home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- --- Personal PhoneDirectory --
- Version 2.0
- Copyright Hallvard Korsgaard 1994
- Preface
- -------
- The program and files in this distribution are copyright Hallvard
- Korsgaard *, but can be freely distributed as long as no more than a
- nominal fee i charged to cover time and copying costs, and as long as
- all files remain unchanged and all files are distributed.
- No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from the
- author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in original
- unmodified form.
- The above is generally known as freeware.
- (* exept ReqTools.library which is copyright (c) Nico François.)
- If you have suggestions for improvements or remarks about this
- program, or if you find any bugs, please let me know.
- Write to the following address:
- Hallvard Korsgaard
- Mellom Bøkeligt. 4
- 3256 Larvik
- Norway
- Personal Phonedirectory needs Kickstart 2.04 (v 37) or above to run.
- I take no responsibility for whatever this program is used for.
- Contents
- --------
- 1. An introduction
- 2. Installation
- 3. How to use
- 4. Program history
- 1. An Introduction
- ------------------
- Personal Phonedirectory (PPD) was designed to remember addresses and
- phonenumbers for you, and also dial the numbers automaticly. Its
- window can be hidden, and shown again by selecting from the Workbench
- Tools menu.
- 2. Instalation
- --------------
- * Copy reqtools.library to the libs directory on your harddrive by
- using the DOS command COPY, or by any other suitable tool.
- * Copy the file Phonedirectory to any directory by dragging its icon
- or by one of the metodes described above.
- * Copy this documentation file to the directory in which you store
- your documentationfiles.
- When you have copied the files you should singel-click on the
- phonedirectory icon and select Information... form the Icons menu, or
- press right Amiga+I. (If you have any questions about the Information
- program you should read about it in your Workbench documentation
- first.) The Stacksize should be set to a minimum of 5000 bytes.
- There are five different Tool Types:
- PPDFILE - Full path to your Phonedirectory data file.
- TONE - The length of which the tones should be dialed.
- DELAY - The length of the delay between the tones.
- DONOTWAIT - Use this if you have put the icon in the WBStartup drawer.
- HIDDEN - The window will be hidden at startup.
- IMPORTANT: The TONE and DELAY must be specified with four
- digits.
- The number is: (number/50) seconds.
- eg. 0003 = 3/50 second
- Example1
- --------
- PPDFILE=MyDisk:Different/Phone
- TONE=0004
- DELAY=0003
- Example2
- --------
- PPDFILE=dh0:UsefulStuff/Tele/MyPhone
- TONE=0005
- DELAY=0005
- The default values for TONE and DELAY are:
- TONE=0004
- DELAY=0004
- 3. How to use
- -------------
- The menus
- ---------
- Project
- --------
- New - Erases the current phonedir (in memory) and let you start over
- with a new (blank) one.
- Open - Opens a new phonedir. Erases the current phonedir in memory.
- Save - Saves the current phonedir to the file form which it was
- loaded.
- Save As - Saves the current phonedir to a new file.
- About - Shows some info about the program.
- Hide - Hides the window. To show the window select Phonedirectory form
- the Workbench Tools menu.
- Quit - Ends the program.
- Phone
- ------
- Dial number - Displays a requester in which you can enter a number
- to dial.
- Length of...
- Tone - The length of which the tones should be dialed.
- Delay - The length of the delay between the tones.
- Sort - Sorts the records (by surname only).
- The gadgets
- -----------
- The Scroller - By pressing the downarrow you display the next record.
- By pressing the uparrow you display the previous record.
- You can also drag the knob in the scrollbar up and down.
- Add - Adds a new record to the list.
- Delete - Deletes the record displayed.
- Search - Search for records. Not casesensitive. Uses standard
- wildcards.
- Exit - Exits the search mode.
- Dial - Dials the number shown in the box to the left.
- Sort uses the location you have selected (preferences) to sort.
- Different countries' special characters will therfore be sorted
- corectly. The locale settings will, however, not influence the program
- itself. Only surname is sorted.
- Standard wildcards
- ------------------
- ? Matches a single character.
- # Matches the following expression 0 or more times.
- (ab|cd) Matches any one of the items seperated by '|'.
- ~ Negates the following expression. It matches all strings that
- do not match the expression (aka ~ (foo) matches all strings
- that are not exactly "foo".)
- [abc] Character class: matches any of the characters in the class.
- [~bc] Character class: matches any of the characters not in the
- class.
- a-z Character range (only within character classes).
- % Matches 0 characters always (useful in "(foo|bar|%)").
- * Synonym for "#?", not avabile by default in 2.04. Avabile as
- an option that can be turned on.
- "Expression" in the above table means either a single character
- (ex: "#?"), or an alternation (ex: "#(ab|cd|ef)", or a character class
- (ex: "#[a-zA-Z]").
- Program History
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.0: First release.
- Version 2.0: Next/Last buttons is replaced with a scroller gadget.
- Font adjusting is fully supported. Hide option was
- added. Improved file handling. New Look menus for
- OS3.0. Displays the recordnumber and the total number
- of records. You can now search on all field at the
- same time. Pause removed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Hallvard Korsgaard
- Remember: Only Amiga makes IT possible.