gun
- representation of the CMAP for use with the V39 color setting
- functions.
- /* --- New --- */
- WORD *colorrecord; /* Passed to LoadRGB32 (ncolors,firstreg,table) */
- Color32 *colortable32; /* 32-bit-per-gun representation of colors */
- ULONG crecsize; /* Bytes allocated including colorrecord WORDs */
- For compatibility, the old style WORD array colortable of xRGB 4-bit values
- is still created for all loaded ILBMs.
- But the NewIFF39 code will also automatically allocate and create the 32-bit
- color table under V39 or higher, unless the calling application asks it
- not to by setting IFFPF_NOCOLOR32 in ILBMInfo->IFFPFlags:
- /* Don't allocate or use a 32-bit-per-gun Color Table under V39 or above */
- #define IFFPB_NOCOLOR32 0
- By default, the NewIFF39 code will examine the low nibbles
- of an ILBM.CMAP to determine if it is an old-style left-shifted
- 4-bit-per-gun CMAP, and if all of the low nibbles of all usable
- registers are zero, the code will assume a 4-bit CMAP and scale the 4-bit
- values properly to 32 bits. This CMAP examination is disabled if
- either the ILBM.BMHD->Flags contains the flags BMHDF_CMAPOK (1L << 7),
- OR if the calling application passes the IFFPF_CMAPOK flag in
- ILBMInfo->IFFPFlags. In either of these cases, the 8-bit CMAP
- values will be accepted as-is, and scaled to 32 bits.
- Since V37, the NewIFF code has supported saving of 8-bit-significant
- CMAP data, and the function interface will accept 4-bit, 8-bit, or
- 32-bit per gun color data.
- Currently, the NewIFF code does not make use of V39 Datatypes,
- and therefore has does not have the capability to load non-IFF file formats.
- You may wish to link with the NewIFF modules but also add conditional
- application code to make use of Datatypes when datatypes.library is
- present. This would allow you program to be backwards compatible
- while taking even greater advantage of V39.
- Locale Support
- The NewIFF39 code does not use locale.library as-is. However, the code
- is prepared for localization. A catalog file of all module strings
- is provided (iffp.cd), and the module include file iffpstrings.h is
- generated from this iffp.cd file using CatComp 39.x. All string handling
- for the modules has been centralized in modules/iffpstrings.c which
- includes comments regarding locale support. See the Locale.Readme
- in the NewIFF39 archive for additional tips on writing localized
- IFF applications.
- o Clipboard and File Handles
- Most of the higher-level load functions keep the
- IFFHandle (file or clipboard) open. While the handle is
- open, you may use parse.c functions (such as findpropdata)
- OR direct iffparse functions (FindProp(), FindCollection())
- for accessing the gathered chunks. However, it is not a good
- idea to keep a filehandle OR the clipboard open. While
- a clipboard unit is open, no other applications can clip
- to the unit. And while a file is open, you can't write the
- file back out. So, instead of keeping the file or unit
- open, you can use copychunks (in copychunks.c) to create
- a copy of your gathered chunks, and do an early closeifile()
- (parse.c). Then access and later write back out (if you wish)
- and deallocate your copied chunks via the routines in the
- copychunks module (findchunk, writechunklist, freechunklist).
- o Complex Forms
- The parse.c module will enter complex formats such as
- CATSs, LISTs, and nested FORMs to find the FORM
- that you are interested in. This is great. However, if you are
- a read-modify-write program, you should warn your user when this
- occurs unless YOU are capable of recreating the complex format.
- Otherwise, your user may unknowingly destroy his complex file
- by writing over it with your program. Example - a paint
- program could read an ILBM out of a complex LIST containing
- pictures and music, and then save it back out as a simple ILBM,
- causing the user to lose his music and other pictures.
- To determine if a complex form was entered after a load,
- check the (form)Info.ParseInfo.hunt field. If TRUE (non-zero),
- then your file was found inside a complex format.
- =====================================
- NOTE - Some useful functions are listed with each module
- See module source code for docs on each function.
- See application examples for usage.
- APPLICATIONS (these require linkage with modules - see Makefiles)
- ============
- ILBMDemo Displays an ILBM, loads a brush, saves an ILBM, opt. print
- ILBMLoad Queries an ILBM and loads it into an existing screen
- ILBMtoC Outputs an ILBM as C source code
- ILBMtoRaw Converts an ILBM to raw plane/color file
- RawtoILBM Converts raw plane/color file (from ILBMtoRaw) to an ILBM
- 24bitDemo Saves a simple 24-bit ILBM and then shows it 4 planes at
- a time (if given filename, just does the show part)
- Play8SVX Reads and plays an 8SVX sound effect or instrument
- - LoadSample, UnloadSample, PlaySample, OpenAudio,
- CloseAudio, and body load/unpack functions
- PlaySMUS Just a skeleton for a SMUS player - it loads the SMUS
- and samples.
- ScreenSave Save the front screen or viewport as an ILBM, with an icon
- Save8 Create and save an 8-plane 256 color screen (V39/AA)
- OTHER EXAMPLES (use iffparse.library directly and require no modules)
- ==============
- Sift Checks and prints outline of any IFF file (uses RAWSTEP)
- ILBMScan Prints out useful info about any ILBM
- ClipFTXT Demonstrates simply clipping of FTXT to/from clipboard
- apack.asm Dr. Gerald Hull's assembler replacement for packer.c
- unpacker.asm An assembler replacement
- =============
- Display 1.3 through 3.0 compatible ILBM display and slideshow
- program - supports AA.
- bumprev updated version of bumprev revision file creation utility
- ===============================
- parse.c File/clipboard IO and general parsing
- - openifile, closeifile, parseifile, getcontext,
- nextcontext, contextis, currentchunkis, PutCk chunk
- writing function, and IFFerr text error routine
- iffpstrings.c Centralized string and message handling for modules.
- =================
- loadilbm.c High level ILBM load routines which are passed filenames
- (calls getbitmap)
- - loadbrush/unloadbrush, loadilbm/unloadilbm, and queryilbm
- getbitmap.c brush/bitmap loading (non-display, calls ilbmr.c)
- - createbrush/deletebrush, getbitmap/freebitmap
- getdisplay.c bitmap load/display (calls screen.c, ilbmr.c)
- - showilbm/unshowilbm, createdisplay/deletedisplay
- screen.c 1.3/2.0/3.0 AA/ECS/non-ECS compatible screen/window module
- - opendisplay, openidscreen, modefallback, clipit
- ilbmr.c Lower level ILBM body/color load routines (calls unpacker.c)
- - loadbody, loadcmap, getcolors/freecolors,
- alloccolortable, getcamg (gets or creates modeid)
- unpacker.c BODY unpacker
- ==================
- saveilbm.c High level ILBM saving routines which are passed filenames
- (calls ilbmw.c)
- - screensave and saveilbm
- ilbmw.c Lower level ILBM body/color save routines (calls packer.c)
- - InitBMHD, PutCMAP, PutBODY
- packer.c BODY packer
- =============
- copychunks.c Chunk cloning and chunk list writing routines
- - copychunks, findchunk, writechunklist, freechunklist
- screendump.c Screen printing module (iffparse not required)
- bmprintc.c Module to output ILBM as C code
- =============
- iffp/#?.h This subdirectory may be kept in your current directory
- or in your main include directory.
- Thanks to Steve Walton for his code changes for Manx/SAS compatibility,
- and to Bill Barton and John Bittner for their comments and suggestions.