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- /*
- Auto: smake MCalc
- */
- /* $Revision Header built automatically *************** (do not edit) ************
- **
- ** © Copyright by GuntherSoft
- **
- ** File : SnakeSYS:CPrgs/MUICalc/MCalcARexx.c
- ** Created on : Sunday, 05.12.93 14:37:01
- ** Created by : Kai Iske
- ** Current revision : V1.0
- **
- **
- ** Purpose
- ** -------
- ** - ARexx support for MUIProCalc
- **
- ** Revision V1.0
- ** --------------
- ** created on Sunday, 05.12.93 14:37:01 by Kai Iske. LogMessage :
- ** --- Initial release ---
- **
- *********************************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Routines for that module */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm DoRXCalc(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm DoRXCalcTeX(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetOutput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetTeXOutput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetInput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetTeXInput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm DoFormatTeX(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR __saveds __asm SetMode(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms);
- static APTR ReturnEntry(UWORD Mode, UWORD OutMode, LONG Pos);
- static void FormatTeX(char *Source, char *Dest);
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* external references to main programs variables */
- /**********************************************************************/
- extern APTR AppObject;
- extern APTR InputString;
- extern APTR OutputBox;
- extern UWORD IntType;
- extern UWORD IntBase;
- extern UWORD IntSign;
- extern UWORD IntAngle;
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Hooks */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static struct Hook CalcHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)DoRXCalc,
- };
- static struct Hook CalcTeXHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)DoRXCalcTeX,
- };
- static struct Hook GetOutputHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)GetOutput,
- };
- static struct Hook GetTeXOutputHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)GetTeXOutput,
- };
- static struct Hook GetInputHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)GetInput,
- };
- static struct Hook GetTeXInputHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)GetTeXInput,
- };
- static struct Hook FormatTeXHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)DoFormatTeX,
- };
- static struct Hook SetModeHook =
- {
- {NULL},
- (APTR)SetMode,
- };
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* This is for our modes */
- /**********************************************************************/
- UWORD RXIntType;
- UWORD RXIntBase;
- UWORD RXIntSign;
- UWORD RXIntAngle;
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Array of ARexx commands for MUIProCalc */
- /**********************************************************************/
- struct MUI_Command RXCommands[] =
- {
- // Calculate an expression (normal output)
- {
- "CALC",
- 1,
- &CalcHook
- },
- // Calculate an expression (TeX output)
- {
- 1,
- &CalcTeXHook
- },
- // Select output from history (normal output; as is)
- {
- 1,
- &GetOutputHook
- },
- // Select output from history (TeX output)
- {
- 1,
- &GetTeXOutputHook
- },
- // Select input from history (normal output; as is)
- {
- 1,
- &GetInputHook
- },
- // Select input from history (TeX output)
- {
- 1,
- &GetTeXInputHook
- },
- // Format an expression to TeX format
- {
- 1,
- &FormatTeXHook
- },
- // Set output mode
- {
- 4,
- &SetModeHook
- },
- // Delimiter
- {
- }
- };
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Let MUIProCalc (normal output) calculate through ARexx */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* Parameters must be : */
- /* Expr = Expression to calculate */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm DoRXCalc(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- UWORD BackIntType, BackIntBase, BackIntSign, BackIntAngle;
- char NewBuff[258], **Exprs;
- // Build expression from partial input
- strcpy(NewBuff, "");
- Exprs = (char **)Parms[0];
- while(*Exprs && GoOn)
- {
- if((strlen(*Exprs) + strlen(NewBuff)) < 256)
- strcat(NewBuff, *Exprs);
- else
- GoOn = FALSE;
- Exprs++;
- }
- // Set input string to current expression
- set(InputString, MUIA_String_Contents, NewBuff);
- // Calculate expression (with ARexx settings)
- BackIntType = IntType;
- BackIntBase = IntBase;
- BackIntSign = IntSign;
- BackIntAngle = IntAngle;
- IntType = RXIntType;
- IntBase = RXIntBase;
- IntSign = RXIntSign;
- IntAngle = RXIntAngle;
- GoOn = FormatOutput(FALSE);
- IntType = BackIntType;
- IntBase = BackIntBase;
- IntSign = BackIntSign;
- IntAngle = BackIntAngle;
- if(GoOn)
- {
- // Return output
- }
- else
- return((APTR)set(AppObject, MUIA_Application_RexxString, " "));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Let MUIProCalc (TeX output) calculate through ARexx */
- /* --------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Parameters must be : */
- /* Expr = Expression to calculate */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm DoRXCalcTeX(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- UWORD BackIntType, BackIntBase, BackIntSign, BackIntAngle;
- char NewBuff[258], **Exprs;
- // Build expression from partial input
- strcpy(NewBuff, "");
- Exprs = (char **)Parms[0];
- while(*Exprs && GoOn)
- {
- if((strlen(*Exprs) + strlen(NewBuff)) < 256)
- strcat(NewBuff, *Exprs);
- else
- GoOn = FALSE;
- Exprs++;
- }
- // Set input string to current expression
- set(InputString, MUIA_String_Contents, NewBuff);
- // Calculate expression (with ARexx settings)
- BackIntType = IntType;
- BackIntBase = IntBase;
- BackIntSign = IntSign;
- BackIntAngle = IntAngle;
- IntType = RXIntType;
- IntBase = RXIntBase;
- IntSign = RXIntSign;
- IntAngle = RXIntAngle;
- GoOn = FormatOutput(FALSE);
- IntType = BackIntType;
- IntBase = BackIntBase;
- IntSign = BackIntSign;
- IntAngle = BackIntAngle;
- if(GoOn)
- {
- // Return output
- return(ReturnEntry(GET_OUTPUT, TEX_OUTPUT, GET_ACTIVE));
- }
- else
- return((APTR)set(AppObject, MUIA_Application_RexxString, " "));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* GetOutput (normal output) from History */
- /* -------------------------------------- */
- /* Parameters may be : */
- /* n = Nth entry */
- /* -1 = Active entry */
- /* -2 = TopMost entry */
- /* -3 = BottomMost entry */
- /* default : */
- /* get active entry */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetOutput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- LONG *ValuePtr = (LONG *)Parms[0],
- Value;
- if(ValuePtr)
- Value = *ValuePtr;
- else
- Value = -1;
- return(ReturnEntry(GET_OUTPUT, NORMAL_OUTPUT, Value));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* GetOutput (TeX output) from History */
- /* ----------------------------------- */
- /* Parameters may be : */
- /* n = Nth entry */
- /* -1 = Active entry */
- /* -2 = TopMost entry */
- /* -3 = BottomMost entry */
- /* default : */
- /* get active entry */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetTeXOutput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- LONG *ValuePtr = (LONG *)Parms[0],
- Value;
- if(ValuePtr)
- Value = *ValuePtr;
- else
- Value = -1;
- return(ReturnEntry(GET_OUTPUT, TEX_OUTPUT, Value));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* GetInput (normal input) from History */
- /* ------------------------------------ */
- /* Parameters may be : */
- /* n = Nth entry */
- /* -1 = Active entry */
- /* -2 = TopMost entry */
- /* -3 = BottomMost entry */
- /* default : */
- /* get active entry */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetInput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- LONG *ValuePtr = (LONG *)Parms[0],
- Value;
- if(ValuePtr)
- Value = *ValuePtr;
- else
- Value = -1;
- return(ReturnEntry(GET_INPUT, NORMAL_OUTPUT, Value));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* GetInput (TeX input) from History */
- /* --------------------------------- */
- /* Parameters may be : */
- /* n = Nth entry */
- /* -1 = Active entry */
- /* -2 = TopMost entry */
- /* -3 = BottomMost entry */
- /* default : */
- /* get active entry */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm GetTeXInput(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- LONG *ValuePtr = (LONG *)Parms[0],
- Value;
- if(ValuePtr)
- Value = *ValuePtr;
- else
- Value = -1;
- return(ReturnEntry(GET_INPUT, TEX_OUTPUT, Value));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Format an expression to TeX format */
- /* ---------------------------------- */
- /* Parameters must be */
- /* Expr = Expression to convert */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm DoFormatTeX(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- char NewBuff[512], **Exprs;
- char OutBuff[840];
- // Build expression from partial input
- strcpy(NewBuff, "");
- Exprs = (char **)Parms[0];
- while(*Exprs && GoOn)
- {
- if((strlen(*Exprs) + strlen(NewBuff)) < 256)
- strcat(NewBuff, *Exprs);
- else
- GoOn = FALSE;
- Exprs++;
- }
- // Format output
- FormatTeX(NewBuff, OutBuff);
- // Return RexxString
- return((APTR)set(AppObject, MUIA_Application_RexxString, OutBuff));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Set outputmodes for ARexx Calculation */
- /* ------------------------------------- */
- /* Parameters may be : */
- /* BASE = Set the output base */
- /* SIZE = Set output size */
- /* SIGN = Set signed/unsigned output */
- /* ANGLE = Set default angle */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR __saveds __asm SetMode(register __a0 struct Hook *MyHook, register __a2 APTR *MyObject, register __a1 ULONG *Parms)
- {
- char *ThisVal;
- // Check for BASE keyword
- if((ThisVal = (char *)Parms[0]))
- {
- if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "DEC"))
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "HEX"))
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "OCT"))
- RXIntType = ID_OCTAL;
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "BIN"))
- RXIntType = ID_BINARY;
- }
- // Check for SIZE keyword
- if((ThisVal = (char *)Parms[1]))
- {
- if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "8"))
- RXIntBase = ID_8BIT;
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "16"))
- RXIntBase = ID_16BIT;
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "32"))
- RXIntBase = ID_32BIT;
- }
- // Check for SIGN keyword
- if((ThisVal = (char *)Parms[2]))
- {
- if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "SIGNED"))
- RXIntSign = ID_SIGNED;
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "UNSIGNED"))
- }
- // Check for ANGLE keyword
- if((ThisVal = (char *)Parms[3]))
- {
- if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "RAD"))
- RXIntAngle = ID_RAD;
- else if(MatchToolValue(ThisVal, "DEG"))
- RXIntAngle = ID_DEG;
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Return a normal entry */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static APTR ReturnEntry(UWORD Mode, UWORD OutMode, LONG Pos)
- {
- struct ListStruct *LSV = NULL;
- char *Source;
- char OutBuffer[300];
- // Get appropriate entry
- if(Pos == GET_ACTIVE)
- DoMethod(OutputBox, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &LSV);
- else if(Pos == GET_TOPMOST)
- DoMethod(OutputBox, MUIM_List_GetEntry, 0, &LSV);
- else if(Pos == GET_BOTTOMMOST)
- {
- struct ListStruct *Dummy;
- ULONG i;
- // Move to end of list
- for(i = 0;; i++)
- {
- DoMethod(OutputBox, MUIM_List_GetEntry, i, &Dummy);
- if(Dummy)
- LSV = Dummy;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ULONG NumEntries;
- // First check, whether entry argument is appropriate
- get(OutputBox, MUIA_List_Entries, &NumEntries);
- if(Pos < GET_BOTTOMMOST || Pos >= NumEntries)
- Pos = MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active;
- DoMethod(OutputBox, MUIM_List_GetEntry, Pos, &LSV);
- }
- if(LSV)
- {
- // Get correct source of input
- Source = ((Mode == GET_OUTPUT) ? LSV->Output : LSV->Input);
- if(OutMode == NORMAL_OUTPUT)
- strncpy(OutBuffer, Source, 299);
- else
- FormatTeX(Source, OutBuffer);
- // Not to return Error message ?!?
- if(strncmp(Source, "\0338", 2))
- {
- // Return RexxString
- return((APTR)set(AppObject, MUIA_Application_RexxString, OutBuffer));
- }
- else
- return((APTR)set(AppObject, MUIA_Application_RexxString, " "));
- }
- else
- return((APTR)set(AppObject, MUIA_Application_RexxString, " "));
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Format a given entry according to TeX rules */
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void FormatTeX(char *Source, char *Dest)
- {
- char *CopyDest = Dest;
- BOOL HexMode = FALSE;
- BOOL PowMode = FALSE;
- UWORD BraceMode = 0;
- while(*Source)
- {
- if(*Source == '$')
- {
- *Dest++ = '\\';
- *Dest++ = '$';
- Source++;
- HexMode = TRUE;
- }
- if(*Source == '0' && (*(Source + 1) == 'x' || *(Source + 1) == 'X'))
- {
- *Dest++ = '\\';
- *Dest++ = '$';
- Source++;
- Source++;
- HexMode = TRUE;
- }
- else if(*Source == '*')
- {
- *Dest = '\0';
- strcat(CopyDest, "\\cdot ");
- Dest = CopyDest + strlen(CopyDest);
- Source++;
- HexMode = FALSE;
- }
- else if(*Source == '\\')
- {
- *Dest++ = '\\';
- HexMode = FALSE;
- }
- else if(*Source == '&')
- {
- *Dest++ = '\\';
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- HexMode = FALSE;
- }
- else if(*Source == '%')
- {
- *Dest++ = '\\';
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- HexMode = FALSE;
- }
- else if(*Source == '(')
- {
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- BraceMode++;
- }
- else if(*Source == ')')
- {
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- BraceMode--;
- if(PowMode && !BraceMode)
- {
- *Dest++ = '}';
- PowMode = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else if(*Source == '^')
- {
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- *Dest++ = '{';
- PowMode = TRUE;
- }
- else if((*Source == 'e' || *Source == 'E') && !HexMode)
- {
- *Dest = '\0';
- strcat(CopyDest, "\\cdot 10^{");
- Dest = CopyDest + strlen(CopyDest);
- Source++;
- while(*Source == '-' || (*Source >= '0' && *Source <= '9'))
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- *Dest++ = '}';
- }
- else if((*Source >= '0' && *Source <= '9') || *Source == '.' || *Source == '/' || *Source == '+' || *Source == '-' || *Source == ' ' || (*Source >= 'a' && *Source <= 'f') || (*Source >= 'A' && *Source <= 'F'))
- {
- *Dest++ = *Source++;
- if(*Source == ' ' && PowMode && !BraceMode)
- {
- *Dest++ = '}';
- PowMode = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- Source++;
- }
- *Dest = '\0';
- }