home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Program DQua;
- Uses Exec, Intuition, utility, gadtools, graphics, AmigaDOS, LSKExtras;
- Const
- LLGad = 1; { NULL initialised gadget }
- CCGad = 2; { CreateContext() gadget }
- STRGad_A = 3; { `a' string gadget }
- STRGad_B = 4; { `b' string gadget }
- STRGad_C = 5; { `c' string gadget }
- Abt_Gad = 6; { about, ?, gadget }
- BUTGad_S = 7; { Solve gadget }
- Eqn_Disp = 8; { Gadget with displays Eq'n }
- BorTop = 1; BorLeft = 2; BorRight = 3; BorBottom = 4;
- DispBB_H = 5; EqBB_H = 6; BB_L = 7; BB_W = 8; StrG_W = 9; GadTxt_W = 10;
- XSze = 11; TBS = 12; Abt_W = 13;
- Vers : string = '$VER: DQua v1.0 © Lee S Kindness 23.11.93'#0;
- Win_Title : string = 'DQua v1.0'#0;
- Scr_Title : string = 'DQua, the de-quaderator. ©94 Lee Kindness'#0;
- fontname : string = 'topaz.font'#0;
- gad1text : string = '_a :'#0;
- gad2text : string = '_b :'#0;
- gad3text : string = '_c :'#0;
- butgadtext : string = '_Solve'#0;
- AbtGStr : string = '_?'#0;
- defnum : string = '1'#0;
- infotext : string = ' ax² + bx + c = 0'#0;
- SampStr : string = 'b : '#0;
- SampOut : string = 'Imaginary roots at 0.000000098'#0;
- visualinf : pointer = NIL;
- TheWindow : pWindow = NIL;
- Var
- Gads : Array [LLGad..Eqn_Disp] Of pGadget;
- Gadgetflags : tNewGadget;
- My_Font : tTextAttr;
- BevelTags : Array[1..3] Of tTagItem;
- Sizes : Array[1..13] Of Integer;
- { ===================================================================== }
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure ErrExit(Errortxt : string; ExitCode : integer);
- Begin
- ErrorExit('** DQua Error **'#0, Errortxt);
- CloseLibrary(pLibrary(IntuitionBase));
- If GadToolsBase <> NIL then CloseLibrary(pLibrary(GadtoolsBase));
- If TheWindow <> NIL then CloseWindow(TheWindow);
- If gads[LLGad] <> NIL then FreeGadgets(gads[LLGad]);
- If VisualInf <> NIL then FreeVisualInfo(VisualInf);
- Halt(exitcode);
- end;
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure open_libs; { open used libraries }
- Begin
- IntuitionBase := NIL;
- IntuitionBase := pIntuitionBase(OpenLibrary('intuition.library',34));
- if IntuitionBase = NIL then halt(122);
- If IntuitionBase^.LibNode.lib_Version < 36 Then
- ErrExit('Intuition library v36 (2.0) required'#0, 122);
- GadToolsBase := NIL;
- GadToolsBase := pLibrary(Openlibrary('gadtools.library',36));
- If GadtoolsBase = NIL Then
- ErrExit('GadTools library v36 (2.0) required'#0, 122);
- End;
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure displayBevelboxes; { used to display and refresh the boxes }
- Begin { output }
- DrawBevelBoxA(TheWindow^.RPort, Sizes[BB_L], Sizes[TBS] + 4 + Sizes[EqBB_H], Sizes[BB_W], Sizes[DispBB_H], @Beveltags);
- End;
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure setupbevelBoxes; { set up boxes }
- Begin
- Beveltags[1].ti_Tag := GT_VisualInfo;
- BevelTags[1].ti_Data := LONG(VisualInf);
- BevelTags[2].ti_Tag := GTBB_Recessed;
- BevelTags[2].ti_Data := True_;
- BevelTags[3].ti_Tag := TAG_END;
- End;
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure open_window;
- Const
- PubName : string = 'error';
- Var
- Window_Tags : Array[0..17] Of tTagItem;
- Gadget_Tags : Array[0..2] Of tTagItem;
- sampTxt : tIntuiText;
- screendef : pScreen;
- LockKey : Longint;
- PS_List : pList;
- My_Node : pPubScreenNode;
- Begin
- gads[LLGad] := NIL;
- { Get visual info and create context }
- LockKey := LockIBase(0);
- screendef := IntuitionBase^.ActiveScreen;
- PS_List := LockPubScreenList;
- My_Node := pPubScreenNode(PS_List^.lh_Head);
- While My_Node^.psn_Node.ln_Succ <> NIL Do Begin
- If my_Node^.psn_Screen = screendef Then
- PubName := retrievestr(My_Node^.psn_Node.ln_Name);
- My_Node := pPubScreenNode(My_Node^.psn_Node.ln_Succ);
- End;
- UnLockPubScreenList;
- UnlockIBase(LockKey);
- If pubname = 'error' Then Begin
- screendef := lockPubScreen(NIL);
- If screendef = NIL Then
- ErrExit('Failed to lock public screen'#0, 0);
- End Else Begin
- pubname := pubname + #0;
- screendef := lockPubScreen(@PubName[1]);
- If screendef = NIL Then
- ErrExit('Failed to lock public screen'#0, 0);
- End;
- VisualInf := GetVisualInfoA(screendef, NIL);
- If visualinf = NIL Then
- ErrExit('Failed to get visual info'#0, 0);
- Gads[CCGad] := CreateContext(@gads[LLGad]);
- If Gads[CCGad] = NIL Then
- ErrExit('Failed to create context'#0, 0);
- { Get some data from the screen }
- My_Font := Screendef^.Font^;
- Sizes[TBS] := screendef^.WBorTop + (screendef^.Font^.ta_YSize + 1);
- Sizes[XSze] := Sizes[TBS] + 1;
- sizes[BorTop] := Screendef^.WBorTop;
- sizes[BorLeft] := Screendef^.WBorLeft;
- sizes[BorRight] := Screendef^.WBorRight;
- sizes[BorBottom] := Screendef^.WBorBottom;
- Sizes[StrG_W] := My_Font.ta_YSize * 12;
- Sizes[DispBB_H] := (Sizes[XSze] * 3) + 8;
- Sizes[EqBB_H] := Sizes[XSze] ;
- Samptxt.ITextFont := @My_Font;
- Samptxt.IText := @Sampstr[1];
- Sizes[GadTxt_W] := IntuiTextLength(@Samptxt) + 10;
- Samptxt.IText := @SampOut[1];
- Sizes[BB_W] := IntuiTextLength(@Samptxt) + 4;
- Samptxt.IText := @AbtGStr[1];
- Sizes[Abt_W] := IntuiTextLength(@Samptxt);
- Sizes[BB_L] := Sizes[BorLeft] + Sizes[Gadtxt_W] + Sizes[StrG_W] + 4;
- { Initilise gadget structures }
- Gadget_Tags[0].ti_Tag := GTST_String;
- Gadget_Tags[0].ti_Data := LONG(@defnum[1]);
- Gadget_Tags[1].ti_Tag := GT_UnderScore;
- Gadget_Tags[1].ti_Data := LONG('_');
- Gadget_Tags[2].ti_Tag := TAG_END;
- With GadgetFlags Do Begin
- ng_TextAttr := @My_Font;
- ng_LeftEdge := sizes[BorLeft] + Sizes[GadTxt_W];
- ng_TopEdge := Sizes[TBS] + 2;
- ng_Width := Sizes[StrG_W];
- ng_Height := Sizes[XSze];
- ng_GadgetText := @gad1text[1];
- ng_VisualInfo := VisualInf;
- ng_GadgetID := STRGad_A;
- End;
- { create gadgets }
- Gads[STRGad_A] := CreateGadgetA(STRING_KIND, Gads[CCGad], @Gadgetflags, @Gadget_Tags);
- With GadgetFlags Do Begin
- ng_TopEdge := ng_TopEdge + Sizes[XSze] + 2;
- ng_GadgetText := @gad2text[1];
- ng_GadgetID := STRGad_B;
- End;
- Gads[STRGad_B] := CreateGadgetA(STRING_KIND, Gads[STRGad_A], @Gadgetflags, @Gadget_Tags);
- With GadgetFlags Do Begin
- ng_TopEdge := ng_TopEdge + Sizes[XSze] + 2;
- ng_GadgetText := @gad3text[1];
- ng_GadgetID := STRGad_C;
- End;
- Gads[STRGad_C] := CreateGadgetA(STRING_KIND, Gads[STRGad_B], @Gadgetflags, @Gadget_Tags);
- With gadgetflags Do Begin
- ng_LeftEdge := Sizes[BorLeft] + 4;
- ng_TopEdge := ng_TopEdge + Sizes[XSze] + 2;
- ng_Width := Sizes[Abt_W];
- ng_Height := (Sizes[EqBB_H] + Sizes[DispBB_H] + Sizes[TBS] + 6 + Sizes[BorBottom]) - ng_TopEdge - 4;
- ng_GadgetText := @AbtGStr[1];
- ng_GadgetID := Abt_Gad;
- End;
- Gadget_Tags[0].ti_Tag := TAG_IGNORE;
- Gads[Abt_Gad] := CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, Gads[STRGad_C], @Gadgetflags, @Gadget_Tags);
- With gadgetflags Do Begin
- ng_LeftEdge := Sizes[BorLeft] + Sizes[Abt_W] + 8;
- ng_Width := Sizes[BB_L] - Sizes[BorLeft] - 12 - sizes[Abt_W];
- ng_Height := (Sizes[EqBB_H] + Sizes[DispBB_H] + Sizes[TBS] + 6 + Sizes[BorBottom]) - ng_TopEdge - 4;
- ng_GadgetText := @butgadtext[1];
- ng_GadgetID := BUTGad_S;
- End;
- Gads[BUTGad_S] := CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, Gads[Abt_Gad], @Gadgetflags, @Gadget_Tags);
- With GadgetFlags Do Begin
- ng_LeftEdge := Sizes[BB_L];
- ng_TopEdge := Sizes[TBS] + 2;
- ng_Width := Sizes[BB_W];
- ng_Height := Sizes[EqBB_H];
- ng_GadgetText := NIL;
- ng_GadgetID := Eqn_Disp;
- End;
- Gadget_Tags[0].ti_Tag := GTTX_Text;
- Gadget_Tags[0].ti_Data := LONG(@infotext[1]);
- Gadget_Tags[1].ti_Tag := GTTX_Border;
- Gadget_Tags[1].ti_Data := True_;
- Gads[Eqn_Disp] := CreateGadgetA(TEXT_KIND, Gads[BUTGad_S], @Gadgetflags, @Gadget_Tags);
- If Gads[CCGad] = NIL Then
- ErrExit('Failed to create gadgets'#0, 0);
- { window structure }
- Window_Tags[0].ti_Tag := WA_Left;
- Window_Tags[0].ti_Data := screendef^.MouseX - ((Sizes[BB_L] + Sizes[BB_W] + Sizes[BorRight] + 6) div 2);
- Window_Tags[1].ti_Tag := WA_Top;
- Window_Tags[1].ti_Data := Screendef^.MouseY - ((Sizes[EqBB_H] + Sizes[DispBB_H] + Sizes[TBS] + 6) div 2);
- Window_Tags[2].ti_Tag := WA_Width;
- Window_Tags[2].ti_Data := Sizes[BB_L] + Sizes[BB_W] + Sizes[BorRight] + 6;
- Window_Tags[3].ti_Tag := WA_Height;
- Window_Tags[3].ti_Data := Sizes[EqBB_H] + Sizes[DispBB_H] + Sizes[TBS] + 6 + Sizes[BorBottom];
- Window_Tags[4].ti_Tag := WA_Title;
- Window_Tags[4].ti_Data := LONG(@Win_Title[1]);
- Window_Tags[5].ti_Tag := WA_IDCMP;
- Window_Tags[6].ti_Tag := WA_CloseGadget;
- Window_Tags[6].ti_Data := True_;
- Window_Tags[7].ti_Tag := WA_DragBar;
- Window_Tags[7].ti_Data := True_;
- Window_Tags[8].ti_Tag := WA_DepthGadget;
- Window_Tags[8].ti_Data := True_;
- Window_Tags[9].ti_Tag := WA_AutoAdjust;
- Window_Tags[9].ti_Data := True_;
- Window_Tags[10].ti_Tag := WA_Activate;
- Window_Tags[10].ti_Data:= True_;
- Window_Tags[11].ti_Tag := WA_Gadgets;
- Window_Tags[11].ti_Data:= LONG(gads[LLGad]);
- Window_Tags[12].ti_Tag := WA_SimpleRefresh;
- Window_Tags[12].ti_Data:= True_;
- Window_Tags[13].ti_Tag := WA_RMBTrap;
- Window_Tags[13].ti_Data:= True_;
- Window_Tags[14].ti_Tag := WA_PubScreenName;
- Window_Tags[14].ti_Data:= LONG(@pubname[1]);
- Window_Tags[15].ti_Tag := WA_PubScreenFallBack;
- Window_Tags[15].ti_Data:= True_;
- Window_Tags[16].ti_Tag := WA_ScreenTitle;
- Window_Tags[16].ti_Data:= LONG(@Scr_Title[1]);
- Window_Tags[17].ti_Tag := TAG_DONE;
- TheWindow := OpenWindowTaglist(NIL,@Window_Tags);
- If TheWindow = NIL Then
- ErrExit('Failed to create window'#0, 206);
- setupbevelboxes;
- displaybevelboxes;
- GT_RefreshWindow(TheWindow, NIL);
- If pubname = 'error' Then UnlockPubScreen(NIL, screendef)
- Else UnlockPubScreen(@PubName[1], screendef);
- End;
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure Close_Libs; { close all opened libs }
- Begin
- CloseLibrary(pLibrary(IntuitionBase));
- CloseLibrary(pLibrary(GadtoolsBase));
- End;
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure Close_Window;
- Begin
- CloseWindow(TheWindow); { close window and free gadgets and }
- FreeGadgets(gads[LLGad]); { visualinfo }
- FreeVisualInfo(VisualInf);
- End;
- { ===================================================================== }
- { ===================================================================== }
- Procedure HandleIDCMP;
- Type
- strarray = Array[1..3] Of string;
- Tag2 = Array[0..1] Of tTagItem;
- Const
- exitflag : Boolean = False;
- small : Boolean = False;
- NumStrs : shortint = 3;
- Var dummy : longint; { the main loop of the program. }
- defnumTag : tag2; { monitors IDCMP messages and }
- message : pIntuiMessage; { responds as appropriate }
- MsgClass : LongInt;
- MsgCode : Word;
- gadcode : pGadget;
- out : strarray;
- clearblock : tImage;
- outformat : tIntuiText;
- d, a ,b,
- c, a2 : Extended; { real }
- StrInfo : pStringInfo;
- tempint : Array[1..4] Of longint;
- OKRes : boolean;
- AboutReq : array [0..9] of tIntuiText; { Texts for "About" requester }
- AboutReqOk : tIntuiText; { "Ok" in "About" requester }
- AboutStrs : array[0..9] of string;
- i : byte;
- { ==== }
- Procedure CalcDundA2(Var a,b,c,a2,d : Real);
- Begin
- a2 := 2*a;
- d := Sqr(b) - 4*a*c; { calculate discriminate, the core of the program }
- End;
- { ==== }
- Procedure OneRoot(c,b : Real; Var result : strarray; Var choices : shortint);
- Var
- numstr : string;
- Begin
- str((-c/b):10:4, numstr);
- result[1] := 'One root at ' + numstr + #0;
- choices := 1;
- End;
- { ==== }
- Procedure EqualRoots(b,a2 : Real; Var result : strarray; Var choice : shortint);
- Var
- numstr : string;
- Begin
- str((-b/a2):10:4, numstr);
- result[1] := 'Repeated (equal) roots at '#0;
- result[2] := ' ' + numstr + #0;
- choice := 2;
- End;
- { ==== }
- Procedure RealRoots(b,a2,d : Real; Var result : strarray; Var choice : shortint);
- Var
- numstr, numstr2 : string;
- Begin
- str(((-b+Sqrt(d))/a2):10:4, numstr);
- str(((-b-sqrt(d))/a2):10:4, numstr2);
- result[1] := 'Real roots at ' + numstr + #0;
- result[2] := 'and ' + numstr2 + #0;
- choice := 2;
- End;
- { ==== }
- Procedure ImaginaryRoots(b,d,a2 : Real; Var result : strarray; Var choice : shortint);
- Var
- numstr, numstr2, numstr3 : string;
- Begin
- str((-b/a2):10:4, numstr);
- str((Sqrt(-d)/a2):10:4, numstr2);
- str((-sqrt(-d)/a2):10:4, numstr3);
- result[1] := 'Imaginary roots at ' + #0;
- result[2] := ' ' + numstr + numstr2 + #0;
- result[3] := 'and ' + numstr + numstr3 + #0;
- choice := 3;
- End;
- { ==== }
- Procedure printtext(Var strings : strarray; choice : shortint);
- Var
- Temp, n : shortint;
- y : Integer;
- Begin
- DrawImage(TheWindow^.RPort, @clearblock, 0, 0);
- For n := 1 To choice Do Begin
- y := (Sizes[XSze] * (n-1) + (n * 2));
- outformat.Itext := @strings[n,1];
- PrintIText(TheWindow^.RPort, @outformat, 4, y);
- End;
- End;
- { ==== }
- Procedure CheckNum(Var num : Real; Var gadg : pGadget;
- tags : tag2; strpointer : pointer);
- Var
- tempstr : string;
- temp : Real;
- errornum: Integer;
- Begin
- tempstr := RetrieveStr(StrPointer);
- Val(tempstr, temp, errornum);
- If errornum <> 0 Then Begin
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA(gadg, TheWindow, NIL, @tags);
- num := 1;
- DisplayBeep(NIL);
- End Else
- num := temp;
- End;
- Procedure CalcLoop;
- begin
- StrInfo := Gads[CCGad]^.NextGadget^.SpecialInfo;
- CheckNum(a, Gads[STRGad_A], defnumtag, strinfo^.buffer);
- StrInfo := Gads[CCGad]^.NextGadget^.NextGadget^.SpecialInfo;
- CheckNum(b, Gads[STRGad_B], defnumtag, strinfo^.buffer);
- StrInfo := Gads[CCGad]^.NextGadget^.NextGadget^.NextGadget^.SpecialInfo;
- CheckNum(c, Gads[STRGad_C], defnumtag, strinfo^.buffer);
- CalcDundA2(a,b,c,a2,d);
- If a = 0 Then Begin
- oneroot(c,b,out, NumStrs);
- Printtext(out,NumStrs);
- End Else Begin
- If d = 0 Then Begin
- equalroots(b,a2,out,NumStrs);
- Printtext(out,NumStrs);
- End Else Begin
- If d > 0 Then Begin
- realroots(b,a2,d,out,numstrs);
- Printtext(out,NumStrs);
- End Else Begin
- imaginaryroots(b,d,a2,out,numstrs);
- Printtext(out,NumStrs);
- End; {else}
- End; {else}
- End; {else}
- End;
- Begin
- AboutStrs[0] := 'DQua version 1.0 (2.1.94)'#0;
- AboutStrs[1] := 'Written by Lee Kindness '#0;
- AboutStrs[2] := 'using Highspeed Pascal.'#0;
- AboutStrs[3] := ''#0;
- AboutStrs[4] := 'Comments to :'#0;
- AboutStrs[5] := '8 Craigmarn Rd.'#0;
- AboutStrs[6] := 'Portlethen Village'#0;
- AboutStrs[7] := 'ABERDEEN AB1 4QR'#0;
- AboutStrs[8] := 'SCOTLAND'#0;
- AboutStrs[9] := 'Resume'#0;
- for i := 0 to 9 do
- with AboutReq[i] do begin
- FrontPen := 0;
- BackPen := 1;
- DrawMode := JAM1;
- LeftEdge := 0;
- TopEdge := (Sizes[XSze] * i) + 0;
- ITextFont := @My_Font;
- IText := @AboutStrs[i,1];
- if i < 8 then NextText := @AboutReq[i+1] else NextText := NIL
- end;
- with AboutReqOk do begin
- FrontPen := 0;
- BackPen := 1;
- DrawMode := JAM1;
- LeftEdge := 0; { Position relative to gadget }
- TopEdge := 0;
- ITextFont := @My_Font;
- IText := @AboutStrs[9,1];
- NextText := NIL
- end;
- With outformat Do Begin
- FrontPen := 1;
- DrawMode := JAM1;
- LeftEdge := Sizes[BB_L];
- TopEdge := Sizes[TBS] + 4 + Sizes[EqBB_H];
- ITextFont:= @My_Font;
- IText := NIL;
- NextText := NIL;
- End;
- With clearblock Do Begin
- LeftEdge := Sizes[BB_L] + Sizes[BorLeft];
- TopEdge := Sizes[TBS] + 4 + Sizes[EqBB_H] + Sizes[BorTop];
- Width := Sizes[BB_W] - Sizes[BorLeft] - Sizes[BorRight];
- Height := Sizes[DispBB_H] - Sizes[BorBottom] - Sizes[BorTop];
- Depth := 0;
- ImageData := NIL;
- PlanePick := 0;
- PlaneOnOff := 0;
- NextImage := NIL;
- End;
- out[1] := ' '#0;
- out[2] := ' '#0;
- out[3] := ' '#0;
- defnumtag[0].ti_Tag := GTST_String;
- defnumtag[0].ti_Data := LONG(@defnum[1]);
- defnumtag[1].ti_Tag := TAG_END;
- tempint[4] := TheWindow^.Height;
- While Not exitflag Do Begin
- dummy := Wait(BitMask(TheWindow^.UserPort^.MP_SIGBIT));
- Repeat
- message := GT_GetIMsg(TheWindow^.userPort);
- MsgClass := message^.Class;
- MsgCode := message^.Code;
- GadCode := pGadget(message^.IAddress);
- StrInfo := gadcode^.SpecialInfo;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(message);
- Case MsgClass Of
- GT_BeginRefresh(TheWindow);
- Printtext(out,NumStrs);
- displaybevelboxes;
- GT_EndRefresh(TheWindow, True);
- End;
- Case MsgCode Of
- MENUUP : Begin
- tempint[1] := TheWindow^.LeftEdge;
- tempint[2] := TheWindow^.TopEdge;
- tempint[3] := TheWindow^.Width;
- If Small Then Begin
- ChangeWindowBox(TheWindow, tempint[1], tempint[2], tempint[3], Tempint[4]);
- Small := False;
- End Else Begin
- ChangeWindowBox(TheWindow, tempint[1], tempint[2], tempint[3], Sizes[TBS]);
- Small := True;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- End;
- IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW : exitflag := True;
- Case gadcode^.GadgetID Of
- STRGad_A : Begin
- CheckNum(a, Gads[STRGad_A], defnumtag, strinfo^.buffer);
- OKRes := ActivateGadget(Gads[STRGad_B], TheWindow, NIL);
- End;
- STRGad_B : Begin
- CheckNum(b, Gads[STRGad_B], defnumtag, strinfo^.buffer);
- OKRes := ActivateGadget(Gads[STRGad_C], TheWindow, NIL);
- End;
- STRGad_C : Begin
- CheckNum(c, Gads[STRGad_C], defnumtag, strinfo^.buffer);
- OKRes := ActivateGadget(Gads[STRGad_A], TheWindow, NIL);
- End;
- BUTGad_S : CalcLoop;
- Abt_Gad : OKRes := AutoRequest(TheWindow, @AboutReq[0], NIL, @AboutReqOk, 0, 0, 320, 155);
- End; {case}
- end;
- case chr(msgcode) of
- 'S','s' : CalcLoop;
- 'A','a' : OKRes := ActivateGadget(Gads[STRGad_A], TheWindow, NIL);
- 'B','b' : OKRes := ActivateGadget(Gads[STRGad_B], TheWindow, NIL);
- 'C','c' : OKRes := ActivateGadget(Gads[STRGad_C], TheWindow, NIL);
- '/','?' : OKRes := AutoRequest(TheWindow, @AboutReq[0], NIL, @AboutReqOk, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- End; {case}
- Until message = NIL;
- End; {while}
- End;
- { ==== Main Procedure ================================================= }
- Procedure main;
- Begin
- Open_Libs;
- Open_Window;
- HandleIDCMP;
- close_Window;
- Close_Libs;
- End;
- { =================================================================== }
- Begin
- main
- End.