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- Fighter Duel Pro2 Demo
- 2/14/94
- Happy Holidays to all our loyal users and future FD'ers.
- Here is a treat for the holidays.
- All files related to the Fighter Duel Pro2 demo are copyright ©1993-94 by
- Jaeger Software, Inc. As long as all files are kept together and intact,
- they may be posted to any bulletin board system or used in the Fred Fish
- collection.
- Jaeger Software maintains a Category, Category 24 on GEnie for discussion
- of all aspects of Fighter Duel Pro. Jaeger representative, Matt Shaw
- attends regularly. Email address M.Shaw15 on GEnie, Internet,
- M.Shaw15@genie.geis.com.
- This is a flyable demo! It just barely fits on a single disk, but it does
- need some files from workbench which we can't distribute this way.
- It will run fine from a ramdisk or from your harddisk.
- FDPRo2 and it's demo requirments:
- - Any Amiga model with Kickstart 1.2 or higher.
- - 2mb of Chip Ram or 2mb of Fast Ram.
- Runs on stock A1200s or A600s with just 2 mb of Chip Ram.
- (Make sure as much ram as possible is available on stock A1200 or A600s)
- Increased performance and added features with more ram and or advanced
- processors.
- - AGA mode requires an Amiga 1200 or 4000 with a monitor capable of
- displaying DBLNTSC or DBLPAL NOFLICKER screen modes.
- - Joystick, digital or analog.
- Fighter Duel Pro2 has many features and playmodes.
- See the file called NewFeaturesFDP2.
- With this demo you may fly any aircraft and or try out the new stationary
- gunner. You may fly against two enemy Spitfires in 1 Player Standard
- modes. You may select other enemy aircraft to view their specifications,
- but you will always actually get Spitfires.
- You can't pause while flying, therefore you can't access the in-flight menu
- system that normally allows you to switch your aircraft, your enemies
- aircraft and their skill levels. To switch these you will have to reboot
- and reselect. You can't save your preferences from the Startup-Interface.
- None of our famous 2 player modes are allowed, including the new 2 Seater
- Pilot/Gunner modes and Wingman modes.
- The FDPro2demo archive should contain:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FDPro2.demo -- (The startup-interface)
- FDPro2.demo.info -- (It's icon)
- ToOrder -- (file that is copied to your printer if your select PRINT FORM)
- (from interface)
- AboutDemo -- (This file)
- NewFeaturesFDP2 -- (New Feature list)
- DATA -- (Directory for data files. These must be in a directory named DATA)
- AG-934 -- (Datafile)
- AG-951 -- (Datafile)
- VF-11 -- (Datafile)
- VF-17 -- (Datafile)
- DataFile1 -- (Main Datafile1)
- DataSet.2 -- (Main Datafile2)
- FDPro2Data.Set -- (Main demo data set)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To utilize FDPro2.Demo's new AGA mode, set your workbench for NTSC or Double
- PAL, and turn mode promotion on in preferences. Ethernet software software
- should be disabled before running this demo.
- Warning: This program takes over and stops all other tasks once you hit the
- BEGIN FLIGHT button. You will have to reboot to quit.
- To run FDPro2.Demo from the CLI or from a program launching program that simulates
- CLI launch, follow these instructions.
- Cd to the directory in which FDPro2.demo resides. Give FDPro2.demo its path as a
- command line arguement enclosed in double quotes. Make sure to add a trailing
- backslash if the path does not end in a full colon.
- Example CLI script:
- CD dh1:FlightSims/FDP2DEMO
- FighterDuelPro2 "dh1:FlightSims/FDP2DEMO/"
- To use a CH FlightStick Pro's top "hat"
- switch with FDPro2, you must either have an IDD Amiga Smart Port or an
- analog adapter specially wired for use with FDPro2 and the FlightStick Pro.
- Except for the IDD Amiga Smart Port, all known adapters do not have the proper
- wiring for the "hat". This includes the DigiPrint adapter. Without the proper
- adapter, the "hat" will only show you the view to the rear.
- FDPro2 and its demo have the ability to hook another Amiga to its parallel
- port and have it display the rearview from the aircraft at all times.
- This requires a FDPro Parallel adapter and two centronics parallel cables.
- The adapter is available from Jaeger Software, Inc.
- See the order form for details.
- Here are most of the new keyboard equivalents for aircraft functions in FDP2.
- P = Pauses Program and allows access to in-flight menus ( NOT IN DEMO )
- Q = Quiet, toggles on and off sound.
- 0 = Recenter Analog stick and or Analog rudder pedals
- T = Move at 16 times present velocity. Known as Turbo mode.
- B = War Emergency power(Boost) only on certain aircraft.
- S = Score
- Del/Help = Brakes while on deck.
- Both mouse buttons = Adjusts Lead computing optical gunsight. Move it
- forward and back.
- View Cursor keys:
- left and right = look left and right.
- forward = look straigh up.
- back = look back.
- left & forward = look left and 45 degrees up
- right & forward = look right and 45 degrees up
- Help = Locks view
- Del = Cancels view lock
- A = Arm/Disarm guns/glidescope indicator
- G = Landing gear cycle
- H = Lower hook.
- W & E = Flaps up and down.
- L = Launch from catapult.
- Z = Throttle Up
- X = Throttle Down
- C = Left Rudder
- V = Right Rudder
- F = Center Rudder