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- LoanCalc V2.0d - by Robert Bromley
- 1 Copyrights
- 2 Introduction
- 3 The Main Menu
- 4 Sample Data Files
- 5 The Interest Compound Period
- 6 Calculation of the Payment Date
- 7 Program Requirements
- 8 Program Limitations
- 9 Error Messages
- 10 Accuracy
- 11 Files Included With This Program
- LoanCalc is © 1990, 1991, 1994 by Robert Bromley. All rights reserved.
- LoanCalc may be considered to be what I have heard refered to as
- "giftware". This means that it is freely distributable, as long as the
- entire package is distributed unaltered and intact, and no charge is
- made for it other than reasonable costs for copying and media.
- There is no payment required for the use of LoanCalc, but, if you find
- the program to be particularly useful, then I would request that you
- send me whatever you think it is worth.
- MuchMore is © 1991 by Fridtjof Seibert.
- Refer to the "MuchMore.ReadMe" file for further information.
- ARP is © 1987, 88, 89 by ARP Authors.
- Although there are many mortgage calculation programs available, all
- that I have seen are designed around 'fixed' mortgages, ie. mortgages
- that have a fixed payment due on a fixed date. As well as providing a
- printed Amortization Table for Fixed Mortgages with Monthly, Semi-
- Monthly, Bi-Weekly and Weekly payment schedules, (including a provision
- for making Lump Sum Payments), LoanCalc (LC) is designed to track
- 'Open' mortgages that allow any size payment to be made at any time.
- If you are looking for a program that will quickly give you payments or
- amortization periods of loans with fixed monthly payments, without the
- printed Amortization Table, I can heartily recommend MortCalc, written
- by Michel Laliberte, available on Fish 385. It will be easier to use
- for this purpose. The advantage of LC is the flexability to calculate
- repayment schedules for almost any timetable, the Lump Sum Payment
- option, the Open Mortgage option, and the ability to give you an easy
- to read printed Amortization Table.
- I apologize for the size of this program. Being a 'weekend' programer,
- my programing style could not be described as elegant. The program is
- written in BASIC, compiled with the HiSoft BASIC Professional compiler.
- To anyone out there who still programs with the AmigaBASIC interpreter,
- I admire your dedication. The frustration of it all was just too much
- for me. Look into HiSoft BASIC Professional, and put the joy back into
- programing.
- This version of LC supports both mouse and keyboard for most of its
- functions, the major exception of course being specific data which must
- be input (ie. payments, dates, etc), and it uses the ARP requester for
- the input of filenames.
- As of Version 2.0, LC utilizes the freely distributable file viewer
- "MuchMore" for all viewing and printing of data files. MuchMore is a
- terrific, full-featured file viewer, and I thank Fridtjof and AMOK for
- making this program freely distributable. Please read the
- "MuchMore.ReadMe" file to fully appreciate all of the features of this
- program. Pressing the <Help> key while MuchMore is running will give
- you a synopsis.
- Note that for the viewing or printing of datafiles, the MuchMore
- program will have to be either in the Current Directory, or in your
- search path. The C: directory would probably be the best place to put
- it, as I would not be surprised if you decided to use it as your
- regular text viewer.
- At any time, if the 'Esc' key is hit, then LC will escape from the data
- entry mode and return to the Main Menu.
- LC generally multitasks very well. While waiting for input, the
- program is 'sleeping', and therefore does not use up CPU time
- needlessly.
- If LC is launched from Workbench, icons will be created for all '.data'
- files created, in case you would like to edit the file. These icons
- have no default tool, however, since I don't know which editor you
- would be using to edit the file. You can supply your own using the
- Workbench 'Info' Menu item.
- If launched from the CLI, no icons are created.
- While entering data (especially data for Open Mortgages), there are
- lots of tiresome "Are you sure?" type prompts. Although nobody likes
- them when data is correct, they are useful in case of finger-trouble.
- LC opens on the Main Menu, where there are 8 selections:
- 1. Start a New Mortgage/Loan File
- 2. Enter a Payment to an Existing Open-type File
- 3. Re-Calculate the Current Fixed-type Loan
- 4. View/Print a Data File
- 5. Information
- 6. About
- 7. Help (or <Help> key)
- 8. Quit (or <Esc>)
- Just Click on the appropriate item, or press the appropriate number
- on either number pad.
- 1. Start a New Mortgage/Loan File
- This selection should be made if you have not already opened a file
- under the proposed filename, for example "FirstMortgage", and there is
- no "FirstMortgage.data" and "FirstMortgage.datavar" files in the
- specified directory. A file will then be built from scratch.
- While running, LC will request a directory and filename under which the
- program data will be kept. The default directory is RAM:, but you may
- specify any other. Two files will then be generated in that directory.
- One, "Filename.data", will store all information regarding payments
- made, dates, interest paid, total interest, etc. The other,
- "Filename.datavar", will store all the variables required by LC, which
- will vary from one session to the next. If the files are created in
- RAM:, then ensure that these files are copied to a disk for a permanent
- record.
- The ".data" file is almost totally ASCII (the only exception being the
- odd CHR$(12) used for page formating), and, if you feel comfortable
- doing so, may be edited with a good text editor. This, of course,
- excludes Commodore's "Ed", which will not accept binary.
- The ".datavar" file should never be edited. If you do so, any further
- .data files will almost certainly be garbage.
- Open Loans
- The Open-type file will be built one entry at a time, using the data
- entered. This option is good for Open Mortgages, Line of Credit type
- loans, or any loan that does not have a Fixed repayment schedule.
- This file cannot "think ahead", because it cannot predict when your
- payments will be made, or exactly how large or how small they will be.
- Once a data entry (payment) has been made, you have the option of
- making another <Press any key>, totaling the file <Left Alternate-
- Shift-T>, or returning to the Main Menu <Escape>. <Left Alternate-
- Shift-T> merely prints a footnote to the file, stating your Total
- Payments so far and by how much the Principal was reduced, and then
- returns you to the Main Menu. It is intended to be used after the last
- payment is made, but may be used beforehand.
- Fixed Loans
- The Fixed-type file will take all the parameters pertinent to your
- loan, and then display some summary information about your loan;
- ie. the Unit Payment (Installment), the Total Interest to be paid,
- the Actual (Effective) Interest Rate, and the Amortization Period.
- You may then Return to the Main Menu, Re-enter data, or request the
- Amortization Table. In the last case you will be prompted for the
- number of months you want the Table shown. The Amortization Table will
- be shown for any period from one month, to the Amortization Period
- of the loan.
- Lump Sum Payments in a Fixed Loan
- If you are allowed to make Lump Sum payments to your Fixed loan, then
- request the Amortization Table for the number of months such that the
- last payment displayed is the date on which the Lump Sum payment is to
- be made. Then use the <L> option to show your Lump Sum Payment, and
- the Principal reduction will be made on that date. Since all payments
- must be made in chronological order, once the Amortization Table has
- been displayed for a month beyond one in which you want to make a
- Lump Sum payment, you would have to go back to Selection 3, and
- re-select the number of months to display, in order to make the
- Lump Sum payment.
- If you wish to increase the balance for any reason (sort of a reverse
- Lump Sum payment), it is done in a similar manner, except that you
- merely enter the amount as a negative number. EG, to add $300
- to the balance, display the Amortization Table to the date of the
- payment, and press <L>. When prompted for the amount of the payment,
- just press the Minus key, and "300". When the balance in increased for
- any reason, you will be given the option of entering a short comment
- of 44 characters or less, which will appear in the Table. This can be
- used to indicate the reason for the balance increase. If the comment
- is less than 20 characters, the whole transaction will remain on one
- line. Otherwise, it will be split over two lines.
- 2. Enter a Payment to an Existing Open-type File
- This item is used to enter more payments to an Open Mortgage/Loan
- file which has already been opened with Selection 1. Although there is
- a provision to make lump payments on a Fixed-type loan, that is not
- done using this Menu item. Note that if you are updating a file, the
- "Filename.datavar" file must be situated in the same directory as the
- "Filename.data" file.
- As described above, a "negative" payment may also be made to an Open
- loan, which will be shown in your .data file. Negative payments will
- always occupy two lines in Open loan files.
- 3. Re-Calculate the Current Fixed-type Loan
- This item is for Fixed-type loans only. If you have already entered
- the Mortgage/Loan parameters (Principal, Interest Rate, Commencement
- Date, Interest Compound Period and Filename), then LC will ask for
- confirmation of these numbers, and request the Payment Frequency and
- the Amortization Period/Monthly Payment. Any changes to these
- parameters may be made at this time. In this way, the same numbers can
- be quickly "fiddled" to show various combinations of these variables.
- This feature cannot be used for Open-type loans for the reason
- mentioned above - Open loan payments cannot be predicted.
- 4. View/Print a Data File
- This item will ask for the filename of the ".data" file you want to
- View or Print. Select the path and "Filename.data" in the requester.
- The program will not accept any filename which does not end in ".data".
- The file will then be loaded into the MuchMore file viewer, where
- you may then see the file almost exactly as it will look when printed,
- (the printed version will be page formated). The data you see in this
- file is the same data that was printed to the screen while the
- calculations were being made. Therefore, IF IT WASN'T SHOWN ON THE SCREEN
- AT THAT TIME, THEN IT WON'T BE IN THE DATA FILE. So if you want to see
- the whole Amortization Table in the data file, press <Return> when
- prompted "Amortization Table for how many months", so that the whole
- Table will be calculated and displayed.
- Probably the easiest way to view forward and backward is by using the
- Left and Right Mouse Buttons.
- File printing is also done from within the MuchMore file viewer.
- To print the entire file you are looking at, simply press
- <Left Alternate-Shift-O> together, and the file will be sent to
- whichever printer you have selected in Preferences. If desired, it is
- also possible to print out only a portion of the data file. Please
- read the "MuchMore.ReadMe" file for full information.
- 5. Information
- This just recaps a bit of the information in this file, in case
- nobody reads it.
- 6. About
- Tells you who not to blame if something goes wrong.
- 7. Help (or <Help> key)
- Pressing the <Help> key will run the MuchMore file viewer, and, if
- LoanCalc.doc (this file) is in the Current Directory, it will be
- automatically loaded. Therefore the doc file can easily be referenced
- without having to Quit LoanCalc. If it is not in the Current Directory
- the MuchMore File Requester will appear.
- 8. Quit (or <Esc>)
- Exits the program, after confirmation.
- I have included with this program 4 sample ".data" files to give you an
- idea of what your print-out will look like. The 4 files represent the
- same $50,000 mortgage, with an Interest Rate of 10.25%, amortized over
- 5 years, and includes one lump sum payment made on the second
- anniversary of the loan. One shows the Amortization Table if you had
- chosen to repay the mortgage with Monthly payments, another with Semi-
- Monthly payments, and the others with Bi-Weekly and Weekly payments.
- Note that these are sample print-outs only. These files cannot be
- re-worked using Main Menu item 3, as their ".datavar" files are not
- included here.
- Although LC will accept an I.C.P. of almost any frequency, the standard
- frequencies appear to be as follows, and should be used unless you know
- that your situation is different:
- Canadian Mortgages are compounded Semi-Annually.
- American Mortgages and both Canadian and American bank loans are
- compounded Monthly. Very few bank employees seem to know this - during
- my enquiries I got a lot of different answers, but the hard figures
- always came down to "Monthly Compounded Interest". This information is
- also shown in the program.
- The "Payment" date shown for each payment will depend on the type of
- Mortgage/Loan you select, as follows:
- Open Mortgages:
- will naturally show the payment on whatever date you enter.
- Fixed Mortgages:
- The first payment to a mortgage is normally due one payment period
- after the commencement of the loan. Therefore -
- If you choose to make Monthly Payments, then the payments will be
- shown as due on the day of the month that the loan was taken out.
- So if you want payments due on the 1st of the month, show the loan as
- starting on the 1st day of the previous month.
- Semi-Monthly Payments are always shown as due on the 1st and 15th day
- of the month.
- Bi-Weekly Payments are shown as first due 14 days after the starting
- date of the loan, and due every 14 days thereafter.
- Weekly Payments are shown as first due 7 days after the starting date
- of the loan, and due every 7 days thereafter.
- Workbench 1.3 or greater is required because of the math libraries.
- The arp.library is required because of the ARP requester.
- MuchMore is required for file viewing or printing.
- Some limitations of LC are:
- All Open Loan data entries MUST be in chronological order.
- Also, with Open Loans, a data entry must be made every 6 months or so.
- This as necessary to keep the year-ends straight, so that LC knows
- which are leap-years. (The formula is slightly different in
- leap-years).
- This error mesage will occasionally pop up while LC is trying to open
- a ".data" or ".datavar" file. As all of my OPEN commands are
- immediately preceded by a CLOSE command on the same line, this should
- be impossible, but it does happen. At any rate, I built a RESET
- command into the Error Handler, which seems to work well enough to
- allow the file to be rebuilt from Menu Item 3, rather than have to
- start from scratch at Menu Item 1.
- If this message appears during program startup, then most probably
- the "arp.library" is not in the LIBS: directory.
- If it appears after seleting View/Print a Data File from the Main Menu,
- then most probably LoanCalc cannot find either MuchMore, or the
- .datavar file that goes with the selected .data file.
- I got this message once when I was specifying a monthly payment for a
- Fixed loan that was lower than the Interest payment. In other words,
- the loan would never have been paid off at that monthly payment.
- There are two possible explanations for this message. The most likely
- is that you are trying to open a ".datavar" file that was created using
- LoanCalc V1.x. Unfortunately, these files are not compatible with
- LoanCalc V2.x. The ".data" files are still correct, but if you want
- to re-calculate a loan (ie. with Menu item 3), the loan data will have
- to be re-entered with Menu item 1, which will build a new and
- compatible ".datavar" file.
- The second possibility is that the applicable ".datavar" file has
- somehow become corrupted, in which case also, the data will probably
- have to be re-entered.
- To the best of my knowledge, this program is now as accurate as any
- other similar programs available. Monthly payment figures seem to
- agree with those found in commercial Amortization Tables.
- LoanCalc
- LoanCalc.doc
- Revision_History
- Monthly.data
- Semi-Monthly.data
- Bi-Weekly.data
- Weekly.data
- MuchMore
- MuchMore.ReadMe - The documentation for MuchMore.
- MuchMore.LiesMich - The documentation for MuchMore, in German.
- arp.library V39.1 - in case there is still someone out there who is not
- utilizing this marvelous library. Just put it in
- your LIBS: directory, and leave it there.
- plus appropriate .info files.
- Any comments, problems or bug reports are welcome. Please send to:
- Robert Bromley
- 1168 Timber Lane
- Victoria, B.C.
- Hope someone finds this useful.
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