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- =======================================================================
- ========================= BootWriter v1.2 ==========================
- =======================================================================
- BootWriter Copyright (©) 1994 by
- Ralf Thanner
- Ellerstr. 83
- 40227 Duesseldorf
- =======================================================================
- ========================== Copyright notes ==========================
- =======================================================================
- Bootblock recognition code © Copyright by Georg Hörmann
- Bootblock.library programmed by Johan Eliasson
- Copyright © Safe Hex International
- Inbuild bootblock is © by Timm Mueller
- reqtools.library is © by Nico Francois
- powerpacker.library is © by Nico Francois
- =======================================================================
- ========================= Table of Contents =========================
- =======================================================================
- Disclaimer & Distribution .......................... 1
- Features and Overview .............................. 2
- How to use ......................................... 3 - 11
- History ............................................ 12
- ThanX .............................................. 13
- Bootblock viruses .................................. 14
- Custom bootblocks .................................. 15
- =======================================================================
- ===================== Disclaimer & Distribution =====================
- =======================================================================
- -1-
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- The executable and non-executable parts of this software package may
- NOT be altered by any means (this includes editing, crunching, and
- reverse-engineering), except archiving. The author is in NO way liable
- for any changes made to any part of the package, or consequences
- thereof as he is in NO way liable for damages or loss of data directly
- or indirectly caused by this software.
- Distribution
- ------------
- Neither fees may be charged nor profits may be made by distributing
- this piece of software. Only a nominal fee for cost of magnetic media
- may be acceptable. Outside a single machine environment, you are NOT
- allowed to reproduce only some parts of the package, but you have to
- copy it completely. See this list of contents for verification:
- BootWriter (dir)
- Libs (dir)
- reqtools.library.13 (Version for Kick v1.3)
- reqtools.library.20 (Version for OS2.0)
- powerpacker.library
- Bootblock.library
- L (dir)
- BootBlock.brainfile
- BootWriter.doc
- BootWriter.doc.info
- BootWriter
- BootWriter.info
- BootWriter.info
- If any parts were already missing when you received this package, look
- out for another source to get your software in future.
- =======================================================================
- ======================= Features and Overview =======================
- =======================================================================
- -2-
- BootWriter was designed on an AMIGA 1000, Kick V1.3, 4.5MBytes of
- memory, 63MB Seagate and MC68010. I used the ASM1 and the CED for
- developing BootWriter.
- BootWriter needs the 'reqtools.library'. Without this library Boot
- Writer will quit immediatly and only print out a small cli message.
- This tool will work proberly with all Kickstarts (from Kick1.3 to
- OS3.1) and all processors (MC68000 up to MC68040) on all Amigas;-)
- Features of Boot Writer:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- - gives you the choice to install either an inbuild bootblock
- where you can enter two textlines, install the official
- bootblock from Commodore or load a bootblock from disk
- which will be automatically checked for being a virus. You
- can even save a bootblock if you are not sure whether you
- may need this bootblock in future.
- - will show you the actual bootblock and checks for tools
- and viruses! Recognizes over 512 different bootblocks!
- [ 196 boot viruses and 316 tool bootblocks to be exact! ]
- This recognition was taken from the very good Viruskiller
- VirusZ which is copyright by Georg Hoermann.
- - if the VirusZ brain doesn't recognize the bootblock the
- 'Bootblock.library' will be used for a further check. I
- added this library because it will hopefully updated
- regularly so you will be always safe.
- - easy to manipulate inbuild bootblock where the entered text
- will be centered automatically!
- - PowerPacked bootblocks can be also installed, for this
- option the 'powerpacker.library' is NOT needed!
- - when you want to save a bootblock, it will be automatically
- PowerPacked. Here you need the 'powerpacker.library'.
- - a file comment will be added to all saved bootblocks so you
- will always know what this tiny file was.
- - BW checks the 'disk_id_type' and will change the 'boot_id'
- to the correct value. Up to now BW recognizes following
- disk id's:
- - Old Filing System (Kick 1.2/1.3)
- - Fast Filing System
- - International OFS (uses different hashing)
- - International FFS (uses different hashing)
- - Fastdir OFS (new in V39/Kick 3.0)
- - Fastdir FFS (new in V39/Kick 3.0)
- So you can't do any failure and the boot id will always be
- the same as the disk id.
- - after installing the boot, a blitter-verify over the boot
- track will be performed for 100% safety!
- - will perform a CRC-16 check over the loaded track to be
- sure that the track won't be damaged in memory.
- - the drive where the boot is to be installed will be locked,
- so you can be sure that nothings happens to your disk.
- - if a trackdisk error occurs BootWriter will inform you with
- a detailed message what happened!
- - another fine Ralf Thanner product ;-)
- =======================================================================
- ============================ How to use =============================
- =======================================================================
- -3-
- First you are asked if you want to use the inbuild bootblock,
- the official or if would like to load another. If you choose
- to load your own continue at point '11' otherwise at '4'.
- =======================================================================
- -4-
- Now you have to choose the drive where the bootblock is to
- be installed.
- =======================================================================
- -5-
- The disk in the choosen drive should not be write-protected,
- but BWriter checks first and informs you in case of error.
- If there was no disk in drive or the disk was write-protected
- correct your fault and insert the disk, wait a little bit and
- press then the OKAY button. DOS needs about a second to
- recognize that there is a new disk in drive. If you want to
- QUIT just remove the write tab or insert a disk and wait for
- the next requester. There the bootblock will be displayed and
- you can QUIT BootWriter.
- =======================================================================
- -6-
- The actual bootblock of the disk will be checked and dis-
- played. BW will then confront you with one of the following
- messages in the top of the displayed bootblock
- a> This Bootblock is UNKNOWN! Danger!
- b> This is NOT a DOS Bootblock! Danger!
- c> That's a normal DOS Bootblock!
- d> * V I R U S * and the name of it...
- e> * TOOL BOOTBLOCK * and the name of it...
- and ask you if he should still install this disk. If you
- choose 'NO' BW will quit, but when the choice was 'YES' the
- bootblock will be installed and you have no chance to quit TW
- You can also SAVE the displayed bootblock to disk if you are
- not quite sure if this bootblock is needed by the program on
- disk. When you choose SAVE the bootblock will be powerpacked
- and a small requester pops up, tells you how long the packed
- bootblock is and asks you if you want to save the packed or
- the normal bootblock. In both cases a file-comment will be
- added to the saved booty.
- Important:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- In case of message 'c' to 'e' you can install the bootblock
- without problems. But if message 'a' or 'b appears you should
- take a sharp look at the displayed boot!! Perhaps is the
- already installed booty needed by the program on the disk!
- If Bootwriter says that there is a virus on this disk use a
- good viruschecker like VirusZ to check your system and disks.
- ------
- Hint:
- ~~~~~
- Never install your boots on trackload games, they need their
- boot in most cases!-))
- =======================================================================
- -7-
- If you just want to install the normal, official bootblock
- continue at point '9', otherwise read on. After your decision
- that the boot will be installed a string-gadget appears and
- asks you for the text which will be displayed in the
- bootblock.
- The first string is the text below:
- 'first line to enter'
- 'second & last line!'
- The second string is the last line of text. You have 20 chars
- for each text line. The text will be centered automagically.
- BootWriter does not care if you click on 'OK' or 'CANCEL',
- he always takes the visible text in the string gadget.
- =======================================================================
- -8-
- The next requester asks you if this bootblock is a DEAD END
- boot. Dead end means that the user can not exit by pressing
- the mouse! He must reset his Amiga.
- =======================================================================
- -9-
- Due to the fact that Commodore invented some new
- filingsystems which are not compatible against each other,
- BootWriter checks the ID_DiskType field in the info block and
- sets the boot_id to the correct value. The International FS
- uses a different hashing algo and it could give problems when
- you install a normal OFS or FFS bootblock.
- I'm not quite sure but it seems that I have found a bug in
- the formatter of DirectoryOpus. If you have formatted a disk
- with DirOPUS and used the DirectoryCacheFilingSystem (DCFS,
- only available under OS3.0 and above) the disk will be
- formatted with International Filing System. This is a bug of
- DirectoryOPUS! So use the Commodore Formatter instead.
- =======================================================================
- -10-
- The bootblock is now installed and BootWriter asks if you
- want to exit. If not BootWriter starts again at point '4'.
- =======================================================================
- -11-
- Now a File Requester appears and and asks you for the desired
- boot. This boot will be loaded and checked. If it's a virus or
- a tool you will be informed and asked if you really want to
- install this boot. Now BW informs you about the current filing
- system on the disk and corrects the bootblock id.
- After that BW will show you the bootblock which is on the disk
- (point -6-).
- =======================================================================
- ============================== History ==============================
- =======================================================================
- -12-
- ----- V0.9 ----------------------------------------------------------
- First (internal) released test version.
- ----- V0.A ----------------------------------------------------------
- Bugs - text should be now centered correct!
- Added - if a trackdisk error occurs BW will inform you with
- a detailed message what happened!
- Bootblock is now Kick 2.0 and A3000 compatible!
- ----- V0.B ----------------------------------------------------------
- Bugs - when TXTlen was odd BW crashed.
- - several little bugs removed.
- Added - the bootlib from Georg Hoermann which recognizes
- now 427 different bootblocks (taken from VirusZ).
- - added '$VER' String. ------
- - added the possibility to install more bootblocks.
- Changed - when a patch 'req.lib to reqtools.lib' was installed
- some buttons can be choosen by simply hitting RETURN
- therefore I decided to change the order ot these
- buttons to make life easier. Req.lib doesn't support
- this feature but reqtools.lib does.
- - all messages are now in english.
- ----- V0.C ----------------------------------------------------------
- Bugs - recognizes now the connected drives correct.
- Changed - code optimized for better & faster performance.
- ----- V0.D ----------------------------------------------------------
- Bugs - the bootblock clear routine didn't clear.
- - the load routine didn't find files in sub-sub dirs.
- - BW can now be started with 'run' or 'runback'.
- Added - you are now allowed to load your own bootblock.
- - you can also save the displayed boot to disk now.
- - a new bootblock recognition (now 512 bootblocks).
- - decruncher to install bootblocks crunched with
- PowerPacker (PowerPacker is © by Nico Francois).
- - BW can now also (power)pack Bootblocks.
- - each saved Boot has a file comment now: 'Bootblock'.
- - recognizes now ALL filing systems.
- Changed - the internal track checkroutine from CRC32 to CRC16.
- - all requesters from 'req.lib' to 'reqtools.library'!
- ----- V1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------
- First released version.
- ----- V1.1 -----------------------------------------------------------
- Bugs - inbuild bootblock didn't work on A3000.
- Added - for a even more secure bootcheck the 'bootblock
- library' will be used if the VirusZ recognition code
- fails and says 'BB is unknown'.
- Changed - the inbuild CRC16 track checkroutine was replaced by
- a faster one.
- - Caches will be flushed after decrunching a power
- packed bootblock.
- - the outfit of some requesters.
- ----- V1.2 -----------------------------------------------------------
- Added - the official bootblock from Commodore;-)
- =======================================================================
- =============================== ThanX ===============================
- =======================================================================
- -13-
- Georg Hörmann - For giving me his VirusZ bootblock brain and
- for pieces of his documentation (legal mush;-).
- Timm Müller - For programming the inbuild bootblock.
- Thorsten Hopf - For testing BootWriter and some ideas.
- Olaf Barthel - For scanning through this documentation and
- always being a helpfull friend.
- Michael Volz - For testing and the idea to write BootWriter.
- =======================================================================
- ========================= Bootblock viruses =========================
- =======================================================================
- -14-
- This list is not complete due to the fact that BootWriter uses
- additionally the 'bootblock.library' and 'brainfile' for virus
- recognition. Use 'ListKnown' for a complete overview of all recognized
- viruses.
- =======================================================================
- 16 Bit Crew 2001 (Satan)
- ABC AEK (MicroMaster)
- AIDS (HIV) Alien New Beat
- AmigaDOS 2.1 AmigaFreak
- Amiga Master Ass Protector 1.0
- ASV 0.000123 Asylant
- Australian Parasite Bamiga Sector One
- BigBoss BlackFlash 2.0
- BladeRunners BLF
- Blizzard 1.0 BlizzPro 3.1/3.3
- BlowJob Butonic 1.1
- ByteVoyager 1 ByteVoyager 2
- ByteBandit 1 ByteBandit 2
- ByteBandit 3 ByteBandit 4
- ByteWarrior (DASA) ByteWarrior FastLoad
- Cameleon CCCP
- Claas Abraham CLI-Manager
- CList Clonk
- Coder's Nightmare DAG
- DAT '89 Data Crime
- Deniz Unal Destructor
- Digital Emotions DiskDoktors
- DiskGuard 1.0 Disk Herpes (Phantasm)
- Divina Exterminator 1 Dotty
- Dr. Mosh 1/2 DumDum
- Exterminator 2 Extreme
- Fast Eddie F.I.C.A.
- Forpib French Kiss
- Frity Future Disaster
- Gadaffi Gene Stealer
- Germany Glasnost
- Graffiti Gremlin 1
- Gremlin 2 (ZEST) GXTeam
- Gyros Hauke
- Hauke Exterminator 1 HCS 1
- HCS 2 Heil (Nazi-Virus)
- Hilly Hireling
- Hoden 33.17 Hulkster
- Ice Breakers Incognito
- Inger IQ JITR
- Joshua 1 Joshua 2
- Julie (Virus Predator) Kauki
- Kefrens 1 Kefrens 2
- LADS VirusHunter Lamer Ext. 1
- Lamer Ext. 2 Lamer Ext. 3
- Lamer Ext. 4 Lamer Ext. 5
- Lamer Ext. 6 Lamer Ext. 7
- Lamer Ext. 8 Lamer Ext. 9
- LameStyle UK LoverBoy
- LSD M&U 5.5
- M&U 6.1 MAD 1
- MAD 2 MAD 3
- Mallander 1.0 MegaMaster (MGM89)
- Metamorphosis 1.0 Mexx
- MG's 1.0 MicroSystems
- Morbid Angel Nasty-Nasty!
- No Bandit Anymore! NorthStar 1
- NorthStar 2 NorthStar Checker
- Nuked 007 (Shit) Obelisk 1
- Obelisk Format Opapa
- Paradox 1 (Logic Bomb) Paradox 2
- Paramount Paratax 1
- Paratax 2 Paratax 3
- Pentagon Circle 1 Pentagon Circle 2
- Pentagon Circle 3 Perverse (BootX)
- PowerBomb (BB 2.0) Rene
- Republikaner Revenge
- Revenge BootLoad Ripper
- Riska Rude Xeroxx
- Sachsen 1 Sachsen 3
- Saddam Hussein SCA
- Scarface Sendarian
- SS (Nazi-Virus) Starlight 1
- Starlight 2 Suntronic
- SuperBoy Supply Team
- Switch Off SystemZ 3.0
- SystemZ 4.0 SystemZ 5.0
- SystemZ 5.1 SystemZ 5.3
- SystemZ 5.4 SystemZ 6.1
- SystemZ 6.4 SystemZ 6.5
- Tai-Pan Chaos Tai-Pan LameBlame
- Target TelStar
- Termigator TFC Revenge 1.03/2.14
- The New Kid TimeBomb 1
- TimeBomb 2 Tomates GenTechnic
- Traveller 1.0 Triplex
- TriSector 911 Turk 1.3
- Twinz Santa Claus UltraFox
- ULDV 8 Vermin
- VIPHS VirKill 2.0
- Virus 1 Virus 4.2
- Virus Fighter 1.0 Virus Hunter
- VirusSlayer 1.0 VKill 1.0
- Waft Warhawk 1
- Warhawk 2 Warsaw Avenger
- ZAccess 1.0 ZAccess 2.0
- ZAccess 3.0 Zombi 1
- =======================================================================
- ========================= Custom Bootblocks =========================
- =======================================================================
- -15-
- A-Max ACID Terminator 1.0
- ACID Terminator 3.0 Action Replay 2
- Action Replay 3 Adam Brierley Loader
- Adept Option Boot Alcatraz MegaDemo 3
- Alfa-Omega Loader Alpha Flight
- Amaze Protector AmigaComp 60Hz
- AmigaComp Filter Amigo Copy
- Analog 1992 Anarchy 1.1
- Anarchy 2 Anarchy Demo
- Andanrangs Stovle Antitrax 2010
- Archaos VirusSlayer 3.12 Archaos VirusSlayer 3.13
- Arise Asian Sun
- Aspect 1.0 Atomic Soft Detector
- Avirex Axel Folley Menu
- Bad Boy/Trilogy Balance 1.0
- BeerMon Installed Betrayal Proboot 1.0
- Bool-The Boot Tool Bootblock Generation
- BootBug 0.1 BootGame
- BootGirl BootIntro 1.0
- BootIntro 1.2 BootIntro NextGen
- BootLeg 2.1 Boot Loader 1.0
- BootMaker 2.0 BootOut 5.5
- BootStar Loader BootTune
- Brain Drain BSS Intro
- Buana's Antivirus Carnivore Loader
- CCS 2.0 CCS 3.0
- Chameleon Boot Coma DF-Loader
- Control Intro Copper Boot 1
- Copper Boot 2 CopyBoot 3
- Copylock Amiga 1 Copylock Amiga 2
- Copylock Amiga 3 Countach 1
- CrashPoint/Addonic Cruncher's Demos
- Crusaders Loader Crystal Symphonies 1.01
- Cytax Powerboot 1.2 Devils Deluxe Cocktail
- Design Intro Desire Bleu 1.0
- Destiny Antivirus 1.0 Destiny Antivirus 2.0a
- Destiny Antivirus 2.0b DevWare
- DCT-Boot 0.93 Deformations Demo
- Dietmar Noll Digital 4.9
- Digital Concert 3 Digital XS 3.0
- Disney Anim Studio 2 Dizzy Tunes
- D.O.C 1989 D.O.C Copper
- Domestos 1.01 Draco Boot
- Dragons Megademo 1 Dream Boot 1.0
- Dream Boot 1.2 DreamPack Intro
- DTack Crew Dual Crew 1.0
- Dugger ECS 60Hz
- Ecstasy 2 Ego-Trip
- Fast Filer FastMem Allocator
- Filter Boot 1.01 FindEmAll 5.1
- Frantic Cyber Boot Giana Sisters Trainer
- GigaByte Killer Guru Maker 1.0
- HallonSoft 1.4 His Master's Noise
- Horizon Human Target Demo
- Hyperboot 2.82 Hypnosis
- Hypnosis Bullshit Hypnosis GnuDunk
- Image Technology 1 Imagination 1.2
- Imagination 1.6 Imagination 1.9
- Info Society 60Hz Inner City 3.4
- Interferon 1.0 Interferon 2.0
- Interferon Pro 1 Interferon Pro 2
- Intern. Soccer Invisible Brain Copy 1
- Invisible Brain Copy 2 IRQ Protector
- It's Life Joy MGF
- Kefrens Menu Krueger/Prologic
- La Rocca Menu 1.0 Level 42 RAM Cleaner
- License to Kill LightWave
- Lotus Trainer LSD 1.0
- LSD 1.1 LSD 2.0
- Mad Monks Mahoney/Kaktus Music
- Majic 12 Anti Extern Malta Scroll
- Max Boot 2.0 MegaBoot 1.3
- Megacool Boot MegaCopy
- MemAllocator 1.2 MemAllocator 1.3
- MemCheck 5.0 MemControler 1.2
- MemControler 1.3 Mem Searcher
- Mexx Crazy Crack Mini-Nuke 1.0a
- Mirage Noboot Mr. Magic NoFast
- Music Dream II My Cherie Armour
- Name that Tune Necronom Trainer
- No Brain No Pain No FastMem 1
- No FastMem 2 NOMAD 1.0
- NOMAD 2.0 NOMAD 3.0
- NorthStar Loader No Saddam 1.0a
- NoVirus Scroller NTSC Warning
- Odyssey Disk 1 Odyssey Disk 2-5
- Omniboot 2.3 Omniboot 3.2
- Omniboot 5.1 Outlaw Checker 1.42
- PAL Boot Palace MusicDisk 2
- Paradise MegaDemo Paragon 1.0
- Pe Protector Pentagon Loader
- Peter Stuer 2.0 Peter Stuer 3.1
- Peter Stuer 4.0 Peter Stuer 5.0
- PhaseLock 1.0 Phenomena Enigma
- Phenomena Interspace Phenomena MegaDemo 1
- Pinball Dreams Pinball Wizard
- Pirates Pleasure Boot 1.3+
- PMC Bootmenu PowerSlaves 1
- Proteam Intro Pseudo Ops 2.1
- Pub Loader Punishers MemClear
- Punishers Proboot PvL Sound
- Quartex Drives Off Quartex 1.0
- Quasar/Dawn RAM/Drives off
- Random Access 2.1 RattleBoot
- Razor 1911 Razor 1911 Observe
- Razor 1911 UtilBoot Reaper One
- Rebels 1.1 Rebels 1.4
- Rodlands Trainer Rone's Antivirus 2.0
- RSI MegaDemo 1 RSI MegaDemo 2
- S&D BootCheck 1.0 S&D DriveControl 1.0
- Sabaudian 1.0 SAE MegaDemo
- Sanctuary Scoopex 1.0
- Scoopex 1.1 Scoopex 1.3
- Scoopex 1.4 Scoopex BootIntro
- Scoopex IntroMaker Scoopex Mental Hangover
- Scoopex PAL Boot 2.0 Scorpion Developments 1.0
- Scorpion Developments 1.1 Sector Accessor 1
- Semtex 3.35 Sherlock 2.0
- Shining 1 Shining/Maniac
- Silents Selector Silmarils
- Sinister Syndicate Sky Devils
- Sleeping Bag SlipStream 2.0
- SlipStream 3.0 SlipStream 4.0
- SlipStream 5.0 SlipStream 6.0
- SlipStream 6.1 SlipStream 7.0
- Snoopy Wabber SpaceBattle
- Squash 4.3 StealMem
- Stolen Data 9 Disk 2 Stoneboot 1.06
- Sunjohn/Anarchy Sunjohn/TSL
- SuperDuper SuperFly 2.0
- SysNot System Violation
- TAL BootLeg 2.1 TDC-Design
- The Sect MegaConcert TLC DemoSample
- TetraCopy Formatted Troops Salacity 1.4
- TRSI Boot TSB Protector
- TSB Virusfree TurtleSmasher Loader
- U.D.O. 1.1 Ultimate Boot Writer
- UltPack BootLoad Utility Boot 3.0
- UVK Protector UVK Ram Cleaner
- Vanish Intro VCC BootMem
- VCS 3.2 VDC 1.7
- Venom BootLoader 1.00a Virus Alert 1.01
- Virus Alert 2.01 Viruscope Boot Blanker 1.0
- Viruscope Boot-PAL 1.0 Viruscope Bootmenue 1.0
- Viruscope BorderLess 1.0 Viruscope KillFast 1.0
- Viruscope OnePlane 1.0 Viruscope OnlyChip 1.0
- Viruscope Protector 1.0 Viruscope QuietDrive 1.0
- Virus Destructor 1 Virus Destructor 2
- Virus Exterminator 1.0 VirusFree Scroll
- VirusKiller prof. 2.0 VirusKiller & Utility
- Vision MegaDemo 4 VisionWare
- Voice Menu Vortex 42 1.3
- Wild Copper Megalo Demo Wizzboot 1.0
- WorkBench Boot XCopy Bootmenu
- XCopy prof. Xpose Disk 1
- Xpose Disk 2 Zap'Em 1.0
- ZeroVirus AutoAddRAM ZeroVirus BigScreen
- ZeroVirus Message ZeroVirus NoFastMem
- =======================================================================
- ========================= BootWriter v1.2 ===========================
- =======================================================================
- EoD