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Text File | 1994-04-05 | 92.7 KB | 2,819 lines |
- AntiCicloVir V2.1-Documentation
- Create Date :04, March, 1994
- (C)
- 1992-1994
- by
- Matthias Gutt
- Kantstr. 16
- 21335 Lüneburg
- Germany
- Table of Contents:
- 1.0 Copyright
- 2.0 How to use AntiCicloVir
- 2.1 Checking memory by AntiCicloVir
- 2.2 Reset-Routine of AntiCicloVir
- 2.3 Checking bootsectors by AntiCicloVir
- 2.4 Checking Disk-Validators by AntiCicloVir
- 2.5 Checking files by AntiCicloVir
- 3.0 Documentation of some AMIGA viruses
- - Amiga Knight
- - AntiChrist
- - Beethoven
- - BGS 9 I+II
- - Bluebox
- - Bret Hawnes
- - CCCP
- - Color ( TURK V1.3 )
- - COMPUPhagozyte I.1+I.2
- - COMPUPhagozyte II or COMPUPhagozyte 3
- - COMPUPhagozyte III A-C or COMPUPhagozyte 4-4b
- - COMPUPhagozyte IV or COMPUPhagozyte 4c
- - Crime 2
- - Crime!++
- - D-Structure
- - DAG Creator
- - Darth Vader 1.1
- - Disk Killer V1.0
- - Disktroyer V1.0 & V2.0
- - DiskVal1234
- - DM-Trash
- - DriveInfo V0.91
- - Excrement Creator
- - Freedom
- - Golden Rider
- - Gotcha Lamer
- - Hochofen
- - Infiltrator
- - IRQ
- - JEFF Butonic V1.31
- - JEFF Butonic V3.00
- - LAME
- - LAMER LoadWb
- - LAMER VirusX
- - Liberator v1.21
- - Liberator v3.0
- - Liberator v5.01
- - Modemchecker
- - NANO
- - NaST
- - No Guru V2.0
- - QRDL1.1
- - Red October 1.7
- - Return of the Lamer Exterminator
- - Revenge Of The LAMER Exterminator
- - RISC
- - Sepultura
- - ShowSysop
- - Smily Cancer I+II
- - SnoopDos 1.6
- - Telecom
- - Terrorists
- - T.F.C. Revenge LoadWb
- - Time Bomb V0.9
- - Traveling Jack 1+2
- - Virus Construction Set
- - Xeno
- - xprzspeed V3.2
- 1.0 Copyright
- The program `AntiCicloVir V1.8` is called PD-software, because I defined it so
- in the first time !
- But now, I think I, must define it as Freeware, because I don`t want that everyone
- can change some parts of my program like in former times ...
- `AntiCicloVir V2.1` is a viruskiller, which checks your disk & memory for
- viruses.
- `AntiCicloVir V2.1` can check some addresses in memory, install a reset-routine
- and some things more ...
- It is a small & simple to use program to fight against AMIGA viruses!
- You can copy everyone this program and use it whenever you want !
- You can spread this program with or without documentation on every disk.
- It is allowed, to install `AntiCicloVir V2.1` as utility on PD-disks.
- Not allowed is, the changing of any part of `AntiCicloVir V2.1` or his documentation !
- I can`t take the responsibility for this program, but I`m interested in every
- bug report or new computerviruses !!!
- The following PD-series has got `AntiCicloVir V2.1` from me:
- `AmigaLibraryDisks`, `Amiga Szene`, `FRANZ_PD`, `GPD`, `GSF_PD`, `Kick_PD`,
- Many thanks must go to Michael Petrikowksi ( Amiga-Szene PD ) for his help,
- while I was debugging AntiCicloVir ...
- You can get the newest version of AntiCicloVir from Daniel Lars Reuß, Eschen-
- weg 10, 63654 Büdingen-Lorbach, Germany or from the TPDS ( Jürgen Dieterich,
- Rehhaldenweg 10, 73614 Schorndorf, Germany ).
- Feel free to spread it !
- And now a message from our sponsors:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you know a virus programmer you can get a reward of $ 1000 for
- supplying his name and address. The fact is that the law punishes data
- crime very severely. (5 years in jail in most countries).
- We are an international group with more than 500 members who have started
- trying to stop the spread of virus. Let me give you some example:
- 1. Our motto is: "Safe Hex", who dares do anything else today?".
- 2. A virus bank containing more than 1800 Amiga and PC viruses for
- supporting good shareware antivirus programs.
- 3. We help people to get money back lost by virus infection.
- 4. We write articles about virus problems for about 20 computer
- magazines worldwide.
- 5. We release the newest and the best virus killers around from
- about 25 wellknown programmers worldwide.
- 6. We have more than 35 PC and Amiga "Virus Centers" worldwide
- where you can get free virus help by phoning our "Hotline", and
- the newest killers translated in your own language at very
- little cost.
- For more information contact:
- SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL (Please send 2 "Coupon-Response
- Erik Loevendahl Soerensen International" and a self addres-
- Snaphanevej 10 sed envelope, if you want infor-
- DK-4720 Praestoe mation about SHI by letter).
- Denmark
- Phone: + 45 55 99 25 12
- Fax : + 45 55 99 34 98
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.0 How to use AntiCicloVir
- `AntiCicloVir` is a small viruskiller, which can detect 126 Bootblock-,
- 17 Link-, 28 File-, & 7 Disk-Validator-viruses, 14 Trojans and 8 Bombs.
- in this version !
- It can be started from Workbench or from AmigaDOS.
- In the main-function it shows you in the system-vectors-table your KickStart-
- Version and the addresses of 26 important vectors.
- After that it`ll check every disk you insert in drive floppydisk 0
- for Bootblock- & Disk-Validator-viruses.
- `AntiCicloVir` can check all files of a choosed directory for some linkviruses
- and remove them.
- The linkviruskiller installs, after every call, a little resident program in
- memory, which can check your AMIGA after a reset.
- You could use AntiCicloVir to check your system, if you copy it into the sub-
- directory :c of your Workbench-disk and if you write the following call in your
- `:s/startup-sequence`:
- AntiCicloVir -c
- The option `-c` is very important to use AntiCicloVir in the main-function !!!
- So AntiCicloVir can check your system every time, when you boot from your
- Workbench-disk and warn you if it found one known virus in memory.
- Unknown viruses could be detected by correct interpreting the system-vectors-
- table by the user hisself !
- Another help is the resident routine of AntiCicloVir, which started her action
- after every reset and so could prevent a new virus-infection of memory !
- 2.1 Checking memory by AntiCicloVir
- It exists two posibilities to check the memory !
- The simplest posibility is to start AntiCicloVir by choosing his icon from the
- Workbench.
- In this case, the main-function of AntiCicloVir will be used.
- The other posibility is to call AntiCicloVir from the AmigaDOS or CLI.
- But in this case you MUST use any of the three options, because if you do this
- not AntiCicloVir tries to check the disk !!!
- The following three options are allowed:
- `-m`, `-n`, `-c`
- The most important & used option will be `-m` !
- Enter: AntiCicloVir -m
- Now, AntiCicloVir will be started and greets you with a simple color-cycling.
- Then it shows you the system-vectors-table.
- It shows you your own KickStart-version in the title of the new window.
- The KickStart-version is mainly for AntiCicloVir important, because it must
- know the right ROM addresses, if it will wipe out a virus from your AMIGA`s
- memory !
- If AntiCicloVir can`t recognize your KickStart-version, while detecting a virus
- in memory, it`ll try to reset the Capture-vectors or Kick-pointer and inform`s
- you, why it can`t kill this virus.
- In the system-vectors-table you will see seven important vectors from the
- ExecBase-structure: ColdCapture *, CoolCapture *, WarmCapture *, KickMemPtr *,
- KickTagPtr *, KickCheckSum * and RasterBeam !
- From the exec.library you will see the vectors of Alert (), AllocMem (), FreeMem ()
- PutMsg (), OldOpenLibrary (), OpenDevice (), DoIO (), OpenLibrary () & SumKickData () !
- From the `intuition.library` you can recognize the vectors OpenWindow () & DisplayAlert ().
- From the trackdisk.device you can see the vectors BeginIO () & Close ().
- The vectors Open (), Write (), Lock () & LoadSeg () from the dos.library will be shown, too.
- And last but not least the BeginIO ()-vector of the `keyboard.device` !
- After this AntiCicloVir check`s your memory for all known viruses & warn`s
- you & tries to kill the virus.
- At last, after closing the intuition window AntiCicloVir installs a little
- resident program in memory from $7E000 !
- He set`s the vectors CoolCapture * and SumKickData () on it`s address !
- If you choose for option `-n` the same things happens like above mentioned, but only
- the color-cycling does not appear.
- By typing `-c` as option happens the same things like above mentioned, but without
- creating intuition window & installing reset-routine.
- 2.2 Reset-Routine of AntiCicloVir
- The Reset-Routine from AntiCicloVir stays every time at $7E000 in memory.
- It will be activate by jumping in CoolCapture * or SumKickData ().
- While starting about CoolCapture * the routine will be activated after a reset.
- The same simple color-cycling greets you ...
- She chechs the pointers ColdCapture *, CoolCapture *, WarmCapture * KickMemPtr *
- KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum * and will clear them if she will find an unknown
- resident program.
- The routine clears the pointers not, if she found a known useful resident program.
- If you press the left mousebutton, while rebooting your AMIGA, the reset-routine
- makes `Harakiri` on herself ...
- Jumping into SumKickData () activates the routine, too.
- Then it`ll check the CoolCapture *-vector and set it on her own address, if
- he was cleared !
- 2.3 Checking bootsectors by AntiCicloVir
- To check your disks for Bootblock viruses you have not more to do, than
- to start the main-function of AntiCicloVir.
- You can do that, if you call up AntiCicloVir from the workbench or if
- you start AntiCicloVir from the CLI by entering `-m` for option.
- You will pass the memorycheck and arrive at the Intuition-window at the
- top of the screen.
- In this phase you can use AntiCicloVir to check every disk you insert
- in drive floppydisk 0 for known bootblock viruses.
- AntiCicloVir can only check disks, you insert in drive unit 0 and not disk
- you insert into any other drive floppydisk !!!
- Non-Standard bootblocks will not be displayed or recognized by AntiCicloVir !
- If you have low memory AntiCicloVir will display an Alert.
- To finish the bootsector-check please use the close-sign in the Intuition-
- Window.
- 2.4 Checking Disk-Validator by AntiCicloVir
- If you want to check the Disk-Validator you have to run the main-function
- of AntiCicloVir.
- To enter the main-function you have to start up AntiCicloVir from the
- Workbench or to call up AntiCicloVir from the CLI by using the option
- `-m`.
- If you pass the memory-check you will arrive at the Intuition-Window.
- If you now insert a disk into any drive, AntiCicloVir will check the disk-
- validator of this disk automatic and warns you if it had found one of the
- three disk-validator viruses: Return of the Lamer Exterminator, SADDAM
- and his mutants and DiskVal1234.
- I`m really sure, that AntiCicloVir will detect every disk-validator virus,
- because all new viruses of this type are being mutants of the famous
- SADDAM virus.
- You can remove a disk-validator virus from your disk with AntiCicloVir.
- But you can be sure, that this disk-validator virus stands the same time
- in memory, you insert any infected disk into any drive !!!
- If that happens please fininsh the disk-validator-check and restart the
- main-function of AntiCicloVir to use the memory-check, which can wipe out
- this virus from your AMIGA`s memory !
- To finish the disk-validator-check please push the close-sign of the
- Intuition-Window !
- 2.5 Checking files by AntiCicloVir
- To check one disk by AntiCicloVir you have not more to do, then to call
- AntiCicloVir by his name in AmigaDOS ( you can check disks only in AmigaDOS
- by AntiCicloVir ) and to name a path after the name !
- The pathname stands for a main-directory or for a device.
- Example:
- AntiCicloVir Df0:
- ... will check all files from a disk in drive Df0: !
- The viruskiller lists every filename on the screen and add the message
- `OK` to him, if he didn`t found a virus !
- He tells you if it is a sub-directory or a file.
- AntiCicloVir shows you the Protection-Bits:
- r = readable
- w = writable
- e = executable
- d = deletable
- In the last time more and more fileviruses appears, which uses the
- Protection-Bits, so that you can`t delete or overwrite them from disk,
- with any CLI command !
- Before overwriting such a file, you have to remove the Protection-Bits
- by using the following CLI command: PROTECT filename RWED !
- AntiCicloVir can remove these Protection-Bits by itself.
- Further the viruskiller shows you the length of the file and if exist
- any comment for the file.
- AntiCicloVir can check out, if this file is executable or not.
- Linkviruses can only be started from executable files !!!
- At last AntiCicloVir will look if there are being any invisibe signs
- in the filename.
- I think, that 90 percent of fileviruses are using invisible filenames !
- And that means, that AntiCicloVir will discover 90 percent of future
- fileviruses, before any other killer knows them !!!
- If AntiCicloVir finds such a inisible file, it will ask you if it shall
- rename this file.
- If you can agree with that, you will find this file standing in the root-
- directory by the name `CRITICAL-Virus` !
- Now, you can delete, save up, or send to me this new filevirus ...
- If he found a virus, he will add the message: `... contains NAME-virus !!!`
- AntiCicloVir writes a short message in your startup-sequence after deleting the
- virus from disk.
- This could prevent some problems in AmigaDOS, if the virus has written his
- name for calling up in your startup-sequence ...
- 3.0 Documentation of some AMIGA viruses
- In the following annotation you will learn something about a few AMIGA viruses.
- Presupposition is only a small knowledge about ASSEMBLER-programming & the Amiga
- DOS:
- Amiga Knight
- This 6048 Bytes long program can we call a filevirus.
- It camouflages itself as the command `initial_cli` on every infected disk.
- The virus writes it`s name on the top of the `startup-sequence`.
- Every time you run the `startup-sequence` of an infected disk, the Amiga Knight
- virus will jump into a random position in CHIP-RAM and set the Kick-pointer
- to survive the reset.
- For it`s own increasing, the virus sets the vector DoIO ().
- After five resets it will create a vector-demo in red colors, which contains
- the following text on the top of the screen:
- In the middle of the screen you can see this vector-demo, which will draw the
- the words `Toco`, `THE` & `AMIGAKNIGHTS` !
- At the bottom of the screen you will see the following message:
- If you insert or boot from a non-writeprotected disk, which contains a
- `startup-sequence`, the Amiga Knight virus will try to infect this disk and
- to change the `startup-sequence` !
- This will it do every time, a routine tries to use DoIO () !
- It might not be able to destroy disk or datas !
- If AntiCicloVir found this one on disk, it deletes the file `initial_cli` !
- To get rid of it in memory, AntiCicloVir restores the DoIO ()-vector and
- clears KickTagPtr* & KickCheckSum*
- Thanks most go to Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720 Praestoe,
- Denmark from the SHI (Safe Hex International), who was the first one, who sends
- this virus to me.
- `AntiChrist`
- This one is a simple mutation of the Traveling Jack linkvirus 2.
- You can read all about it in the chapter of Traveling Jack 1+2.
- AntiChrist contains an ASCII-Text: `The AntiChrist 3/4/92` and creates a
- file like AntiChrist.X, which contains the message `The AntiChrist is back`
- AntiCicloVir will recognize this virus in memory but on disk only as Traveling
- Jack 2.
- Beethoven
- This filevirus is a mutation of the Bret Hawnes filevirus and has the same
- filelength like this one that is to say 2608 bytes.
- Therefore you can read all about this one in the chapter of Bret Hawnes.
- But Beethoven differs in some points to the Bret Hawnes virus:
- a) While the Bret Hawnes filevirus stands every time at the memory position
- $7F000, uses the new Beethoven filevirus the memory position $7EF00.
- I think, that was done to deceive some viruskiller, so that they don`t
- detect the Bret Hawnes filevirus, if Beethoven was in memory.
- b) The new Beethoven filevirus can`t longer destroy disks or format them,
- because the format routine was exchanged for a DisplayAlert () routine,
- which displays some messages like this one in an alert box:
- `ICH BIN ZURUECK !!!!!!!!!
- AntiCicloVir detects & kills this filevirus in memory and on disk.
- Bestial Devastation
- This linkvirus ist not more than a simple Xeno mutation.
- Well, you can read all about this kind of linkvirus in the chapter
- Xeno.
- It differs is one point to the linkvirus Xeno, because it
- doesn`t change the DOS-vectors Lock () & LoadSeg ()- it uses only Open ().
- AntiCicloVir will detect & kill this one in memory, but on disk, it will
- be detected as Traveling Jack 2 !
- BGS 9 I+II
- This filevirus possibly is a mutation of the filevirus Terrorists.
- This one stands upside the crowd, because all other fileviruses use another
- mechanism to spread itself ...
- The BGS9 virus looks for the first executable program from your startup-
- sequence and writes it from his real place to the subdirectory `DEVS:` or if
- it can`t find this subdirectory to the main-directory and gives him an
- invisible name, which is called in hexadecimal $A0A0A0202020A0202020A0 !
- After executing the first program from the startup-sequence of an infected
- disk, which is the BGS9 virus, the virus installs itself in memory and
- executes the original program, which stands invisible in `DEVS:` !
- In memory the BGS9 virus uses the residents to turn on itself after a reset !
- It sets KickMemPtr *, KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum *.
- While every reset, it sets the vector OpenWindow () from the intuition.library
- to it`s own address.
- After every using of OpenWindow () the virus tries to copy itself like the
- above mentioned mechanism onto the next disk or shows you after four resets the
- following message:
- B B G S 9 9
- B B G S 9 9 Bundesgrenzschutz Sektion 9
- B B G S 999999 Sonderkommando "EDV"
- B B G G SS 9
- B B G G SS 9
- B B G G S 9
- The BGS9 virus set`s the OpenWindow ()-vector to it`s ROM-address, while the
- first using of this routine !
- This virus is very harmless and causes no damage !
- It shall work with KickStart 2.04, too !
- To wipe it out of memory AntiCicloVir only had to clear the three Kick-Pointer.
- On disk it will find the virus and delete it.
- The BGS9 virus II works in all points like the old BGS9 virus.
- It differ from the old one in a new coding of one ASCII-sign and in a new
- invisible name : $A0E0A0202020A0202020A0
- Bluebox
- I`m not sure which kind of program will be represent by Bluebox.
- This program has a length from 5608 bytes, but I don`t own the main-program
- Bluebox, but only the `icon.library` of Bluebox (6680 Bytes).
- That`s not enough for me to analyze this kind of program completely !!!
- Please send Bluebox to me, if you will get it !!!
- There exist a name for a kind of program, which could we use to put
- Bluebox in it`s place !
- I don`t know the anglian word for this, but in german we call this kind of
- programs `Bandwuermer` !
- `Bandwurm`-programs were used to broke into closed Mailboxes and commercial
- Databank-systems !
- If Bluebox is being a `Bandwurm`-program, I think it will do the following
- things ... ( but I`m not sure ... I need the main-program for a complete
- analyze !!! )
- The main-program Bluebox deceives the user by simulting some sounds by using
- the tenthly keyboard.
- It`s possible that this shall deceive a SYSOP !
- Bluebox can install by itself an own `icon.library` on disk and sets the
- protection-bits for this `icon.library`.
- It might be possible that Bluebox is only a trojan horse !
- This `icon.library` can create a process called `input.device `.
- This process can seize to the serial port.
- Every time a user outside there, tries to login ,the process `input.device `
- will capture his password and save it up into a file in the root-directory,
- which is called in hexadecimal $A0 !
- The pirate who has written this program now, could broke into this mailbox
- only by reading this datafile, if he use one password name ...
- But I`m not sure, if that`s the sense of this program !
- In this version AntiCicloVir only can find this program and warn you.
- Bret Hawnes
- This one is a classical form of a filevirus !
- It`s very easy to deal with that 2608 bytes long program.
- On infected disks you could find it as invisible file in the root-directory:
- $C0A0E0A0C0 !
- But it isn`t very invisible !
- Indeed you can`t see it in the startup-sequence, but if you list the root-
- directory of an infected disk you can see some irregulare signs ...
- The Bret Hawnes virus also copies itself as invisible file on every disk and
- writes it`s name in the startup-sequence.
- After every running of the startup-sequence the Bret Hawnes virus will be activate !
- It stands every time at $7F000 in memory and sets the pointer KickTagPtr * &
- KickCheckSum * & $6c ( interrupt ).
- At every time you cause a reset the Bret Hawnes virus will be activated by
- the Kick-pointer !
- It sets the OpenLibrary ()-vector on it`s own address and waits for the right time, when
- it can set the OpenWindow ()-vector.
- After that it sets OpenLibrary () to it`s ROM address.
- Bret Hawnes now, tries about the first calling for OpenWindow () to get a chance
- to copy itself from memory to disk !
- After that it sets the OpenWindow ()-vector to it`s ROM address, too.
- Instead the tenth increasing the virus destroys some tracks of your disks ...
- After twenty minutes it shows the following message to you:
- To find the right time-point for this message the Bret Hawnes virus uses the
- interrupt at $6c, to calculate the twenty minutes ...
- To wipe out the virus from memory AntiCicloVir cleares the Kick-pointer and
- sets the vector $6c on it`s ROM addresses.
- AntiCicloVir too can find this filevirus on disk !
- The CCCP virus was the first one, which can copy itself as bootblock-virus
- and as linkvirus !
- This virus also can stand in the bootblock and in any programs, which it had
- infected ...
- CCCP copies itself as an own hunk into every executable program and calculates
- the new hunk-header ( relocs etc ... ).
- You could recognize an infected file by the text `CCCP.VIRUS`, which you
- can find in every infected file !
- If you boot from an infected disk or if you start an infected program the virus
- copies itself in memory and sets the vector CoolCapture * and $6c on it`s
- own address !
- 50 times per second will AmigaDOS run a routine, on which is $6c pointing.
- That means, that CCCP have 50 times per second the chance to control
- CoolCapture * !!!
- You can`t clear CoolCapture * without setting $6c on it`s ROM address !
- If you make a reset CCCP will became very lively per CoolCapture * and set`s
- the vectors DoIO () & OpenLibrary () to it`s own address.
- If you reboot from a non-write-protected disk CCCP at first tries to copy itself
- onto the bootblock ...
- After that it set`s DoIO () on it`s ROM address.
- Now it waits per OpenLibrary () for the right time to set OpenWindow () on
- it`s own address and OpenLibrary () on it`s ROM address !
- As soon as AmigaDOS opens the CLI-Window CCCP tries to infect one file from
- your disks and sets OpenWindow () on it`s ROM address !
- The CCCP virus is relative harmless, because it makes no damage, but it is very
- troublesome because the links ...
- If AntiCicloVir finds it in memory it sets $6c on it`s ROM address and cleares
- the vector CoolCapture *
- Now, this version can find it on disk !
- Color ( TURK V1.3 )
- This 2196 bytes long program is not really a virus, it`s a Trojan Horse !
- It simulates a simple Color-demo, to deceive the user.
- If you start this program a little graphic demo will be shown to you.
- But careful !
- This Trojan Horse contains the bootblock-virus TURK V1.3.
- Color is another form of Trojan Horses than the most of them, because it is
- very active participated in installing the TURK virus.
- It does not only install the virus TURK V1.3 in memory - No, it copies itself
- at $70000 into memory and copies the including bootblock-virus to $7F000
- into memory !
- Then it sets the vector DoIO () on it`s own address and CoolCapture * on a
- senseless address !
- Every time you insert a disk into your drive Color tries to copy TURK V1.3
- from $7F000 in memory to the bootblock of this disk.
- If you make a reset the senseless address in CoolCapture * crashes down
- your machine and you can nothing further do than to turn the power off ...
- AntiCicloVir can find and kill this virus in memory and on disk !
- COMPUPHagozyte I.1/I.2
- This two programs could we define as a mix of filevirus and a Trojan Horse !
- Because this two programs camouflaged itself as viruskiller !!!
- COMPUPhagozyte I.1 is 1492 bytes long and simulates `Virus-Checker V4.0`.
- COMPUPhagozyte I.2 is 1148 bytes long and simulates `VirusX 5.00`.
- ( But I`d never heard anything about `VirusX 5.00`. I think the last version
- was 4.01 or so ... )
- This both programs are not very professian ...
- They work only if they stand as `VirusX` or `Virus-Checker` in the subdirectory
- `c` of a disk, from that you`re booting.
- They try to copy itself to $7C000 into memory, but they does not change any
- vectors - thats good.
- The COMPUPhagozyte fileviruses create an intuition window, which have likeness
- with `Virus-Checker` or `VirusX`.
- They wait for every inserted disk and copies themselfes from memory to subdirectory
- :c of that disk or they wait therefore that you close the window.
- I think this fileviruses can destroy disks ...
- AntiCicloVir have not to kill this viruses in memory, because they never stand
- in memory, but it can warn you if it founds some bytes of them at $7C000 !
- On disk AntiCicloVir kills both fileviruses !
- COMPUPhagozyte II/3
- This 568 bytes long program could we call a bomb !
- It simulates the clear screen command by clearing the window.
- But that does it not by using a ROM-routine, but by 30 return codes ...
- I think it was camouflaged as `cls` on every disk.
- After using this command it copies a reset-routine to $7C000, which does nothing
- more , than clearing ColdCapture *, WarmCapture *, KickMemPtr *, KickTagPtr*
- and KickCheckSum * after every reboot.
- That could cause, that another resident program will wiped out of memory while
- rebooting.
- This bomb is also very very harmless.
- AntiCicloVir can kill it in memory and on disk.
- Another viruskiller names this bomb COMPUPhagozyte 3 !
- COMPUPhagozyte III A-C
- This group of fileviruses is a very strange form and stand upside the crowd !
- All three types of this virus works with the same mechanism.
- They stand as invisible file in the root-directory, which is named in hexadecimal
- $A0A0A0A0 !
- If you start those viruses, they try to copy the invisible file from the root-
- directory to $7C000 into memory, to install a reset-routine at $7C600, to
- install routine for increasing at $7E000, to set CoolCapture * on reset-routine
- and to set OldOpenLibrary () on routine for increasing.
- Every time one program uses the routine OldOpenLibrary () those viruses will
- wake up and try to copy the file from $7C000 to the root-directory of the
- next disk as invisible file, again.
- After that they overwrite the first four bytes of your startup-sequence with
- their name.
- If any program was called up at this place, which name was longer than four
- bytes, you will get an error-code at the next time you run your startup-sequence,
- because irregulare signs were left.
- But the fileviruses has copies theirself into memory before you get this
- error-code !
- But because this error-code those fileviruses will betray theirself ...
- This three fileviruses will cause no damage and display no message.
- The following types exists:
- COMPUPhagozyte III A / 4 = 916 bytes
- COMPUPhagozyte III B / 4a = 892 bytes
- COMPUPhagozyte III C / 4b 0 900 bytes
- There is no differ between type B & C but many differs to type A:
- Type A can copy itself only onto a disk in drive df0:
- Type A needs KickStart 1.2 to work !
- Type A causes in much cases GURU`s after it has increases ( program errors ) !
- Type A contains the ASCII-text not in the head of the file like type B & C.
- AntiCicloVir have only to clear CoolCapture * and to reset OldOpenLibrary () to
- kill those fileviruses in memory.
- AntiCicloVir can kill those fileviruses on disk, too.
- COMPUPhagozyte IV/4c
- This 1048 bytes long filevirus stands as invisible name in the root-directory:
- $A0A0A0A0
- It stands at every time at $7C000 in memory and uses CoolCapture *, OldOpenLibrary (),
- SumKickData ().
- If one program uses the routine OldOpenLibrary (), the virus comes in action
- and copies itself from memory onto that new disk as invisible file.
- Then it writes its name in the startup-sequence.
- After that it checks the vectors CoolCapture * & SumKickData () for it`s
- right addresses.
- If some program uses the routine SumKickData (), COMPUPhagozyte IV checks
- the vectors CoolCapture * & OldOpenLibrary () for it`s own address.
- This virus makes no damage.
- But it is very inconspicuous, so that you can`t recognize it for a long time ...
- AntiCicloVir have to clear CoolCapture * and to reset OldOpenLibrary () and
- SumKickData () to kill this virus in memory.
- COMPUPhagozyte IV will be detect on disk, too.
- Another viruskiller names it COMPUPhagozyte 4c !
- Crime 2
- This 1000 bytes long file must we call a linkvirus.
- It is every time hanging around the first hunk of an infected executable file.
- To infect files this virus looks at the end of the first hunk for 68000 codes
- like RTS or BRA xx and exchanges them for the code NOP.
- After that it joins itselft to the end fo the first hunk and adds it`s own
- filelength in longwords to the first lengthworth in the hunk-header and
- to the second lengthworth at the beginning of the first hunk !
- If you run such an infected file, the Crime linkvirus 2 will be started too
- and copies itself to a random position in CHIP RAM and sets the vector CoolCapture
- to it`s own reset-routine.
- The virus changes the following vectors: AllocMem (), Open () & LoadSeg () and
- a vector of the DosBase structure, which is pointing to ROM.
- Because the last vector, the virus won`t work longer with KickStart versions
- higher than 1.3 !
- The reason therefore is the new dos.library, because the DosBase structure,
- which is called a private structure, was updated by Commodore in KickStart
- version 2.0 !
- This linkvirus causes no damages and prints no messages.
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill this linkvirus only in memory !
- Crime!++
- This linkvirus with a filelength from 872 bytes is the successor of the above
- mentioned linkvirus ...
- It infectes files by the same mechanism like Crime 2 !
- Crime!++ is resident via CoolCapture and patches the vectors Wait () and again
- this one vector from the DosBase structure ...
- ... and that`s the reason, because it doesn`t work with higher KickStart version
- than 1.3 !
- Crime!++ causes no damages & prints no messages, too.
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill this linkvirus only in memory !
- D-Structure
- This 464 bytes short program is a malignant structure, which can increase
- like a filevirus.
- It can stand under every name on disk !
- That`s new by fileviruses ...
- If you start it, it copies itself at $7C000 and sets OldOpenLibrary () to its
- own address.
- D-Structure isn`t resident.
- If any program use OldOpenLibrary () to open a library, D-Structure tries to
- find out which library shall be opened and if it is the dos.library, it opens
- this one by herself.
- Then it get the Dosbase-address and set`s OldOpenLibrary () to it`s ROM
- address.
- After that it sets Write () on it`s own address and installs a copy counter.
- After every five Write Processes, D-Structure tries to copy herself from memory
- to the new destination.
- It makes not more, than changing the rigster D2 for the buffer address on it`s
- own address and the register D3 for the length on it`s own length ...
- If one other program want to write a file on disk, now instead this file D-Structure
- will be written on disk !
- This means: This structure can be everywhere ...
- She can stand as executable file on disk, as part of a datafile on disk, as
- block on disk etc.
- D-Structure could copy herself per modem or per printer ...
- That makes no sense, but so D-Structure can disturb some processes ...
- This is a new form of virus programming, I think.
- Because D-Structure causes her increasing not active but passive by changing
- some registers.
- She doesn`t contain a routine to open any library, to create a file or to
- write datas from memory to disk ... this one changes only a few registers !
- The damages caused by D-Structure can be very multiple !
- AntiCicloVir have to set OldOpenLibrary () or Write () to it`s ROM address
- to kill D-Structure in memory like on disk.
- DAG Creator
- This 7000 bytes long program is not a virus, but a virusmaker !
- It creates a very simple mutation of the bootblock-virus SCA named DAG on every
- disk in drive DF1:, if you want that.
- But if you don`t have drive DF1: it causes a GURU !!!
- This program is very harmless, but very unuseful too.
- So that I think it`s right, if AntiCicloVir will wipe out it of your disk ...
- Darth Vader 1.1
- Darth Vader is a relative simple form of filevirus.
- It has a length from 784 Bytes.
- It`ll only work, if it stands by the hexadecimal name $A0 in the root-directory.
- If it was saved up with another name, it will cause GURU`s, because the virus
- looks for this invisible file on disk and tries to copy it into a random
- memory position, but it can`t stop malfunctions if there isn`t any invisible
- file on disk !
- This virus will called up from the `startup-sequence` !
- It copies its invisible file to a random memory position and installs
- the virus-code at another random memory position !
- You will never find the virus-file and the viruscode at the same position
- in CHIP-RAM !
- Darth Vader uses the CoolCapture*-vector to survive the reset.
- After a reset it sets, by using the Exec-routine SetFunction (), the OldOpen-
- Library ()-vector to its own address.
- I think it`s much more cleverer to set this vector per hand, without using
- any system-routine ...
- Every time a program you run uses OldOpenLibrary (), the virus looks for your
- disks, if it is non-writeprotected and tries to infect it.
- It writes his invisible name into the `startup-sequence` and copies the
- virus-file from memory to disk.
- After some time, the Darth Vader virus looks for an actual output channel and
- prints the message:
- `VIRUS (1.1) by DARTH VADER`
- This filevirus is very harmless and can`t destroy disks or datas !
- AntiCicloVir removes this invisible file from disk !
- If AntiCicloVir finds this filevirus in memory it restores OldOpenLibrary ()
- and cleares CoolCapture*.
- This filevirus was send to me by Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10,
- 4720 Praestoe, Denmark.
- Thanks, Erik !
- This 1740 bytes long filevirus camouflaged itself as clear screen command in
- the subdirectory :c.
- Every time if you start it, it`ll clear your screen and set the cursor on the
- top of the new screen.
- But that`s not all ...
- It copies itself into AMIGA`s memory and sets the resident-pointer KickTagPtr *
- & KickCheckSum * to an own resident-routine.
- After every reboot it`ll set the vector DoIO () to it`s own address and waits
- as long as the intuition.library is available.
- From the intuition.library now, the virus will patch the vector of the routine
- OpenWindow () to it`s own address and reset DoIO () to the ROM address.
- If any task try to use OpenWindow () the DISASTER MASTER virus tries to copy
- itself on disk by the name `cls` in subdirectory `:c`.
- Then it writes it`s name into the startup-sequence with one option:
- cls *
- The option causes, that the virus, every time it`ll called from this startup-
- sequence, doesn`t clear the screen, therefore it can`t betray itself ...
- After one using of OpenWindow () DISASTER-MASTER sets this vector on it`s ROM
- address, again !
- This filevirus can close the AmigaDOS window and create a screen like we
- know it from the workbench or it let disappear the AmigaDOS title or so on ...
- Be careful !
- This virus has an counter and will destroy your disks after you have ressetted
- x times ...
- AntiCicloVir can kill that filevirus in memory and on disk !
- Disk Killer V1.0
- This file with a length from 1368 bytes is a bomb !
- It doesn`t stands in memory, patches any vectors or can survive the reset !
- After running this one, the following message will be shown to you:
- WHY ????
- SUFFER ...`
- After that Disk Killer V1.0 will destroy your disks in all connected drives !
- AntiCicloVir can remove this bomb in the filetest !
- Disktroyer V1.0 & V2.0
- This 804 bytes long bomb camouflaged herself as clear screen command like
- DISASTER MASTER V2, but it`s very dangerous ...
- Whenever you start this program it`ll clear the screen and set the cursor on
- the top of them.
- But it sets the AllocMem ()-vector on it`s own address in memory and installs
- a counter !
- If the counter reached the worth 150 Disktroyer V1.0 destroys all disks
- in your connected drives and displays an alert !
- AntiCicloVir can detect this one in memory and on disk and kills it!
- Disktroyer V1.0 is not resident.
- Disktroyer V2.0 works like Disktroyer V1.0, but it differs only in one point !
- This new 812 bytes long bomb patches GetMsg () to its own address and installs
- a counter.
- If the counter reached the Worth $22222222 Disktroyer V2.0 destroys disks in
- all your connected drives and displays an alert !
- AntiCicloVir can detect this one in memory and on disk and kills it !
- DiskVal1234
- This 1848 Bytes long file should we call a Disk-Validator-virus, because
- it is using the routine of a Disk-Validator for its own increasing !
- DiskVal1234 is not a complete new virus, but it`s a mutation of the famous
- SADDAM virus.
- If you want to know how this kind of viruses work, where they are to find in
- memory, how they work on disk and which specifical damages they cause, then
- I suggest you, to read the part about the SADDAM virus from this documentation !
- Now, I will only explain you, in which points the DiskVal1234 virus differs from
- the SADDAM virus !
- The DiskVal1234 virus don`t copy itself onto every disk you insert in drive
- DF0: like the SADDAM virus, but it can infect every disk you insert in
- drive DF1: !
- Because many AMIGA users today, work with two floppy drives, it seems much
- more efficient to infect disks in drive DF1:, than in drive DF0:.
- Many people work with their Workbench in drive unit 0 and insert new disks in
- drive DF1: - I think that was the reason for this changing !
- The other part, which differs from the SADDAM virus is the destruction routine !
- DiskVal1234 don`t code some OFS or FFS Datablocks, like the SADDAM virus, but
- it changes Datablocks, which begin with the cipher 8, whilst writing 1234 to
- Offset $5A and overwriting 66 times the code from Offset $64 with the assembly
- code $4E71 ( = nop ) !
- Now, many program code will be lost at this position in such a Datablock
- and this is the reason therefore, that every program, which Datablocks was been
- overwritten by the DiskVal1234 virus, will cause Software Errors and GURU`s every
- time you run it !!!
- But you will get NO `read/write errors` on such a disk !!!
- I think, the DiskVal1234 virus will deceive you, that the program has some bugs,
- but that`s not true !
- You could differ programs with real bugs from programs with DiskVal1234 damages,
- if you use a disk-monitor and checks these datablocks ...
- But the damages, caused by DiskVal1234, can`t be repaired by any program !!!
- AntiCicloVir only can liberate your system from this nasty one ...
- It will find and kill it on disk and in memory.
- This virus was send to me by Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720
- Praestoe, Denmark.
- DM-Trash
- This program has a filelength from 4764 bytes and is some kind of trojan horse.
- This program will be used to break into the mailbox-system AmiExpress !
- DM-Trash is not resident, patches no vectors and can`t copy itself onto disks.
- It`s only dangerous for SYSOP`s !!!
- DM-trash contains the following text to deceive the user:
- `New virus ... caused by the new FIXED (?) Version of DMS 1.11 Turbo !
- It is some kind of linkvirus and uses Devices like DH0:, LIBS:, and
- BBS: (!!) ...`
- DM-Trash changes, adds something and writes `ZAPA` in the files `bbs:config1`,
- `bbs:user.data` & `bbs:user.key`.
- AntiCicloVir can remove DM-Trash, while using it`s filetest.
- DriveInfo V0.91
- This one with a filelength from 1704 bytes is another kind of trojan horse.
- DriveInfo tries to deceive the user by displaying some drive datas.
- But the program does much more ...
- It installs an interrupt with the name `Install yeah!`.
- The new interrupt now, will install the above mentioned Crime!++ linkvirus
- in the AMIGA system !
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill DriveInfo in the filetest & Crime!++ in the
- memorytest.
- Excrement Creator
- This file with a length from 1180 bytes does not more do, than only to install
- the bootblock virus Excrement.
- AntiCicloVir will recognize the Excrement Creator, while you run the filetest
- and remove it, if you want that.
- Freedom
- The Freedom file is a bomb, which tries to deceive the user by simulating a
- viruskiller from Steve Tibbett, who has written the famaous VirusX !
- Freedom has a length from 10876 bytes.
- It tries to deceive the user by the following title:
- `Freedom! by Steve Tibbett
- Checking df0: for 126 viruses`
- This file can`t survive a reset, can`t patch any vectors and doesn`t copy
- itself onto any disk !
- But therefore it`ll destroy disks while deceiving the user by the following
- messages:
- `SADDAM-Virus removed!`
- or:
- `SMILY-CANCER-Virus removed!`
- Freedom writes now in every fifth datablock senseless datas from random
- memory positions and destroys so the whole disk !!!
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill the Freedom bomb in the filetest.
- Golden Rider
- This one represents a new generation of linkviruses.
- Because it does not copy itself as own hunk into an infected file like old
- linkviruses did it, but it looks for the first hunk of an executable program
- and adds itself on it.
- Golden Rider changes the last command of this hunk ( mostly $4E75 = `rts` )
- to $4E71 ( `nop` ), which causes, that the processor thinks, if he run`s this
- code, that the first hunk of the program doesn`t end at this position.
- Behind this position can Golden Rider write his virus-code.
- Now, Golden Rider have to add it`s own length to the two length worths in
- the hunk-header and the link is complete !
- Every time you start an so infected program the linkvirus can install itself
- in memory.
- But in not every cases must that work !
- If Golden Rider hangs on a routine in the first hunk, which only will be
- called from the main-program, if an error was caused, then Golden Rider will
- probably never activated ...
- Golden Rider stands every time at $7C000 in memory and sets the vectors
- CoolCapture *, DoIO () & Open () to it`s own address.
- After you reboot, Golden Rider will waked up by jumping in CoolCapture * !
- Now it sets DoIO () to it`s own address and waits so long, if it can open
- the dos.library and set Open () to it`s own address.
- If you insert a new disk Golden Rider tries to copy itself from memory into
- one file of this disk.
- If any program use Open () Golden Rider tries to infect new files, too.
- Golden Rider causes no damages and displays no alerts or so ...
- AntiCicloVir only can detect and kill this linkvirus in memory !
- Gotcha Lamer
- This one is a 372 bytes long bomb, which will be installed by a program
- named MINIDEMO.EXE, which links Gotcha Lamer into the following commands on dh0:
- c/dir, c/run, c/cd, c/execute
- The bomb itself copies it into memory and sets DoIO () to it`s own address.
- After some time it destroys your disks and displays an alert ( ` HAHAHE ...
- Gotcha LAMER !!!` ) !
- AntiCicloVir can kill this bomb in memory but I`m not sure, if it can kill it on hard-disk ...
- Therefore it can detect and kill the creater of Gotcha Lamer MINIDEMO.EXE !
- The HARDEX virus is only a mutant of the famous SADDAM Disk-Validator virus.
- You can therefore everything read about this kind of viruses in the chapter
- of the SADDAM virus !
- The new HARDEX virus shall infect the harddisk, but the Lamer, who has created
- this one did an important bug !!!
- He has removed the ASCII-string `trackdisk.device` !!!
- Without the ASCII-string `trackdisk.device` the virus can`t find this device in
- AMIGA`s system and so it can`t patch the vectors BeginIO () & Close () from
- that device !
- And that means the new HARDEX virus can`t spread itself !!!
- Further the virus is not able to look for the datablocks on disk, to code
- them, because it needs `trackdisk.device`, I think ...
- HARDEX does not more do, than hanging around via ColdCapture after every reset !
- Further the path `DF0:` in the viruscode was exchanged for `DH0:`.
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill this one in memory & on disk.
- Hochofen
- This is a 3000 Bytes long Linkvirus.
- Hochofen is not resident in memory and uses no system-vector !
- That`s it, because it could work with KickStart V2.04, too.
- It infects every executable program, whilst writing an own hunk to the first
- position of this file.
- Then it calculates all hunk-worths (hunk-number,hunk-length, reloc-worths ...)
- and adds the rest of this file behind the new hunk.
- These linkvirus scans the whole directory for executable files and infects one
- after the other ...
- Hochofen can install an own task with the name `Greetings to Hochofen`.
- This task will offer you after some time a Requester with the message:
- `Fasten seat-belt`
- and draw the flag of the Federal Republic of Germany and play the hymn.
- This task can`t destroy anything and can`t spread the virus itself.
- If I tried to remove it, I will get at every time task held errors ...
- That`s the reason therefore, that AntiCicloVir can find this task and warn you,
- but not delete it !
- AntiCicloVir can find Hochofen on disk, too, but not remove it from an infected
- file !
- Please use another viruskiller or delete this infected file !
- The linkvirus causes no damages, but it has a bug, which will destroy some
- files, because Hochofen don`t know all types of hunks ...
- If it didn`t know one hunk type, it could be, that it is then creating an erroneous
- hunk type !
- This linkvirus I got from Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720
- Praestoe, Denmark.
- Infiltrator
- This 1052 bytes long linkvirus infectes every executable file by exchanging
- the last MC 68000 code $4E75 = RTS or BRA xx for the code $4E71 = NOP.
- Then it writes it`s own viruscode behind the new code and adds it`s length
- in longwords to the first lengthworth in the hunkheader and to the length-
- worth in the first hunk - and complete is the link !
- Not every time, if you run such a file, the linkvirus will be started !
- For example:
- If you use a KickStart version lower than 2.0, Infiltrator will not jump into
- memory !
- The linkvirus testes the DOS version and everytime the versions number is lower
- than 36 it won`t be started !
- But if it`ll be startup you can find it in system hanging around the patched
- LoadSeg ()-vector.
- Everytime a tasks tries to run the LoadSeg ()-routine, Infiltrator tries to
- infect any file.
- Infiltrator is not resident -> can`t survive a reset !
- One part in the viruscode containing ASCII signs is coded:
- `Howdy hacker! This is the Infiltrator`
- Further the virus tries to open `user.data` - a new trojan against AmiExpress !?!?
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill this one only in memory !
- This famous old linkvirus was the first one on the AMIGA !
- It looks in the startup-sequence for an executable file and tries to infect
- it.
- If it can`t find the startup-sequence it looks for the command DIR in the
- subdirectory :c and tries to infect it.
- IRQ extented a file to 1096 bytes.
- The linkvirus writes it`s own hunk at the first position into that file.
- Then it calculates all worths for a new hunk-header and the reloc-worths.
- If you start an infected program IRQ copies itself into memory and uses the
- residents by setting KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum *.
- Further the virus sets the vector OldOpenLibrary () to it`s own address.
- Everytime when one program starts the routine OldOpenLibrary () the IRQ virus
- tries to infect the next disk.
- It`s harmless, but disturbing, because it prints the following text:
- `AmigaDOS presents a new virus by the IRQ-Team V41.0`
- This old linkvirus works only with KickStart V1.2 !
- It makes no damges.
- AntiCicloVir can detect it on disk and in memory and kills it.
- JEFF Butonic V1.31
- This filevirus stands every time as executable file on disk and will be
- called up from the `Startup-Sequence`.
- It copies itself into one place in CHIP-RAM and survives the reset via
- the residents by using KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum *.
- Further the virus sets the vectors of DoIO () & $68 (Interrupt).
- It cleares the vectors ColdCapture * & CoolCapture * and calculates a new ChkSum
- for ExecBase.
- After a reset, it can dislplay the following message about an Alert:
- `Einen wunderschoenen guten Tag
- I am JEFF - the new virus generation
- on Amiga *
- (w) by the genious BUTONIC dHV 1.31
- /05.01.88 - Generation Nr. 00011
- Greetings to Hackmack*,* Atlantic*,
- Wolfram, Frank, ...
- Miguel, Alex, Gerlach, and the whole
- Physik - LK from MPG !!`
- About DoIO () this virus can spread itself.
- It will infect every non-write-protected disk, which contains a `Startup-Sequence` !
- It uses twelve different filenames to camouflage itself on disk !
- The following entries we can find in the `Startup-Sequence`:
- - `AddBuffers 20`
- - `Add21K`
- - `Fault 106`
- - `break 1 D`
- - `changetaskpri 5`
- - `wait`
- - `Arthus`
- - `Helmar`
- - `Aloisius`
- - $A0A0A020
- - $A020
- - $2020
- The filevirus can`t spread itself by using the filename $2020, because the
- AmigaDOS won`t start a file from `Startup-Sequence`, which name contains spaces !
- The virus checks the right address of it`s Kick pointer via using this vector, too.
- About the interrupt vector $68 it can show your some messages about the CLI title:
- - `Ich brauch jetzt`n Bier !`
- - `Stau auf Datenbus 128 bei Speicherkilometer 128 !`
- - `Mehr Buszyklen fuer den Prozessor !`
- - `Ein dreifach MITLEID fuer Atari ST !`
- - `BUTONIC !`
- - `Schon die Steinzeitmenschen benutzten MS-DOS ... einige sogar heut noch !`
- - `Schon mal den Sound von PS/2 gehoert ???`
- - `PC/XT - AT: Spendenkonto 004`
- - `Unabhaengigkeit & Selbstbestimmung fuer den Tastaturprozessor !`
- - `Paula meint, Agnus sei zu dick.`
- - `IBM PC/XT: Ein Fall fuer den Antiquitaetenhaendler ...`
- - `Sag mir, ob du Assembler kannst und ich sage dir wer du bist ...`
- Well, it jumps back from this routine to an absolut KS1.2 ROM address, too.
- It stands every time coded on disk, but it`s harmless, because it will make
- no damages.
- AntiCicloVir has to restore DoIO () & $68 and to clear the Kick pointer, to
- wipe it out from memory ...
- It can kill it on disk, too.
- JEFF Butonic V3.00
- This 2916 bytes long filevirus stands as insible file with a name, which is
- called in hexadecimal $A0A0A0, in the root-directory of an infected disk.
- JEFF Butonic V3.00 writes his name in the startup-sequence.
- Whenever you run the startup-sequence the filevirus will be started and
- infects the memory of your AMIGA !
- It uses the residents to survive the reset by setting KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum *.
- The virus sets the vector DoIO () on it`s own address.
- Every time you boot or insert an non-write protected disk the filevirus copies
- itself from memory to the root-directory of that disk.
- JEFF Butonic V3.00 causes no damage, but prints some textes about the screen
- title ...
- About DoIO () the virus checks permanent the addresses of the Kick-pointers.
- A program named *JEFF* VIRUSKILLER creates this filevirus.
- AntiCicloVir can detect and kill this filevirus on disk and in memory.
- This is only another SADDAM Disk-Validator virus mutant, which gives the coded
- datablocks the name `LAME` instead `IRAK` ...
- You can read everything about this kind of viruses in the chapter SADDAM.
- AntiCicloVir detects it in memory as LAME and on disk as SADDAM virus.
- Lamer LoadWb
- This 4172 bytes long LoadWB command is a Trojan Horse, because it contains
- the old bootblock-virus LAMER Exterminator !
- If you call this program, it installs the bootblock-virus in memory and then
- executes the LoadWb command !
- The virus-code of LAMER Exterminator stands uncoded in this Trojan Horse.
- AntiCicloVir detects Lamer LoadWB on disk and kills it.
- My viruskiller can recognize the bootblock-virus LAMER Exterminator in
- memory, too.
- Lamer VirusX
- This program with a lenght from 13192 bytes is a mutation of Steve Tibbett`s
- VirusX !
- This Trojan Horse camouflages itself with the name VirusX 3.10.
- This program can detect the following bootblock-viruses:
- Obelisk, North Star, SCA, Byte Bandit, Byte Warrior, Revenge, Pentagon-Slayer.
- Further it can detect the linkvirus IRQ.
- This is the one side ...
- But the other side is, that this program installs the bootblock-virus LAMER
- Exterminator VIII in memory.
- AntiCicloVir detects this Trojan Horse and kills it.
- It detect the bootblock-virus LAMER Exterminator VIII in memory, too.
- Liberator v1.21/3.0
- This one can we not really name a virus, because it can`t spread itself.
- Liberator v1.21 is a form of filevirus with a length from 10936 bytes.
- It works like Liberator v3.0, which has a length from 10712 bytes ...
- Both fileviruses are being not resident in memory and can`t change any vectors !
- That`s it, because they can work with KickStart V2.04, too.
- The Liberator viruses shall deceive the user by simulating a viruskiller:
- `Check Vectors rev.5.1 All Rights Reserved more TUPperware @ by Mike Hansell
- Reset vectors ok, Nothing resident, Trackdisk.device not intercepted, DoIO ok,
- VBlank ok, dos.library not intercepted.
- System appears to be free of viruses and trojans !`
- But in real, the virus copies itself onto the hard disk with the name `cv`
- and creats there a file named `.fastdir `.
- This file is a kind of copy-counter.
- Liberator can changes the `startup-sequence` of every hard disk !
- It uses different patches for the four types of hard disks:
- DH0:
- execute s:startup-sequence 2
- cv >NIL:
- endcli >NIL:
- DH2:
- LoadWb
- cv >NIL:
- EndCLI >NIL:
- DH3:
- LoadWB -debug
- cv >NIL:
- endcli >NIL:
- NIL: is a kind of device in which you can write everything, but AmigaDOS
- left all this datas !
- The device NIL: could we call a `Data-Trashcan` !
- Liberator writes in every `startup-sequence` behind his name `NIL:`, because
- it doesn`t want betray itself, while running this `startup-sequence` and
- showing the user that it stands on his hard disk ...
- Every time you run the `startup-sequence`, Liberator adds #1 to the worth in
- `.fastdir ` on hard disk.
- If the worth 100 is reached in `.fastdir `, the Liberator virus shows you
- the following message:
- `Congratulations your hard disk has been liberated of virus protection !!
- Hello from the liberator virus v3.0 -
- Digital Deviant
- The anti-anti-virus is here again !
- Lets play trash the hard disk
- and ram the disk heads
- Only hardcore belgian rove can
- truely liberate the mind
- The liberator 15/01/92`
- Liberator v3.0 can`t cause any damage and can`t spread itself, but I think,
- it`s not very useful to have it on hard disk ...
- AntiCicloVir hopefully will it find on hard disk, too and deletes it !
- Thanks Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720 Praestoe, Denmark, from
- the SHI (Safe Hex International) for being the first one, who send this virus
- to me !
- Liberator v5.01
- The new Liberator filevirus has a length from 16924 bytes and infects not longer
- the hard disks, but your floopy disks !
- It is not resident in memory, changes no vector and works therefore with
- KickStart V2.04, too.
- It shall deceive the user by printing the following text:
- `PV (Protect Vectors)v1.02 by Peter Stuer July 22, 1992 FREEWARE
- Reset vectors ok, Nothing resident, Trackdisk.device not intercepted, DoIO ok,
- VBlank ok, low interrupts ok, dos.library not intercepted.
- monitoring vectors ...
- Fully KickStartv2.xx compatible, stops all viruses, checks disk-validators.
- Use run to push this programm into background.`
- But in realety copies the program itself by the name `:c/PV` to the floppy-
- drive DF1: and installs there the files `:c/run`, `:c/br` & `:c/sl.info `.
- `sl.info `is a kind of copy-counter !
- While copying itself to drive DF1:, the virus will change the last letter of
- it`s filename !
- That shall camouflage the virus.
- Liberator v5.01 changes the `startup-sequence`:
- br c:pe
- If the copy-counter in `sl.info ` has reached the worth 100, the following
- message will be displayed:
- `Congratulations this disk has been liberated of virus protection !!
- Hello from the Liberator virus v5.01 -
- Random Disaster
- The anti-anti virus is here again !
- Lets play trash the hard disk
- and ram the disk heads
- The piracy curse
- Liberator V - The future is near.
- Look out for Liberator VI - The final nightmare ...
- coming soon from a lame swapper near you !
- Respect to the virus masters Lamer Exterminator, Crime & Contrast.
- And remember - be excellent to each other !
- The liberator 27/07/92
- Virus Generation:`
- The Liberator v5.01 filevirus is harmless like the old Liberator viruses.
- It`ll never destroy disks or datas.
- But now, it can spread itself with above mentioned mechanism.
- AntiCicloVir can find and remove it from your disk.
- Thanks to Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720 Praestoe, Denmark.
- This 1848 bytes long Disk-Validator-virus is only a simple mutation of the
- SADDAM virus !
- If you want to know how this kind of viruses work, where they are to find
- in memory, what kind of damages they cause, how you could to get rid of it,
- I suggest you, to read the part about the SADDAM virus in this documentation.
- There are only two differences to the original SADDAM virus !
- This virus now, contains another name : `LOOOOM VIRUS` for `SADDAM VIRUS` !
- And it shall copy itself not on every disk, you insert into the internal drive,
- but on every disk, you insert into the external drive !
- I got this one from Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720 Praestoe,
- Denmark.
- This 3076 Bytes long linkvirus is a new kind of this species like the Golden
- Rider virus.
- It copies itself into the CHIP-RAM, if you run an infected program.
- There will it change the address of the routine LoadSeg () to its own address
- and waits until you call up a program.
- If you start a program, MENEM`s REVENGE waits so long until you start another
- program and then it will infect the first program called up by yourself !
- If that is being an executable file, it will look for the last assembly instruction $4E75 ( RTS )
- and changes it to $4E71 ( NOP ).
- MENEMs REVENGE will copy its own viruscode behind this assembly instruction and
- adds the rest of the file behind itself.
- Then it adds its own length to the both length worths in the hunk-header of an
- infected file.
- MENEM`s REVENGE is harmless, because it can`t destroy disks or files !
- But it can create an own task with the name ` `,0.
- This task displays after some time an Alert, which contains the following
- message:
- AntiCicloVir can kill this linkvirus in memory, but not find it in infected
- files !
- I`ve got this one from Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720
- Praestoe, Denmark (SHI).
- Modemcheck
- This program may we not call a virus, because it doesn`t patch any vector,
- can`t survive the reset and can`t spread itself, but therefore it can cause
- many damages on your disks ...
- This Trojan Horse has a filelength from 15516 bytes.
- We can find it camouflaged as modemcheck program, which deceives the user by
- simulating a test of the modem lines at the serial port.
- But in reality the program copies an 3604 bytes long LoadWb command onto your
- disk, which is just another Trojan Horse !!!
- The new LoadWB command created by Modemcheck won`t work under KickStart 1.2/1.3 !
- If this command will be started - for example from the Startup-Sequence, while
- booting the disk - it installs an process namend `Diskdriver.proc` !
- The process will after terminating some tests, fill all the datablocks with
- the word FUCK and so destroy the whole medium !!!
- AntiCicloVir will recognize the modemcheck & the LoadWB file on disk & deletes
- them ...
- AntiCicloVir will seek for a process named `Diskdriver.proc` and warn you,
- but it can`t remove them - please reset your machine !!!
- This program with a length from 1484 bytes is a classical filevirus ...
- It stands by the name $A0A0A0A0A0A0 invisible in the root-directory of an
- infected disk and has written it`s name in the startup-sequence.
- Whenever you run the startup-sequence NANO will run, too.
- It copies itself to $7C000 into memory and sets the vectors CoolCapture *,
- OldOpenLibrary () & SumKickData ().
- After six resets the filevirus draws the flag of the german federal republic.
- If any program uses OldOpenLibrary () NANO tries to copy itself from memory
- onto the new disk.
- After six copies NANO displays the following alert:
- ... another masterpiece by N A N O !!!
- Byte Bandit, Byte Warrior, DEF JAM, DiskDoktors,
- FANTASY, Foundation For The Extermination Of Lamers,
- I.R.Q. Team, Obelisk Softworks Crew, S.C.A., UNIT A ...
- Every time a program tries to use SumKickData () NANO can check the vectors
- CoolCapture * & OldOpenLibrary () to set them again on the virus addresses,
- if someone had cleared them.
- NANO is harmless and causes no damages.
- AntiCicloVir have to reset OldOpenLibrary () & SumKickData () and to clear
- CoolCapture *.
- AntiCicloVir can kill NANO on disk, too.
- This is only another version of the NANO filevirus, which has a length from
- 1472 bytes.
- The new NANO virus stands still in root-directory by the new invisible name
- $A0A0A0A0 and will be called up from the `Startup-Sequence`, while running
- it.
- I think, this one was the first filevirus, which uses the protection bits
- for it`s own protection !
- NANO II makes the files $A0A0A0A0 & `Startup-Sequence` write-, read- & delete-
- protected.
- Even the new NANO filevirus copies itself to an absolute memory position in
- CHIP-RAM ...
- It is resident via CoolCapture and sets after a reset the vectors DoIO (),
- SumKickData () and Interrupt 3 to it`s own virus adresses.
- The virus-routine now, running about the patched DoIO () vector, still tries
- to open the `dos.library` as long as if she is available.
- Then the routine patches the vectors Open (), Lock () & LoadSeg () to the
- own virus addresses.
- About these DOS vectors the filevirus will spread itself to every disk !
- But the filevirus doesn`t recognize the write-protection, so that you will get,
- until the filevirus is running, Requester from the type `volume xyz is write-
- protected` ...
- About the virus-routines, running through the patched vectors of SumKickData &
- Interrupt 3, the filevirus will permanent control it`s own vectors and restore
- every changing !
- I think NANO II won`t work with KickStart versions higher than 1.3, because
- the offset table of the `dos.library` was changed in KickStart 2.04 !!!
- The vectors of the old `dos.library` offset table are pointing to GlobeVec
- structures, while the vectors of the new offset table in KickStart 2.04 are
- pointing to ROM.
- That means, the jump codes from this two offset tables differs and every programm,,
- using the old jump codes, crashes the machine under higher KickStart versions ...
- If I tested NANO II with OS3.0, the system crashes down !
- This filevirus causes no damages & displays no messages.
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill this filevirus in memory & on disk.
- NaST
- The NaST filevirus with a length from 2608 bytes uses the same mechanism
- like the fileviruses BGS9/Terrorists for it`s own spreading !
- It looks for the first executable program, called up from the `Startup-Sequence`,
- and writes it by an invisible name ($A020A020A020202020A0202020A0) to the
- subdirectory `:c`.
- After that is writes an own virusfile by the name of the original program on
- disk.
- Every time you boot from or run the `Startup-Sequence` of such an infected
- disk, the NaST filevirus will be called up and copies themselves in a random
- memory position in CHIP RAM.
- The NaST filevirus uses the vectors KickMemPtr, KickTagPtr, KickCheckSum,
- FindTask (), OldOpenLibrary (), OpenLibrary (), OpenWindow () and Interrupt 3.
- After installing in system, the filevirus loaded the original file from subdirectory
- `:c` via LoadSeg () into a segment list and startes it as task, by using the
- DOS-routine CreateProc () !
- If the task ends, the filevirus removes him from the segment list via UnLoadSeg ().
- This is the way the NaST virus deceives the AMIGA user !
- The virus writes the address of its own MemList structure to KickMemPtr and
- its own reset-program to KickTagPtr, so it can survive every reset.
- After rebooting the virus patches the OpenWindow ()-vector to an own routine,
- which installs it on a new disk, before it must reset the vector to his ROM
- address.
- But NaST can spread itself too, if any task jump to the patched vectors of
- OldOpenLibrary () or OpenLibrary () !!!
- The vector Interrupt 3 is pointing to a NaST virus routine, which is controlling
- permanent the own addresses for changing !
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill this filevirus in memory & on disk.
- No Guru V2.0
- The program No Guru V2.0 with a filelength from 1224 bytes is called a Trojan
- Horse, because it tries to deceive the user by simulating a useful utility:
- `Making life with AmiExpress just that little bit easier ...`
- The program copies itself to a random memory position as utility and patches
- the vectors Alert () & AutoRequest () to the addresses of its own routines.
- This Trojan Horse is only dangerous for AmiExpress user = SYSOPs !!!
- Because it looks for the file `user.data` and searches in them for the
- words `renegade`, `jock rockwell` or `spiral` and patches some bytes ...
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill this Trojan Horse in memory & on disk.
- This 71308 bytes long file is the orign version 3.0b of the `powerpacker.
- library` by Nico Francios.
- But a group called QUARTEX, I think has added a routine, which could be
- danger for your hard disk !
- Because the PP-BOMB looks in dh0: & dh1: for the file `why`, tries to set
- it on zero, looks for AmiExpress & tries to patch it and looks for some other
- files ...
- PP-BOMB cannot copy itself onto another disk, is not resident in memory and
- sets no vectors.
- We needn`t to look in the memory after this bomb !
- Check your sub-directory `LIBS` with AntiCicloVir for this bomb !!!
- QRDL1.1
- The QRDL1.1 virus is a 2320 Bytes long linkvirus.
- I`m sorry, that I can`t analyze it, but it won`t work with KickStart 1.2 in
- memory.
- It is hanging around in memory via CoolCapture * and patches the vectors
- DoIO (), OpenLibrary () & OpenWindow () !
- It infects an executable file, whilst installing an own hunk at the first position
- in this file and calculates the hunk-worths (hunk-number, hunk-length, reloc-
- worths ...).
- QRDL1.1 contains the following message:
- `(C)1992-04-16 QRDL. RELEASE 1.1 Born in Poland, Grt to Jack`
- This linkvirus is very dangerous, because it could destroy your datas !
- It looks for the BitMap-Block of your disk and deallocates all used data-
- blocks !!!
- If that was happened, AmigaDOS won`t know longer, which datablocks are used and which
- datablocks are free !!!
- Now, if you save up a program on such a disk, it could be happened, that AmigaDOS
- writes the datas into datablocks, which will be used for another program ...
- You will get code from one program into another program and final the complete
- chaos on your disks !
- AntiCicloVir only can detect the QRDL1.1-linkvirus on disk, but not remove it
- from an infected file.
- AntiCicloVir can`t detect QRDL1.1 in memory.
- Thanks must go to Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720 Praestoe,
- Denmark, from the SHI ( Safe Hex International ) !
- Red October 1.7
- This linkvirus has a length from 1296 bytes.
- It will not use any vector and don`t stand resident in memory ...
- That`s it, because it`ll work with KickStart V2.04, too !
- I think, that this linkvirus was published as PD-software, because there
- exist the following DOC-File for it:
- `The Red October Virus 1.7 (901029)
- This virus program is for demonstration and testing purpose only.
- The Red October virus is a non-overwriting virus and was developed
- and tested under AmigaDOS 1.3.
- The following points influenced the development of the program:
- 1. The virus should infect other programs only when system clock
- seconds are evenly divisible by three.
- 2. All of the infected files should continue to work properly.
- 3. The manipulation task in the virus causes a system crash when
- the system clock seconds are 16, 32 or 48 (evenly divisible
- by sixteen).
- 4. The virus only infects files which are shorter than 50000
- bytes in the current directory.
- Delete the virus and the infected programs on the computer when
- you are done. WORK WITH COPIES ONLY.`
- If you run an infected file, Red October comes in action.
- The linkvirus is working with the `timer.device` !
- If you can divide the seconds through three, then Red October tries to increase.
- It reads the whole directory of your disk and tries to infect every executable
- file, it will find !
- Red October installs an own hunk into this infected file and calculates the new
- hunk-table ( hunk-number, hunk-length, reloc-worths ... )
- Because the linkvirus has a bug, it could be happened, that some infected files
- won`t work longer and causes Software Errors & GURU`s ...
- But you could repair this damages by yourself ( not by AntiCicloVir ), if you
- want get back this datas !
- If you can divide the seconds through sixteen, then Red October 1.7 causes a
- reset.
- Well, AntiCicloVir can find Red October in infected files, but not remove them
- from this files ...
- I got this linkvirus from Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720
- Praestoe, Denmark (SHI).
- Return of the Lamer Exterminator
- This one is a complete new form of AMIGA virus.
- It`s called Disk-Validator virus, because it is using the mechanism of the
- Disk-Validator routine to increase !
- This virus copies itself after every reboot over the original Disk-Validator
- in the subdirectory :L.
- Then it sets the BitMap-Pointer from the Root-Block to a senseless address on
- disk and causes so a Disk Validating Error.
- The Disk Validating Error will force AmigaDOS permanent to startup the Disk-
- Validator to create a provisional BitMap in memory, so that AmigaDOS can
- work with that disk.
- But that means, that every time you insert an infected disk, the Return of
- the Lamer Exterminator virus will automatic activates and can install itself
- in memory ...
- It`s resident in memory via KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum * !
- It sets InitCode (), OpenWindow (), BeginIO () & Close () from the trackdisk.device,
- BeginIO () from the keyboard.device and the RasterBeam-Interrupt.
- Because that, AntiCicloVir can only recognize that virus in memory, but not
- kill it ...
- On disk AntiCicloVir can recognize that virus, but must rename it !
- It can`t kill it, because every time you insert an infected disk, Return
- of the Lamer Exterminator stands in memory.
- And even then, if this virus stands in memory, it opened the file Disk-
- Validator or uses a Write Lock on him.
- That means you can`t delete this file !
- But if you rename :L/Disk-Validator to :L/LAMER-Virus - for example - it will
- not again started from AmigaDOS and can`t infect your memory !
- After that your disk have a Disk Validating Error.
- That was the work of the virus ...
- To get rid of the Disk-Validating Error, you must boot from a disk, which
- contains the original Disk-Validator and then insert the disk with the
- Disk-Validating Error.
- Now the disk will be validate ...
- To get a valid BitMap you have to write or delete anything to/from this disk.
- Now the disk is health !
- Another possibility is, to use a diskmonitor, to look for the original
- BitMap on disk and to set this worth into the BitMap-Pointer of the
- Rootblock.
- This virus is very malignant, because it can destroy your disks !
- After some time it begins to look for some OFS or FFS data blocks on your
- disks & fills them with the word `LAMER!`.
- This destroys some of your files and causes read/write errors.
- But that`s not all !
- The virus can destroy disks in all connected drives, whilst format them root-
- blocks !!!
- This disks are completely destroyed !!!
- Then it displays an alert:
- Return of the Lamer Exterminator
- You can health disks with read/write errors by using the command DISKDOCTOR.
- This virus will only work with KickStart V1.2/1.3.
- Revenge Of The LAMER Exterminator
- This filevirus exists in two variants: Revenge Of The LAMER Exterminator I
- & Revenge Of The LAMER Exterminator II
- From variant I exitsts two types !
- I will mainly explain type 1 of variant I.
- The variants I+II stands as invisible file with the name $A0A0A0A0A0 in the root-
- directory.
- Type 2 of variant I camouflages itself as command DosSpeed !
- But back to type 1 of variant I !
- This virus writes it`s invisible name in the startup-sequence and will so every
- time you run the startup-sequence be started.
- To survive the reset it uses the residents and sets KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum*
- But this virus sets a lot of other vectors more ...
- I don`t know them all and that`s the reason, why AntiCicloVir can`t kill it
- completely in memory !
- AntiCicloVir offers you, that it had recognized this virus and cleared the
- Kick-pointer.
- If you really wont get rid of it, you have to make a reset !!!
- This virus is very malignant like Return of the Lamer Exterminator !
- But I think, it have some errors.
- If it`ll started via startup-sequence, you get some problems with irregulare
- signs in the AmigaDOS window.
- It could happen, that you can`t find some subdirectorys on your disk, while
- working with the workbench and so on ...
- After eight minutes or four resets, begins the virus to destroy your disks.
- It formats the complete disk and displays a three page long alert:
- Revenge Of The LAMER Exterminator
- It has come to my attention that the person using this computer
- is a LAMER (+)
- we the people , who are responsible for the "Revenge Of The LAMER
- Exterminator` Virus, believe that only intelligent folk are fit
- to use the AMIGA Personal Computer.
- Since you were apparently not smart enough to prevent infection
- of your computer and software by this virus
- ( You should have used a condom ),
- we must assume that you are a LAMER ( a.k.a. LOSER )
- and therefore we had no alternative but to erase your floppy disk(s)
- in order to get your attention.
- - Press Any Mousebutton -
- We are eagerly looking forward to the first Amiga magazine that
- explains the inner workings of this brilliant ( at least we think
- so ) virus.
- However, we are not very confident, since the three versions of the
- original LAMER Exterminator virus have never really been analysed
- in any Amiga magazine.
- we have made this virus a little bit more aggressive so that
- more people will recognize it and hopefully will learn something
- as to overcome the dreadful disease of LAMERism
- By the way, the A in LAMER is pronounced like the A in DAY ( LAMER
- peolpe do not know proper English in our experience )
- - Press Any Mousebutton -
- Signed
- Foundation for the Extermination of LAMERS. (++)
- (+) You can recognize a LAMER or LOSER as someone who can only
- use the Ctrl - Amiga - Amiga keys on his Amiga, and might even
- know how to load X-Copy ...
- (++) Due to the primitive and violent nature of some LAMERS,
- we have decided against revealing our real identies, so as
- to prevent unnecessary visits to the local hospital on our
- part !
- Coming sonn to a theatre near you:
- +++ The Lamer Exterminator -
- A new Beginning +++
- Rated PG
- - Press any Mousebutton to Continue Being a LAMER -
- AntiCicloVir can`t detect this virus on disk, if it stands in memory, because
- it manipulates the contens of some registers so, that no viruskiller will
- find this invisible file in the root-directory !
- If you list the startup-sequence or if you list the root-directory, you
- will nowhere find the invisible $A0A0A0A0A0 because the virus in memory.
- Make also a reset and check your disks after removing Revenge Of The LAMER
- Exterminator from memory.
- This here is only a mutation of the famous SADDAM-Disk-Validator-virus.
- If you want to know how this kind of viruses work, where they`re to find in
- memory, which damages they cause and how you could get rid of it, then I suggest
- you, to read the part about the SADDAM virus in my documentation !
- There was no other patch found in this mutation, than the new virusname ...
- I`ve got this virus from Erik Loevendahl Soerensen, Snaphanevej 10, 4720
- Praestoe, Denmark, from the Safe Hex International ( SHI ).
- This one is called a Disk-Validator virus, because it uses the routine of
- a Disk-Validator for it`s own increase.
- SADDAM copies itself onto every disk you insert or boot from and overwrites
- the original Disk-Validator in subdirectory :L !
- If that disk doesn`t contain this subdirectory, SADDAM creats by itself this
- subdirectory !
- It can infect every disk !
- After that it sets the BitMap-pointer in the Root-Block to a senseless address,
- which will cause a Disk Validating Error !
- This will force in later times AmigaDOS to startup the new Disk-Validator,
- which is in real the SADDAM virus !
- Only to insert an infected disk reaches to get this virus in memory.
- It is resident via ColdCapture *.
- That means, that it`ll work with KickStart 1.3 too, if you make a reset
- without installing SetPatch r !
- Because KickStart 1.3 has a bug in it`s system, will all other viruses wiped
- out from memory after a reset - not so the SADDAM virus !!!
- The virus sets the vectors BeginIO () & Close () from the trackdisk.device and
- comes so every time in action, if you insert a disk in your drive or if you
- boot from a disk or if you use in any other case the trackdisk.device !
- Further the virus sets the vector of the Raster-Beam-interrupt on it`s own
- address !
- Now, it can control permanent the right address of ColdCapture * and sets the
- vector again, if any other program had cleared it !
- Only in the resetphase, it patches the vectors InitCode () & OpenWindow ()
- for virus internal works ...
- The SADDAM virus is very malignant and causes different damages !!!
- After a time it startes to look for some OFS or FFS data blocks, gives them
- the name IRAK and coded the contents with a worth !
- The programs, standing in those data blocks, won`t longer work and the disk
- get`s read/write errors !
- But if the SADDAM virus stands in memory, it`ll decode such a datablock,
- if AmigaDOS loads him and so can prevent a read/write error message!
- Another damage has likeness with the virus Return of the Lamer Exterminator !
- After a few time the virus startes to format disks in all connected drives !
- This disks are completely destroyed !!!
- And shows you an alert:
- SADDAM Virus
- If AntiCicloVir finds the SADDAM virus in memory it sets the vectors Raster-
- Beam-interrupt, BeginIO () & Close () from the trackdisk.device on it`s
- ROM addresses and cleares ColdCapture * !
- AntiCicloVir can kill the SADDAM virus on disk, but not repair the damages !
- At first you have to correct the Disk Validating Error !
- Please boot from one disk which contains the original Disk-Validator and insert after
- that the disk, with the Disk-Validating Error !
- The original Disk-Validator creates a provisional BitMap in memory, so that
- AmigaDOS can work with those disk.
- To get a valid BitMap you have to write/delete anything to/from this disk !
- Another possibility is to use a diskmonitor, to look for the original
- BitMap of that disk and to set the BitMap-Pointer from the Rootblock
- of the position of the original BitMap-Block !
- If you want health a disk with SADDAM damage please use an universal virus-
- killer, which can check the blocks of a disk, too !
- You must uncode the coded data blocks to get rid of the read/write errors !
- But you can`t health disks, which the virus has formated !
- I got this new virus from Gregory Sapsford, Fohlenkamp 33, W-4600 Dortmund 13,
- Germany.
- Sepultura
- This one is a filevirus with a length from 1876 bytes.
- You can find it every time by the invisible name $A0A0A0A0 in the root-directory
- of an infected disk.
- It writes its own invisible name to the first position in the `Startup-Sequence`.
- So it will called up every time you boot from such a disk !
- The Sepultura filevirus can only infect disks you insert in the drive loppydisks
- df0:, df1: or df2: !
- It can`t infect a disk in drive floppydisk df3: or the RAM: or harddisk !
- Because the virus is for its own spreading using the path dfx:, in them it will
- change the last number of the drivename after some infections.
- After running the filevirus it copies itself to a random position into CHIP-
- RAM.
- Sepultura can survive the reset by an own reset-program, which will be started
- about KickTagPtr.
- The filevirus patches the vectors FindRes (), Open (), DeleteFile (), Rename (),
- Lock (), LoadSeg () & Interrupt 3.
- While rebooting your system Sepultura sets the vector FindRes () to its own
- virus address and waits as long as if the `dos.library` is available ...
- If that happens the filevirus sets the DOS-vectors Open (), DeleteFile (),
- Rename (), Lock () & LoadSeg () to its own virus address.
- By using the virus-routine, to which the DOS-vectors are pointing, Sepultura
- can copy itself on every non-writeprotected disk !
- The Interrupt vector No. 3 has the filevirus setted on an own routine for
- displaying this alert:
- Hi Guyz !!
- SEPULTURA strikes back with their new VIRUS ...
- Look ...`
- Sepultura won`t work with heigher versions, than KickStart 1.3, because it
- has the same problem with the different `dos.library` offset tables like
- the filevirus NANO II (please read in this chapter all about this problem !).
- In KickStart V2.04 Sepultura will cause GURU`s after every reset !!!
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill the virus in memory & on disk.
- ShowSysop
- This is only one program more to annoy AmiExpress users !
- AntiCicloVir can recognize & kill this file, while running the filetest.
- Smily Cancer I + II
- The Smily Cancer virus is a 3916 bytes long linkvirus.
- It infects the first executable program it finds in the startup-sequence !
- Smily Cancer works like all old linkviruses ( IRQ, CCCP and so on ... ).
- It copies itself as first hunk into the infected file and calculates a
- new hunk-header for the reloc worths for memory position correction and
- something more ...
- Every time you run the startup-sequence or an infected program, the linkvirus
- jumps at an absolut position into memory.
- Smily Cancer is resident via using KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum * !
- For increasing it sets BeginIO () from the trackdisk.device on it`s own
- address.
- Further it set`s SumKickData () on it`s own address, to check the Kick-pointer,
- if any other program uses this routine and set them again on the virus
- address, if it had cleared them !
- After twenty increasings becames the Mousepointer a yellow head and the
- following text will be offered to you:
- Hi There !!! A New Age In Virus Making Has Begun
- --- CENTURIONS ---
- The Smily Cancer linkvirus causes no damges.
- AntiCicloVir can detect & kill this virus in memory, and on disk
- in this version.
- But it can`t get them out of an infected file !!!
- Don`t use this file !!!
- Smily Cancer II is called a 4676 bytes long Trojan Horse, which camouflages
- itself as LoadWB command on disk.
- If you run this program it installs the linkvirus Smily Cancer in memory and
- executes after that the LoadWB routine !
- AntiCicloVir can detect & kill this Trojan Horse !
- SnoopDos 1.6
- This here is only one program more to annoy AmiExpress user !
- Filelength: 11312 bytes
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill it in the filetest.
- Telecom
- Telecom is a simple filevirus with a length from 756 bytes.
- You can find it, using the invisible name $A0, in the root-directory of
- every infected disk.
- It`ll be activated if you run the `Startup-Sequence`.
- Then it jumps into CHIP-RAM and sets the CoolCapture vector to its own reset-
- routine.
- Telecom patches the vectors DoIO () & FindRes ().
- But it works only with KickStart V1.3, because it is using absolute ROM addresses.
- That is the reason why AntiCicloVir can`t find it in memory, because I use
- not KickStart V1.3 !
- But in the filetest AntiCicloVir will recognize the Telecom filevirus and
- remove it from disk !
- Terrorists
- The Terrorists virus has a length from 1612 bytes and works like the BGS9 virus.
- This filevirus looks for the first executable program in the startup-sequence
- and writes it from it`s original place on disk to an invisible file in the
- root-directory, which is called in hexadecimal $A0202020A02020A020A0A0 !
- Itself copies itself at the old position of the original program.
- If you now run the startup-sequence at first the Terrorists virus will be
- started and copies itself into memory and later the virus executes the
- invisible file, which is the original program.
- Terrorists uses the residents to survive the reset via KickMemPtr *,
- KickTagPtr * & KickCheckSum *.
- After every reset it sets the vector OpenWindow () to it`s own address in
- memory and tries to copy itself from memory to disk, if AmigaDOS startes
- the routine OpenWindow () to create the AmigaDOS window !
- After that it sets the vector OpenWindow () to it`s ROM address !
- After four resets it offers you the following message:
- The Terrorists virus is very harmless and destroys nothing !
- AntiCicloVir have to clear the Kick-pointer to wipe it out of memory.
- It can detect it on disk, too.
- T.F.C. Revenge LoadWb
- This one is a 2804 bytes long Trojan Horse, which is camouflaged as LoadWB
- command on every disk, it was installed.
- If you run it, it`ll install the bootblock-virus T.F.C. Revenge in memory,
- at two positions: $7F800 & $FF800
- The T.F.C. Revenge virus is a mutation of the EXTREME virus !
- After that it executes the LoadWB routine !
- AntiCicloVir kills this Trojan Horse & the bootblock-virus in memory !
- Time Bomb V0.9
- This 7840 bytes long file must we call a bomb.
- Time Bomb V0.9 is not resident, patches no vectors & can`t spread itself !
- It tries to deceive the user by simulating a viruskiller:
- But in reality copies the bomb itself to the subdirectory `:c`, by using the
- name `.info`, and creates some kind of counter in the root-directory named
- `pic.xx`.
- The counter has the worth #6.
- While every time you run the Startup-Sequence, the bomb in the file `:c/.info`
- tries to open the counter in the file `pic.xx` and to subtract the worth #1
- from the worth in the counter.
- Now, if the disk is write-protected, the bomb displays a requester:
- `User Request: Please remove write Protection and
- press left Mouse Button to continue.`
- So long as you don`t do that, the bomb stops the running of the `Startup-
- Sequence` !
- If the worth in the file `pic.xx` has reached zero, the bomb formates the
- whole disk and destroys so all disk datas !!!
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill Time Bomb V0.9, while running the filetest.
- Traveling Jack 1+2
- This both little linkvirus differs in some points from the most other linkviruses.
- If they infect one file they can use two different hunk-length to deceive
- viruskiller !
- But these linkviruses can create an own file on disk too, which have the name:
- VIRUS.xy
- The variables x & y stands for hexadecimal ciphers, which will determined
- via $BFE001.
- This file has a length from 198 bytes and contains the following text:
- The Traveling Jack ...
- I`m traveling from town to town
- looking for respect,
- and all the girls I could lay down
- make me go erect.
- - Jack, 21st of Semptember 1990
- These linkviruses uses only one vector from the Dosbase-structure and were not
- resident !
- They uses dl_A5 ( Offset $2E ), which contains datas from the addressregister
- A5 to buffer them.
- The Traveling Jack linkviruses causes no damage !
- The two viruses differs only in a different routine for calculating the new
- hunk-length and in a different routine for coding the linkvirus on disk.
- These linkviruses will not work with KickStart V2.04 !
- AntiCicloVir can find both linkviruses on disk and in memory.
- Virus Construction Set
- Now, this here is no virus, but a program, which you can use, to create your
- own virus ...
- If you start the program, it will suggest you, to enter your own virus message.
- After that you can insert any disk, to infect the disk with your own virus.
- These new bootblock virus will display in an alert box after every fifth Copy
- your message, but in the end of the bootblock viruscode, you can find a coded
- ASCII-text from the real virus programmer ...
- The Virus Construction Set is 10192 bytes long.
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill this program in the filetest, if you want
- that.
- Xeno
- This linkvirus has a length from 1124 bytes.
- It infects the first executable program, it finds in the startup-sequence.
- But it doesn`t infect every program.
- It looks only for programs, which have the following signs in it`s filename:
- 0-9, a-z, A-Z
- It doesn`t infect programs with special signs !
- This linkvirus don`t increases the hunk-number !
- Xeno isn`t resident and uses only three vectors from the dos.library:
- Open (), LoadSeg () & Lock ()
- Every time you or a program open a file, you or the AmigaDOS loads a file
- to run it or you or AmigaDOS sets a Lock for a directory, the Xeno virus
- becomes lively and tries to infect a file.
- The Xeno virus can display the following message:
- Greetings Amiga user from the Xeno virus !
- The Xeno virus makes no damage.
- If AntiCicloVir finds it in memory, it`ll set the vectors Open (), LoadSeg ()
- & Lock () to their ROM addresses.
- In this version now, AntiCicloVir can find the Xeno-Linkvirus on disk, too !
- xprzspeed V3.2
- This file now, is another Trojan Horse to annoy AmiExpress users ...
- xprzspeedV3.2 has a filelength from 9556 bytes.
- It tries to deceive the users with the following startup-message:
- `This tool was coded in order to improve your Z-Modem transfers.
- And it works really good in 30 % of our TEST-Downloads there was an acceleration
- of nearly 6-7 % !!!`
- xprzspeed V3.2 opens a port, which will run at 4:13 am and delete ALL files in
- BBS: !!!
- Then it deletes a file named `ram:temp` and after that it creates a file with
- the name `Dip_in_DUDE` and writes memory waste into it as long as if the medium
- is full.
- AntiCicloVir will recognize & kill this Trojan Horse, while you run the file-
- test.
- Have a nice day !!!
- Matthias Gutt
- (Member of SHI Anti Virus Group)