home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Lex Description | 1994-04-05 | 7.8 KB | 383 lines |
- %{
- /*
- Auto: smake MCalc
- */
- #include "y.tab.h"
- #undef malloc
- #define malloc(x) AllocVecPool(ParsePool, x)
- #undef free
- #define free(x) FreeVecPool(ParsePool, x)
- #undef YYLMAX
- #define YYLMAX 1000
- #undef ECHO
- #define ECHO
- #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(x)\
- do\
- {\
- PError = ERR_PARSE;\
- }\
- while(0)
- #undef YY_USER_INIT
- #define YY_USER_INIT \
- {\
- PCharRead = 0; \
- PColumn = 0; \
- PError = 0; \
- NonDouble = FALSE; \
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* This is our YYINPUT for scanning the inputbuffer */
- /**********************************************************************/
- #undef YY_INPUT
- #define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size)\
- {\
- char c = ParseInput[PCharRead++];\
- result = (c == '\0') ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1);\
- }
- extern APTR ParsePool;
- extern UWORD PError;
- extern UWORD IntType;
- extern UWORD IntBase;
- extern UWORD IntSign;
- extern UWORD ContainsUnDec;
- extern char *ParseInput;
- extern double XMem, YMem, ZMem;
- UWORD PCharRead;
- UWORD PColumn = 0;
- UWORD NonDouble;
- %}
- %%
- "Abs" { count(); return(MY_ABS); }
- "Cos" { count(); return(COS); }
- "Sin" { count(); return(SIN); }
- "Tan" { count(); return(TAN); }
- "ACos" { count(); return(ACOS); }
- "ASin" { count(); return(ASIN); }
- "ATan" { count(); return(ATAN); }
- "Sinh" { count(); return(SINH); }
- "Cosh" { count(); return(COSH); }
- "Tanh" { count(); return(TANH); }
- "Cot" { count(); return(COT); }
- "Exp" { count(); return(EXP); }
- "^" { count(); return(POW); }
- "Log" { count(); return(LOG); }
- "Log10" { count(); return(LOG10); }
- "Sqrt" { count(); return(SQRT); }
- "Asl" { count(); return(ASL); }
- "Asr" { count(); return(ASR); }
- "Lsl" { count(); return(LSL); }
- "Lsr" { count(); return(LSR); }
- "Rol" { count(); return(ROL); }
- "Ror" { count(); return(ROR); }
- "And" { count(); return(AND_OP); }
- "Or" { count(); return(OR_OP); }
- "XOr" { count(); return(XOR_OP); }
- "Not" { count(); return(NOT_OP); }
- "!" { count(); return(FAK); }
- [0-9]+ { count(); calc_int_value(&yytext[0]); return(INT_CONSTANT); }
- "$"[0-9a-fA-F]+ { if(yyleng > 9)
- return(-1);
- else
- {
- count();
- calc_hex_value(&yytext[1], yyleng - 1);
- return(INT_CONSTANT);
- }
- }
- "0x"[0-9a-fA-F]+ { if(yyleng > 10)
- return(-1);
- else
- {
- count();
- calc_hex_value(&yytext[2], yyleng - 2);
- return(INT_CONSTANT);
- }
- }
- "\\"[0-7]+ { if(yyleng > 13)
- return(-1);
- else
- {
- count();
- calc_oct_value(&yytext[1]);
- return(INT_CONSTANT);
- }
- }
- "%"[0-1]+ { if(yyleng > 33)
- return(-1);
- else
- {
- count();
- calc_bin_value(&yytext[1]);
- return(INT_CONSTANT);
- }
- }
- [0-9]*"."[0-9]+ { count(); calc_dbl_value(&yytext[0]); return(INT_CONSTANT); }
- [0-9]*"."[0-9]*[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ { count(); calc_dbl_value(&yytext[0]); return(INT_CONSTANT); }
- [0-9]*[eE][+-]?[0-9]+ { count(); calc_dbl_value(&yytext[0]); return(INT_CONSTANT); }
- "Pi" { count(); yylval.Real = PI; return(INT_CONSTANT); }
- "E" { count(); yylval.Real = 2.718281828; return(INT_CONSTANT); }
- "X" { count(); yylval.Real = XMem; return(X_MEM); }
- "Y" { count(); yylval.Real = YMem; return(Y_MEM); }
- "Z" { count(); yylval.Real = ZMem; return(Z_MEM); }
- "(" { count(); return(OPEN_OP); }
- ")" { count(); return(CLOSE_OP); }
- "-" { count(); return(SUB_OP); }
- "+" { count(); return(ADD_OP); }
- "*" { count(); return(MUL_OP); }
- "/" { count(); return(DIV_OP); }
- "Mod" { count(); return(MOD_OP); }
- "=" { count(); return(EQU_OP); }
- [ \t] { count(); }
- \n { return(0); }
- . { count(); PError = ERR_UNKNOWN_CHR; return(-1); }
- %%
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Count column */
- /**********************************************************************/
- void count(void)
- {
- PError = 0;
- PColumn += yyleng;
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Calc integer */
- /**********************************************************************/
- int calc_int_value(char *s)
- {
- char *p;
- yylval.Real = strtod(s, &p);
- return(0);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Calc Hex-Value */
- /**********************************************************************/
- int calc_hex_value(char *s, int leng)
- {
- int i, NumParse;
- double MaxVal;
- // Set flag for non-decimal input
- ContainsUnDec = TRUE;
- switch(IntBase)
- {
- case ID_8BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 2;
- MaxVal = 255.0;
- break;
- }
- case ID_16BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 4;
- MaxVal = 65535.0;
- break;
- }
- case ID_32BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 8;
- MaxVal = 4294967295.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- yylval.Real = 0;
- for(i = 0; ((i < leng) && (i < NumParse)); i++)
- {
- yylval.Real *= 16.0;
- if((*s >= 'a') && (*s <= 'f'))
- yylval.Real += (double)(*s - 'a' + 10);
- else if((*s >= 'A') && (*s <= 'F'))
- yylval.Real += (double)(*s - 'A' + 10);
- else
- yylval.Real += (double)(*s - '0');
- s++;
- }
- if(IntType != ID_DECIMAL)
- {
- if(yylval.Real > MaxVal)
- yylval.Real = MaxVal;
- }
- else if(IntSign == ID_SIGNED)
- {
- if(yylval.Real >= ((MaxVal + 1.0) / 2))
- yylval.Real = -(MaxVal - yylval.Real + 1.0);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Calc Binary value */
- /**********************************************************************/
- int calc_bin_value(char *s)
- {
- int i, NumParse;
- double MaxVal;
- // Set flag for non-decimal input
- ContainsUnDec = TRUE;
- // Check for how many bits to check for ;)
- switch(IntBase)
- {
- case ID_8BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 8;
- MaxVal = 255.0;
- break;
- }
- case ID_16BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 16;
- MaxVal = 65535.0;
- break;
- }
- case ID_32BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 32;
- MaxVal = 4294967295.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- // get to end of input
- yylval.Real = 0;
- // Convert to double
- for(i = 0; ((i < (yyleng - 1)) && (i < NumParse)); i++)
- {
- yylval.Real *= 2.0;
- if(*s++ == '1')
- yylval.Real += 1.0;
- }
- if(IntType != ID_DECIMAL)
- {
- if(yylval.Real > MaxVal)
- yylval.Real = MaxVal;
- }
- else if(IntSign == ID_SIGNED)
- {
- if(yylval.Real >= ((MaxVal + 1.0) / 2))
- yylval.Real = -(MaxVal - yylval.Real + 1.0);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Calc octal value */
- /**********************************************************************/
- int calc_oct_value(char *s)
- {
- int i, NumParse;
- double MaxVal;
- // Set flag for non-decimal input
- ContainsUnDec = TRUE;
- switch(IntBase)
- {
- case ID_8BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 3;
- MaxVal = 255.0;
- break;
- }
- case ID_16BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 6;
- MaxVal = 65535.0;
- break;
- }
- case ID_32BIT :
- {
- NumParse = 11;
- MaxVal = 4294967295.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- yylval.Real = 0;
- for(i = 0; ((i < (yyleng - 1)) && (i < NumParse)); i++)
- {
- yylval.Real *= 8.0;
- yylval.Real += (double)(*s - '0');
- s++;
- }
- if(IntType != ID_DECIMAL)
- {
- if(yylval.Real > MaxVal)
- yylval.Real = MaxVal;
- }
- else if(IntSign == ID_SIGNED)
- {
- if(yylval.Real >= ((MaxVal + 1.0) / 2))
- yylval.Real = -(MaxVal - yylval.Real + 1.0);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Calc double */
- /**********************************************************************/
- int calc_dbl_value(char *s)
- {
- char *p;
- yylval.Real = strtod(s, &p);
- return(0);
- }