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- Welcome to MUIProCalc v1.3. This is a short description on how to use
- MUIProCalc and what possibilities it offers. Anyway, it is a quite
- powerful calculator, also suited for programmers who have to deal with
- different computer specific calculations and values.
- MUIProCalc doesn`t stand for MUI'Professional'Calc. It is meant to
- stand for MUI'Programmer'Calc...
- MUIProCalc (MCalc) is (C) 1993 Kai Iske, GiftWare
- The icon for MUIProCalc was taken from the ToolManager 2.0
- distribution and was designed by Michael 'Mick' Hohmann.
- MUI is Copyright (C) Stefan Stuntz
- *NOTE* that you better set the stack size to at least 8192 bytes
- Copyright
- *********
- You are allowed to copy and spread this program but only if you do
- not make any commercial profit out of the program itself and all
- supported files. The source of MUIProCalc is considered teachware and
- the author claims the right to be the only one to produce and
- distribute new versions of MUIProCalc. Public Domain vendors are not
- allowed to sell MUIProCalc for more than the price of a regular disk,
- which should not be higher than 5 Dollars.
- MUIProCalc is GiftWare, so if you like it and you you want to express
- your feelings, feel free to send me anything you think of being suited.
- Postcards, cookies, money, simply anything ;)
- Guarantee
- *********
- The author does not give any guarantee that the program MUIProCalc
- works perfectly. The program was tested and it is used every day,
- anyway nobody is perfect and that is why I can not take the
- responsibilty for any damages occured during the usage of MUIProCalc.
- Evolution
- *********
- Due to the fact that I was still using Calc 3.0, written by Jimmy
- Yang, which wasn`t that compatible to newer Kickstarts, I thought about
- writing a new one, since I couldn`t find any calculator suited my
- needs. Not that Calc 3.0 was/is buggy, but it`s just the fact that it
- isn`t font adaptive. Furthermore I wanted to know how powerful MUI
- really was, so I thought it`d be a good idea to write it using MUI.
- Taking Calc 3.0, I tried to implement the functionality of this
- calculator, putting it into a MUI-GUI. What is still missing is the
- plotter. This may change in a later release.
- One word to the parser: The grammar might not be perfect. There`s
- only a small amout of syntax checking, in order to minimize parser
- size. Float value error handling isn`t perfect either, yet. I just
- wanted to have a calculator as soon as possible. All this will change
- in future releases, if there are enough of replies.
- Installing MUIProCalc
- *********************
- Installing MUIProCalc isn`t that hard. First of all you should get
- hold of MUI (MagicUserInteface) and install it. MUIProCalc relies on
- MUI, since the complete User Interface was written using this great
- system.
- Having installed MUI (if you haven`t done so already), you may copy
- the program `MCalc' and it`s icon `MCalc.info' to a place you like.
- If you want to use the online help, you have to have AmigaGuide(C)
- installed. If so, move the supplied `MCalc.guide' file to the same
- directory you moved the main program to.
- That`s it. In order to get online help, simply position the mouse
- over the object you want to get help for and MUIProCalc will pop up a
- window containing the help text.
- One word to the menu shortcuts : They might not be Style Guide
- compliant, but I think it`ll work just fine, anyway ;)
- *NOTE* that you better set the stack size to at least 8192 bytes
- Using MUIProCalc
- ****************
- Well, it isn`t that hard to use MUIProCalc. The main input window is
- devided into three areas, which are
- The input/output area
- =====================
- Within this area (the upper) you see a String gadget and a ListView
- gadget. The String gadget is used to enter the expressions you want to
- calculate.
- Within the ListView you see a history of all entered expressions and
- results. Per default the left column of the ListView is used to display
- the expression, whilst the right one reflects the result. You may set
- the number of lines bufferd using the Preferences. Furthermore you may
- tell MUIProCalc how to format the entry, i.e. you may have four
- different output types. See History, to find out more about history
- settings.
- Function tables
- ===============
- Within this area you`ll find all the functions supported by
- MUIProCalc. Simply click on the function you want to be added to the
- expression. You will also notice a Cycle gadget. This one may be used
- to switch between two function tables. The first set is a more
- mathematical set, whilst the second might only be of use to
- programmers. There are functions for bit-manipulation etc.pp.
- This Group may be hidden, thus leading to more space. See Layout, to
- find out more about that.
- Input fields
- ============
- These are buttons probably known from any other calculator. Simply
- click on the digit/operator you want to add to your expression. The
- characters 'A-F' are used to enter hexadecimal values. The other
- characters 'X-Z' are memories. These can be set using an expression of
- the form
- x = sqrt (2*3)
- This expression will set memory 'X' to the result of 'sqrt (2*3)'.
- You may now use this value during other operations. You may even set a
- memory relative to another one, like
- x = y + sqrt (2*3)
- MUIProCalc supports four different value formats, these are :
- `Decimal'
- Decimal values are entered with no additional characters, like
- '2.12322'. You may even enter doubles using scientific notation,
- like '2.123e-2'
- `Hexadecimal'
- These values are preceded by a '$'-sign or by '0x'
- `Octal'
- These values are preceded by a '\'-sign
- `Binary'
- These values are preceded by a '%'-sign
- The '!' operator is used to calculate the factorial of a value. This
- one is limited to a value of !170.
- The 'Exec' button may be used to 'start' the calculator. This can
- also be done, by simply hittin RETURN from within the String gadget
- 'CLR' clears the current display.
- 'ACLR' will clear the display and all memories
- This Group may be hidden, thus leading to more space. See Layout, to
- find out more about that.
- The menus
- =========
- MUIProCalc offers a set of menus. These are :
- Project
- -------
- The Project menu offers three entries :
- `Preferences...'
- Will open the Preferences editor (see Prefs)
- `About...'
- Will display about messages
- `Quit'
- Will quit MUIProCalc
- History
- -------
- If you prefer to use your mouse or the menu shortcuts you may paste
- an entry from the history to the current cursor position from within
- this menu :
- `Pick left entry'
- Will pick the left entry from the list and paste it to the current
- cursor position. If only one column is shown, this will be used
- (see Prefs).
- `Pick right entry'
- Will pick the right entry from the list and paste it to the
- current cursor position. If only one column is shown, this will be
- used (see Prefs).
- `Copy left entry'
- Selecting this item will copy the left entry from the history to
- the selected clipboard unit. If only one column is show, this one
- will be used (see Prefs).
- `Copy right entry'
- Selecting this item will copy the right entry from the history to
- the selected clipboard unit. If only one column is show, this one
- will be used (see Prefs).
- Display Bases
- -------------
- This menu may be used to set the display mode for output. You may
- have 'Decimal', 'Hexadecimal', 'Octal', or 'Binary' output.
- In any other mode than 'Decimal' there will be no difference between
- 'Signed' and 'Unsigned' modes (see Sign).
- The default output type may be set using Output.
- Size
- ----
- For the 'Hexadecimal', 'Octal', and 'Binary' modes (see Bases), you
- may set an output value size (number of bits). This will
- reduce/increase maximum numbers.
- The default output type may be set using Output.
- Sign
- ----
- For 'Decimal' output (see Bases), you may have signed or unsigned
- results, when you enter 'Hexadecimal', 'Octal', or 'Binary' values.
- The default output type may be set using Output.
- Angle
- -----
- For trigonometrical functions you may set the type of angle you`ve
- entered. If you set 'RAD', the values will be interpreted as of type
- radians, but if you set 'DEG' angles will be interpreted as of type
- degree.
- The default output type may be set using Output.
- The ARexx Port
- ==============
- In addition to the default ARexx commands every MUI application
- knows about, MUIProCalc offers some more, these are :
- As with every MUI Application the name of the ARexx Port is
- constructed from the base name of the Application. For MUIProCalc this
- will be 'MCALC'.
- BTW: If you read something about TeX compatible output, this means
- you may use these strings directly within a mathematical environment.
- The current conversion routine isn`t quite intelligent I have to admit.
- Maybe I`ll add a smarter one for the next release...
- There are two scripts included for use with CygnusED which
- demonstrate how to use the ARexx Port.
- CALC - Command
- --------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Any valid expression as accepted by MUIProCalc
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the calculated expression
- Example:
- CALC '1 + 2 + 3'
- 6.000000
- CALCTEX - Command
- -----------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Any valid expression as accepted by MUIProCalc
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the calculated expression converted to
- TeX compatible format.
- Example:
- CALCTEX '1 / 100000'
- 1\\cdot 10^{-5}
- GETOUTPUT - Command
- -------------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Supply an entry number you want to get from the history`s output
- list. ENTRY may either be
- * n Any valid entry ranging from 0-n, where n is the last entry
- in the list. If an illegal value is supplied, MUIProCalc will
- return the last entry from the list.
- * -1 For the active entry
- * -2 For the topmost entry
- * -3 For the bottommost entry
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the expression at the specified entry.
- Example:
- 12.000001
- ----------------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Supply an entry number you want to get from the history`s output
- list. ENTRY may either be
- * n Any valid entry ranging from 0-n, where n is the last entry
- in the list. If an illegal value is supplied, MUIProCalc will
- return the last entry from the list.
- * -1 For the active entry
- * -2 For the topmost entry
- * -3 For the bottommost entry
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the expression at the specified entry,
- formatted to TeX compatible output.
- Example:
- 1\\cdot 10^{-5}
- GETINPUT - Command
- ------------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Supply an entry number you want to get from the history`s input
- list. ENTRY may either be
- * n Any valid entry ranging from 0-n, where n is the last entry
- in the list. If an illegal value is supplied, MUIProCalc will
- return the last entry from the list.
- * -1 For the active entry
- * -2 For the topmost entry
- * -3 For the bottommost entry
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the expression at the specified entry.
- Example:
- 2 + 2 + 3 + 4
- ---------------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Supply an entry number you want to get from the history`s input
- list. ENTRY may either be
- * n Any valid entry ranging from 0-n, where n is the last entry
- in the list. If an illegal value is supplied, MUIProCalc will
- return the last entry from the list.
- * -1 For the active entry
- * -2 For the topmost entry
- * -3 For the bottommost entry
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the expression at the specified entry,
- formatted to TeX compatible output.
- Example:
- 1\\cdot 32
- FORMATTEX - Command
- -------------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Supply an expression you would like to have converted to TeX
- compatible format.
- Result:
- Will be a string containing the converted expression, formatted to
- TeX compatible output.
- Example:
- FORMATTEX '1 * 10^-5'
- 1\\cdot 10^{-5}
- SETMODE - Command
- -----------------
- Format:
- Template:
- Parameter:
- Specify a new conversion/output base for ARexx calculations.
- You may supply either one of the following :
- * DEC Decimal output
- * HEX Hexadecimal output
- * OCT Octal output
- * BIN Binary output
- Specify the default conversion size for
- hexadecimal/octal/binary values. You may supply either one of
- the following :
- * 8 8 Bits
- * 16 16 Bits
- * 32 32 Bits
- Specify signed or unsigned output. Supply either one of :
- * SIGNED Signed output
- * UNSIGNED Unsigned output
- Spcify the default type of supplied angles. This may either
- be :
- * RAD Angles of type radians
- * DEG Angles of type degree
- Result:
- This will always be FALSE (0)
- Example:
- Preferences
- ***********
- Within the Preferences window you may configure some of MUIProCalc`s
- default values. These are :
- Furthermore the active function table, set with the 'Functions'
- cycle gadget within the main window, will be taken into account.
- `Use'
- will use the current settings and store them temporarily, so if you
- restart MUIProCalc, these settings will be used again.
- `Save'
- will save/store the settings on disk.
- `Cancel'
- will restore the previously used values.
- Window layout
- =============
- Within this group there are two CheckBox gadgets. if the 'No
- Functions' CheckBox is set, the main window will not contain the
- function tables. If not the function tables will be displayed. If you
- set 'No Input' the input fields will not be displayed. If you clear
- this CheckBox, the lower gadget group will be displayed.
- Using the 'In/Out Order' gadget you may control the ordering of the
- input String gadget and the output ListView gadget. When 'Input then
- Output' is selected, the String gadget will appear 'on top' of the
- ListView. Otherwise ('Output then Input') it will appear underneath the
- ListView.
- Output settings
- ===============
- You may set the default values for 'Display Bases', 'Size', 'Sign'
- and 'Angle' here.
- See Bases Size Sign Angle
- History settings
- ================
- Using the 'Lines' Slider gadget you may adjust the maximum number of
- lines to capture during a session.
- With the 'Entries' Cycle gadget you may set the output format for
- the history. You may choose from the following formats :
- `Input & Ouput'
- Within the left column you`ll see the expression entered. In the
- right column there`ll be the result for that expression.
- `Output & Input'
- Is the opposite to the above
- `Input'
- Will only show your input expression
- `Output'
- Will only show the result
- Misc
- ====
- Set the 'Clear input on exit' CheckBox gadget if you prefer to have
- the input gadget cleared every time you`ve entered an expression.
- Otherwise simply clear it.
- The 'Flush memory' CheckBox gadget may be used to tell MUIProCalc to
- flush all unused libraries (including unused MUI-Classes) from memory
- on exit, thus freeing all that precious memory used up by MUIProCalc.
- Using the 'ClipUnit' Slider gadget you may set the default
- clipboard unit for History clipping. Simply select a unit you want to
- use.
- Whom I must say 'thank you'
- ***************************
- I would like to thank the following people
- `Dirk Federlein'
- For betatesting and suggestions
- `Stefan Stuntz'
- Especially for MUI and for answering all my questions...
- `Volker Güth'
- For being the first (and only one so far) contacting me just
- because of MUIProCalc...
- `My girlfriend'
- Who accepts what I`m doing
- ...and all the others I forgot
- How to obtain updates
- *********************
- MUIProCalc will be available on ADS, FRAS, FTP, and Fred Fish disks
- as soon as there`s a new release available.
- How to contact the author
- *************************
- If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports or anything else
- you want to tell me, you may contact me under one of these addresses.
- Either use normal snail mail:
- Kai Iske
- Brucknerstrasse 18
- 63452 Hanau
- Germany
- Tel.: +49-(0)6181-850181
- or reach me using electronical mail
- USENET: kai@iske.adsp.sub.org
- FIDO: Kai Iske, 2:244/6302.11
- Program history
- ***************
- Revision V1.3
- --------------
- created on Friday, 11.02.94 23:34:08 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Friday, 11.02.94 23:35:32 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - One couldn`t use 1e3 for scientific notation of 1000. You
- had to write 1.0e3. Changed
- (Reported by : Henry Norman)
- - No more error lines will be copied from History
- (Requested by : Stefan Stuntz)
- -*- created on Friday, 11.02.94 23:34:08 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - "Radiant" was wrong. Changed. Why didn`t anybody tell me.
- (Reported by : Henry Norman)
- - Chose wrong case for mathematical "e".
- (Reported by : Henry Norman)
- Revision V1.2
- --------------
- created on Tuesday, 19.10.93 23:41:00 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 08.12.93 23:48:31 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Default number of history lines increased
- (Requested by : Stefan Stuntz)
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 22:30:41 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - No checks were made on the ENTRY argument to an ARexx
- function
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 18:13:56 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - For calculations via ARexx one can set the type, size, sign
- and angle flags seperately, now
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 17:50:09 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Improved error handling from within ARexx commands a bit
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 17:46:35 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - MUIProCalc may output TeX style mathematical expressions
- when using the ARexx commands. Additionally there is another
- option to convert expressions to TeX format.
- (Requested by : Volker Güth)
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 16:47:59 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Added more ARexx functions to the default ones
- (Requested by : Volker Güth)
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 01:47:36 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - MUIProCalc didn`t handle extremly small values
- (Reported by : Volker Güth)
- -*- changed on Sunday, 05.12.93 01:38:18 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Default values weren`t set up
- - ACLR and CLR gadget have got menu entries too, now
- (Requested by : Volker Güth)
- - History entries may be copied to clipboard now
- (Requested by : Volker Güth)
- -*- changed on Saturday, 27.11.93 01:01:25 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Recompiled using SAS 6.50
- -*- changed on Wednesday, 20.10.93 00:24:41 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Bug in ListView display fixed
- -*- created on Tuesday, 19.10.93 23:41:00 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - You may now tell MCalc to clear the input string after
- hitting RETURN or EXEC.
- Revision V1.1
- --------------
- created on Tuesday, 12.10.93 01:50:26 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- -*- changed on Sunday, 17.10.93 15:03:10 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Save and Use gadgets weren`t arranged as proposed
- by the AUISG. (Reported by: Stefan Stuntz)
- - Changed layout of Prefs window a bit
- (Suggested by: Stefan Stuntz)
- -*- changed on Friday, 15.10.93 18:39:50 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - NOT operator didn`t behave as expected ;) It was a simple
- negate... (Reported by : Top on IRC)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 14.10.93 18:01:32 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Hex-Values may be entered using 'C'-Style now (e.g. 0xff)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 14.10.93 00:34:55 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - One can use the faktorian '!' behind numbers now, too.
- (Suggested by : Top on IRC)
- -*- changed on Thursday, 14.10.93 00:28:52 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - One could accidentially change the ordering of the
- functions and input-gadgets groups by using
- 'No Functions' and 'No Input' (reported by: Top on IRC)
- -*- created on Tuesday, 12.10.93 01:50:26 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- - Order of Input and Ouput gadgets (String + ListView) may be
- set now, ie. the input string may show up underneath the
- ListView and vice versa (Requested by Dirk Federlein)
- Revision V1.0
- --------------
- created on Saturday, 02.10.93 02:12:50 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- --- Initial release ---