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- =======================================================================
- =========================== MemClear V 1.8 ==========================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear © Copyright 1991-1994 by Ralf Thanner
- Ralf Thanner
- Ellerstr. 83
- 40227 Düsseldorf
- =======================================================================
- ===================== Disclaimer & Distribution =====================
- =======================================================================
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- The executable and non-executable parts of this software package may
- NOT be altered by any means (this includes editing, crunching, and
- reverse-engineering), except archiving. The author is in NO way liable
- for any changes made to any part of the package, or consequences
- thereof as he is in NO way liable for damages or loss of data directly
- or indirectly caused by this software.
- Distribution
- ------------
- Neither fees may be charged nor profits may be made by distributing
- this piece of software. Only a nominal fee for cost of magnetic media
- may be acceptable. Outside a single machine environment, you are NOT
- allowed to reproduce only some parts of the package, but you have to
- copy it completely. See this list of contents for verification:
- MemClear (dir)
- MemClear.doc
- MemClear.doc.info
- MemClear.guide
- MemClear.guide.info
- MemClear
- MemClear.info
- If any parts were already missing when you received this package, look
- out for another source to get your software in future.
- =======================================================================
- ========================= System Requirements =========================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear works with all Kickstarts, all processors and all memory types
- but requires the Arp.library under Kick1.x.
- =======================================================================
- ================================= Author ==============================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear V1.8 was written by Ralf Thanner using the Devpac assembler,
- the original MemClear idea was suggested from MemClear by John Hodgson
- which had some substancial disadvantages.
- The main disadvantage was that it did not clear anything. If you don't
- believe me test it, use a monitor to load a file directly into memory,
- e.g. at location $50000. Now start Memclear by John Hodgson. After
- Memclear has finished use a monitor to control your previously choosed
- location. Nothing has changed, no zeros... funny, isn't it?
- =======================================================================
- ================================ Purpose ==============================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear clears, fills the unused memory chunks. After clearing
- memory, it prints the amount of cleared bytes in CHIP- and FAST MEMORY
- and the total amount of free bytes. Keep in mind that MemClear now
- clears and fills with blazing speed.
- Due to the fact that MemClear will show you the amount of free memory,
- how much is in-use and the largest available memory blocks you can also
- use it instead of the Avail command. It can also flush all currently
- unused devices, libraries and fonts from memory. Memclear is pure,
- too, and for those reasons a good replacement for Avail.
- One of the most powerfull routines included in MemClear is the
- automatic Memory Checker. Before MemClear performs an action of any
- kind, the memory structures and memory chunks will be checked for
- correct values. So if you read the warning, it's a good idea to save
- all your current work and re-boot your machine.
- Although MemClear is a perfect replacement for Avail and has also a
- powerfull checker against memory failures, its main intention is to
- support programmers at their work, especially Assembler freaks.
- Clearing memory without destroying the nodes makes debugging and
- programming (e.g. resident stuff) much easier in many cases.
- =======================================================================
- ================================ Usage ================================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear cannot be started from Workbench, it is a Shell tool!
- The following commands are supported:
- "AVAIL" - Displays the free memory without clearing. Avail
- does NOT count the real free bytes. It is just an
- avail clone.
- NOTE: if you have 'DynamiCache' in the background
- the amount of free bytes shown may differ
- from the amount of memory you have inbuilt.
- "FLUSH" - Flushing all currently unused devices, libraries
- and fonts from memory.
- After flushing memory MemClear will print how much
- more memory is free now.
- "NoClear" - This option is useful if you just want your memory
- flushed without clearing.Especially if you're using
- DynamiCache, this opt will be very useful in case
- you just want to flush unused devices, fonts etc.
- "NoWarn" - This option switches off the obligatory mem checker
- and should only be used if you are either running
- OS3.x (performs also a memory sanity check) or if
- you really know what you are doing.
- "QUIET" - All actions will be performed silent.
- Following options are allowed:
- "F" - Fills only free fast-memory.
- "C" - Fills only free chip-memory.
- If you don't want the memory cleared, but rather be filled use a 'FILL
- VALUE' which is defined this way:
- "-$FE" - Fills memory with $fe instead of zeros. All
- hexadecimals are allowed. One single hex
- value, e.g. '-$b' will be expanded to '$bb'.
- "-A" - Fills memory with choosen character. This
- option IS case sensitive.
- If MemClear is invoked without any option it will simply fill the free
- memory with zeros and print the (real) free amount of memory. Real
- free memory means that this is not necessarily the amount of free
- memory the system has stored in its memheader structure, but rather the
- amount of bytes encountered in the memory chunks.
- =======================================================================
- ============================= Examples ==============================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear F
- clears the fast-mem area with zeros and won't touch a single byte in
- chip memory.
- MemClear FLUSH C -$ff
- first flushs unused stuff from memory and then fills all free chip-mem
- with the hex-value '$ff' leaving the fast-mem area untouched.
- MemClear AVAIL
- displays complete memory statistics, comparable to Commodore's Avail
- command without filling, clearing or flushing.
- flushs unused system resources, such as fonts, libraries, and devices
- from memory without filling or clearing. You may configure a "MemFlush"
- button or menu inside DirectoryOpus using this template. That's very
- useful if you're running out of memory.
- =======================================================================
- ============================ Error Codes ============================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear will return an error code if something went wrong. This is
- very useful for 'FAILAT' and 'IF' commands in batch skripts.
- RETURN WARN (05) for zero bytes gained with FLUSH.
- RETURN ERROR (10) for all internal errors (e.g. no arp.lib).
- RETURN FAIL (20) for an error in the memory structure.
- Example:
- --------
- MemClear FLUSH QUIET ; will flush memory without
- ; printing any text...
- TYPE "flush_brachte_nichts.txt" ; "flush_wasnt_successfull"-)
- =======================================================================
- ========================== Memory Checker ===========================
- =======================================================================
- MemClear performs two different structure tests. The first scans
- through all memory nodes checking them against correct values and
- boundaries. When something went wrong the following message will be
- printed " Warning! Memory List is corrupted at: $'address' ". If you
- read this SAVE EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY, because sooner or later your
- Amiga will crash! There are some bad written programs which destroy
- parts of the internal memory lists. These programs, like an old
- version of decrunch.library did, WILL cause a crash if memory is
- flushed or cleared, even if you have already 'quitted' them! There is
- no guarantee that the printed address is the location where the memory list
- is corrupted, but you have a good chance for correctness.
- The second test just checks if the amount of 'real' free bytes, counted
- by MemClear while scanning through all memory nodes, is the same as
- stored in Execbase. When this error message appears there is also
- something wrong with your system but normally it won't crash in the
- next seconds.
- =======================================================================
- ====================== Speed comparison table =======================
- =======================================================================
- complete memory clearing / filling using MemClear v1.8
- A500, MC68000 7Mhz, 512kb Chip + 2MB Ranger Mem : 2,9 MB/sec
- A1000, MC68010 7MHz, 512kb Chip + 4MB Fast Mem : 3,1 MB/sec
- A3000, MC68030 25MHz, 2MB Chip + 4MB Fast Mem : 8,4 MB/sec
- all tests performed under realistic circumstances, that means after
- booting fully-featured Workbench from HD.
- =======================================================================
- =============================== ThanX ===============================
- =======================================================================
- Timm Müller - For help with documentation/guidefile and some
- guide on the way to good readable and structured
- sources.
- Olaf Barthel - For supporting me with the original version of
- Memclear done by John Hodgson.
- Martin Berndt - For telling me that MemClear is really useful
- because it helped programming and debugging the
- PICASSO II graphics card software. Sometimes it
- is really nice to get such a good response.
- Also thanx for finding the DynamiCache 'bug'!-)
- =======================================================================
- ============================== History ==============================
- =======================================================================
- ----- V1.8 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - clear and fill algorythm now fits perfectly into the 680x0
- cache.
- - the memory checker is much better now and should be able to
- handle all kind of structure errors.
- - MemClear will now return 'Error Codes' for usage in batch
- skripts.
- ----- V1.7 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - added the check for 'real' free bytes and the value stored
- in Execbase. With this routine implemented earlier I would
- have found the reason for mysterious crashes after using
- 'decrunch.library' much earlier;-(
- - if you use 'FLUSH' all available memory will be printed.
- - after flushing the memory gain will be shown.
- - MemClear is now using official 'cli-readargs' routines,
- instead of my own home brewn interface.
- - included fill-pattern routine in normal clear routine.
- - rewrote clear; clears/fills now about 3.1MB/sec on MC68010!
- - command 'avail' shows now REALLY everything Avail does;-)
- ----- V1.6 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - implemented 'FLUSH' option.
- - fixed small (and silly) bug in the 'byte counting' routine.
- ----- V1.5 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - fixed small bug in the cli-interface.
- - MemClear is now PURE.
- ----- V1.4 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - added choice which mem-area should be cleared.
- - improved the cli-interface (e.g. 'f -a' and '-a f' are now
- both recognized).
- - fixed some troubles with MC68040.
- ----- V1.3 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - code completely rewritten.
- - new clear algo which fits now perfect into the 68020/30 cache
- and also takes advantage of the 68010 prefetch!-) Clear needs
- now 1 second for 2.4MB on 68010 (average value, may differ).
- - Blitter won't be used to clear chip-mem anymore, due to the
- fact that the blitter in the A3000 or A4000 is slower than
- the prozessor (MC68040 speed rulez!).
- - added different fill-patterns. This one uses a real simple
- and 'slow' clear algo but who cares!?-)
- ----- V1.2 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - Added the 'free mem' text in instructions.
- - Fixed the 'print-txt' routine.
- ----- V1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - Removed the FAST OPTION, since it's fast enough without this
- nasty method.
- - Clears now $C00000 mem on A500.
- - Added the 'total free bytes' for a complete overview of free
- memory, MemClear shows now almost everything AVAIL does.
- ----- V1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - Improved clear algorithm, needs now less than two seconds
- for 2.5 MB.
- - added special 'FAST OPTION' which is a pure hardware hack.
- (only usefull when you have more than 5 MB; disables all.)
- ----- V0.9 ----------------------------------------------------------
- - Thought, that this is the final version... No bug reports.
- - Works fine, but clears slow (about 4 seconds for 2.5 MB).
- =======================================================================
- =========================== MemClear V 1.8 ==========================
- =======================================================================
- EoD