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- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Copyright
- ---------
- The entire VirusZ package is written and copyright © 1991-94 by Georg
- Hörmann with exception of the reqtools.library which is written and
- copyright © by Nico François who gave the permission to use it in any
- freely distributable software package. No parts of this package may be
- altered by any means (this includes editing, reprogramming, crunching,
- resourceing etc.), except archiving.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- The author is in no way liable for any changes made to any part of the
- package, or consequences thereof as he is in no way liable for damages
- or loss of data directly or indirectly caused by this software.
- Distribution
- ------------
- Neither fees may be charged nor profits may be made by distributing
- this piece of software. Only a nominal fee for costs of magnetic media
- may be accepted, the amount of US $6 shouldn't be exceeded for a disk
- containing VirusZ. Outside a single machine environment, you are not
- allowed to reproduce single parts of the package, but you have to copy
- it completely. If any parts were already missing when you received
- the package, look out for another source to get your software in
- the future. See this list of contents for verification:
- VirusZ (dir)
- Libs (dir)
- xfdmaster.library
- reqtools.library
- Install Libs
- Install Libs.info
- Install.script
- VirusZ
- VirusZ.info
- VirusZ.Doc
- VirusZ.Doc.info
- VirusZ.History
- VirusZ.History.info
- VirusZ.info
- Shareware
- ---------
- VirusZ is Shareware which means you are allowed to copy it freely, but
- you have to pay a fee to the author if you use VirusZ regularly. Not
- paying your fee is both immoral and illegal. If you already have
- registered for any former releases, paying the fee again is optional.
- Suggested donation is DM 20 or an equivalent amount in any other
- currency. Anything else will not be accepted.
- About SHI
- ---------
- It is hereby strictly forbidden to include VirusZ II on any Safe Hex
- International viruskiller compilation disks without my permission. I
- am NOT a member of SHI and therefore am not interested in any kind of
- direct or indirect contact to Erik Løvendahl Sørensen who is mostly
- profit-oriented and tries to cheat the anti-virus programmers both
- financially and morally.
- The following regional SHI virus centers have my permission to include
- VirusZ II on their disks:
- SHI Team Denmark : Jan Bo Andersen & Lars Kristensen
- SHI Norway : Kurt Hansen
- ex-SHI U.S.A. (East) : Jim & Becky Maciorowski
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- The Author
- ----------
- Starting with September 1993, I have to fulfil my community service at
- the local Red Cross station as an army replacement. Therefore I will
- no longer have that much time for updating VirusZ as I had it in the
- past when I went to school. I'll nevertheless try my best, but I can't
- make any promises. If you want to contact me anyway, try the following
- address:
- Georg Hörmann
- Am Lahnewiesgraben 19
- 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Germany
- Submissions
- -----------
- Submissions with new material (viruses/crunchers) are welcome. If you
- want your disks back, either enclose enough money for postage or German
- stamps. By now I had more expense than profit by sending all you folks
- your disks back. If you want me to continue my anti-virus work, don't
- try to cheat me.
- Special Thanks
- --------------
- There are several people I want to thank for supporting VirusZ:
- * Ralf Thanner for everything (what more should I say:-))
- * Axel Folley for moral and financial support :-)
- * Flake/TRSI for viruses and bug reports
- * Holger Wessling for his unbelievable fantasy
- * Martin Odaischi for dozens of viruses and financial support
- * Heinz Lindner for resident tools and new Kickstarts
- * Markus Stiebeling for bug reports and hints
- * Control/Alcatraz for the nice logo
- * Rüdiger Prang for patches and TEX-Docs
- * Steve/Silicon Designs 3003 for viruses and packers
- * all other folks that have contacted me in the past
- * of course all users who already paid their shareware fee
- There's one person I DON'T want to thank:
- * Erik Løvendahl Sørensen for being the leader of SHI, for his lies
- and bad comments, his egoism, his pseudo-legal appearance and for
- the worst written English in the history of mankind.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Philosophy
- ----------
- VirusZ is another try to make the perfect viruskiller. Although there
- are already hundreds of killers, none had to offer the, in my opinion,
- most important features. These are to be short, fast and not to keep
- the user from working by opening a big screen with hundreds of gadgets
- or locking the drives. If you like that type of killer, forget VirusZ.
- Enforcer Hits
- -------------
- VirusZ has been designed to kill viruses in memory. Therefore it has
- to check all the memory locations used by these bastards, amongst them
- the interrupt table of the CPU. This certainly causes enforcer hits,
- but it obviously is better to detect the viruses than not to have an
- enforcer hit, isn't it? By the way, all hits are completely harmless.
- Getting Started
- ---------------
- The VirusZ II series requires OS2 and the reqtools.library in order to
- work correctly. As an addition, if you want to use the decrunch
- feature, you need the xfdmaster.library. Copy both files to the LIBS:
- drawer of your system disk. You can use the 'Install Libs' script for
- the copy work. After this, starting VirusZ is nothing more than typing
- its name to any Shell or double-clicking its icon from Workbench. See
- the chapters below for supported Shell options and tooltypes.
- How To Use ReqTools Requesters
- ------------------------------
- VirusZ uses three types of ReqTools requesters: requests asking for a
- decision, information requests informing you about something and file
- requests to select files/drawers. You can satisfy them not only by
- clicking their gadgets, but also via shortcuts. These are:
- Positive response: <Y>, <RETURN>, <LAMIGA-V>, underscored character
- Negative response: <N>, <ESC>, <LAMIGA-B>, underscored character
- The positive gadget is the leftmost always printed in bold, whereas the
- negative is the rightmost.
- Menus
- -----
- Actions are taken via the items in the 'Project' menu. 'Quit' causes
- VirusZ to quit, 'Hide' hides the main interface, 'About' gives you
- information about the current release and 'Show Brains' displays all
- known viruses. See descriptions of the other items below.
- The 'Prefs' menu enables the user to configure VirusZ to his own taste.
- After selecting 'Save Prefs', VirusZ writes the file 'VirusZ_II.Prefs'
- to the ENVARC: drawer which contains the settings. See descriptions
- of the other items below.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- -----------
- Specifies the commodity priority of VirusZ's broker. Values may range
- from -128 to 127, default is 0.
- ---------
- Defines the hotkey used to pop up the main window.
- --------
- Tells VirusZ whether to pop up on startup or not.
- ---------
- Tells VirusZ to open its windows on the defined public screen instead
- of the Workbench.
- ??|INFO
- -------
- Prints further information about the exact use of the above options.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- -----------
- Specifies the commodity priority of VirusZ's broker. Values may range
- from -128 to 127, default is 0.
- ---------
- Defines the hotkey used to pop up the main window.
- --------
- Tells VirusZ whether to pop up on startup or not.
- ---------
- Tells VirusZ to open its windows on the defined public screen instead
- of the Workbench.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Introduction
- ------------
- In the early days of the Amiga viruses, nobody thought about file or
- even link viruses. A good virus killer had to display the bootblock
- and check some vectors. But nowadays, the greatest danger doesn't come
- from the bootblock, but from files. Therefore this file check has been
- created to check files for virus infection. See a list of all known
- viruses by selecting 'Show Brains' from the 'Project' menu. This file
- check is quite unique as it offers you several features which others
- lack. First it can decrunch files for checking, second it can remove
- all virus links from an infected file in one step where others are only
- able to remove one link after the other. These features are possible
- thanks to a great file buffering method and my own xfdmaster.library.
- If you have to chose a checker, use mine for perfect checking.
- File Request
- ------------
- After selecting 'File Check' from the 'Project' menu, the first thing
- to appear is a file request. Here you (multi-)select the files and/or
- drawers you wish to check. If you want to select several entries, keep
- <SHIFT> pressed while selecting them. To select all entries, click on
- the 'All' button. Now click on 'Ok' to start or 'Cancel' to abort
- checking.
- Output Window / Control Panel
- -----------------------------
- Now a window opens that is separated in two portions. The bigger part
- is the output window which contains information about the files that
- are checked. The small part at the bottom is the control panel. By
- clicking on 'Stop', checking is interrupted and a request appears
- asking you to continue or to abort. If you select 'Continue', the
- request disappears and checking continues. By selecting 'Abort',
- checking is aborted and you can exit from the file check or select the
- next drawer/file by clicking on 'Check Again'.
- Important Notes
- ---------------
- The link virus removal code is absolutely reliable as long as infected
- files aren't damaged in any way. If the hunk structure is corrupted or
- anything else disables removing, VirusZ will tell you and then skip the
- file.
- VirusZ handles the protection bits of files automatically, i.e. makes
- the file readable for checking and writeable for reparation. This is
- useful because you don't have to mess around with the Protect command
- in your Shell. Whenever there comes up a system request "Disk is write
- protected", VirusZ tried to change the protection bits. This access is
- not dangerous, so it would be best if you make your disks write enabled
- before checking.
- Additional Hint
- ---------------
- It may happen that a file is first infected and then crunched. If you
- want to save the cleaned file without having it decrunched, check it
- again with decrunching disabled.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Decrunch Files
- --------------
- If this option is enabled, the file check decrunches files in order to
- check them for viruses. You need the xfdmaster.library for this
- feature and free memory that is twice as large as the file itself.
- Skip Subdirectories
- -------------------
- Enable this option to make the file check ignore any drawers that may
- exist in a selected drawer.
- Auto-Handle Viruses
- -------------------
- If the file check detects a file that contains a virus, a request pops
- up to inform you which virus it was and asks you to either kill the
- virus or let it stay alive. With this option you can skip this request
- and kill any viruses automatically.
- Generate Report
- ---------------
- This option makes it possible to create a text file that contains a
- copy of the text output you can see while checking. If enabled, a file
- request will appear after the file check is finished to ask you for the
- filename the report should be written to.
- Check Without Repair
- --------------------
- If enabled, the file check only detects viruses, but doesn't try to
- repair the files. This may be useful with new disks you don't know the
- contents. Simply select all files, perform a file check and look at
- the output without being disturbed by requests. In fact it is useful
- for me to check through my virus drawers without aborting hundreds of
- requests.
- Auto-Save Report
- ----------------
- If enabled, VirusZ doesn't ask for a path/filename to save the report
- to. It then simply uses the filename that is generated by default and
- the path entered in 'Default Report Path'.
- Default Report Path
- -------------------
- Enter the path where you want to save file reports to in this gadget.
- If auto-save is enabled, VirusZ uses this path for saving.
- Amount Of Lines Displayed
- -------------------------
- This gadget contains the maximum amount of lines that will fit into the
- file check output window. Set to 99 on screens lower than 300 pixels
- and to smaller values on interlaced screens. Otherwise the scrolling
- will be too slow and decrease checking speed.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Select Drive
- ------------
- After selecting 'Sector Check' from the 'Project' menu, the first thing
- to appear is a drive request. Here you select the drive you wish to
- check. Only trackdisk units are supported, but checking should work
- with the new 1.76 MB disks too. Click on 'Ok' to start or 'Cancel' to
- abort checking.
- Output Window / Control Panel
- -----------------------------
- Now a window opens that is separated in two portions. The bigger part
- is the output window which contains information about the sectors that
- are checked. The small part at the bottom is the control panel. By
- clicking on 'Stop', checking is interrupted and a request appears
- asking you to continue or to abort. If you select 'Continue', the
- request disappears and checking continues. By selecting 'Abort',
- checking is aborted and you can exit from the sector check or select
- the next drive by clicking on 'Check Again'.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Auto-Repair Sectors
- -------------------
- If the sector check detects an infected sector that can be repaired, a
- request pops up to ask you to either repair the sector or ignore it.
- With this option you can skip this request and repair any sectors
- automatically.
- Check Without Repair
- --------------------
- If enabled, the sector check only detects infected sectors, but doesn't
- try to repair them. Useful to get a quick overview over the sectors of
- a disk.
- Amount Of Lines Displayed
- -------------------------
- This gadget contains the maximum amount of lines that will fit into the
- sector check output window. Set to 99 on screens lower than 300 pixels
- and to smaller values on interlaced screens. Otherwise the scrolling
- will be too slow and decrease checking speed.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Introduction
- ------------
- Mostly all viruses work in the same manner. Either they make themselves
- resident and/or corrupt some libraries or devices with their code.
- Therefore the vector check was designed to help you finding new viruses
- that can't be recognized directly by VirusZ yet.
- Most of the vectors and entrypoints that will be displayed are only
- interesting for programmers, so I will try to avoid any explanations
- that confuse the average user.
- Output Window / Control Panel
- -----------------------------
- After selecting 'Vector Check' from the 'Project' menu, a window opens
- that is separated into two portions. The bigger part is the output
- window which contains information about the vectors that are checked.
- With the scroll gadget at the right you can move the output up and
- down. The small part at the bottom is the control panel. By clicking
- on 'Refresh', the output will be refreshed. This is useful after
- clearing some vectors. If there is not enough memory to refresh, the
- vector check exits. With 'Exit', you normally leave the vector check.
- What Can I See From The Displayed Information?
- ----------------------------------------------
- Well, every vector has a short comment right of it. As long as you can
- read 'Ok' there, everything is fine. Then it might happen that you
- read something like 'SetPatch', this tells you that the changes done to
- this vector are ok, because VirusZ recognized who did them. But if you
- read '*** NON-STANDARD VECTOR ***', be alarmed. In fact, most of these
- unknown changes are nothing more than an utility like the well known
- 'PP Patchers'. If you have such an utility and you know the changes
- are caused by it, please send it to me for inclusion.
- Menu
- ----
- There exists a menu called 'Clear' in the vector check which offers you
- the possibility to clear certain vectors one by one or all together.
- The item names correspond with the respective vectors.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Show ResModules
- ---------------
- If enabled, the ResModules will be checked and non-ROM based modules
- will be displayed.
- Show Exec Interrupts
- --------------------
- If enabled, the exec interrupt table will be checked and non-ROM based
- entrypoints will be displayed.
- Show CPU Interrupts
- -------------------
- If enabled, the CPU interrupt table will be checked and non-ROM based
- entrypoints will be displayed.
- Show Devices
- ------------
- If enabled, devices will be checked and non-ROM based function table
- entrypoints will be displayed.
- Show Libraries
- --------------
- If enabled, libraries will be checked and non-ROM based function table
- entrypoints will be displayed.
- Hide Known Patches
- ------------------
- Normally the sector check displays known patches with their name after
- the patched entrypoints. If this option is enabled, known patches are
- skipped and will not be displayed. Useful to filter out modifications
- caused by SetPatch, LoadWB or other system commands.
- Hide 'OK' Vectors
- -----------------
- If enabled, the vector check will not display ANY vectors marked 'OK'.
- This decreases the amount of printed lines drastically as long as there
- aren't too much patches in the system.
- Amount Of Lines Displayed
- -------------------------
- This gadget contains the maximum amount of lines that will fit into the
- vector check output window.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Attention
- ---------
- Be careful with writing to / installing your harddisk. I'm not reliable
- for your faults.
- Drive / Display
- ---------------
- There are two cycle gadgets in the bootblock lab, one on each side of
- the status line. The left one selects the drive you want to work with,
- the right one selects the display mode. Keyboard activiation of the
- drive gadget is <D> or <SHIFT-D> and <B> or <SHIFT-B> for the display
- mode gadget.
- Name
- ----
- Whenever there happens to occur an error, this will be stated in the
- status line. Then the name of the current bootblock in the buffer will
- be overwritten. By clicking on this gadget, the name is printed again.
- Exit
- ----
- Click to exit from bootblock lab.
- Read
- ----
- Reads the bootblock from the currently selected drive to the buffer.
- Only DOS disks can be read.
- Write
- -----
- Writes the current buffer contents to the bootblock of the selected
- drive. The disk type and the checksum will be corrected automatically.
- Load
- ----
- Opens a file request to select a bootblock file that should be loaded
- to the buffer. Only DOS bootblocks can be loaded.
- Save
- ----
- Saves the current buffer contents to a file. This is useful to backup
- important bootblocks of games etc.
- Prefs
- -----
- Opens the bootblock lab preferences window. Useful to change something
- without having to leave the lab.
- Install
- -------
- Installs a standard OS2 bootblock to the currently selected drive. The
- disk type will be corrected automatically.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Ask Before Write Access
- -----------------------
- If enabled, a security request pops up every time you select 'Write' or
- 'Install' in the bootblock lab.
- Read Inserted Disks
- -------------------
- This enables the bootblock lab to read the bootblocks of inserted disks
- automatically. Useful if you intend to check a whole box of disks for
- bootblock viruses.
- Install Uninstalled Boot
- ------------------------
- If enabled, 'Install' doesn't install a standard bootblock, but makes
- the disk non-bootable.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Check All Disks On Startup
- --------------------------
- If enabled, the bootblocks and disk-validators of all available disks
- will be checked on startup.
- Check Memory For Viruses
- ------------------------
- If enabled, memory will be checked for viruses regularly. The state of
- this button does not influence the memory check on startup which is
- always performed.
- Check Bootblocks
- ----------------
- If enabled, the bootblock of every inserted disk is checked. The state
- of this button does not influence the behaviour of the bootblock check
- that is performed on startup.
- Check Disk-Validators
- ---------------------
- If enabled, the disk-validator of every inserted disk is checked. The
- state of this button does not influence the behaviour of the startup
- disk-validator check.
- Memory Check Repeat Delay
- -------------------------
- Enter the amount of seconds that should pass between two memory checks
- here.
- =======================================================================
- =======================================================================
- Check Hunks On Startup
- ----------------------
- If enabled, the hunk structure of VirusZ will be checked on startup.
- An alert appears if there is something wrong (might be a link virus).
- Disable this option if you intend to crunch VirusZ with a file packer
- because most of these modify the hunks.
- Requesters Follow Mouse
- -----------------------
- If enabled, all ReqTools requesters appear with the negative response
- under the mouse. If disabled, they pop up in the top left corner as
- usual.
- Quit Immediately
- ----------------
- If enabled, VirusZ quits without verification.
- Install SnoopDos Task
- ---------------------
- If enabled, a task called 'SnoopDos' will be created which doesn't use
- any processor time, but prevents several trojan horses from doing any
- harm.
- Pop Up On Startup
- -----------------
- If enabled, VirusZ opens the main window on startup, otherwise it can
- be controlled via the Exchange commodity only.
- Close Main Window = Exit
- ------------------------
- If enabled, VirusZ quits when you click on the close-window button of
- the main window, otherwise it will act as if you selected the 'Hide'
- item from the 'Project' menu.
- Center Main Window
- ------------------
- If enabled, VirusZ's main window appears centered at the top border of
- the screen. Otherwise it will use the coordinates that have been last
- saved. You can save the coordinates by moving the window to the
- desired position and then selecting 'Save Prefs'.
- Hotkey
- ------
- The default commodity hotkey used to pop up the main window.
- =======================================================================
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